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6. Glandular Epithelial t

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Class #bo – Prof.Massimiani-Histology course
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Prof. Massimiani – 16/03/2021
Tommaso Antinori-Benedetta Pascucci
1.1 introduction
Glandular epithelia are another kind of epithelia tessue in addition to surface epithelia so
epithelium not only covers body surface in lines body cavities, but also constitute this gland. So
Glandular epithelium form the secretory portion, that is called the parenchyma of glands and
their ducts. So the Glandular epithelia is specialized epithelium for the production and secretion of
various macromolecules and because of its primary function, Glanduar epithelium is also called
the secretory ephitelia.
So glandular almost all cell types of the ability to synthesize and secrete molecules of various
kinds. When this activity becomes the function of specialized cells with epthelial organization the
ephitilium becomes secretory or glandular ephitelia. So glandular ephetilia are formed by cell
specialized in the synthesis and secretion of different types of substances and constitute the
secreting tissues of endocrine and exocrine glands.
So they, the epithelia cell that function mainly to produce and secrete various macromolecules,
may occuring in the ephitelia with other major function or comprise specialized organs called
Glands in large glands the set of ephetilia cells is called parenchyma, the surrounding connective
tissue is called the stroma. Glandular epithelium may synthesize and secrete proteins, lipids or
So to understand the differences between exocrine and endocrine glands, we have to understand
how glands originate. So both of the glands of endocrine and exocrine originated with the
proliferation of surface epithelial cells and their down growth into the underlying connective
tissue, but the exocrine glands retain their connection with surface epithelium while endocrine
cells complete lose this so endocrine glands will be completely embedded into underlying
connective tissue and they release their product that is called hormones, in the capillary while the
exocrine glands release their product throw a duck into the surface, on the surface epithelium.
Exocrine glands can be classified with respect to morphological features according to locations or
where they are position and the cell number so if they are unicellular or multicellular,
Shape of secretory unit that is called the adenomere and shape of excretory unit, that is called
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1.3 location
So exocrine glands, can be regarding with respect to the location, can be classified into Intra
epithelia exocrine glands. So intra epithelia exocrine glands can be unicellular or multicellular and
they are completely embedded into the lining epithelium tissue while the extraepithelial glands
are occupied the epithelium and also the underlying connective tissue and they are always
1.4 the cell number
So regarding the cell number exocrine cells can be divided into unicellular and multicelluar. So
unicellular occur singly in a sheet epithelium and the unique example of unicellular exocrine
glands are the goblet cells. While multicellular consists of multiple secretory epithelial cells and
they can vary in size from simple invagination of the surface epithelium two large organs. For
example, pancreas.
God bless are the unique example of unicellular exocrine glands in our body. So they are scattered
among the epithelia cells of some epithelia such as the respiratory epithelium of the trachea the
intestinal epithelium, so they produce mucin, that is a mixture of Glycoproteins and
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so both glycosaminoglycans and glycoprotein are component of the ground substance of the
connective tissue. They glycosaminoglycan are the disaccharides units repeated thousands of
times while glycoproteins are formed by a sense of protein core plus oligosaccharides linked to it.
So about the secretion of mucin, the protein synthesized in the rough endoplasmic reticulum as
always occur, sugars are added in the Golgi apparatus. Then there is the formation of secretory
vesicles, that are release from the apical part of the cells of the goblet cells by exocytosis and
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mucism in water form the mucus.
So these are the goblet cells that are indicated with b and these are the goblet cells that are
present among the epithelia cells of pseudostratified epithelium of the trachea. So, here, they
release in the apical part, they release the mucin, that with the water form mucus. The mucus
entrap the particles coming from the air and cilia moves this mucus.
1.6 multicellular exocrine glands
The Multicellular exocrine glands, all of them are formed by Secretory epithelia cells that form
the secretory portion that is called adenomere. While then, there is an excretory portion that
allow the product to be release outside and this part is called Duct. So the secretory portion is this
one in Orange, the doctor it is this one in purple so all the excretory cells posses this structure with
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duct and adenomere that can be organized in some different ways, that now we will see.
