Francesco Randazzo Writer - Director CURRICULUM Born in Catania, Sicily, 30 May 1963. STUDIES - He attended the National Academy of Dramatic Art Silvio D'Amico in Rome. There he received a degree in Direction in 1991, his thesis project, the play Filoctet. (An abstraction), earning a special mention in the first edition of the M. Giusti Prize of dramas. - Degree in Acting at The School of Teatro Stabile di Catania - Studies of Literature and Philology, at University of Catania and La Sapienza University of Rome AWARDS - Vincitore della borsa di studio per giovani registi “Roberto Mazzucco”, S.I.A.D., 1991. - Special Mention in the first edition of the Mario Giusti Prize of dramas, 1990, for the drama “Filottete, an abstraction”. - Xavier Fabregas Prize, 1992, for the short play “Mistero dell’Angelo”- Finalist. - Pirandello-Brecht Project 1997 of New York, for the drama “Nebbia” - Mention. - Candoni Prize, Arta Terme 1996, for the drama “Per il bene di tutti” - Winner. - Premio Fondi La Pastora 1996, for the drama “Per il bene di tutti” - Finalist. - “Attori in cerca di autori” Festival of italian plays, Teatro Valle, Rome, 1997, for the monologue “Gli ho dato uno schiaffo” – Critic and Public Award. - “Studio 12” Prize, 1998, Rome, for the drama “Dialogo col bambino” (first version) - Special Mention. - Festival des Films du Monde, Montreal, 1994 - Selection. - International Playwright Festival New York, 2001, with the play “Dialogue with child” (trad, inglese di J. Schiebler) - Selection. - National Festival "Schegge d'Autore", II ed. (National Syndicate of Playwriters & E.N.A.P.), Rome , 2002, for the short play “ ‘Nzula – Best Play Award. - Istituzione Magna Graecia Prize, Battipaglia, 2002, for the short play “ ‘Nzula – Critic and Public Award. - Drama on Web Prize ( National Association of Theatre Critics, Italian Drama Company of Rijeka,, Bologne, 2003, for the drama “Kren, l’isola dei maiali”- Winner. - “Attori in cerca di autori” Festival of european plays, Teatro Brancaccio and Teatro Valle of Rome, 2003, for the monologue “Puta”- Critic Award. - Fersen Prize, Milano 2005, for the drama “Dialogo col bambino” (new version) - Winner. - Sonar Script Open Prize, 2005, for the long-lenght film script per “La bicicletta di Leonardo”- Winner. - Literary Prize Città di Leonforte, 2005, XXVII edition, for the novel “Cronache di prodigiosi amori”- Special Mention. - 2° Premio Sezione Romanzo al International Literary Prize Maestrale – San Marco / Marengo d’Oro - 2005 - XIX edition, , for the novel “Cronache di prodigiosi amori”- 2th Prize. - Ugo Betti Prize of dramas, Camerino, 2005, for the tragic comedy “Otello, il Nìvuru di Mazzària”- Winner. - Festival Teatro Libero of Rome, july 2006, for the play “Tre donne oltre il limite” – Best Play – Best Company – Best Actress (Rossana Veracierta). - Festival Cinema Libero of Rome, july 2006, for the short film “Anima mia lontana”. Best Script – Best Director. DIRECTIONS 1989 LA FORZA DELL'ABITUDINE, by T. Bernhard, Teatro Studio Duse, Rome. 1990 CAPRICCIO CON SIBILLA, by I. Dall'Orto, Internationaal Theaterschool Festival, Amsterdam. 1991 FILOTTETE , by F. Randazzo, with: Massimo Foschi, Maurizio Gueli, Elgiana Popova, Teatro in Trastevere, Rome. NON C'E' DUE SENZA TRE , di Alexandra La Capria, Festival of Todi. PICCOLI E PRIVATI , by F. Apolloni e A. La Capria, Teatro in Trastevere, Rome. EXTRA ME ALIQUA RES , by F. Randazzo, music by G. Guaccero, musical director J. Demby. 1992 IL VICERE' DELL'ISOLA FERDINANDEA, by F. Randazzo, Catania, II Festival of Sicilian Arts. 1993 IL SOGNO DI HAMDIS , by F. Randazzo, Syracuse, Sicily. IL MALATO IMMAGINARIO, by Molière, Narodno Kazaliste "Ivan Zaic", Rijeka, Croatia. 