servo sistemi AC serie EDB/EDC AC servo systems EDB/EDC series Servo Drive Serie EDB/EDC EDB/EDC Series Servo Drive Nuova gamma di servo sistemi con controllo full-digital. Semplici nell'uso e nella configurazione, con caratteristiche dinamiche elevate, la serie EDB/EDC è adatta alla maggior parte delle applicazioni di automazione industriale. La serie EDB prevede il controllo di velocità, di coppia e di posizione (anche con ingresso analogico). La serie EDC prevede il solo controllo di posizione (non ingressi analogici). New servo system product range with full-digital control. Easy to use and configure, with high dynamic features, EDB/EDC series is suited to most of industrial automation applications. EDB series is foreseen with control speed, torque and position (also with analog input). EDC series is foreseen the only with position control (no analog inputs). SPECIFICHE GENERALI | GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS EDC – Modello EDC EDC Model Servo Drive 08 A P E Potenza nominale Rated Output Power Tensione alimentazione Power Voltage Tipo controllo Control Style Versione Designing Sequence codice sign significato specification codice sign significato specification 02 04 200 W 400 W A 230 VAC EDB – Modello EDB EDB Model Servo Drive codice sign significato specification codice sign significato specification P Controllo di Posizione Position Control E Versione Designing Sequence 10 A M A Potenza nominale Rated Output Power Tensione alimentazione Power Voltage Tipo controllo Control Style Versione Designing Sequence codice sign significato specification 02 04 08 10 15 20 0.2 0.4 0.75 1.0 1.5 2.0 kW kW kW kW kW kW codice sign significato specification codice sign significato specification codice sign significato specification A 230 VAC M Controllo di Velocità, Coppia e Posizione Speed, Torque and Position Control A, B Versione Designing Sequence TABELLA ABBINAMENTI | MODEL COMPARISON TABLE servomotori / servo motors serie potenza series power bassa inerzia small inertia servoazionamento / servo drive monofase trifase single phase three phase 200 W EMJ-02APA■ ■ ■ EDC-02A■ ■ ■ EDB-02A■ ■■ EDB-02A■ ■■ EMJ 400 W EMJ-04APA■ ■ ■ EDC-04A■ ■ ■ EDB-04A■ ■■ EDB-04A■ ■■ 3000 min-1 750 W EMJ-08APA■ ■■ EDB-08A■ ■■ EDB-08A■ ■■ 1000 W EMJ-10APA■ ■■ EDB-10A■ ■■ EDB-10A■ ■■ 1.0 kW EMG-10APA■ ■■ EDB-10A■ ■■ EDB-10A■ ■■ 1.5 kW EMG-15APA■ ■■ EDB-15A■ ■A EDB-15A■ ■A 2.0 kW EMG-20APA■ ■■ EMG media inerzia -1 medium inertia 2000 min 2 | EDB/EDC modello model EDB-20A■ ■A applicazioni / application Macchine SMT Surface Mounting Machine Punzonatrici PCB PCB Puncher Machine Bracci Robot / Robot Arm Manipolatori / Handling Machinery Macchine Alimentari Foodstuff Processing Machinery Macchine Tessili / Textile Machinery Macchine Utensili / Machine Tools Manipolatori / Handling Machinery Macchine Alimentari Foodstuff Processing Machinery Macchine Tessili / Textile Machinery SPECIFICHE TECNICHE SERVOAZIONAMENTI TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION AND MODEL OF SERVO DRIVES modello servoazionamento / servo drive model serie EDB / EDB series serie EDC / EDC series mono e trifase AC230V+10-15%, 50/60Hz single/three phase AC230V+10-15%, 50/60Hz monofase AC230V+10-15%, 50/60Hz single phase AC230V+10-15%, 50/60Hz SVPWM SVPWM encoder incrementale 2500P/R 8 fili 8 cores (wire-saving) incremental type encoder (2500P/R) encodere incrementale 2500P/R 8 fili 8 cores (wire-saving) incremental type encoder (2500P/R) temperatura lavoro / stoccaggio operating / storage temperature 0~55°C / -20~85°C 0~55°C / -20~85°C umidità lavoro / stoccaggio operating / storage humidity inferiore 90% (senza condensa) below 90% RH (non-condensing) inferiore 90% (senza condensa) below 90% RH (non-condensing) resistenza urti o vibrazioni shock / vibration resistance 4.9 m/s2 / 19.6 