So exocrine multicellular gland can be classified considering the structure of the duct and the
So epithelia of exocrine cells are organized as continuous system of many small secretory units or
adenomere and the duct that transporter the secretion out of the glands. The duct can be not
branched and so the glands will be called simple, and the duct can have two or more branches,
and so the gland will be called compound.
About the adenomere. The adenomere can be tubular. So if the adenomere is in the form of
tubule will be called tubular. If the adenomere is in the shape of a grain of saclike, is called acinar
or alveolar and adenomere can be also Tubulo-acinar we bought the structure, tubule and grain
or saclike structure either type of secretory unit may be branching even if the duct is not
Okay, so now let's see some example regarding the structure of the adenomere.
Tubular adenomere is typical of crypt of lieberkuhn. So These are the crypt of lieberkuhn. That are
present at the base of villi, that are present in the small intestine. They possess tubular structure
and for this reason they are called Simple tubular glands. They synthesized as we will see,
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digestive enzymes that are released in the Lumen of the intestine. So this is the gland,
Then, there are Acinar adenomere. that are typical of the mammary gland So this is an acinus.
That is present in the mammary gland, so mammary gland posses acinar adenomere.
And then salivary glands that possess adenomere with tubular acinar structure.
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So this table allows you to visualize the classification of exocrine multicellular glands according to
the structure of that and adenomere. So in the upper part of the table, you will see the simple
gland. That means that the doctor is not Branched while in the the bottom there are the
compounds glands. That means that the doctor duct is branched.
The simple gland can be tubular if the adenomere is like a tube essentially and so an example is
are the crypt of Lieberkuhn that we already see. Then adenomere can be tubular but coiled and
example are the sweat glands. So sweat glands are present into the in the skin. So the coil tubular
structure is composed of the secretory portion that is located in the dermis.
Then, there is simple branched tubular so that means that the adenomere is branched and the
branches are like tubes. So these glands are the mucus glands for example of the duodenum and
the esophagus. Then there are the simple alveolar acinar glands that are not not found in the
adult. So they are essentially stage of development of simple branching length. So they are just a
stage of development of these other glands and then there are the simple branch in the alveolar.
So this this means that the adenomere is branched and then branches is sulk like, an example is
the sebaceous glands that produce a product that is an oily product then we will see some picture
of sebaceous glands. And then there are the compound glands. That means is also the adenomere
is branched and they are the compound tubular, example of compound tubular glands are for
example, the mucous glands in the mouth. Then there are the compound alveolar or acinar glands.
and they are the mammary glands. That posses, you can see the adenomere that is branched and
the branches are sacklike. And then there are the compound tubular alveolar that some example
is the salivary glands that are compound tubule alveolar exocrine glands or also excretory portion
of the pancreas.
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Exocrine gland can be classified also according the type of secretion and secretion can be divided
in Mucous, Serous, Mixed secretion.
So in the case of Mucous gland, these gland secrete highly glycosylated protein, then that become
hydrated and so they form mucous, and we already see goblet cells but there are also sublingual
salivary glands that possess mucous secretion so they produce this mixture of proteins and
carbohydrates that in water form mucus
Then there are the Serous glands and for example pancreas the exocrine part of the pancreas that
secretes digestive enzymes. So not glycosylated proteins. and then, there are Mixed gland that
possess mucus plus serous secretion. So they produce both digestive enzymes and mucous, and
example is mandibular salivary glands.
1.8 Mechanisms of exocrine gland secretion
Exocrine gland can be classified also according to the mechanism of secretion and there are three
basic mechanism for releasing the product by exocrine gland sir. And essentially, these three basic
mechanisms for releasing the product by exocrine glands, Merocrine secretion, Apocrine secretion,
Holocrine secretion.
Exocytosis secretory
So you can see that the merocrine secretion that is typical of the most exocrine cell, exocrine secretion
usually containing protein that are secreted by exocytosis at the apical end of secretory cells, so here in this
example you can see the salivary glands, that are glands that possess this merocrine secretion in which you
can see the adenomere in orange, that is composed by this cells that release their product by exocytosis, so
there are secretory vescicles that release their product by exocytosis, and the product is transported
outside by the duct.
