s. sonego: curriculum vitæ - Università degli Studi di Udine

annuncio pubblicitario
Sebastiano SONEGO
Data e luogo di nascita
23 Agosto 1960, Milano
Stato civile
Coniugato; un figlio
Dipartimento di Chimica, Fisica e Ambiente
Sezione di Fisica e Matematica
Università degli Studi di Udine
Via delle Scienze 206
33100 Udine
Tel.: 0432 558071
Fax: 0432 558222
E-mail: [email protected]
Vincitore di una borsa di studio al corso ordinario della Classe di Scienze, presso la Scuola
Normale Superiore di Pisa.
Iscritto al corso di laurea in fisica presso l’Università degli Studi di Pisa e la Scuola Normale
Iscritto al corso di laurea in fisica presso l’Università degli Studi di Padova.
Consegue il diploma di Laurea in Fisica presso l’Università degli Studi di Padova, riportando la votazione di 110/110 e lode.
• Tesi discussa: Teoria quantistica e gravitazione: concetto di vuoto in uno spaziotempo
curvo e radiazione di Hawking, relatore Prof. Fernando de Felice.
Insegnante di fisica e matematica nelle scuole secondarie superiori.
Vincitore di una borsa di studio per il conseguimento del titolo di Doctor Philosophiæ
presso la Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA – ISAS) di Trieste,
classe di Fisica, settore di Astrofisica.
Studente di dottorato presso la Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati di Trieste.
Sospensione del posto di studio, dall’8 ottobre 1986 al 12 gennaio 1988, per assolvere agli
obblighi di leva.
Consegue il diploma di Magister Philosophiæ in Astrofisica presso la SISSA, riportando la
votazione di 30/30 e lode.
• Tesi discussa: A Critique of Semiclassical Gravity, relatore Prof. George F. R. Ellis.
Consegue il diploma di Doctor Philosophiæ in Astrofisica presso la SISSA.
• Tesi discussa: On the Compatibility of Quantum Matter and Classical Gravity, relatore
Prof. Dennis W. Sciama.
Post-doc presso il “Research Group in General Relativity” all’Università di Bruxelles, finanziato dal Direttorato Generale per la Scienza, la Ricerca e lo Sviluppo della Commissione delle Comunità Europee (DG XII).
Post-doc presso il “Research Group in General Relativity” all’Università di Bruxelles, finanziato dagli Instituts Internationaux de Physique et de Chimie Solvay.
“Visiting Professor” presso la SISSA.
“Visiting Research Fellow” presso l’Istituto di Fisica Teorica della Chalmers University of
Technology, Göteborg, Svezia.
Ricercatore in Fisica Matematica (MAT/07, ex A03X) presso la Facoltà d’Ingegneria
dell’Università di Udine.
Professore Associato di Fisica Matematica (MAT/07) presso la Facoltà d’Ingegneria dell’Università di Udine.
Professore Straordinario di Fisica Matematica (MAT/07) presso la Facoltà d’Ingegneria
dell’Università di Udine.
2010 −→
Professore Ordinario di Fisica Matematica (MAT/07) presso l’Università di Udine.
∗ Svolge attività di collaborazione scientifica con personale delle seguenti istituzioni: Instituto de Astrofı́sica de Andalucı́a (Granada, Spagna); Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (Trieste);
Victoria University (Wellington, Nuova Zelanda).
∗ È stato, o è tuttora, referee per le seguenti riviste: Annales de la Fondation Louis de Broglie; Classical
and Quantum Gravity; European Journal of Physics; Europhysics Letters; Foundations of Physics;
General Relativity and Gravitation; Helvetica Physica Acta; Il Nuovo Cimento B; International Journal
of Modern Physics D; Journal of Mathematical Physics; Journal of Physics A; Physica A; Physical
Review A; Physical Review D; Physical Review Letters; Physics Letters A; Proceedings of the Royal
Society A.