1994 MOTO PERPETUO, by F. Randazzo, Teatro dell'Orologio, Rome. FUGA PER UN CAVALLO E UN PIANOFORTE, by Hervé Dupuis, First National Presentation, Teatro Argot, Rome. DOMENICA D'INVENTARIO E BUONA MERENDA, by S. Patania, Teatro Libero, Palermo. LOVE AIDS e SCIAILOCK , by F. Randazzo, Al-Quantara Teatro, Rome. SINTESI 2000 , by Davide Bulgarelli, Al-Quantara Theatre Festival, Rome. THE ZOO STORY , by E. Albee, Europa Duemila Company, Ostia of Rome. CRISTINA VA’ ALLA GUERRA , by F. Arriva, Festival Belliniano, Teatro Massimo “V. Bellini” , Catania. 1995 CUBA E IL SUO ORSACCHIOTTO , by R. Povod, First National Presentation, Teatro Colosseo, Rome L’INEFFABILE ARTE DELL’OZIO , by I. Conte , Giufà Festival, Noto, Sicily. 1996 ROSTOV , by F. Randazzo, Al-Quantara Theatre Festival and Teatro Argot , Rome. GENERALI A MERENDA , by B. Vian, Narodno Kazaliste “I. Zaic”, Rijeka, Croatia. LOS GIGANTES DE LA MONTAÑA , di L. Pirandello, Teatro Nacional Juvenil, Valera-Caracas, Venezuela 1997 CONVERSAZIONE IN SICILIA , by E. Vittorini, Work in progress, Syracuse IL BERRETTO A SONAGLI , by L. Pirandello, Narodno Kazaliste “I. Zaic”, Rijeka, Croazia. IL VICERE' DELL'ISOLA FERDINANDEA , by F. Randazzo, Palermo di Scena Festival. COMO QUIERAN (Twelfth Night), by W. Shakespeare, Teatro Nacional Juvenil, Caracas, Venezuela. 1998 COMO QUIERAN (Twelfth Night), by W. Shakespeare, Teatro Nacional Juvenil, Caracas- Merida-Maracaibo, Venezuela IL BERRETTO A SONAGLI , by L. Pirandello, Narodno Kazaliste “I. Zaic”, Zagabria, Croatia METAMORFOSI from Ovidio, Sicily LIGHEA by G. Tomasi di Lampedusa, Messina, Teatro Pirandello. 1999 IL VICERÉ DELL'ISOLA FERDINADEA by F. Randazzo, new version, Syracuse. LIGHEA by G. Tomasi di Lampedusa, Rome, Zagreb, Noto. ZOLFO, Storia dei carusi delle zolfare by F. Arriva, Festival Verghiano, Vizzini, Catania 2000 L'ALIBI DI DIO, by F. Randazzo, Garofano Verde Festival, Teatro Belli, Rome. LUNA SCONFINATA, di AA.VV. tournée (Sicily). 2001 PER IL BENE DI TUTTI, by F. Randazzo, Italian Drama Company, Narodno Kazaliste “I. Zaic”, Rijeka, Croazia. SHECHINÀH, by F. Randazzo, Teatar &Td, Italian Culture Institute, Zagreb NOTTE SEGRETA, by F. Randazzo – Teatro "Il cantiere" - Teatro XX Secolo, Rome. HISTORIA DE ROMEO E GIULIETTA, from M. Bandello, Teatri di Sabbia, Syracuse. 2002 'NZULA, by F. Randazzo, Teatro Belli Rome and Teatro Bertoni, Battipaglia PREFERIREI DI NON... from da H. Melville, Teatro Stanze Segrete, Rome IL FRATELLINO DEL VOGATORE, by Kossi Efoui, Festa d'Africa Festival, Rome ODRADEK, la scimmia unama, by F. Randazzo, from Kafka, Teatro Stanze Segrete, Rome 2003 IL PARANINFO, by L. Capuana, Teatro Stabile of Catania MALPELO, da G. Verga, Teatro Stanze Segrete, Rome 'NZULA, BIAGGIA, LA BICICLETTA DI LEONARDO, by F. Randazzo, Ortigia Teatro Festival, Scenari Siciliani, Syracuse PUTA, by F. Randazzo, Festival "Attori in cerca d'autore", Teatro Brancaccio e Teatro Valle of Roma 2004/2005 I RAGAZZI DEL SABATO SERA, by Filippo Arriva,, Teatro Stabile of Catania UN BELLISSIMO NOVEMBRE, by Ercole Patti, Festival Percorsi 2004, Catania OTELLO IL NIVURU DI MAZZARIA, by F. Randazzo, Teatro dell'Orologio, Rome LA GIRANDOLA, by Renato Randazzo, Ortigia Festival , 2005 QUELL' AMORE DI GIOVANNI, by Aurelio Grimaldi, Festival Percorsi 2005, Catania 2006 BORDERLINE, four monologues beyond the limit, Teatro Savoia, Campobasso OTELLO IL NIVURU DI MAZZARIA, by F. Randazzo, Festival “Primavera dei Teatri”, Castrovillari and Festival “Crepino gli Artisti”, Aprilia TRE DONNE OLTRE IL LIMITE, monologues by F. Randazzo, Festival Teatro Libero, Rome 2007 DIDONE errante, di F. Randazzo, da Virgilio e Ovidio, Festival “In una notte d’estate”, Genova, 2007. RETABLO, melologo dal romanzo di Vincenzo Consolo, OpereFestival, Castello Odescalchi di Bracciano, 2007. 