So this is the apocrine secretion that involves loss of membrane-enclosed apical cytoplasm that contain
one or more lipid droplets. So in this picture you can see apocrine secretion in which the cell of adenomere
lose the apical part of the cells with this part of cytoplasm where the lipid droplets are release outside. So
there is the lost of apical parts o cytoplasm and togheter with this are release also the lipid droplets, and
then this droplets are release outside by the duct.
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The third and last kind of mechanism of secretion is the Holocrine secretion in which the release
of the product contain inside the cells occurs by the disintegration of the secretory cells themself.
So here adenomere that is in Orange is composed by secretory cells that completely disintegrates
themselves and by this disintegration they release the the product that is contain inside them. So
at the end, these cells will die by a programmed cell death. And so in this way, they released their
product that is come outside by the duct and an example is the sebaceous gland of hair follicles.
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Okay, so these are the exocrine glands of our body. If you have to classify an exocrine glands, you had to
mention the structure of the duct. So if the duct is not Branched, the gland will be simple. If the duct is
Branched, the glands will be compound so for example, the sebaceous gland is simple exocrine glands
because it possess an not branched duct while the salivary glands are compound because they duct is
branched either then you have to look at the structure of the adenomere. So for example, salivary glands
possess a tubulo acinar adenomere, so they are called tubulo acinar while the sebaceous gland possess an
adenomere that is acinar and so it is defined acinar. the sweat glands for example, they possess, they are
called Simple, because they possessed not branched duct and they are prosses tubular adenomere and
then you have also to look at the type of mechanism of secretion. So if they possess a merocrine or
apocrine, or holocrine secretion, so for example, salivary glands prossess a merocrine secretion, a
sebaceous glands has an holocrine secretion, which the product the lipids, the sebum is release in holocrine
way so by the completely the complete disintegration of the cell. Mammary glands for example possess
both apocrine and merocrine secretion that is apocrine for the lipids component and merocrine for the
protein components. So especially for the casein and so on.
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So now let's focus on the intestinal exocrine glands that are of three types. So there are three
types of intestinal exocrine glands and they are the goblet cells, the intestinal glands or Crypts of
lieberkuhn, or submucosal or brunners glands. Okay, the Goblet cells, as we already mentioned
them. They are unicellular mucin secret glands, the increase in number from the duodenum to the
terminal part of the ileum so they secrete mucous. That possess a protective function in the
intestine. Then there are the crypts of lieberkuhn that are present in the small intestine in the
colon, they possess merocrine secretion of digestive enzymes. So essentially, they secrete
digestive enzymes in very important for the digestion of the food, t they extend from the
muscularis mucosa to the thickness of the lamina propria, where they open into the luminal
surface of the intestine at the base of the villi. Okay, so the glands are composed of a simple
columnar epithelium that is continuous with the epithelium of the villi. Then there are submucosa
or brunner’s glands, that are present very abundant in the duodenum. And they are branched
tubular glands and are characterized by both zymogen-and mucus-secreting cells.
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Again crypts of lieberkuhn, This is a cross-section of the small intestine in which you can see
plicae circulares and the villi. So essentially this are two villi.
And here this is higher magnification you can see the crypts of lieberkuhn. They are present in the
both small intestine and colon. They possess straight tubular structure, merocrine serous
secretion, so they secret digestive enzymes, so peptidase, succarase, maltase, lactase ,lipase to
digest the food.
So they remember that the base of this villi are present multipotent stem cells. This Stem cells
during each mitosis, if the one of the two daughter cells remains in the deep, that it will remain
stem cell while the other differentiated migrates up to the size of the crypts and eventually into
the Villus.
Then there are the brunner’s gland.
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They are submucosal glands, they are abundant in duodenum, they are branched tubular glands.
They are both zymogen-secreting and Mucus-secreting. and the product of their secretion posses
very alkaline PH (8.1-9.3) because they containing neutral and alkaline glycoproteins and
bicarbonate ions (important to protect the proximal small intestine by neutralizing the acidcontaining chyme and bring the intestinal contents close to the optimal pH for the pancreatic
enzymes that are release in the duodenum) So is important this secretion to neutralize the acid
PH. So we talked about them when we focus on the pancreas. So in this picture here, you can see
the dashed lines that mark the boundary between the Villi that are present up respect to these
dashed lines while the crypts of LieberKuhn are present here at the bottom of the villi so they
extend to the muscularis mucosae that are present her.