m/s2 4.9 m/s2 / 19.6 m/s2 a pannello / base mounted a pannello / base mounted 1:5000 1:5000 in funzione a carico load regulation 0~100%: sotto 0.01% (alla vel. nom.) 0~100%: below 0.01% (at rated speed) 0~100%: sotto 0.01% (alla vel. nom.) 0~100%: below 0.01% (at rated speed) in funzione tensione voltage regulation velocità nom. ±10%: 0% (alla vel. nom.) rated speed ±10%:0% (at rated speed) velocità nom. ±10%: 0% (alla vel. nom.) rated speed ±10%:0% (at rated speed) in funzione della temperatura temperature regulation 25±25°C: sotto 0.1% (alla vel. nom.) 25±25°C: below 0.1% (at rated speed) 0~40°C: sotto 0.1% (alla vel. nom.) 0~40°C: below 0.1% (at rated speed) 250 Hz (JL≤JM) 250 Hz (JL≤JM) tensione alimentazione / power supply tipo controllo / control mode retroazione / feedback dati di base basic data condizioni operative working condition struttura / structure range controllo velocità / speed control range regolazione velocità speed regulation risposta in frequenza / frequency characteristics rampe accelerazione / decelerazione deceleration / acceleration time controllo di velocità speed control mode ingresso riferimento velocità speed ref. input ingresso riferimento di coppia torque ref. input controllo di posizione position control mode ingresso in frequenza reference pulse 0~10s _ tensione di riferimento reference voltage ±10V DC – impedenza all’ingresso input resistance 40KΩ – tempo campionamento loop time constant 47µS – tensione di riferimento reference voltage ±10V DC – impedenza all’ingresso input resistance 40KΩ – tempo campionamento loop time constant 47µS – tipo frequenza type Frequenza + segno, A/B, CCW+CW treno di impulsi SIGN+PULSE train, sin. Pulse phase A and phase B, CCW+CW Pulse train Frequenza + segno, A/B, CCW+CW treno di impulsi SIGN+PULSE train, sin. Pulse phase A and phase B, CCW+CW Pulse train tipo segnale pulse buffer line driver +5V. Open collector line driving (+5V level). Open collector line driver +5V. Open collector line driving (+5V level). Open collector frequenza ingresso pulse frequency max 500 Kpps (differenziale) / 200 Kpps (open collector) maxi 500 Kpps (difference) / 200 Kpps (open collector) max 500 Kpps (differenziale) / 200 Kpps (open collector) maxi 500 Kpps (difference) / 200 Kpps (open collector) EDB/EDC | 3 modello servoazionamento / servo drive model ingresso controllo / control signal settaggio offset offset setting compensazione feed/forward feed forward compensation controllo di posizione position control mode definizione errore posizione in position error setting segnali in uscita output signal uscita posizione position output rapporto dividing ratio ingressi digitali sequence control input serie EDB / EDB series serie EDC / EDC series CLR clear 0~300r/min (con risoluzione a 1r/min) 0~300r/min (set resolution as 1r/min) 0~100% (con risoluzione a 1%) 0~100% (set resolution as 1%) 0-500 unità (con risoluzione di 1) 0~500 reference unit (set resolution as 1 reference unit) segnali A, B, C line driver phase A, phase B and phase C: line driving output CLR clear segnali A, B, C line driver phase A, phase B and phase C: pine driving output (1~2500) / 2500 (1~2500) / 2500 servo ON, proportional control or control mode switch, forward run prohibited, reverse run prohibited, alarm reset, FWD torque external limit, REV torque external limit, zero clamp signal servo ON, alarm reset, error counter clear signal, zero clamp signal servo alarm, servo ready, positioning complete (speed coincidence), brake release, limiting torque, motor run detection servo alarm, positioning complete (speed coincidence), brake release, limiting torque RS485 - Modbus RS232 - Modbus CAN DS402 display 7 segmenti e tastiera 4 tasti five 7-segment and 4 pushbuttons (digital operation panel) tastierino operatore opzionale optional handheld operator