∗ Curatore, in collaborazione con A. Valentini (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics) e M. Dickson
(Indiana University), dei numeri speciali di Febbraio, Marzo e Aprile 2005 della rivista Foundations of
Physics, dedicati alla memoria di James T. Cushing.
∗ Reviewer per Mathematical Reviews.
∗ Ha tenuto seminari in occasione di congressi e presso le seguenti istituzioni: SISSA; ICTP (Trieste);
Università di Torino; Università di Vienna; Università di Bruxelles; Fondation Louis de Broglie (Parigi); Università di Buenos Aires; Università di Rosario (Argentina); Osservatorio Radioastronomico di
Onsala (Svezia); Università Chalmers (Göteborg, Svezia); Università di Udine; Perimeter Institute for
Theoretical Physics (Waterloo, Canada); NORDITA (Copenhagen).
∗ Eccellente conoscenza di italiano e inglese; ottima conoscenza del francese; conoscenza elementare di
sloveno, spagnolo, svedese e tedesco.
∗ Aderente al Gruppo Nazionale di Fisica Matematica (GNFM), sezione 5 — Relatività e teoria dei campi.
Riviste internazionali:
[1] S. Sonego, “Path-integral derivation of phase-space distributions”, Physical Review A 42 (7), 3733–
3743 (1990).
[2] S. Sonego, “Quasiprobabilities and explicitly covariant relativistic quantum theory”, Physical Review
A 44 (9), 5369–5382 (1991).
[3] S. Sonego, “Interpretation of the hydrodynamical formalism of quantum mechanics”, Foundations of
Physics 21 (10), 1135–1181 (1991).
[4] S. Sonego and V. Faraoni, “Huygens’ principle and characteristic propagation property for waves in
curved space-times”, Journal of Mathematical Physics 33 (2), 625–632 (1992).
[5] V. Faraoni and S. Sonego, “On the tail problem in cosmology”, Physics Letters A 170 (6), 413–420
(1992). E-print astro-ph/9209004.
[6] S. Sonego, “Conceptual foundations of quantum theory: A map of the land”, Annales de la Fondation
Louis de Broglie 17 (4), 405–473 (1992).* Erratum: ibid. 18 (1), 131–132 (1993).
[7] S. Sonego and V. Faraoni, “Coupling to the curvature for a scalar field from the equivalence principle”,
Classical and Quantum Gravity 10 (6), 1185–1187 (1993).
[8] L. Bombelli and S. Sonego, “Relationships between various characterisations of wave tails”, Journal
of Physics A: Mathematical and General 27 (21), 7177–7199 (1994). E-print math-ph/0002026.
[9] S. Sonego, “Is there a spacetime geometry?”, Physics Letters A 208 (1), 1–7 (1995).
[10] S. Sonego and M. Massar, “Covariant definition of inertial forces: Newtonian limit and time-dependent
gravitational fields”, Classical and Quantum Gravity 13 (1), 139–144 (1996).
[11] S. Sonego and A. Lanza, “Relativistic perihelion advance as a centrifugal effect”, Monthly Notices of
the Royal Astronomical Society 279 (4), L65–L66 (1996).
[12] S. Sonego and M. Massar, “On the notions of gravitational and centrifugal force in static spherically
symmetric spacetimes”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 281 (2), 659–665 (1996).
[13] S. Sonego, “Hidden variables, wholeness, and the two-hole experiment”, European Journal of Physics
17 (3), 118–124 (1996).
[14] M. Bruni, S. Matarrese, S. Mollerach and S. Sonego, “Perturbations of spacetime: gauge transformations and gauge invariance at second order and beyond”, Classical and Quantum Gravity 14 (9),
2585–2606 (1997). E-print gr-qc/9609040.
[15] M. A. Abramowicz, N. Andersson, M. Bruni, P. Ghosh and S. Sonego, “Gravitational waves from
ultracompact stars: the optical geometry view of trapped modes”, Classical and Quantum Gravity 14
(12), L189–L194 (1997).
