Change and mental health services: a local experience in Brescia Fabio Lucchi Centro Psicosociale Brescia Sud Daniela Sangiorgi Politecnico di Milano Il territorio di riferimento della Unità Operativa di Psichiatria 23‐ASST Brescia “E’ un processo profondamente personale ed unico che porta a modificare i propri comportamenti, valori, sentimenti, capacità, obiettivi e ruoli. E’ un modo di vivere con soddisfazione la vita partecipando ad attività e relazioni significative anche con le limitazioni dovute alla malattia.” (W. Anthony, 1993) Transforming people who use services From passive recipients of services and burdens on the system into one where they are equal partners in designing and delivering services (C. Needham, 2009) How should we think about value in health and care? Discussion pa per September 2015 Positio P aper: Are mainstream mental health services ready to progress n transformative co‐productio? I Servizi sanitari ed i loro utenti: diversi livelli di collaborazione Involving patients and carers. NHS Modernising agency, 2003 Il colloquio con l’utente per la compilazione della stella Incontro fra due «esperti» Esperto per esperienza chi la malattia la conosce perché l’ha provata direttamente Esperto per professione chi la malattia l’ha studiata e l’ha conosciuta nel lavoro expert by living expert by learning Learning for Life Adult learning, mental health and wellbeing “..a place where we can be students of our own wellbeing” Julie Repper, Nottingham Recovery College Creative Citizens A meeting space between designers, citizens, local stakeholders and institutions. Politecnico di Milano Polimi DESIS Lab Italy Towards services and care pathways redesigned using patient and staff experience Why co-design “transformation of power and control, and the active involvement of citizens in many aspects of designing, commissioning, and delivering services.” (Nef, 2013) Strenghtening co‐production in mental health services requires a collaborative process for redesigning services and for the transformation of established practices that brings togheter staff members, users and communities. Recovery Co Lab: an experimental space Physical spaces or units in organisations where creativity, experimentations and knowledgesharing are allowed and promoted. Flexible, collaborative, experimental Focus Rehabilitation and care pathways Methods: - practices roles experiences What helps and what hinders coproduction Spaces and their use Observation, interviews, focus-groups, diaries,generative tecniques… Methodology Service Design & Co-production Collaborative Services Co-design Service Design & Evaluation Service experiences evaluation Integrative approach Co‐production Service Design & Change Organisational process Evaluation Progetto Core & Recovery Assessing orientation toward Recovery and Coproduction Project timeline GIU LUG AGO SET OTT NOV DIC GEN FEB MAR APR Recovery STAR Approccio Progettuale integrato CORE working groups Applicazione co‐produzione in UOP23 Formalizzazione & condivisione Recovery & co‐production Group National and international conferences Final Event MAG Expected Outcomes 1. Setting-up of the Co-Lab UOP23: 2. Identification of ingredients for cocoproduction 3. Ideas and proposals for change and service development “When changes driven by desire meet those driven by need, innovative social trasformations take place.” (Manuel Castells, 2012) Thanks for your attention. Metamorfosi Festival: Scena mentale in cambiamento. (Brescia, 2016) Supporting people to manage their health An introduction to patient activation Authors Judith Hibbard Helen Gilburt May 2014 “Students choose their own courses, work out ways of making sense of (and finding meaning in) what has happened and become experts in managing their own lives” Recovery Empowerment Continuum Characteristics Perspective Motto Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Traditional Psychosocial Rehabilitation Philosophy/Continuum Done to Done for Done with Clinical team identifies goals and develops service Characteristics plans. Compliance with directives is focal point activities. Clinically sound professional services Core Value & stability Compliant Person(s) Subservient Prescriptive Staff Member Directive Clinically driven Organization Provider is expert Discouraged Risk Taking 1950 1980 Compliance/ 2010 Directive Present Future Level 4 Level 5 Peer‐Driven Peer‐Driven Care System Done by Strong dependence Genuine voice and Self‐directed care is a Many roles in the on system & artificial participation with core value with peers system are filled by (paid) supports with some support for peers, including holding some no individual risk individual risk taking leadership and workforce, & engagement in advocacy positions governance, etc. Not taking or family natural supports. engagement. a token gesture. within the system. Safety and security Personal recovery Personal recovery Culture change with a goal of through through self‐directed through peer collaboration care leaders and staffing stability Dependent Respected (Voice) Leader Empowered Institutionalized Involved Advocate Leaders Caretaker Partner Consultant Peers Protector Guide Support Advocate Protective Collaborative Recovery driven Peer‐driven Risk Averse Engaging Person is expert Peer‐staffed Blocked Supported Encouraged Expected Dependent/ Care Taker Voice & Participation Action & Leadership Peer‐Driven System Sette messaggi basati sulle evidenze: 1) La recovery è valutata meglio da persone esperte per esperienza. 2) Molte persone che hanno disturbi mentali guariscono. 3) Se una persona non soddisfa i criteri diagnostici per un disturbo mentale non lo ha. 1) Le diagnosi non hanno fondamenti robusti. 2) I trattamenti sono una delle molte vie verso la recovery. 1) Alcune persone scelgono di non rivolgersi ai servizi. 2) L’impatto dei disturbi mentali non è univoco. Why design… Users assets Design for co‐production in mental health care means to identify togheter the conditions promoting users engagement For a meaningful users engagement in service delivery and planning. Mental health Professional knowledge values Physical spaces information rules Care pathways timing 1. Attendees were invited to share personal experiences of psychosis which highlight areas for improvement and development 2. We clustered these postcards to identify some key themes and opportunity areas 3. The teams then identify specific opportunities they wanted to work on during the afternoon – each team chose two opportunities. 4. Each team worked on a template to ensure they captured all relevant aspects of their proposed solution Come: Co Lab _ spazio sperimentale Spazio fisso Spazio pop-up Esempi: Lambeth Living Well Collaborative is a collaborative of those with a stake in mental health care in Lambeth. Commissioning and service approach informed by ‐ co‐production ‐ Recovery ‐ Total place principles Perché co-produzione “La più semplice definizione di co‐produzione : le persone che usano i servizi contribuiscono a produrli” (Needham, 2012) Nel caso dei servizi per la salute mentale, la co‐produzione dei servizi ha un potenziale trasformativo per l’utente nello sviluppo delle relazioni sociali e delle capacità personali, nella riduzione dello stigma, nel miglioramento del senso di appartenenza, e nella capacità di gestione e controllo della propria condizione (NEF, 2013) Esempi: Ambito 1. Esplorazione generale: Attività e percorsi riabilitativi (attività espressive, sportive, formative, risocializzanti, culturali, ecc.) 2. Fuoco valutazione Attività / spazi propedeutici alla co-produzione (sportello SPDC, consiglio di comunità, piani di trattamento individualizzati, gruppo utenti, ecc.) Ambito 2. Fuoco valutazione Attività / spazi propedeutici alla co-produzione (sportello SPDC, consiglio di comunità, piani di trattamento individualizzati, ecc.) Valutazione specifica: Quanto queste attività, spazi, strumenti o persone favoriscono.. - Parità (fiducia) - Responsabilità (abilitazione) - Informalità - Negoziazione Interviste, osservazione Come: Designer in Residence Marta Carrero Service Designer Forma immersiva di progettazione in una specifica comunità / entità portando nuovi approcci creativi e collaborativi all’innovazione Piano attività 2 cicli di co-design su diverse strutture: