Comprendere i meccanismi che sono alla base delle malattie genetiche umane e sviluppare strategie preventive e terapeutiche MURAL RESEARCH: FOCUS RITICAL MASS lethon’s role: IP owner developer AMURAL RESEARCH: FLEXIBILITY PPORTUNITIES lethon’s role: no IP er and catalyst Three Telethon institutes financed by Telethon and competitive gra Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine, founded in 1994 and base Naples addresses different disease-related issues from basic to translat studies Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy, founded in 1995 with a collaborat venture with San Raffaele Hospital and based in Milan Dulbecco Telethon Institute, founded in 1999: a virtual institute, with scientists hosted in public and non-profit institutions able to provide a appropriate research environment (21 scientists hosted in 11 Institutes Projects selected through competitive calls for grants 350 laboratories in Italy currently supported through Telethon grants A variety of calls from exploratory projects to multicentre translational projects Yearly call for proposals attracting hundreds of applicants 58 projects financed in 2013 for a total amount of ~13 million euro Additional calls for clinical research in the neuromuscular field and for exploratory proje Throrough review process by an indipendent scientific committee and several external reviewers ensuring that grants are awarded to the best projects ettore scientifico: Andrea Ballabio ndato nel 1994 dalla Fondazione Telethon eve finanziamenti quinquennali da Telethon, su rigorose valuta iodiche gruppi di ricerca indipendenti 0 persone tra ricercatori, personale tecnico e amministrativo gramma di formazione altamente competitivo vizi interni di supporto alla ricerca cio scientifico ologia dei sistemi e bioinformatica Biologia cellulare Terapia molecol alisi di trascrittomica e genomica Studio dei meccanismi di base delle malattie utilizzando modelli cellulari e animali Studi preclinici modelli animali malattia utilizzan vettori virali Sviluppo di modelli cellulari per saggi cellulari di high content screening Sviluppo e ottimazione di nu vettori virali Sviluppo di modelli tematici di processi biologici entificazione di reti geniche etodi per studiare il posizionamento di Studio del traffico di membrana, trasporto di proteine Studio ed utilizzo piccole moleco come terapia pe malattie genetic Principali malattie studiate Traffico di membrana (fibrosi cistica, displasia spondilo-epifisa sindromi di Lowe, di Wilson e di Fanconi) Malattie da accumulo lisosomiale (MPSI, MPSII, MPSIIIA, MPS MPSVII, MSD, malattie di Pompe e di Fabri) Degenerazioni retiniche (retinite pigmentosa e altre distrofie retiniche) Metabolismo epatico (iperossaluria primaria di tipo I, sindrome Crigler-Najjar, deficit di alpha1-anti-tripsina) Malattie neurodegenerative (Parkinson, Huntington) Distrofie muscolari Produzione di vettori virali Bioinformatica Microscopia avanzata High-content screening Sequenziamento di nuova generazione Studio del comportamento animale Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche Traslazionali Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica e Tecnologie dell’informazione Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Baylor College of icine Texas Children Seconda Università di Na Dipartimento di Biochimica, Biofis e Patologia generale. rsi di dottorato Open University - Genetica Umana Scuola Europea di Medicina Molecolare (SEMM) - Genet Umana (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II Università di Milano) Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II - Biolo Computazionale e Bioinformatica Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli - Genetica Medica rsisti post-dottorato Scouting di nuovi finanziamenti Supporto nella scrittura di progetti per accedere a fondi interni ed este Gestione scientifica di progetti internazionali Coordinamento di programmi di Dottorato di Ricerca e Post-dottorato Supporto nella scrittura e revisione di manoscritti scientifici Gestione di collaborazioni con industrie Organizzazione di convegni, disseminazione delle attività del TIGEM web Graciana Diez-Roux, PhD - Chief Scientific Officer, PhD Programmes Dean Bianca Fontanella, PhD – External Grants and Regulatory Affairs Paola Cormio, PhD – Dissemination activities Regulatory Affairs from bench to bedside” Assistere e guidare i ricercatori nei processi regolatori richiesti per ortare i prodotti medicinali “dal bancone di laboratorio al letto de aziente”. Preparazione delle documentazioni richieste per ottenere udienze con i membri delle commissioni delle Autorità Regolatorie (ISS, EMA, FDA) allo scopo di ottenere consigli per la preparazione dei dossier. Preparazione dei documenti per le Autorità Regolatorie: IMPD (qualità del prodotto, dati riguardanti la sicurezza e l’efficacia del prodotto ottenuti in seguito a sperimentazione non-clinica, protocollo clinico al quale verranno sottoposti i pazienti). Preparazione delle richieste di autorizzazione dei siti clinici (siti dove avverrà la sperimentazione clinica) all’utilizzo dei prodotti medicinali. > 250 articoli pubblicati dal 2007 (50 articoli/anno): in più del 50%, i group lead del Tigem risultano come corresponding o ultimo autore Impact Factor > 1758 dal 2007 Numerosi articoli pubblicati in riviste di altissimo livello come, ad esempio, Nature, Science, Nature Neuroscience, New England Journal of Medicine, Cel PNAS, Genome Research, etc. 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 mid-2014 Number of publications Total impact factor INVENTORS TITLE Alberto Auricchio, Enrico Maria Surace, Markus Hildinger Use of compounds that interfere with the hedgehog signaling pathway for the manufacture of a medicament for preventing, inhibiting, and/ or reversing ocular diseases related with ocular neovascularization 3/12/2004 US Molecules able to modulate the expression of at least a gene involved in degradative pathways and uses thereof 13/02/2009 EP 10/06/2009 US provisional Andrea Ballabio, Marco Sardiello PRIORITY ACTIVE APPLICATIONS US granted EP, CA, US, JP, AU granted, NZ granted, DIV NZ Alessandro Fraldi, Andrea Ballabio Modification of a sulfamidase enzyme to treat CNS pathology in Mucopolysaccharidosis type III 22/12/10 PCT EP, CA, US, JP, AU Andrea Ballabio, Carmine Settembre, Diego Luis Medina Sanabria TFEB phosphorylation inhibitors and uses thereof 07/03/2011 US provisional EP, CA, US, JP, AU, CN, BR, NZ, KR Andrea Ballabio, Carmine Settembre, Diego Luis Medina Sanabria TFEB mutants and uses thereof 23/12/2011 US provisional 08/02/2012 US provisional EP, CA, US, JP, AU, CN, BR, NZ, KR Andrea Ballabio, Carmine Settembre Therapeutic approach for treating obesity 15/06/2012 US provisional PCT OWNERSHIP LICENSE TIGEM.11.006 Andrea Ballabio, Carmine Settembre, Diego Luis Medina Sanabria TFEB mutants and uses thereof 23/12/2011 US provisional 08/02/2012 US provisional TIGEM.11.010 Andrea Ballabio, Carmine Settembre Therapeutic approach for treating obesity 15/06/2012 US provisional PCT TIGEM.11.011 Parenti, Moracci, Andria, ETC Allosteric chaperones for use in the treatment of Pompe disease 06/06/2012 US provisional PCT TIGEM.12.002 Ballabio-Brunetti Pierri-Pastore TFEB gene therapy for AATD 19/04/2012 EP PCT FT TIGEM.12.003 Auricchio, Colella, Trapani NOT PUBLISHED, PAPER Effective delivery of large genes by dual vectors 18/04/2013 US provisional Priority US FT TIGEM.12.004 Banfi, Surace, Conte, Karali NOT PUBLISHED, NO PAPER miRNA and uses thereof 11/03/2013 EP Priority EP FT TIGEM.12.005 De Matteis, D'Angelo NOT PUBLISHED, NO PAPER Inhibitors of FAPP2 and uses thereof 03/07/2012 US provisional US provisional Priority US FT TIGEM.12.011 Andrea Ballabio, Giancarlo Parenti NOT PUBLISHED, PAPER Gene therapy for Pompe disease 17/10/2012 US provisional PCT FT TIGEM.13.008 Enrico Surace, Salvatore Botta; Elena Marrocco NOT PUBLISHED, NO PAPER Artificial transcription factors and uses thereof 20/11/2013 EP Priority EP FT FT FT FT FT FT FT (50%), CNR (30%), UniNa (20%) YES FT FT EP, CA, US, JP, AU, CN, BR, NZ, KR