[16] M. A. Abramowicz, A. Lanza, J. C. Miller and S. Sonego, “Curving Newtonian space”, General
Relativity and Gravitation 29 (12), 1585–1596 (1997).
[17] S. Sonego and M. Bruni, “Gauge dependence in the theory of non-linear spacetime perturbations”,
Communications in Mathematical Physics 193 (1), 209–218 (1998). E-print gr-qc/9708068.
[18] S. Kristiansson, S. Sonego and M. A. Abramowicz, “Optical space of the Reissner-Nordström solutions”, General Relativity and Gravitation 30 (2), 275–288 (1998).
[19] S. Sonego and M. A. Abramowicz, “Maxwell equations and the optical geometry”, Journal of Mathematical Physics 39 (6), 3158–3166 (1998).
* Scritto su invito in occasione del centenario della nascita di Louis de Broglie.
[20] M. Bruni and S. Sonego, “Observables and gauge invariance in the theory of nonlinear spacetime
perturbations”, Classical and Quantum Gravity 16 (7), L29–L36 (1999). E-print gr-qc/9906017.
[21] S. Sonego, “Conformal behavior of the Lorentz-Dirac equation and Machian particle dynamics”, Journal of Mathematical Physics 40 (8), 3918–3924 (1999).
[22] S. Liberati, T. Rothman and S. Sonego, “Nonthermal nature of incipient extremal black holes”,
Physical Review D 62 (2), 024005 (2000) — 10 pages. E-print gr-qc/0002019.
[23] S. Liberati, S. Sonego and M. Visser, “Unexpectedly large surface gravities for acoustic horizons?”,
Classical and Quantum Gravity 17 (15), 2903–2923 (2000). E-print gr-qc/0003105.
[24] S. Sonego, J. Almergren and M. A. Abramowicz, “Optical geometry for gravitational collapse and
Hawking radiation”, Physical Review D 62 (6), 064010 (2000) — 12 pages. E-print gr-qc/0005106.
[25] S. Liberati, T. Rothman and S. Sonego, “Extremal black holes and the limits of the third law”,
International Journal of Modern Physics D 10 (1), 33–39 (2001). E-print gr-qc/0008018.*
[26] S. Liberati, S. Sonego and M. Visser, “Scharnhorst effect at oblique incidence”, Physical Review D 63
(8), 085003 (2001) — 10 pages. E-print quant-ph/0010055.
[27] S. Liberati, S. Sonego and M. Visser, “Faster-than-c signals, special relativity, and causality”, Annals
of Physics 298 (1), 167–185 (2002). E-print gr-qc/0107091.**
[28] S. Sonego and H. Westman, “Particle detectors, geodesic motion and the equivalence principle”,
Classical and Quantum Gravity 21 (2), 433–444 (2004). E-print gr-qc/0307040.
[29] C. Barceló, S. Liberati, S. Sonego and M. Visser, “Causal structure of analogue spacetimes”, New
Journal of Physics 6, 186 (2004) — 48 pages. E-print gr-qc/0408022.
[30] S. Sonego and M. Pin, “Deriving relativistic momentum and energy”, European Journal of Physics
26 (1), 33–45 (2005). E-print physics/0402024.
[31] S. Liberati, S. Sonego and M. Visser, “Interpreting doubly special relativity as a modified theory of
measurement”, Physical Review D 71 (4), 045001 (2005) — 9 pages. E-print gr-qc/0410113.
[32] S. Sonego and M. Pin, “Deriving relativistic momentum and energy: II. Three-dimensional case”,
European Journal of Physics 26 (5), 851–856 (2005). E-print physics/0504095. Corrigendum: ibid.
27 (3), 685 (2006).