frenatura dinamica con resistenza integrata dynamic brake with built in regenerative resistance frenatura dinamica dynamic brake – – – segnali I/O I/O signals uscite digitali sequence control output porte COM COM function display e tastiera display and key pad frenatura braking funzioni incluse built-in function protezioni protection altro other 4 | EDB/EDC sovracorrente, sovraccarico, sovra/sotto tensione, sovravelocità, errore encoder, errore parametri etc. overcurrent, overload, overspeed, under voltage, overvoltage, encoder error, parameter error, etc. posizionatore 16 quote zero clamp (with 16 internal position nodes) errore stadio di potenza, sovraccarico, sovravelocità, errore tensione, errore posizione/conteggio, errore encoder, errore parametri etc. IPM power module error, overload, overspeed, voltage error, position error counter overflow, encoder disconnected, parameter damaged, etc. – Dimensioni drive EDB/EDC EDB/EDC mounting dimension of drives DIMENSIONI EDC | MOUNTING DIMENSION OF EDC SERVO DRIVES DIMENSIONI EDB | MOUNTING DIMENSION OF EDB SERVO DRIVES modello / model EDB-08A■ ■ A, EDB-10A■ ■ A, EDB-15A■ ■A EDB-20A■ ■A L 185 207 W 85 123 H 187.5 270.5 S 75 75 e 75 111 f 177.5 258.5 EDB/EDC | 5 d 5 6 Connessioni tipiche EDB/EDC EDB/EDC typical connection example CONNESSIONI TIPICHE EDC | TYPICAL CONNECTION EXAMPLE OF EDC SERVO Non-fuse circuit breaker R T Single Phase 50/60 Hz 200~230VAC +10% -15% Surge protector 1 Ry Noise filter Power OFF Power ON 1 Ry 1 KM 1PL (Servo alarm display) 1 KM 1SUP Motor U 1 MC 1 MC R V T W M PG EDC Servo Drives P N Encoder 2CN PG Regenerative Unit Please handle shielded wires' ends properly. 1CN PULS P PULS /PULS 11 8 150 12 PAO 18 /PAO 9 PBO Position reference SIGN P SIGN /SIGN PL 13 150 19 /PBO 10 PCO 20 /PCO PG Frequency Dividing Output 14 2K 1 Pin output can be defined as follows: 3 COIN: Positioning complete (ON when positioning complete) Servo ON: (When ON,servo function is enable) 24VIN BR: 16 (ON when brake is released) S-ON 15 3.3K CLT: Limiting Torque Output (ON when torque goes over limiting torque) Alarm Reset: ALM-RST (When ON, alarm is reset) 6 2 S-RDY: Servo Ready Output (ON when servo is ready) Clear signal input (When ON, displacement is cleared) Zero Position signal CLR ZPS (When ON, search for zero position) +24V 7 17 P 6 | EDB/EDC ALM 5 /ALM 0V Alarm Output: OFF when alarm is triggered Connector Frame Represents multi-twisted pair shielded wires 4 FG Shield wires are connected to the Connector Frame Photo Coupler Output: Maximum voltage DC30V Maximum current DC50mA CONNESSIONI TIPICHE EDB | TYPICAL CONNECTION EXAMPLE OF EDB SERVO Non-fuse circuit breaker L1 L2 L3 Single/Three Phase 50/60 Hz 200~230VAC +10% -15% Surge protector 1 Ry Noise filter Power OFF 1PL ( Servo alarm display) Power ON 1 KM 1 KM 1 Ry 1SUP 1 MC B1 B2 B3 L1 Motor U L2 M V L3 1★ W 2★ ★ EDB Servo Drives Encoder L1 C L2C PG 2CN Please handle shielded wires' ends properly. 1CN Torque reference (±10V/Rated speed) P V-REF GND T-REF P Speed reference (±10V/Rated speed) GND PULS P PULS /PULS Position reference SIGN P SIGN /SIGN 19 LPF 20 21 34 PAO 35 /PAO 32 PBO 33 /PBO A/D LPF PG Frequency Dividing Output 22 23 2K 30 PCO 25 150 31 /PCO 2K 36 18 SG 28 27 150 24 Pin output can be defined as follows: 8 26 /V-CMP+: Speed coincidence output 7 (/COIN+: ON,when speed coincident) /V-CMP-: Positioning complete +24VIN Servo ON: (When ON,servo function is enable) /S-ON 9 10 (/COIN-: ON, when positioning complete) 2 3.3K P control: (When ON, P control encabled) Forward rotation prohibited: (When ON, forward rotation prohibited) Reverse rotation prohibited: (When ON, reverse rotation prohibited) Alam reset: (When ON, alarm reset) Clear signal input: When ON, displacement clear) Forward external torque limit: (When ON, limit enabled) Reverse