Present perfect with ever/never

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Present perfect with ever/never
*1 Completa le frasi con la forma corretta del
Present perfect dei verbi tra parentesi.
0 I’m sorry Miss Jones, I’ve forgotten (forget) my
1 Oh no! He _________ (break) your vase!
2 _______ you ________ (see) Marion today? – Yes, I
_______ .
3 She _____________ (not do) her homework, she’s
going to do it later.
4 I’m sorry, but you ____________ (not pass) this
5 _______ you ________ (study) much for this test? –
No, I ________ .
6 We _________ (visit) the United States three times.
7 I ____________ (buy) a new dress for Jim’s party.
8 They ___________ (do) any sports this week.
*2 Scrivi delle frasi con il Present perfect usando i
0 her children / read every Harry Potter book / twice
Her children have read every Harry Potter book
1 she / never / ride a horse
2 he / break his leg / 3 times
3 I / eat snails / twice
4 they / never / see a UFO
5 we / never / have an argument
6 it / rain / all day today
7 I / read / 3 books this month
8 my grandparents / never / use a computer
*3 Scrivi domande e risposte usando i suggerimenti
*4 Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta.
1 Have you ever been / gone to Australia?
2 Where’s Al? – He’s been / gone shopping.
3 My sister’s been / gone to Paris. She’s coming back
next month.
4 You look tired! – Yes, I’ve been / gone to
the gym.
5 We’ve never been / gone to see the Opera.
6 Is your dad here? – No, he isn’t. He’s been / gone out.
7 Jack isn’t here. He fell down the stairs this morning,
so he’s been / gone to the hospital.
8 Mum’s been / gone to visit Gran. She’ll be back soon.
*5 Osserva i disegni e scrivi delle frasi per
descrivere che cosa è accaduto usando un verbo
dal riquadro A al Present perfect e una parola
dal riquadro B.
pool • clean • finish
have • break • rob • win
an accident • a bank • the house • his leg
• the lottery • school
0 He’s broken his leg.
3 She _________________
e includendo la parola ever.
0 you / meet a famous person? (✗)
Have you ever met a famous person?
– No, I haven’t.
1 she / stay in a 5-star hotel? (✓ )
2 he / run a marathon? (✓ )
3 they / travel by helicopter? (✗)
4 you / spend a night in hospital? (✗)
5 that dog / bite anyone? (✗)
6 she / win a prize? (✓ )
7 you / speak in public? (✗)
8 your computer / have a virus? (✓ )
1 He ________________ 4 She _________________
2 They ______________ 5 They ________________