[33] S. Sonego and M. A. Abramowicz, “Optical geometry analysis of the electromagnetic self-force”,
Journal of Mathematical Physics 47 (6), 062501 (2006) — 13 pages. E-print gr-qc/0512082.
[34] C. Barceló, S. Liberati, S. Sonego and M. Visser, “Quasi-particle creation by analogue black holes”,
Classical and Quantum Gravity 23 (17), 5341–5366 (2006). E-print gr-qc/0604058.
[35] C. Barceló, S. Liberati, S. Sonego and M. Visser, “Hawking-like radiation does not require a trapped
region”, Physical Review Letters 97 (17), 171301 (2006) — 4 pages. E-print gr-qc/0607008.***
[36] C. Barceló, S. Liberati, S. Sonego and M. Visser, “Fate of gravitational collapse in semiclassical
gravity”, Physical Review D 77 (4), 044032 (2008) — 13 pages. E-print 0712.1130 [gr-qc].
[37] H. Westman and S. Sonego, “Events and observables in generally invariant spacetime theories”, Foundations of Physics 38 (10), 908–915 (2008). E-print 0708.1825 [gr-qc].
* Questo articolo ha ricevuto una “honorable mention” nel concorso annuale indetto dalla Gravity Research
Foundation per l’anno 2000.
** Ai risultati ottenuti in questo lavoro è stato dedicato un articolo apparso sul quotidiano The Dallas Morning
News del 20 agosto 2001.
*** Ai risultati ottenuti in questo lavoro sono stati dedicati articoli apparsi nel numero di ottobre 2006 della rivista
online di divulgazione scientifica Physical Review Focus (URL: http://focus.aps.org/story/v18/st12), sui
quotidiani Il Gazzettino – Edizione del Nordest del 23 novembre 2006 e Il Piccolo del 17 gennaio 2007, e sui
settimanali Il nostro tempo del 26 novembre 2006 e Panorama del 30 novembre 2006.
[38] S. Sonego and M. Pin, “Foundations of anisotropic relativistic mechanics”, Journal of Mathematical
Physics 50 (4), 042902 (2009) — 28 pages. E-print 0812.1294 [gr-qc].
[39] H. Westman and S. Sonego, “Coordinates, observables and symmetry in relativity”, Annals of Physics
324 (8), 1585–1611 (2009). E-print 0711.2651 [gr-qc].
[40] S. Liberati, L. Sindoni and S. Sonego, “Linking the trans-Planckian and information loss problems in
black hole physics”, General Relativity and Gravitation 42 (5), 1139–1152 (2010). E-print 0904.0815
[41] S. Sonego, “Ultrastatic space-times”, Journal of Mathematical Physics 51 (9), 092502 (2010) — 8
pages. E-print 1004.1714 [gr-qc].
[42] C. Barceló, S. Liberati, S. Sonego and M. Visser, “Minimal conditions for the existence of a Hawkinglike flux”, Physical Review D 83 (4), 041501(R) (2011) — 4 pages. E-print 1011.5593 [gr-qc].
[43] C. Barceló, S. Liberati, S. Sonego and M. Visser, “Hawking-like radiation from evolving black holes
and compact horizonless objects”, Journal of High Energy Physics 1102 (2), 003, 1-30 (2011). E-print
1011.5911 [gr-qc].
[44] S. Sonego and V. Talamini, “Qualitative study of perfect-fluid Friedmann-Lemaı̂tre-Robertson-Walker
models with a cosmological constant”, American Journal of Physics 80 (8), 670–679 (2012). E-print
1112.4319 [physics.ed-ph].
[D1] C. Barceló, S. Liberati, S. Sonego and M. Visser, “Black stars, not holes”, Scientific American 301
(4), 38–45 (october 2009).†
Atti di conferenze:
[C1] V. Faraoni and S. Sonego, “The equivalence principle determines the coupling constant to the curvature
for a scalar field”, in Proceedings of the 5th Canadian Conference on General Relativity and Relativistic
Astrophysics, eds. R. B. Mann and R. G. McLenaghan, 386–390 (World Scientific, Singapore, 1994).