external torque limit: /P-CON 11 12 6 N-OT 13 5 /CLT+: Torque limit output (/CLT-: ON, when value exceeds setting) /BR+: Break interlock output (/BR-: ON, when break is released) +24V 14 /CLR 15 /PCL 16 /NCL 17 Connector Frame ALM+ 3 ALM- 0V Photo Coupler Output: Maximum voltage DC30V Maximum current DC50mA FG Shield wires are connected to the Connector Frame Represents multi-twisted pair shielded wires ★ Note: For EDB-08/10/15, there are no terminals: B3, 4 Alarm Output: OFF when alarm is triggered (When ON, limit enabled) P /S-RDY+: Servo ready output (/S-RDY-: ON, when servo is ready) P-OT /ALM-RST /TGON+: TGON output (/TGON-: ON, when value exceeds 1 1, 2, , no need of any connection. EDB/EDC | 7 Servomotori serie EMJ EMJ Model Servo Motor CARATTERISTICHE FEATURES > bassa inerzia > picco di coppia 300% della coppia nominale > disponibile con freno > velocità massima 4500 rpm > equipaggiato con encoder incrementale 2500P/R > IP65 standard > small inertia > peak torque up to 300% of rated torque > available with brake > run at speed of up to 4500r/min > equipped with wire-saving encoder (2500P/R) > standard configuration is IP65 SPECIFICHE GENERALI | GENERAL SPECIFICATION EMJ – 08 Servomotore Modello EMJ EMJ Model Servo Motor Potenza nominale Rated Output Power codice sign 02 04 08 10 A P A 1 1 Tensione Drive Power Voltage Encoder Encoder Versione Designing Sequence Tipo albero Shaft End Opzioni Option Parts significato codice spec. sign 200 400 750 1000 W W W W significato codice spec. sign A 230 VAC P significato codice spec. sign encoder incrementale 2500P/R incremental wire-saving type: 2500P/R A significato codice spec. sign versione designing sequence significato codice spec. sign 1 liscio, senza chiavetta flat, without keys (standard) 2 con chiavetta e vite in testa flat, with keys, with screw thread 1 nessuno none 2 con paraolio with oil seal 3 con freno (DC24V) with brake (DC24V) 4 con paraolio e freno (DC24V) with oil seal, with brake (DC24V) DIAGRAMMI COPPIA-VELOCITA’ | TORQUE-SPEED FEATURE A B A: continuous working area 8 | EDB/EDC A B: repeatedly working area B A B A significato spec. B tensione alimentazione drive / voltage modello servomotore servo motor model EMJpotenza nominale rated output power W coppia nominale rated torque N.m coppia picco instantaneous peak torque N.m corrente nominale rated current Arms corrente di picco instantaneous max current Arms velocità nominale rated speed r/min velocità massima max. speed r/min inerzia rotor moment of inertia X10-4kg·m2 tensione alim. freno brake rated voltage potenza alim. freno brake rated power W coppia stazionamento freno brake holding torque N.m encoder encoder standard classe isolamento insulation class temperatura operativa ambient temperature umidità operativa ambient humidity vibrazioni vibration 0.19 (0.23) 08APA■ ■■ 750 2.39 7.16 4.0 12.0 10APA■ ■■ 1000 3.18 9.55 5.3 15.9 1.35 (1.47) 1.74 (1.87) 7.2 11.5 1.3 3.2 encoder incrementale: 2500P/R / incremental encoder: 2500P/R F da 0 a +40°C (senza umidità) / 0 to +40°C (no freezing) da 20 a 80% (senza condensa) / 20 to 80% RH (non-condensing) 49 m/s2 IP65, totalmente chiuso (esclusi cavi e connettori) totally enclosed, self-cooled, IP65 (except for shaft opening and connectors) enclosure protezione 230VAC 04APA■ ■■ 400 1.27 3.82 2.7 8.1 3000 4500 0.31 (0.35) DC24V±10% 02APA■ ■■ 200 0.64 1.91 1.3 3.9 Nota - I valori in parentesi si riferiscono alla versione con freno. Notes - The values in parentheses are for servo motors with holding brakes. DIMENSIONI | DIMENSION modello EMJ model EMJ 02APA■ ■■ 04APA■ ■■ 08APA■ ■■ 10APA■ ■■ L 153(193) 183(223) 191(234) 211(254) lato flangia / flange side LL 123(163) 153(193) 156(199) 176(219) LR 30 30 35 35 LE 3 3 3 3 LF 6 6 9 9 LC 60 60 80 80 LA 70 70 90 90 S LB 50 50 70 70 LZ 5.5 5.5 6 6 14 14 19 19 