TO MAGNIFICO RETTORE OF UNIVERSITA’ DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO Lorenzo D’Angelo CURRICULUM VITAE PERSONAL INFORMATION Surname D’Angelo Name Lorenzo Date of birth [01, August, 1975] PRESENT OCCUPATION Appointment Structure Docente a contratto Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca (Adjunct professor) EDUCATION AND TRAINING Degree Course of studies University year of achievement of the degree Degree Philosophy (Laurea Università degli quadriennale) Studi di Milano 2002 PhD Human Sciences – Università degli Anthropology of Studi di Milanothe Contemporary Bicocca 2011 Master Anthropology and Università degli Ethnology (Laurea Studi di MilanoSpecialistica) – 2 Bicocca years 2004 VIA FESTA DEL PERDONO, 7 – C.A.P. 20122 – C.F. 80012650158 – TEL. 02 503 111 – fax 02 50312627 1 FOREIGN LANGUAGES Languages level of knowledge English Advanced Krio (Sierra Leone) Intermediate French Fair AWARDS, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS, SCHOLARSHIPS Year Description of award 2015/2016 Fellowship – University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy. 2015 Post-doc fellowship – Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in America, Columbia University, New York, USA. 2013/2014 Post-doc Fellowship - IGK Work and Human Lifecycle in Global History (re:work), Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany 2006-2009 PhD Fellowship - University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy TRAINING OR RESEARCH ACTIVITY description of activity 2014- present - Adjunct Professor (docente a contratto), Cultural Anthropology Department of Human Sciences, University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy 2014 – present - Adjunct Professor (docente a contratto), Global Labor Studies Department of Human Sciences, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy 2012-2015 - Adjunct Professor (docente a contratto), Anthropology of Organizations Department of Psychology, Catholic University of Milan, Italy 2011 - Tutor and Teaching Assistant, Theory of Anthropology Department of Human Sciences, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy 2010 - Tutor and Teaching Assistant, Cultural Anthropology Department of Human Sciences, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy 2006 - Tutor and Teaching Assistant, Anthropology of Fashion Department of Industrial Design, Polytechnic of Milano-Bovisa, Italy PROJECT ACTIVITY Year Project 2015 Progetto SEGUICI – Smart tecnologie per la gestione delle risorse idriche ad uso irriguo e civile (Università di Milano-Bicocca) 2006 Milano come rifugio. Un progetto di ricerca qualitatica sulla realtà quotidiana e le relazioni di assistenza dei richiedenti asilo (CREAM, Università di Milano-Bicocca) VIA FESTA DEL PERDONO, 7 – C.A.P. 20122 – C.F. 80012650158 – TEL. 02 503 111 – fax 02 50312627 2 CONGRESSES AND SEMINARS Date Title 10/11/2016 The sieve, mining tool Place a neglected artisanal Workshop: Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining in Africa: Socio-Economic Change and new Research Perspectives, The Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala, Sweden 08/09/2016 Environmental Conflicts and Cultural Dynamics around Rare Earth Minerals Extraction. Perspectives from the Global South RAMSES. Advanced School on Critical Raw Materials Substitution for Energetics and Photonics, University of Milan-Bicocca, Milan, Italy 22/07/2016 Mining temporalities: Ideas, EASA 2016: Anthropological legacies and experiences and politics of time in human futures, Milan, Italy extractive industries (panel organizer) 30/06/2015 God’s Gifts. Temporalities of Luck and Workshop: Cosmologies of Destiny. A Destiny in Sierra Leone’s Mines one-day workshop on the ethnography of freedom, temporality and predestination 28/04/2015 Diving and divining. Labour, ritual and Workshop: Mining Encounters. Extractive plural temporality in Sierra Leone’s Industries in an Overheated World, diamond mines University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway 24/01/2015 From traces to threads. Unravelling Workshop: Translocal and micro-history the subaltern work in Sierra Leone’s of global labour, 23rd- 24th January 2015, diamond mines University of Warwick, Warwick, United Kingdom 14/01/2014 Worlds Upside Down. Religion and Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO), Berlin, Imaginaries in Diamond Mining Germany (invited lecture) 12/12/2013 Chi sono I minatori? Seguire le tracce SISLAV 2013, 12th-15th December 2013, del lavoro subordinato nelle miniere University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy della Sierra Leone 04/12/2013 Are Diamond Workers Like Gamblers? Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin, Institut The Notion of Luck and Work in Sierra fur Asien-und Afrikawissenshaften, Leone (invited lecture) Berlin, Germany 06/08/2013 Imaginaries of capitalism in Sierra IUAES 2013, 5th -10th August 2013, Leone. Linking distant human beings University of Manchester, Manchester, through the invisible United Kingdom 29/06/2013 Diamond mining is a chain. ECAS 2013, 27th -29th June 2013, Lisbon, Contingency and work ethic in Sierra Portugal Leone’s artisanal mining 11/04/2013 L’arte dello spossessamento. Estrazione mineraria e genealogia coloniale del ‘furto’ della terra in Sierra Leone Workshop: Culture e “valori” della terra: vecchie e nuove contese ed appropriazioni, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy, 20/11/2012 The art of governing the ungovernable Workshop: Colonial practices of law, police, and punishment, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark, VIA FESTA DEL PERDONO, 7 – C.A.P. 20122 – C.F. 80012650158 – TEL. 02 503 111 – fax 02 50312627 3 18/09/2012 The Ethics of Contingency and Work in African Studies Conference, Pavia, Italy Sierra Leone 13/07/2012 Mining and social memories in Sierra EASA Biennial Conference, “Uncertainty Leone and disquiet”, Paris, France 08/06/2012 Diamond and development. A critical Etnografia e Ricerca Qualitativa, ethnography of the stereotypes on University of Bergamo, Bergamo, Italy miners 18/06/2011 Negotiating artisanal miners’ ECAS, 15th -18th June 2011, Uppsala, payments and distributing risks and Sweden earnings in the diamond mines (Sierra Leone) 28/03/2011 Governare la Popolazione nelle Miniere della Sierra Leone (19301991)” [Governing the population in the Sierra Leone’s mines (1930-1991) (invited lecture) Oltre l’inferno. Ricerca, lavoro e cooperazione in Sierra Leone, Università degli Studi di Urbino “Carlo Bo”, Urbino, Italy 25/08/2010 Betting on luck, or how to cope with Chance in time of crisis – 11th EASA uncertainty in the artisanal diamond Biennial Conference, “Crisis and mining Imagination” - Maynooth, Ireland 22/10/2009 L’economia occulta dei soldi facili tra Il Colore dei soldi. Culture – scambi – i minatori di diamante della Sierra mercati, XII Congresso Nazionale AISEA, Leone Università Roma Tre, Roma, Italy PUBLICATIONS Books Antropologia, risorse e conflitti ambientali [Anthropology, Resources, and Environmental Conflicts], Milano, Mimesis, pp.197 – co-edited volume Book chapters Forthcoming “From Traces to Carpets. Unravelling Labour Practices in the Mines of Sierra Leone”, in Christian G. De Vito and Anne Gerritsen (eds.), Micro-Spatial Histories of Global Labour, Palgrave. Forthcoming “Diamonds in Time. Articulating Temporalities in Sierra Leone’s Mines”, in Eriksen, T., R. Pijpers (eds.) Mining Encounters, Plutopress. 2014 “L’Arte dello Spossessamento. Un’Archeologia Cloniale del ‘Furto’ della Terra in Sierra Leone” [The Art of Dispossession. A Colonial Archeology of Land ‘Grabbing’ in Sierrra Leone] in Ciabarri, L., C. Fiamingo, M. Van Aken (eds.) I conflitti sulla terra. Tra accaparramento, consumo e accesso indisciplinato, Pavia, Edizioni Altravista, pp. 177-190. 2012 “Capitalismo e Risorse Minerarie in una Prospettiva ‘Sferica’” [Capitalism and Mineral Resources from a ‘Spheric’ Perspective] in Rossi, A., D’Angelo, L. (eds.), Antropologia, Risorse e Conflitti Ambientali, Milano, Mimesis, pp. 33-48. VIA FESTA DEL PERDONO, 7 – C.A.P. 20122 – C.F. 80012650158 – TEL. 02 503 111 – fax 02 50312627 4 2011 “Il Duro Lavoro ed i Soldi Veloci. L’Economia Occulta dell’Estrazione Mineraria in Sierra Leone” [Hard Work and Fast Money. The Occult Economy of Mineral Extraction in Sierra Leone] in Voltolin, A. (2011), L’ideologia del denaro. Tra psicoanalisi, letteratura, antropologia, Milano, Bruno Mondadori, pp. 97-129. 2008 “Abitare a Milano” [Living in Milan] in Van Aken, M. (2008), Rifugio Milano. Vie di Fuga e Vita Quotidiana dei Richiedenti Asilo, Roma, Carta, pp. 102-128. Articles in reviews forthcoming “Anthropology as Storytelling. Fetishism and Terror in Michael Taussig’s Early Works”, Polis. Journal of Political Science. 