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annuncio pubblicitario
Over 30 years of experience in the translation, revision and writing of academic
scientific texts for several leading national and international publishers
Fields of expertise: classical and molecular genetics, genetic engineering,
biotechnology, biology, psychology, clinical psychology, social psychology,
After graduating in Biology, I worked for some years as a researcher and teacher at the Institute of
Genetics, University of Bologna, Italy. In parallel, I started to work in the publishing field.
I have now been working with major scientific publishers for more than 25 years, writing,
translating, editing and reviewing many original papers and scientific texts at university level,
especially - but not exclusively - from English into Italian. My expertise ranges over many
scientific fields: classical and molecular genetics, genetic engineering, biotechnology, biology,
psychology, clinical psychology, social psychology and neuroscience.
I recognize the importance of making contemporary biology accessible to a larger public and am
therefore very active in this field as well. I have written and published papers on these subjects in
magazines and on websites, organized seminars for junior and senior high school students, and
participated as a speaker in meetings and conferences.
Since 2009, I run a website
www.complessita.it, concerned with the integration of the physical and human sciences in the
new paradigm of complexity. In 2014, I published La favola degli OGM (Alkemia Books, Faenza,
Italy) and created the Facebook page of the book, which I update regularly.
Date and place of
Daniela Conti
V. delle Borre 5/2
40131 Bologna, Italy
+39 334 920 3724
[email protected]
17/06/1950 Bologna, Italy
Psychology, Neuroscience (some titles)
In press: E. R. Smith, D. M. Mackie, H. M. Claypool, Psicologia sociale, 3a ed., Zanichelli Edito
SpA, 2016. (Social Psychology, 4th Ed. Psychology Press, New York, NY, 2015.)
E. A. Schultz, R. H. Lavenda, Antropologia culturale. Critical editorial revision for Zanichelli edito
SpA, 2015. (Cultural Anthropology, Oxford University Press.)
D. G. Myers, Psicologia, Italian edition, Zanichelli Editore, SpA, Bologna, Italy, 2014. (Psycholog
10th edition, Worth Publishers, N.Y., 2013.)
M. Kring, G. C. Davison, J. M. Neale, S. L. Johnson. Psicologia clinica, 4th Italian edition, Zaniche
Editore Spa, 2013. (Abnormal PsychologyI, 12th edition, John Wiley and Sons Inc., 2012.)
P. Gray, Psicologia, 3rd Italian edition, Zanichelli Editore SpA, 2012. (Psychology 6th edition, Wor
Publishers, N.Y., 2011.)
D. L. Schacter, D. T. Gilbert, D M. Wegner. Psicologia generale. Zanichelli Editore SpA., Bologn
2010. Critical editorial revision. (Psychology. Worth Publishers, New York, NY, 2009.)
J. Belsky, Psicologia dello sviluppo. Zanichelli Editore, Bologna, 2009.(Experiencing the lifespa
Worth Publishers, New York, NY, 2007.)
A. M. Kring, G. C. Davison, J. M. Neale, S. L. Johnson, Psicologia clinica, 2nd Italian editio
Zanichelli Editore, Bologna, 2008. (Abnormal Psychology. 10th ed. John Wiley & Sons, 2007.)
L. A. Freberg, Psicologia biologica. Zanichelli Editore, Bologna, 2007. (Discovering Biologic
Psychology, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, 2006.)
M. S. Gazzaniga, R. B. Ivry, G. R. Mangun, Neuroscienze cognitive, Zanichelli Editore, 200
(Cognitive Neuroscience, W. W. Norton & Company.)
P. Gray, Psicologia, 2nd Italian edition, Zanichelli Editore, Bologna, 2004. (Psychology. 4th editio
Worth Publishers.)
G. C. Davison, J. M. Neale, Psicologia clinica, Zanichelli Editore, Bologna, 2000. (Abnorm
Psychology, 7th edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.)
P. Gray, Psicologia, Zanichelli Editore, 1997. (Psychology. 2nd edition. Worth Publishers, Inc.)
Genetics, Biology, Biotechnology
(some titles)
D.M. Hillis, D. Sadava, H. C. Heller, M. V. Price. Fondamenti di biologia, Zanichelli Editore S.p.A
2013 (chaps. 1-14. Principles of Life, 1st edition, W. H. Freeman & Co. New York, 2012.)
M. Smith, G. Coupland, L. Dolan, N. Harberd, J. Jones, C. Martin, R. Sablowski, A. Amey, Biolog
delle piante, Italian edition by Donato Chiatante. Critical editorial revision. Zanichelli Editore Sp
2011. (Plant Biology, 1st edition, Garland Science, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC; 2010.)
L. M. Prescott, J. P. Harley, D. A. Klein, Microbiologia. McGraw Hill Companies S.r.l., Milan
2006. (Chaps. 2-6. Microbiology 6th ed., McGraw Hill.)
A. Lewin, Il Gene. Edizione compatta. Zanichelli Editore, Bologna, 2006. (Essential. Gene
Pearson Prentice Hall, Pearson Education Inc., Upper Saddle River, N. J.)
A. J. F. Griffiths, J. H. Miller, D. T. Suzuki, R. Lewontin, W. M. Gelbart, Genetica. Principi
analisi formale. Zanichelli Editore, Bologna, 2002. (An Introduction to Genetic Analysis. 7th editio
W. H. Freeman and Company.)
A.J. F. Griffiths, W. M. Gelbart, J. H. Miller, R. Lewontin, Genetica Moderna. Zanichelli Edito
Bologna, 2000. (Modern Genetics Analysis. W. H. Freeman and Company)
A. Lewin, Il gene VI, Zanichelli Editore, Bologna, 1999. (chaps.1-27 di Genes VI. Oxford Univers
Press, Inc, N. Y.)