So remember the mucosal that is formed by the epithelial layer the underlying lamina propria and
the muscularis mucosae. So this is the mucosa the crypts of LieberKuhn are present at the bottom
of the Villi, so up to the muscularis mucosae. While the brunner’s glands are present under the
mucosa so in the submucosa that are formed by columnar cell, and the duct of the
brunner’s glands open in the Lumen of the intestinal gland is indicated by the arrow.
1.8 Exocrine glands of the mouth
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Now exocrine cell of the mouth so the major salivary glands. The exocrine glands of the mouth
can be divided into two major salivary glands and minor salivary glands. So the major salivary
glands are paired glands with long ducts that enter into the oral cavity; the major salivary glands
consists of the parotid, the submandibular and the sublingual glands. the Parotid and the
submandibular glands are actually located outside the oral cavity and their secretion reached the
cavity by Ducts. The parotid gland is located subcutaneous below and in front of the ear, the
submandibular glands is located under the floor of the mouth in the submandibular Triangle of
the neck. The sublingual gland is located in the floor of the mouth anterior to the submandibular
gland. While the minor salivary glands are located in the submucosa of different parts of the oral
cavity at the included the lingual, Labial, buccal, molar and Palatine glands. So each salivary gland
arises from the developing oral cavity epithelium so derived from epithelium as all other kind of
exocrine glands. So initially the gland takes the form of a solid chords of cells that entered the
mesenchyme. So the proliferation of epithelial cells eventually produces highly branched epithelia
chords with tubular sense so leading to compound tubular-acinar gland. So this major salivary
glands are tubular acinar glands.
( largest )
Then it is important to remember that the acinar of salivary glands contain serous cell, so protein
secretion cell or can contain mucous cell so mucin secreted or both. So the frequencies of the
three types of acinar are a prime characteristic by which the major salivary glands are
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Okay, so about this point also about to distinguish the three major salivary glands, now I will show
some histological specimen of this glands. So the first one is an histological specimen of the
sublingual glands.
Mucous Acini
Round nucleons
Asfstained )
Okay, so in a cross-section of sublingual glands. you will observe both mucus acinar that is this in
withe and serous acinar units that are this stained, that are more stained, here the mucus acini
predominate while the fully serous acinar units are rarely observed. So it contain both serious and
mucous elements, but the mucous acinar predominate. Okay, and so you can distinguish the
mucous acini and serous acinar depending essentially they staining.
So the cytoplasm of the mucous cells is lighter stain than serous cells as you can see in the
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Okay, so the mucous cell have dark nucleus that is located in the basal domains and it is smaller
and more flatter than that serous cells.
glands GBH
sci nor
Okay, than there is parotid. So the parotid glands that are the largest of the major salivary glands.
They are composed of alveoli that containing only serous secretory cells, so in the sublingual gland
secrete dominate predominate the mucous acini here there is predominance, better there are
only serous acinar units. So the parotid glands are made up of serous acinar units and duct they
according to the shape of their ducts and the secretory units are classified. These glands are
classified as compound tubular acinar glands. So you can appreciate the serous acinar units
because you can look at the site of cytoplasm of this secretory cells that is intensely stained in light
purple. There are around nucleus his basal domain and the secretory granulus are at the apical
domain of the secretory cells. Okay, so these are for example. Secretory granules and here more
stained are the nuclei.
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These are picture of the parotid glands in which is easily easily recognizable the compound tubular
acinar structure and also the serous secretion so you can see the cytoplasm of the secretory cells.
This is intensely stain in purple. Again here you can see the secretory cells with the nucleus that
was at the base and the secretory granules in the apical part. This is the duct and the cytoplasm
that is intensely stained.
