UNIVERSITA’ DEGLI STUDI MEDITERRANEA DI REGGIO CALABRIA Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza ed Economia Comparto didattica A): GENERAL INFORMATION: Degree Course: Law Course name: Family Law Professor: ROBERTO SICLARI Other Professors: - Scientific disciplinary sector: IUS/01 University credits – ECTS: 5 Teaching hours: 30 Course year: 2013/2014 Semester/year: II/2014 B) SPECIFIC INFORMATION: Syntetic description of course: The aim of the course is to provide students with the knowledge of Italian Family Law and proposal for reform, with special regards to the historical background and inputs from other legal systems. Course entry requirements: Diritto Privato I Expetted learning results: A) Knowledge of the notion of family and its evolution in the Italian legal system and in other European systems; B) Knowledge of the current regime. Course programme: The course includes the following themes: I) sources of Family Law (national and international) and perspectives for reform; II) Marriage; III) Civil Partnership; IV) Parenthood. Verification system of learning results: Oral exam Description of verification system of learning results: 1) Test on case-studies; 2) Discussion during classes; 3) Final exam. Borrow teaching; UNIVERSITA’ DEGLI STUDI MEDITERRANEA DI REGGIO CALABRIA Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza ed Economia Comparto didattica Suggestes texts: Civil Code updated to 2014. AULETTA T., Il diritto di famiglia, Torino, 2013 (or latest edition), o SESTA M., Manuale di diritto di famiglia, Padova, 2013 (or latest edition); FERRANDO G., Diritto di famiglia, Bologna-Roma, 2013 (or latest edition); e AMAGLIANI R., Autonomia privata e diritto di famiglia, Torino, 2005. The students who will not take the exam by July 2014 are suggested to wait the 2014 edition (or latest), updated to the D. Lgs. 154/2014.