[C2] M. Bruni, S. Matarrese, S. Mollerach and S. Sonego, “On relativistic perturbations of second and
higher order”, in Proceedings of the 12th Italian Conference on General Relativity and Gravitational
Physics, eds. M. Bassan, V. Ferrari, M. Francaviglia, F. Fucito and I. Modena, 389–393 (World
Scientific, Singapore, 1997). E-print gr-qc/9611048.
[C3] S. Liberati, T. Rothman and S. Sonego, “Nonthermal black holes”, in Proceedings of the 9th Marcel
Grossmann Meeting, eds. V. G. Gurzadyan, R. T. Jantzen and R. Ruffini, 1523–1524 (World Scientific,
Singapore, 2002). Long version (10 pages) at
[C4] C. Barceló, S. Liberati, S. Sonego and M. Visser, “Revisiting the semiclassical gravity scenario for gravitational collapse”, in Physics and Mathematics of Gravitation. Proceedings of the Spanish Relativity
Meeting 2008 , eds. K. E. Kunze, M. Mars and M. A. Vázquez-Mozo, AIP Conference Proceedings
1122, 99–106 (American Institute of Physics, 2009). E-print 0909.4157 [gr-qc].
[C5] M. Visser, C. Barceló, S. Liberati and S. Sonego, “Small, dark, and heavy: But is it a black hole?”,
in Black Holes in General Relativity and String Theory (Proceedings of Science, 2009). Available at
http://pos.sissa.it/ E-print 0902.0346 [gr-qc].
Scritto su invito del comitato editoriale. Questo articolo è apparso in 19 lingue. La versione italiana è stata
pubblicata nel numero 496 (dicembre 2009) di Le Scienze , pp. 60–67, con il titolo “Stelle nere, non buchi neri”.
In preparazione:
[P1] S. Sonego, “Inertial frames in general relativity”.
[P2] S. Sonego, “Fundamental vector fields on symmetric manifolds and preferred frames in general relativity”.
[B1] S. Sonego e V. Talamini, Problemi d’Esame di Meccanica Razionale (Forum, Udine, 1999).
Recensioni per Mathematical Reviews:
[R1] MR1658843 (99m:83065): J. Baugh, D. R. Finkelstein, H. Saller and Z. Tang, “General covariance is
Bose-Einstein statistics”, in On Einstein’s Path, ed. A. Harvey, 67–80 (Springer, New York, 1999).
[R2] MR1677824 (2000a:83099): R. T. Hammond, “Spin gravity”, General Relativity and Gravitation 31
(2), 233–271 (1999).
[R3] MR1677819 (2000a:83100): Y. Itin, “Gravity on a parallelizable manifold. Exact solutions”, General
Relativity and Gravitation 31 (2), 187–203 (1999).
[R4] MR1747725 (2001b:83003): Ø. Grøn and K. Vøyenli, “On the foundation of the principle of relativity”,
Foundations of Physics 29 (11), 1695–1733 (1999).
[R5] MR1781418 (2001m:53121): L. Bombelli, “Statistical Lorentzian geometry and the closeness of Lorentzian manifolds”, Journal of Mathematical Physics 41 (10), 6944–6958 (2000).
[R6] MR1793999 (2002a:81010): G. C. Ghirardi, “Replies and a comment on the problem of realism in
modern science”, Statistica 59 (3), 379–423 (1999).
[R7] MR1822273 (2002e:82042): C. Barceló, S. Liberati and M. Visser, “Analogue gravity from BoseEinstein condensates”, Classical and Quantum Gravity 18 (6), 1137–1156 (2001).