2016 “The Art of Governing Contingency. Rethinking the Colonial History of Diamond Mining in Sierra Leone”, Historical Research, 89 (243), pp. 136-157. 2016 “Patologie del potere e metafore dell’epidemia di Ebola in Africa occidentale” [Pathologies of power and metaphors of the Ebola outbreak in West Africa], Costruzioni Psicoanalitiche, 1, pp. 73-84. 2015 “Diamond Mining is a Chain. Luck, Blessing, and Gambling in Sierra Leone’s Artisanal Mines”, Critical African Studies, 7 (3), pp. 243-261. 2014 “Who Owns the Diamonds? The Occult Eco-nomy of Diamond Mining in Sierra Leone”, Africa. Journal of the International African Institute, 84 (2), pp. 269-293. 2014 “Changing Environments, Occult Protests and Social Memories in Sierra Leone”, Social Evolution & History, 13 (2), pp. 22-56. 2014 L’economia occulta dei “soldi facili” tra i minatori di diamante della Sierra Leone”, EtnoAntropologia, 2 (1), pp.57-64. 2013 “Governare il territorio e la popolazione in Sierra Leone (1930-1956)” [Governing the territory and population in Sierra Leone (1930-1956)], Afriche e Orienti, 3-4, pp. 153-168. 2013 “Diamanti e sviluppo. Un’analisi critica degli stereotipi sui minatori della Sierra Leone” [Diamonds and Development. A critical analysis of the stereotypes on Sierra Leone’s miners], Anuac, 1 (2), pp. 87-104. 2013 (co-authored), “Corpi che protestano. Uno sguardo antropologico tra ‘isteria’ e possessione”, Costruzioni Psicoanalitiche, 26, pp. 131-144. 2012 “Feticismo, violenza e Stato. Passaggi benjaminiani nell’antropologia di Michael Taussig”, Costruzioni Psicoanalitiche, 23, pp. 121-135. 2008 “Negare l’ovvietà. Identità, violenza e antropologico”, Costruzioni Psicoanalitiche, 15, pp. 87-97. razzismo attraverso il discorso 2007 “Corpo, legge, verità. Le verità della tortura e le torture delle verità”, I quaderni del CREAM, VI, pp. 95-120. VIA FESTA DEL PERDONO, 7 – C.A.P. 20122 – C.F. 80012650158 – TEL. 02 503 111 – fax 02 50312627 5 Congress proceedings 2015 “Searching for Diamonds. Time and Contingency in Sierra Leone’s Mines”, Working Paper, Paper presented at the Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in America, 3rd March 2015, New York, USA. 2014 “The Enigma of the Hippogriff. Following the Traces of the Subaltern Work in (and from) the Sierra Leone’s Mines”, paper published in proceedings: IGK Work and Human Lifecycle in Global History, Fifth Annual Conference, 8-9 July 2014, Berlin, Germany, pp. 52-67. OTHER INFORMATION MEMBERSHIPS Anthropology of Mining - EASA Network, founder member / co-convenor, 2014-present. European Labour History Network (ELHN) – Working group on “Free and Unfree Labour”, member, 2013-present. Società Italiana di Storia del Lavoro (SISLav), founder member, 2012-present. European Association of Social Antropologists (EASA), member, 2009-present. Società di Psicoanalisi Critica (SPC), Milano, Italy, founder member, 2008-present. International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES), member, 2013-2015. TRANSLATIONS (From English to Italian) Bestor, T. C. 2001. “Supply-side sushi: Commodity, market and the global city”, American Anthropologist, 103 (1), pp. 76-95; [it. tr. “Offrire sushi. Merci, mercato e città globale”, in Ciabarri, L. (ed.), 2014. Cultura Materiale. Oggetti, immaginari, desideri in viaggio tra mondi, Milano, Cortina, pp. 183-220.] Graeber, D. 1989. “Beads and money. Notes toward a theory of wealth and power”, Man, 24 (1), pp. 41-56; [it. tr. “Soldi e perline. Note per una teoria della ricchezza e del potere”, in Ciabarri, L. (ed.), 2014. Cultura Materiale. Oggetti, immaginari, desideri in viaggio tra mondi, Milano, Cortina, pp. 103-135]. Weiss, B. 1997. “Forgetting your dead”, Anthropological Quarterly, 70 (4), pp. 164-172; [it. tr. “Dimenticare i propri morti. Oggetti alienabili ed inalienabili nel Nord Ovest della Tanzania”, in Ciabarri, L. (ed.), 2014. Cultura Materiale. Oggetti, immaginari, desideri in viaggio tra mondi, Milano, Cortina, pp. 137-156]. Wolfenstein, E. V. 1993. “Mr. Moneybags Meets the Rat Man: Marx and Freud On the Meaning of Money”, Political Psychology, 14 (2), pp. 279-308 [it. tr. “Il capitalista e l’uomo dei topi. Marx, Freud e il significato del denaro”, Costruzioni Psicoanalitiche, 21, 2011, pp. 7-44]. VIA FESTA DEL PERDONO, 7 – C.A.P. 20122 – C.F. 80012650158 – TEL. 02 503 111 – fax 02 50312627 6