Like the parotid glands, the submandibular glands are located outside of the oral cavity. They are
located under either side of the floor of the mouth near the mandible. So the secretory
components of the submandibular glands are the Acini which are of three types. So there are
serous acinar in which are protein secreting cells like those of the parotid glands. Then that are
this one here. Then there are the mucous acinar units that secrete mucin they are similar to those
sublingual glands and then there are acini, that are called Mixed acini that contain both serous and
mucous secreting cells. So in the case of the mixing acini the mucous cell are capped by serous cell
called Demilunes of
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Mixed ( Demi tunes
Okay, the production of the salivary glands both Major and minor salivary glands the product of
these glands are called saliva. So it includes the combine secretion of all the major and minor
salivary glands sir. The salivary glands produce about 1L so 1200 ml of saliva at day. It has an
numerous function relating to metabolic and non metabolic activity including moistening oral
mucosa, moistening dry food to eat swallowing provide medium for dissolve and suspend food
material that chemical stimulate bulbs, buffering the conteinets of the oral cavity because his high
concentration of bicarbonate ions, digesting carbohydrates with digestive enzyme a-AMILASE
which breaks the glycosidic bounds and continous to act in the esophagus and stomach.
Controlling the bacterial flora of the oral cavity by the use of lysozyme that is an enzyme that lies
muramic acid in some bacteria such as stafilococchi and about the composition of saliva it contains
water 99% and then proteins, glycoprotein and electrolytes about the electrolytes is high
potassium concentration that is approximately seven times that of that of the blood. And then
also very important is the bicarbonate concentration that is three times the concentration of the
Moreover saliva perform also immunological function. In fact, it contains antibodies in particular
1.1 Exocrine glands in the skin
Exocrine glands in the skin derive from the down grove of the epidermal epithelium during
development. They include the sweat glands and the sebaceous glands. The first ones produce the
sweat, the second ones produce the sebum.
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Sweat glands are simple coiled tubular; they possess merocrine secretion over the entire body
(except for the lips and external genitalia) or apocrine secretions, which are limited to the axilla
areola and nipple of the mammary gland, skin around the anus and external genitalia; they possess
serous secretion (sweat, important to regulate the body temperature). We can see that the sweat
glands consist of two parts: 1) a secretory portion (adenomere, located deep in the dermis or in the
upper part of the hypodermis) and of 2) a directly continuous, less coiled duct segment that leads
to epidermal surface.
Sebaceous glands, instead, are simple branched acinar, in fact the duct is not branched and the
adenomere is branched. The branches are sac-like, they possess a holocrine mechanism of
secretion, so with the complete disintegration of the adenomere secreting cells itself; they produce
secretion called sebum, that contains essentially lipids.
1.2 Mammary glands
Mammary glands are compound acinar or tubulo-acinar glands; they derive from modified sweat
glands in the epidermis and lie in the subcutaneous tissue; they are composed by 15/20 irregular
lobes separated by fibrous bands of connective tissue. These lobes radiate from the mammary
papilla, or nipple, and are further subdivided into numerous lobules (so connective tissue divides
mammary glands first in lobes and then in lobules; this secretory portion starts from the nipple).
These kinds of glands are also abundant in adipose tissue, that is present in the dense connective
tissue of the interlobular space (so between lobules). Each gland ends in a lactiferous duct that
opens through a constricted orifice into the nipple.
We can see a histological specimen where in blue we can see the connective tissue that divides the
gland in lobes and lobules and are also visible in the acinar adenomere that possess sac-like
structure, so they are acini that release the product outside through the duct.
Mammary glands possess two different kinds of secretion: they can secrete protein component
(casein) released by merocrine secretion and lipid component, released by apocrine secretion.
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In the merocrine secretion shown we can see the protein component in purple, that represents the
milk, synthesized in the rough endoplasmic reticulum, packaged into the Golgi apparatus, and then
released from the cell by exocytosis;
In the apocrine secretion, instead, the lipid component is represented by lipid droplets free in the
apical part of the cytoplasm, invested with an envelope of plasma membrane and then released
from the cell.
The milk is composed by most of all lipids (secreted by apocrine secretion mechanism), mineral salts,
sugars (lactose), protein (casein) and antibodies, in particular IgA, abundant in the colostrum, so
provide the newborn with some degree of passive immunity.