[R8] MR1876041 (2002m:83001): J. Ehlers, “Einstein’s theory of spacetime and gravity”, in Mathematics
and the 21st Century, ed. A. A. Ashour and A.-S. F. Obada, 41–52 (World Scientific, River Edge, NJ,
[R9] MR1900064 (2003c:83105): R. T. Hammond, “Torsion gravity”, Reports on Progress in Physics 65
(5), 599–649 (2002).
[R10] MR1918174 (2003f:81009): G. Ghirardi, “Making quantum theory compatible with realism”, Foundations of Science 7 (1-2), 11–47 (2002).
[R11] MR1909313 (2003f:83001): A. Trautman, “Lectures on general relativity”, General Relativity and
Gravitation 34 (5), 715–762 (2002).
[R12] MR1921408 (2003g:83076): M. A. Abramowicz, I. Bengtsson, V. Karas and K. Rosquist, “Poincaré
ball embeddings of the optical geometry”, Classical and Quantum Gravity 19 (15), 3963–3976 (2002).
[R13] MR1966340 (2004i:81145): T. A. Debs and M. L. G. Redhead, “The ‘Jericho effect’ and Hegerfeldt
non-locality”, Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 34 (1), 61–85 (2003).
[R14] MR1997547 (2004i:83005): A. Blaut, M. Daszkiewicz and J. Kowalski-Glikman, “Doubly special relativity with light-cone deformation”, Modern Physics Letters A 18 (24), 1711–1719 (2003).
[R15] MR2063600 (2005e:83003): D. Kim and S. G. Jo, “Rigidity in special relativity”, Journal of Physics
A 37 (15), 4369–4378 (2004).
[R16] MR2147836 (2006a:83018): N. Haghighipour, “On the asymptotic character of electromagnetic waves
in a Friedmann-Robertson-Walker universe”, General Relativity and Gravitation 37 (2), 327–342
[R17] MR2182206 (2006h:83120): S. Carloni, P. K. S. Dunsby, S. Capozziello and A. Troisi, “Cosmological
dynamics of Rn gravity”, Classical and Quantum Gravity 22 (22), 4839–4868 (2005).
[R18] MR2194551 (2007b:83028): R. Jonsson and H. Westman, “Generalizing optical geometry”, Classical
and Quantum Gravity 23 (1), 61–76 (2006).
[R19] MR2310362 (2008i:83010): J.-M. Gérard, “The strong equivalence principle from a gravitational gauge
structure”, Classical and Quantum Gravity 24 (7), 1867–1877 (2007).
[R20] MR2336093 (2008k:83211): G. F. R. Ellis, R. Maartens and M. A. H. MacCallum, “Causality and the
speed of sound”, General Relativity and Gravitation 39 (10), 1651–1660 (2007).
[R21] MR2366005 (2009b:83111): D. Puetzfeld and Y. N. Obukhov, “Propagation equations for deformable
test bodies with microstructure in extended theories of gravity”, Physical Review D 76 (8), 084025
(2007) — 20 pages.
[R22] MR2382335 (2009b:83013): K. Krasnov, “Non-metric gravity: a status report”, Modern Physics Letters A 22 (40), 3013–3026 (2007).
[R23] MR2402973 (2009d:83100): S. Kumar and C. P. Singh, “Exact Bianchi type-I cosmological models in
a scalar-tensor theory”, International Journal of Theoretical Physics 47 (6), 1722–1730 (2008).
[R24] MR2415429 (2009k:83022): A. Giuliani and T. Rothman, “Absolute stability limit for relativistic
charged spheres”, General Relativity and Gravitation 40 (7), 1427–1447 (2008).
[R25] MR2443052 (2009m:83004): S. Cacciatori, V. Gorini and A. Kamenshchik, “Special relativity in the
21st century”, Annalen der Physik (Berlin) 17 (9–10), 728–768 (2008).
[R26] MR2457730 (2009g:83005): E. Zanchini and A. Barletta, “A rigorous definition of mass in special
relativity”, Il Nuovo Cimento B 123 (2), 153–160 (2008).