tapxdepth M5x10L M5x10L M6x15L M6x15L QK 16 16 22 22 QL 4 4 4 4 key W 5 5 6 6 T 5 5 6 6 U 3 3 3.5 3.5 Nota - Le dimensioni in parentesi si riferiscono alla versione con freno. Notes - The dimension in parentheses are for servo motors with holding brakes. EDB/EDC | 9 Servomotori Serie EMG EMG Model Servo Motor CARATTERISTICHE FEATURES > media inerzia > picco di coppia 300% della coppia nominale > velocità massima 3500 rpm > equipaggiato con encoder incrementale 2500P/R > IP65 standard > medium inertia > peak torque up to 300% of rated torque > run at speed of up to 3500r/min > equipped with wire-saving encoder (2500P/R) > standard configuration is IP65 SPECIFICHE GENERALI | GENERAL SPECIFICATION EMG – 10 Servomotore Modello EMG EMG Model Servo Motor Potenza nominale Rated Output Power codice sign 10 15 20 A P A 1 1 Tensione Drive Power Voltage Encoder Encoder Versione Designing Sequence Tipo albero Shaft End Opzioni Option Parts significato codice spec. sign 1.0 kW 1.5 kW 2.0 kW significato codice spec. sign A 230 VAC P significato codice spec. sign encoder incrementale 2500P/R incremental wire-saving type: 2500P/R significato codice spec. sign A versione designing sequence DIAGRAMMI COPPIA-VELOCITA’ | TORQUE-SPEED FEATURE A A: continuous working area 10 | EDB/EDC A B B: repeatedly working area B A B 1 significato codice spec. sign liscio senza chiavetta flat, without keys (standard) 2 con chiavetta e vite in testa flat, with keys, with screw thread 1 2 3 4 significato spec. nessuno none con paraolio with oil seal con freno (DC24V) with brake (DC24V) con paraolio e freno (DC24V) with oil seal, with brake (DC24V) tensione alimentazione drive / voltage modello servomotore servo motor model EMGpotenza nominale rated output power kW coppia nominale rated torque N.m coppia picco instantaneous peak torque N.m corrente nominale rated current Arms corrente di picco instantaneous max current Arms velocità nominale rated speed r/min velocità massima max. speed r/min inerzia rotor moment of inertia X10-4kg·m2 tensione alim. freno brake rated voltage potenza alim. freno brake rated power W coppia stazionamento freno brake holding torque N.m encoder encoder standard classe isolamento insulation class temperatura operativa ambient temperature umidità operativa ambient humidity vibrazioni vibration protezione 230VAC 15APA■ ■■ 20APA■ ■■ 1.5 2.0 7.16 9.55 21.5 28.7 9.0 12.0 27.0 36.0 2000 3000 10.0 (10.6) 14.5 (15.1) 19.0 (19.6) DC24V±10% 19 10 encoder incrementale: 2500 P/R / incremental encoder: 2500P/R F da 0 a +40°C (senza umidità) / 0 to +40°C (no freezing) da 20 a 80% (senza condensa) / 20 to 80% RH (non-condensing) 24.5 m/s2 IP65, totalmente chiuso (esclusi cavi e connettori) totally enclosed, self-cooled, IP65 (except for shaft opening and connectors) 10APA■ ■■ 1.0 4.78 14.3 6.0 18.0 enclosure Nota - I valori in parentesi si riferiscono alla versione con freno. Notes - The values in parentheses are for servo motors with holding brakes. DIMENSIONI | DIMENSION modello EMG L LL KB1 KB2 KL1 model EMG 10APA■ ■ ■ 215(269.5) 160(214.5) 84 135(189.5) 118 15APA■ ■ ■ 240(294.5) 185(239.5) 109 160(214.5) 118 20APA■ ■ ■ 265(319.5) 210(264.5) 134 185(239.5) 118 lato flangia / flange side KL2 79 79 79 LR 55 55 55 LE 4 4 4 LF LC LA LB 12 130 145 110 12 130 145 110 12 130 145 110 S LZ 9 9 9 22 22 22 tapxdepth M6x20L M6x20L M6x20L QK 40 40 40 QL 5 5 5 key W 8 8 8 T 7 7 7 U 4 4 4 Nota - Le dimensioni in parentesi si riferiscono alla versione con freno. Notes - The dimension in parentheses are for servo motors with holding brakes. EDB/EDC | 11 MAGNETIC PRODUCT RANGE TORQUE MOTORS ASYNCHRONOUS VECTORIAL SERVOMOTORS BRUSHLESS SERVOMOTORS D.C. MOTORS MAGNETIC S.p.A. via del Lavoro, 7 I-36054 Montebello Vicentino (VI) tel. +39 0444 649399 fax +39 0444 440495 [email protected] I00260/0 - 09/2010