1.3 Endocrine glands
Endocrine glands originate in different way from exocrine glands , in fact initially they originate by
proliferation of the surface epithelia, then there is the downgrowth of the surface epithelia in two
underlying connective tissue, but then, when the surface epithelia is lost, the endocrine glands
remain completely embedded in the underlying connective tissue and so are formed by epithelial
cell (parenchima), surrounded by connective tissue (stroma), highly vascularized and innervated by
the autonomic nervous system, that stimulates the secretion and also the vascularization, important
because the endocrine gland release the product directly into the bloodstream to target also the
organs that are located away from the glands that produce these products,. These products are
called hormones.
Endocrine glands are individual cells that are scattered among the cells of epithelial lining and nonepithelial tissues like connective tissue cells, cardiomyocytes, hypothalamic neurons, adipocytes,
kidney and thymus. All of them possess some endocrine secretion, so for example the adipocyte
tissue secretes the hormones leptin and resistin; or the cardiomyocyte tissue produce natriuretic
polypeptide hormones.
1.4 Hormones
Endocrine glands are the producers of hormones, which are generally polypeptide or lipidic derived
factors, that are released into the interstitial fluid (proteins released by exocytosis and lipophilic
steroid by diffusion through the cell membrane for the uptake of the binding protein outside the
cell. Hormones act at very low concentrations on tissue cells of target organs by modulating the
functions, allowing signaling between cells.
Endocrine signaling involves hormone transport in the blood to target cells throughout the body;
the receptor may also be on cells, close to the hormone's secreting cells or even on the secreting
cell itself (paracrine and autocrine, respectively) So autocrine signaling is when the receptor is on
cell targets itself, and paracrine if the receptor is on the target cell; endocrine signaling is instead
when a cell targets a distant cell through the bloodstream.
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Growth factors (GF) and Cytokines are important chemical mediators of signaling between cells
generally indirect.
These two terms are often used interchangeably by scientists. Historically, the cytokines were
associated with hematopoietic and immunological cells.
Later it became clear that cytokines are used by all cells of the body. Cytokines are constituted by
peptides, including chemokines, interferons, interleukins, lymphokines and tumor necrosis factors,
but generally not hormones or growth factors (despite some overlap in the terminology); they're
peptides so they cannot cross the lipid bilayer of cells to enter the cytoplasm, so they cytokines to
affect the behaviour of the target cell, act through cell surface receptors.
Hormonal signaling, that allow communication between cells, involves the following steps:
1)Biosynthesis of a particular hormone (generally polypeptides or lipid derived factors)
2)Storage and secretion of the hormones ( remember that proteins are released by exocytosis and
that the lipids diffuse through the cell membrane)
3)Transport of the hormone to the target cells
4)Recognition of the hormone by an associated cell membrane or intracellular receptor protein (
the receptor can be on the plasma membrane or located inside the cell or inside the nucleus)
5)Relay and amplification of the received hormonal signal via a signal transduction process which
lead to a cellular response. So the reaction of the target cells may be then recognized by the original
hormone-producing cell, leading to a downregulation in the hormone production ( this is a negative
feedback loop).
6)Breakdown of the hormone.
Transport of the hormone to the target cell depends on the chemical nature of the molecule: there
are certain hormones, including proteins, that are water soluble so they're transported directly in
the bloodstream, and other type of hormones, including steroid and thyroid hormones, that are
lipid-soluble and must be transported bound to carrier plasma glycoproteins such as thyroxinebinding globulin.
Recognition of the hormone can be due to membrane receptors or can be mediated by intracellular
so cytoplasmic or nuclear receptors. The membrane receptors are for water soluble molecules, like
glycoproteins and in general proteic hormones such as thyroid-stimulating hormone, folliclestimulating hormone insulin and luteinizing hormone; so these hormones possess receptors on the
surface of the target cell so they bind this receptor and start the signal transduction modifying the
behaviour of the cell. Instead the intracellular receptors are characterizing of the lipid-soluble
hormones, that are steroids, like estrogens and androgens, and thyroid hormones that pass through
the cellular membrane, so in this case the receptor is located inside the cytoplasm or inside the
An example of protein surface receptor, could be the G-protein-coupled membrane receptors
(GPCR), which are a major class of transmembrane receptors. In this case the first receptor is the
hormone which binds to a GPCR; this binding induce a change in the conformation of the receptor
and activates a signal transduction inside the cell that is mediated by G-proteins, which stimulates
further enzymes like adenylate cyclase, that converts ATP in cyclic AMP (cAMP), that is the second
messenger; this one activates protein kinases, triggering the response of target cell.