YES YES FT - 12 brevetti depositati Annual average per funding period Annual amounts TIGEM/NRI NRI University funds UniNA FED II - SU Industrial FT - Collaborazio collaborations industriali External Grants FT - Fondi est /00 8 9 /03 0 0 /06 3 0 /11 6 0 /12 1 1 1 et g ud b 3 2/1 Telethon FT - Fondi Tel % of self financing 20% 44% 59% 63% 70% 86% NRI: funds dedicated to the TIGEM lab hosted at the Neurological Research Institute (NRI) at Baylor College of Medicine da cui sono stati ricevuti finanziamenti National Health Institute (NIH) March of Dimes Beyond Batten Disease Foundation PKD Foundation Muscular Dystrophy Association Mucopolysaccharidosis Society Foundation Fighting Blindness Children Living with Inherited Metabolic Diseases Team San Fillipo The Sanfilippo Children's Research Foundation Cystinosis Research Foundation United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation Oxalosis and Hyperoxaluria Foundation European Commission European Research Council EMBO Foundation Jerome Lejeune The Wellcome Trust MPS España AIRC Ministero della Salute Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell'Università e della ropean Research Council (ERC) - Starting investigator grant (2010) - P. Cosma (CRG Barcelona) Advanced investigator grant (2010) - A. Ballabio Consolidator investigator grant (2011) - A. Auricchio Consolidator investigator grant (2011) - M. Sandri Consolidator investigator grant (2012) - N. Brunetti Consolidator investigator grant (2012) - E. Surace Advanced investigator grant (2015) - A. De Matteis ogetti EU collaborativi 2006 partecipazione a 18 progetti europei oordinamento di 7 progetti: AAVEYE, EUCILIA, COBIOS, CARDIOGENET, EuREXPRESS, EuCLYD e MeuSIX (progetto per finanziare il trial clinico fase I/II 16/05/02 V PQ - 3° bando '01 GASPARINI PAOLO participant 01/01/04 VI° PQ MARIE CURIE ACTION 01/01/04 VI° PQ BALLABIO ANDREA participant RUGARLI ELENA participant 01/03/04 01/05/04 01/01/05 01/01/05 01/01/05 01/03/05 01/04/05 01/04/05 01/07/05 01/04/06 01/12/06 01/02/07 01/02/07 06/06/07 01/02/08 01/05/08 01/10/08 01/11/08 01/02/09 01/03/09 01/03/10 01/06/10 VI° PQ VI° PQ Network of Excellence VI° PQ Integrated Project VI° PQ Integrated Project PROGRAMMA NEST SYNTHETIC 6PQ VII PQ Collaborative Project ZOLLO MASSIMO participant BALLABIO ANDREA coordinatore STUPKA ELIA coordinatore STUDER MICHELE Coordinatore BALLABIO ANDREA participant AURICCHIO ALBERTO participant BANFI SANDRO participant ANDREA BALLABIO coordinatore AURICCHIO ALBERTO participant BALLABIO ANDREA participant BALLABIO ANDREA participant DI BERNARDO DIEGO coordinatore DI BERNARDO DIEGO FRANCO BRUNELLA coordinatore VII PQ Collaborative Project VI° PQ VI° PQ VI° PQ VI° PQ VI° PQ Coordination Action VI° PQ NoE VI° PQ VI° PQ VII PQ MARIE CURIE VII PQ /European Commission VIIPQ Large scale integrating project VII PQ /European Commission ERC AdvancedGrant VII PQ Collaborative Project 01/12/10 MARIE CURIE (IOF) 01/01/11 VIIPQ Large scale integrating project 01/10/11 FP7-KBBE-2011 01/01/12 ERC StartingGrant VIIPQ Marie Cuire ERC StartingGrant 01/11/12 01/11/12 GASPARINI PAOLO participant GENDEAF: European network on GENetic DEAFness: pathogenic mechanism, clinical and molecular diagnosis. Social impact 3 RETNET: European retinal research training network 4 SPASTICMODEL: Genetics models of chronic neuronal degeneration causing hereditary spastic pareaplegia 3 EUGINDAT: European Genomics initiative on disorders of plasma membrane amino acid transporter 3 BRECOSM: Identification of molecular pathways that regulate the organ-specific metastasis of breast cancer 3 EUREXPRESS: Eurexpress a European consortium to generate a web-basewd gene expression atlas by RNA in situ: 4 TRANSCODE: Novel Tool for high-throughput characterization of genomic elements regulating gene expression in chordates INTERDEVO: Gene networks in cortical interneuron development: modelling interneuron function in health and disease PRIME Priorities for mouse functional genomics research across Europe: integratine