DIPARTIMENTO DI FISICA E ASTRONOMIA "G. GALILEI" AVVISO DI SEMINARIO Seminari di fisica statistica e teoria della materia condensata Venerdì 10 maggio 2013 ore 15:00 Aula R Dr.ssa Foffano Giulia School of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Edimburgh, Scotland “Colloids in active fluids: simulations of microrheology experiments” Active fluids are suspensions of particles that absorb energy from their surroundings or from an internal tank, in order to do work. Main examples can be found in biological contexts and are e.g. bacteria suspensions and the actomyosin solution, that constitutes the cytoskeleton. Active fluids are novel out-of-equilibrium systems whose properties can be studied through the motion of spherical particles embedded therein. I will present simulations of microrheology experiments where a constant force is applied to a spherical colloid embedded in an active liquid crystal. Strong non-Stokesian effects are observed and, strikingly, a regime is found where the colloid reaches a steady state of negative drag. E. Orlandini F. Baldovin