[R27] MR2476359 (2009j:83004): B. Y.-K. Hu, “Relativistic momentum and kinetic energy, and E = mc2 ”,
European Journal of Physics 30 (2), 325–330 (2009).
[R28] MR2524271 (2010m:81131): G. N. Ord, “Quantum mechanics in a two-dimensional spacetime: What
is a wavefunction?”, Annals of Physics 324 (6), 1211–1218 (2009).
[R29] MR2525320 (2010j:81008): W. Struyve and A. Valentini, “de Broglie-Bohm guidance equations for
arbitrary Hamiltonians”, Journal of Physics A: 42 (3), 035301 (2009) — 18 pages.
[R30] MR2607787 (2011g:81010): M. K.-H. Kiessling, “Misleading signposts along the de Broglie-Bohm road
to quantum mechanics”, Foundations of Physics 40 (4), 418–429 (2010).
[R31] MR2610833 (2011k:81108): S. Colin and W. Struyve, “Quantum non-equilibrium and relaxation to
equilibrium for a class of de Broglie-Bohm-type theories”, New Journal of Physics 12 (4), 3008 (2010)
— 21 pages.
[R32] MR2651643 (2011k:81110): G. Horton and C. Dewdney, “A relativistic hidden-variable interpretation
for the massive vector field based on energy-momentum flows”, Foundations of Physics 40 (6), 658–678
[R33] MR2674119 (2012b:81088): D. Dürr and S. Römer, “On the classical limit of Bohmian mechanics for
Hagedorn wave packets”, Journal of Functional Analysis 259 (9), 2404–2423 (2010).
[R34] MR2725407 (2012d:81328): W. Struyve, “Pilot-wave theory and quantum fields”, Reports on Progress
in Physics 73 (10), 106001 (2010) — 30 pages.
[R35] MR2764456 (2012d:81015): I. Schmelzer, “Pure quantum interpretations are not viable”, Foundations
of Physics 41 (2), 159–177 (2011).
[R36] MR2764457 (2012g:81228): D. Dolce, “Compact time and determinism for bosons: Foundations”,
Foundations of Physics 41 (2), 178–203 (2011).
[R37] MR2782876 (2012h:81102): M. Novello, J. M. Salim and F. T. Falciano, “On a geometrical description
of quantum mechanics”, International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 8 (1), 87–98
[R38] MR2801517 (2012i:81010): O. Lombardi, J. S. Ardenghi, S. Fortin and M. Narvaja, “Foundations of
quantum mechanics: Decoherence and interpretation”, International Journal of Modern Physics D
20 (5), 861–875 (2011).
[R39] MR2773508 (2012h:81007): C. Baladrón, “Study on a possible Darwinian origin of quantum mechanics”, Foundations of Physics 41 (3), 389–395 (2011).
[R40] MR2823455 (2012j:81060): S. Colin and H. M. Wiseman, “The zig-zag road to reality”, Journal of
Physics A 44 (34), 345304 (2011) — 19 pages.
[R41] MR2792147 (2012k:83056): I. V. Volovich, “Time in physics and life science”, in Quantum Bioinformatics II , ed. L. Accardi, W. Freudenberg and M. Ohya, 205–215, QP −P Q: Quantum Probability
and White Noise Analysis 24 (World Scientific, Hackensack, NJ, 2009).
[R42] MR2853271: H. R. Brown, “Curious and sublime: the connection between uncertainty and probability
in physics”, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A 369 (1956), 4690–4704
[R43] MR2860027: G. Auletta and L. Torcal, “From wave-particle to features-event complementarity”,
International Journal of Theoretical Physics 50 (12), 3654–3668 (2011).
[R44] MR2863668: L. Smolin, “Classical paradoxes of locality and their possible quantum resolutions in
deformed special relativity”, General Relativity and Gravitation 43 (12), 3671–3691 (2011).