and strengthening research in Europe 3 3 3 DIMI: Diagnostic Molecular Imaging 5 EVI-GENORET: Functional Genomics of the Retina in Health and Disease 4 FLPFLEX: A flexible toolkit for controlling gene expression in the mouse 3 CLINIGENE: European Network for the advancement of clinical gene transfer and therapy 5 AnEUploidy: understanding gene dosage imbalance in human health using genetics, functional genomics and systems biology 4 EUMODIC: The European mouse disease clinic. A distributed phenotyping resource for studying human disease 4 COBIOS: Engineering Controllers for BIOlogical Systems: a new way to tackle complex diseases and biotechnological innovation Towards a European Synthetic Biology Community: SynBioComm 3 6 mesi EUCILIA: Pathophisiology of rare diseases due to primary ciliary dysfunction" 3 BALLABIO ANDREA Coordinatore management EUCLYD: A european Consortium for Lysosomal Storage Disease" 3 BANFI SANDRO EYEmicroRNAs: Study of micrornas in non-retinal parts of the eye 3 AURICCHIO ALBERTO coordinatore AAVEYE - Gene therapy for inherited severe photoreceptor diseases 3 BANFI SANDRO partecipante TECHGENE: Technological innovation of high throughput molecular diagnostic of clinically and molecularly heterogeneous genetic disorders 3 BALDINI ANTONIO coordinatore BALLABIO ANDREA FRANCO BRUNELLA partecipante DI BERNARDO DIEGO coordinatore CARDIOGENET - Definition of a genetic network involved in congenital heart disease 4 CLEAR: Modulating cellular clearance to cure human disease 5 SYSCILIA: A system biology approach to dissect cilia function and its disruption in human genetic disease. 5 TIGRE:Targeting glucorticoid resistance in T-ALL: a system Biology approach 3 DI BERNARDO DIEGO partecipante MODHEP: Systems biology of liver cancer: an integrative genomic-epigenomic approach 5 DI BERNARDO DIEGO partecipante AURICCHIO ALBERTO BIOPREDYN: From data to models: new bionformatics methods and tool for data-driven, predictive dynamic modelling in biothnoligical applications. RETGENTX: Overcoming the challenge of large gene transfer for the therapy of inherited retinal diseases 5 BANFI SANDRO EyeTN: Beyond the Genome; training the next generation of ophthalmic researchers 4 BRUNETTI NICOLA IEMTx: Therapies for inborn errors of metabolism 5 3 Progetti EU collaborativi - Coordinatori Projet acronim Project title EUCILIA VII PQ Pathophisiology of rare diseases due to primary ciliary dysfunction EuCLYD A European Consortium for Lysosomal Storage Diseases European Commission FP7 AAVEYE European Commission FP7 CARDIOGENET European Commission FP7 COBIOS PROGRAMMA NEST SYNTHETIC EuREXPRESS VI° PQ MeuSIX European Commission FP7 Gene therapy for severe neuronal photoreceptor diseases Definition of a genetic network involved in congenital heart disease. EC contribution € 2,361,580 € 994,710 € 2,970,000 € 2,680,000.00 Engineering Controllers for BIOlogical € 709,800 Systems: a new way to tackle complex diseases and biotechnological innovation Eurexpress a European consortium to generate a web-basewd gene expression atlas by RNA in situ € 2,361,580 Clinical trial of gene therapy for MPS € 5,995,041.00 VI - a severe lysosomal storage mpany Topic of collaboration viano Medial Sciences, Italy Algorithms for drug discovery mm, Italy Fun € 60.00 High resolution transcriptome atlas Med, International Retina neovascularization treatments zyme, International Modified lysosomal enzymes € 30.00 € 180.00 naBiotech, Italy Drug discovery for genetic diseases mpe’, Italy Mechanisms of drug action marin, CA, USA High content screening € 950.00 e HGT, Switzerland Gene therapy in MPSII € 374.00 e HGT, Switzerland Large sponsored research agreement on three strategic programs: TFEB delivery in neurodegenerative disorders, small molecules for Fabry disease and CNS gene therapy € 17.500.00 Il nuovo TIGEM a Pozzuoli 0 metri quadri riconvertiti a laboratori, uffici e servizi alla rice di laboratori open space, 4 sale riunioni, 30 uffici per ricerca ersonale amministrativo, spazi dedicati a microscopia, col