An example of a receptor located inside the cell is instead the one of lipid soluble hormones, so the
steroid and also T3 and T4 thyroid hormones, targeting specific sequences of DNA by diffusing into
the cell.
The hormone diffuse through plasma membrane because it is lipid soluble, so it can cross the
phospholipid bilayer, and can bind to receptor located in the cytosol and the complex move into the
nucleus, or enter the nucleus and bind to receptor inside the nucleus; their response elements are
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DNA sequences called promoters, that are bound by the complex of the steroid bound to its
receptor. This binding hormone-receptor complex activates or represses genes and synthesis of
specific mRNAs, which move ribosomes and there's a modification of the behaviour of the cell.
2.1 Endocrine system
The entire endocrine system (and its exocrine glands) is an important body communication system
that consists of a network of endocrine glands throughout the body, which makes and discharge
hormones into the bloodstream, then transport them to target organs to regulate their specific
Endocrine glands and their functions :
-parathyroid glands, that produce and secrete hormones to regulate calcium level in the body;
-pineal gland, that secretes hormones that regulates the daily rhythms of the body and affect also
the mood; it also produces melatonin, which regulates sleep patterns;
-pituitary glands, that is the brain of the endocrine system and secrete hormones that regulates the
functions of others endocrine glands;
-thymus, that secrete hormones for the development of the immune system, stimulating the
development of the cells that fight diseases;
-thyroid gland, which produces and discharges hormones that regulate the metabolism;
-pancreatic islets ( or Langherans islands) in the pancreas, that are the endocrine part of it, that is
responsible for the blood-glucose balance.
2.2 Negative and positive feedback
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An example of negative and positive feedback mechanism, based on the release of hormones from
the ovary, the hypothalamus and the anterior pituitary gland. In particular the pituitary gland is
stimulated by a region of the brain called hypothalamus, and produces among others, two protein
hormones called gonadotropins (FSH and LH), which act in the woman on the cells of the ovarian
follicles and in men on the cells of the testis, by regulating the production of oocytes in ovary and
sperm in testicle.
2.3 Histological organization of the epithelial cells of a multicellular endocrine gland
While in the exocrine glands the basic histological structure are the adenomere and the excretory
duct, in the endocrine glands, the epithelial cells that form the parenchima are organized in cords
of cells or in groups of cells or, in the case of thyroid, into follicles, rounded structure, typical of the
thyroid, and pull out their secretions, that are called hormones, directly into bloodstream.
The cords and the follicles are covered with a connective capsule and are in general divided into two
or more lobes. Islets or groups of cells scattered in another tissue are typical of islands of Langherans
of pancreas, which constitute the endocrine component of the pancreas and are composed by group
of endocrine cells within a capillary network, but the fact that they are scattered in the exocrine
parenchyma classifies the endocrine pancreas as a gland consisting of group of cells; within the
islands the cells form cords. In the thyroid, connective tissue divides the thyroid into lobules each
of which consists of thyroid follicles.
1) Cords of cells 2) Islets or groups of cells 3)Follicles
The pancreas is an elongated gland, constituted by a head, a body and a tail. It is joint to the duodeno
by connective tissue; the pancreatic duct extends through the length of the gland and empties into
the duodenum at the hepatopancreatic ampulla, called ampulla of Vater, through which the
common bile duct from the liver and the gallbladder enters in the duodenum. Loose connective
tissue forms a capsule around the gland and from it septa extend into the gland dividing it into well
defined lobules, in which a stroma of loose connective tissue surrounds the parenchima units.
