ISTITUTO D’ISTRUZIONE SUPERIORE STATALE "ENRICO DE NICOLA" 35028 PIOVE DI SACCO – Via G. Parini, 10/c – Tel. 049/5841692 – 049/9703995 – Fax 049/5841969 E-Mail:[email protected] - Codice Fiscale 80024700280 PROGRAMMA DI INGLESE a.s. 2013-2014 PROF.SSA : Pinazza Rosanna CLASSE: 1 ASS LIBRI DI TESTO: English for Life – Elementary, di T. Hutchinson, ed. O.U.P. PRIMO QUADRIMESTRE MODULO 1 UNIT 1: Introductions and spelling What do you do? The alphabet Possession: aggettivi possessivi UNIT 2: Classroom language Articoli Plurals: regular and irregular Aggettivi e pronomi dimostrativi UNIT 3: Using numbers and asking about locations Numbers 1-100 Ordinal numbers 1-100 UNIT 4: Saying hello and goodbye Saxon genitive UNIT 5: Counties and Nationalities UNIT 6: Presente del verbo to be: forma affermativa, negativa e interrogativa UNIT 7: Giving personal information Filling in an application form Wh-questions col verbo essere Titles UNIT 8: Talking about days and times Come dire l'ora Days of the week Prepositions of time MODULO 2 UNIT 9: Everyday life: vocabulary Adverbs of frequency UNIT 10: Present Simple: forma affermativa e negativa UNIT 11: Jobs, People's everyday life, and, but, because UNIT 12: Everyday expressions: responding UNIT 13: Free-time activities, Freetime places, verb play UNIT 14: Present Simple: forma interrogativa + Short answers Wh-questions UNIT 15: Talking about likes and dislikes, like + -ing UNIT 16: Ordering food and drink Would you like …? SECONDO QUADRIMESTRE MODULO 3 UNIT 17: Family members UNIT 18: Have/has got: forma affermativa, negativa e interrogativa + Short answers Some/ any UNIT 19: Describing your family Object pronouns UNIT 20: Everyday expressions: Suggestions UNIT 21: Places in a town UNIT 22: There is/there are UNIT 23: Describing your town Street signs UNIT 24: Asking the way, Asking and giving directions MODULO 4 UNIT 25: Furniture and parts of a house, Preposizioni di luogo UNIT 26: Present continuous: forma affermativa, negativa e interrogativa + Short answers UNIT 27: Describing a room UNIT 28: Offering help UNIT 34: Present Simple vs Present continuous Stative and dynamic verbs Schede di approfondimento MODULO 5 UNIT 29: Months of the year and dates UNIT 30: Can/can’t UNIT 37: Places to go and events UNIT 38: Simple past del verbo to be: forma affermativa, negativa e interrogativa + Short answers There was/there were UNIT 42: Simple past verbi regolari e irregolari: forma affermativa, negativa e interrogativa + Short answers Wh-questions con Simple Past UNIT 43: Reading: Schooldays Schede Simple Past e paradigmi p. 121 Per le vacanze: Bruna Scornito, Franca Torchia, SUMMER BOOSTER, ripasso e recupero della lingua inglese, ed. Pearson Longman cod 978 88 8339 0593 Piove di Sacco, 07.06.2014 L'insegnante Rosanna Pinazza I rappresentanti di classe: ______________________________ ______________________________