J. E. Smith, Biotecnologie, Zanichelli Editore, Bologna, 1998. (Biotechnology. 3rd edition. Cambrid
University Press.)
P. Berg, M. Singer, A tu per tu con i geni. Zanichelli Editore, Bologna, 1995. (Dealing with Genes. T
Language of Heredity. University Science Books.)
M. Singer, P. Berg, Geni e Genomi. Zanichelli Editore, Bologna, 1993. (Genes and Genome
University Science Books.) This translation received a special mention and positive criticism
the magazine “Le Scienze” (Italian edition of “Scientific American”), 309, May 1994.
Other topics (some titles)
E. Kolbert. Cronache da una catastrofe. Nuovi Mondi Media, S. Lazzaro (BO), 2006. (Field notes fro
a catastrophe. Bloomsbury Publishing USA.)
Barry Commoner, “Il mito del DNA” (“Unraveling the DNA myth”); in AA.VV., Tutto quello che sa
falso 2, Nuovi Mondi Media, San Lazzaro (BO), 2004.
R. P. Mackal, Alla ricerca degli animali misteriosi. Zanichelli Editore, Bologna, 1986. (Searching
Hidden Animals. An Inquiry into Zoological Mysteries. Doubleday & Company, Inc., N. Y. 1980.)
E. O. Wilson, Sulla natura umana. Zanichelli Editore, Bologna, 1980. (On human nature.  by t
President and Fellows of Harvard College.)
R. Dawkins, Il gene egoista. Zanichelli Editore, Bologna, 1979. (The Selfish Gene. Oxfo
University Press, London.)
(some titles)
D. Conti, F. Cerbone, La favola degli OGM, Alkemia Books, Faenza, 2014.
Facebook page “La favola degli OGM”
Website www.complessita.it
“Etica della sperimentazione. La sperimentazione clinica sull’uomo in Italia. La sperimentazione
sugli animali in Italia. Sfide etiche della ricerca sulle cellule staminali.” ("Ethics of experimentation
The clinical trials in Italy. Animal testing in Italy. Ethical challenges of stem cell research".)
Expansion and adaptation of Chapter 1 in Psicologia biologica, L. A. Freberg, Zanichelli, 2007.
“Gene research - Myths and Realities,” in Poverty, Health & Development,
Health Cooperation Papers-Quaderni di Cooperazione Sanitaria by AIFO, 17, pp. 144-150, 2003.
“La crisi teorica dell’ingegneria genetica” (“The theoretical crisis of genetic engineering”),
in Verde Ambiente, magazine published by VAS and Green Cross Italia, year XVIII, 6, pp.28-31, 2
“Rischi degli OGM: Il caso del mais messicano” (“Risks of GMOs: the case of Mexican corn”) publish
on the website of the cultural association La Biolca
“Organismi transgenici e clonazione: l’insostenibile peso del non-essere”, 2002.
(“ransgenic organisms and cloning: the unbearable heaviness of not-being”), written with F. Cerbon
“IL DIBATTITO SU NATURE: Benefici e rischi della modificazione genetica in agricoltura. Quanto
e come sono cambiate le nostre conoscenze dal 1998 ad oggi?” Una rassegna di articoli apparsi su
Nature e altre fonti scientifiche. (“Benefits and risks of genetic modification in agriculture. How and
much has our knowledge changed since 1998?” A review of several articles published on Nature
and other scientific magazines). 2000. http://www.peacelink.it/ecologia/a/10871.html
“Note sulla normativa internazionale e nazionale in materia di biotecnologie e loro brevetto,
e cenni su alcuni temi oggetto di dibattito”. (“Outline of national and international legislation
on biotechnology, patent law, and some other issues under discussion".) Appendix to
Biotecnologia molecolare. Principi e applicazioni del DNA ricombinante, B. R. Glick, J. J. Pasternak,
Zanichelli Editore, Bologna, 1999.)
Preface to the Italian edition of Biotechnology, by J. E. Smith, Zanichelli editore, 1998.
I have been a member of the editorial advisory panel of
Biolcalenda, a magazine about sustainable agriculture and
I have written articles on environmental issues published
in magazines and on the web, organized seminars for
junior and senior high school students, and lectured at
meetings and conferences about new biology and
environmental issues.
I have written, translated, reviewed and edited original papers and
scientific texts at a university level for major scientific publishers (e.g.
Zanichelli, McGraw-Hill).
1981- 1991
I managed a commercial business in Bologna.
1975 – 1981
I started working with the scientific publisher Zanichelli
I worked as a researcher and teacher at the Institute of
Genetics, University of Bologna, Italy. I applied
multivariate statistical analyses to clinical data. My articles
about those experiments were published in scientific
I attended a post-graduation course in “Theory and application of
computing machinery” at the University of Bologna, Italy. 30/30 with
I graduated in Biology (four-year course) from the University of
Bologna, Italy.
110/110 with honours
Spoken interaction
and production
Very good
Very good
Good interpersonal communication; good ability to ad
environmentsto plan and organize team work and to interact po
Long experience in editorial techniques, using Internet and
Google as linguistic tools.
Great expertise in specialized language and terminology of a wide
range of scientific disciplines: classical and molecular genetics,
genetic engineering, biotechnology, biology, psychology, clinical
psychology, social psychology, neuroscience
Good command of Microsoft Office tools, Internet, Google, e-mail
and social networks.