MAIN REPORTING VERBS: TELL (TOLD) – SAY (SAID) – ASK (ASKED) Ex: “ Do it now!”> He said to me (he told me) to do it now. Ex: “What do you want to eat?”> He asked me what I wanted to eat OTHER REPORTING VERBS They express a communicative function: to invite, to order, to forbit, to recommend, etc. They can be divided in 4 categories because they use 4 different constructions: A) Verb+ (that) + sentence SAY, ADD, ANNOUNCE, ANSWER, CLAIM (=dichiarare), EXPLAIN, REPLY, STATE (=affermare), THINK Ex: “I’ll get married “> He announced (said) (that) he was getting married B) Verb+object+to +infinitive INVITE, ADVISE * (=consigliare), FORBID (=proibire), REMIND* (=ricordare qualcosa a qualcuno), ORDER, WARN* (=ammonire), RECOMMEND (raccomandare caldamente) Ex: “Would you like to dance?” > He invited me to dance Ex: “Be careful!” > He warned me to be careful C) VERB+ TO+INFINITIVE PROMISE*, OFFER, REFUSE (=rifiutare), THREATEN* (=minacciare) Ex: “I’ll write soon” > “He promised to write soon Ex: “I’ll do the dishes”> He offered to do the dishes N.B.: I verbi con * possono reggere anche la costruzione di tipo A, ma solo quando il soggetto del verbo introduttivo è diverso dal soggetto della frase riferita D) VERB+PREPOSITION+ING APOLOGIZE FOR (=scusarsi per qualcosa), CONGRATULATE SOMEONE ON, BLAME SOMEONE FOR(=incolpare), ACCUSE SOMEONE OF, DISCOURAGE SOMEONE FROM (=scoraggiare qualcuno) Ex “I’m sorry I broke your vase”>He apologized for breaking my vase N.B. I verbi SUGGEST (=fare proposte), RECOMMEND, DENY (=negare), ADMIT (=ammettere) possono reggere la costruzione tipo A o tipo D