Exocrine pancreas is a serous gland. Exocrine component synthesizes and secretes into the
duodenum enzymes ,that are essential for the digestion into the intestine, for example the
proteolytic peptidates (proteins), alpha-amylase (carbohydrates), lipases (lipids), the hossiribonucleases and ribonucleases (nucleic acids); while the endocrine pancreas' component
synthesizes and secretes hormones like insulin and glucagon and other hormones in the blood which
regulates the glucose, lipid and protein metabolism in the body. Exocrine pancreas is found
throughout the organ, and within it distinct cell masses called islands of Langherans are dispersed
and constitute the endocrine pancreas. Furthermore the exocrine pancreas is a serous gland, so the
adenomeres are acinar or tubular-acinar in shape and are formed of simple epithelium of pyramidal
serous cells (possess pyramid shape); essentially there is a system of ducts that convey the secretion
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in the duodenum; there is the intercalated ducts, the initial part that drain into the intralobular
collecting ducts that drain into the larger interlobular ducts, which are lined by low columnar
epithelium, then it directly drain into the main pancreatic duct which surround the length of the
gland parallel to the long axis.
Two hormones secreted by the enteroendocrine cells of the duodenum, secretin and
cholecystokinin (CCK) are the principal regulators of the exocrine pancreas. They entry of the acidic
chyme into the duodenum stimulating the release of these hormones into the blood (so the
presence of acid in duodenum causes the release of secretin, presence of fats in duodenum cause
release of cholecystokinin)
Islets of Langerhans constitute the endocrine pancreas for about 1%-2% of the volume of the human
pancreas (but they're most numerous in the tail); cells are arranged in cords and are invested in a
network of fenestrated capillaries. In H&E stained sections, the islets of Langerhans appear as
clusters of pale-staining cells surrounded by more intensely staining pancreatic acini; it is difficult to
identify specific islet cell types, but it's easier to identify small cells at the periphery of the islet, that
are probably A cells, which are usually located at the periphery of islets of Langerhans and secrete
glucagon. Instead B cells are the majority, they constitute the 60/70% of the islet cells and are
generally located in the central portion and secrete insulin. D cells (5/10%) are also located
peripherally, they secrete somatostatin, that inhibits insulin and glucagon secretion. There are also
Minor islet cells, like PP cells , which secretes polypeptide P, stimulating gastric cells, inhibiting bile
secretion and intestinal motility.
Thyroid is a particular kind of gland , because it is the only one in our body that stores the products
of its secretion outside the cells, so inside the follicle.
It is located anterior and inferior to the larynx, and consists in two lobes united by an isthmus. The
structural and functional unit of the thyroid gland is the thyroid follicle. It is the only endocrine gland
with a follicular organization. Thyroid follicles are roughly spherical compartment with a wall formed
by a simple cuboidal or low columnar epithelium, the follicular epithelium, which lines the follicle
lumen, which is completely filled with gel-like mass called colloid, which contains thyroglobulin, the
inactive form of the thyroid hormones T3 and T4. The apical surfaces of the follicular cells are in
contact with the colloid, while the basal surfaces rest on a typical basal lamina. The parenchyma is
the thyroid epithelium, made up of follicular and parafollicular cells. Follicular cells (the principal
components) product the thyroid hormones T3 and T4, that vary in shape and size according to the
functional state of the gland; Parafollicular cells (C cells), pale staining with H&E, are solitary or
small clusters of cells which lie within the follicle basal lamina, not exposed to the follicle lumen,
they secrete calcitonin, a hormone which regulates calcium metabolism. Thyroid is an endocrine
gland which possesses an extensive network of fenestrated capillaries.
The thyroglobulin is the principal component of colloid; it is the inactive storage form of thyroid
hormones and stains with both basic and acidic dyes, and is strongly PAS-positive. The thyroid is
unique because it stores large amounts of its secretory product extracellularly, so inside the lumen
of the follicles. Synthesis of the two major thyroid hormones, thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine
(T3), in the thyroid follicle, follows a series of discrete steps:
1)Synthesis and secretion of thyroglobulin by exocytosis from follicular epithelial cells into the
lumen of the follicle;
2)Resorption, diffusion and oxidation of iodide;
3)Iodination of thyroglobulin;
4)Formation of T3 or T4, depending on the addition of one or two iodine atoms;
5)Resorption of colloid.
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6)Release of T4 and T3 from follicular cells into the circulation, where they are essential to normal
metabolic rate in cells throughout the body.