Domino Service COMPOSER Overview About Domino Domino is synonymous, since almost 20 years, of reliability and professionality in the field of IT solutions, Training and Consulting. Organizations have built very successful applications in Oracle Forms, but are looking to modernize their applications with today’s technologies to keep them relevant. There are several options that include: web enabling the application through an upgrade, re-writing the application and automated migration. Each approach has pros and cons depending on your requirements. Composer Technologies provides solutions for modernizing Oracle Forms around all of these options. We have extensive experience in upgrading and converting Oracle Forms, databases, and reports for clients around the world. Our company, certified Oracle Gold Partner, operates on a domestic and international base as well, providing services and products, in order to create effective systems to support and manage any business process of both public and private organizations. Benefits of Using an Automate Conversion Tool We take part of Chorus Net, a Network of companies operating in the ICT sector so, we can offer a wider range of services still keeping our own flexibility and identity. The first approach–rewriting the application–can be risky, expensive and lengthy. This is particularly true for large and complex applications. There are two options for migrating Oracle Forms applications to Java: one is to rewrite the application, designing new screens, screen flows and work processes from the ground up based on the use cases. The other approach is to migrate the Oracle Forms screens to Java, keeping the same look and feel, and allowing the users to continue working on the migrated environment as they did in Oracle Forms and then (after a testing period) change the look and feel if necessary. All processes need to be re-examined–it is the equivalent of starting a new application development project. There is the risk of leaving out processes, data migration failures, discontinuation of user processes, and difficulty performing a parallel run to compare the results of both systems Benefits for the user: Benefits of Migration Reduce costs Save 90% of the time and 80% of the costs with and automated conversion. Retain original business logic and code Post conversion the application retains the same business logic and code structure as the original application. Automated approach The automated process of our software tool greatly lowers conversion time and risks compared to outsourced application rewrite projects. Composer is a software solution that delivers automated migration of Oracle Forms and PL/SLQ applications to standard technologies such as Java and XML. Composer produces pure Java code that is easily maintainable and portable and doesn’t require any third party tools or plug‐ins. Our approach gives you options. You can license Composer, obtain training from our team and perform the conversion work yourself, or you can have our team perform the project conversion. Key Features of Composer • Automatically converts Oracle Forms menus, triggers, stored procedures and libraries (including all PL/SQL code within libraries). • All PL/SQL code can be presented as true, complete Java classes. • Produces native Java that is 100% maintainable and portable. • Maintains semantic content and coding standards. • Does not create wrapper classes. Our converted applications are fully maintainable and flexible, making it simply to modify when necessary. Why Composer Contacts • Shorter learning curve for Oracle Forms developers to maintain and extend the Java code as conversion maintains structure and hierarchy of Oracle Forms in Java. • Three GUI options: Java plug‐in, Oracle ADF option, Java desktop client. MILANO Viale Brianza,20 20092 Cinisello Balsamo(MI),Italy Tel. +39 02.36527222 Cell. 3487216948 ROMA Via Appia Nuova 154 (RM) 00183 Roma (RM), Italy Tel. +39 06.97842605 Cell. 3488909367 [email protected] • Provides Java and XML code that is portable, maintainable, and reusable. • Enables the use of all Java specific development tools available today and in the future preserves component names (Forms, menus, libraries); visual item names (canvas, items, buttons); and Triggers. About Composer Composer Technologies is a global provider of automated migration solutions for Oracle Forms and Lotus Notes applications, with customer of North and South America, Europe and Australia.