2008/2009 NOTTE SEGRETA, testo e regia di F.Randazzo, Festival "In una notte d'estate", Genova SPIRTIZZI DI GISÙ, di Francesco Randazzo, Festival "I luoghi dell'anima" Cinque Terre. LA BELLA E LA BESTIA, testo e regia di F. Randazzo, Teatro Stabile di Catania. L'ASCIUGAMANO testo e regia di Francesco Randazzo, Palermo Teatro Festival. ART DIRECTOR: ALLEGRO OSTINATO, festival of contemporary theatre , Provincia Regionale of Syracuse, Antico Mercato of Ortigia, 2002 L'ORA DEL LUPO, Mistery Nights, Assessorato dei Beni Culturali of Noto, Loggia dell'Antico Mercato, 2002. VERBA VOLANT, urban poetry acting, festival of theatre and poetry, VI Settimana della Cultura del Ministero dei Beni Culturali, BB. CC. Regione Siciliana, Noto, 2004 IMAGO VERBA, poetic marathon, Notte Bianca of Rome, 2005 Since 1995 is the Artistic Director of the OFFICINA TEATRO and President of the OSTINATI Cultural Association. *** AUDIOVISUAL WORKS: MULTIMEDIAL THEATRE: - L’Alibi di Dio, short video for the theatre play: script and direction, Festival “Il Garofano Verde, Rome, 2000 - Shechinàh, short video for the theatre play: script and direction, Zagreb, 2001 - I ragazzi del sabato sera, docu-fiction, medium lenght video for the theatre play: script and direction, Teatro Stabile di Catania, 2005 Cortometraggi: - - - - “Una Medea”, short film: script and direction (with Giovanni Gervasi), 1994, inspired by his play, selectioned at the Festival des films du monde di Montréal – Québec – Canada. “Anima mia lontana”, short film: subject, script and direction, Urfaust indipendent production, 2006. “Madrigaletti notturni”, short film: subject, script and direction, Urfaust indipendent production, 2006. “Il primo amore”, short film: subject, script and direction, Urfaust indipendent production, 2006. - Associate to the ITALIAN SOCIETY OF AUTHORS AND PUBLISHERS (S.I.A.E.). - Associate to the ITALIAN SOCIETY OF PLAYWRITERS (S.I.A.D.). - Associate to the NATIONAL SYNDICATE NAZIONALE OF PLAYWRITERS (S.N.A.D.) - Associate to the E.N.A.P. (Mutual company for artists, painters, writers) - Associate to the NATIONAL SOCIETY OF WRITERS TRADUZIONI, ADATTAMENTI E RIDUZIONI : NOTTE CON LORCA ( adaptation from various poems by Garcia Lorca) * SGANARELLO, SPOSO PER FORZA (translation and adaptation of the "Le mariage forcee" by Moliére) * IL MALATO IMMAGINARIO, (translation and adaptation from Moliére) * INCIDENTI DI PERCORSO (translation of “Accidents de parcours” by Michel Monty - Québec) VI SCRIVO DAL CAIRO (translation of “Je vous ecris du Caire” by Normand Chaurette - Québec) GERANIO (translation of “Geranio” by Xiomara Moreno - Venezuela) HISTORIA DE ROMEO E GIULIETTA (translation and adaptation of the short novel by Matteo Bandello) PREFERIREI DI NON... (inspired from "Bartleby" by H. Melville) LA SIGNORA COL CAGNOLINO (inspired from “The Lady with dog” by A. Cechov) DIDONE ERRANTE (inspired from Virgilio e Ovidio) GIULIETTA ALLA FIERA (translation of “Juliette à la foire” di Micheline Parent - Québec) ORIGINAL PLAYS: FILOTTETE (UN'ASTRAZIONE), drama Special Mention in the first edition of the Mario Giusti Prize of dramas, * 1990. A-MORS, short play. MISTERO DELL'ANGELO, short play, Finalist at Xavier Fabregas Prize, 1992. NEBBIA, drama, Mention at the Pirandello-Brecht Project 1997 of New York EXTRA ME ALIQUA RES, play for voice and music composed by Giovanni Guaccero. * UNA MEDEA , monologue. * Festival des Films du Monde, Montreal REQUIEM, music by Luciano Pelosi. MOTO PERPETUO, comedy. * LOVE AIDS *, ALICE*, FREUD E INSETTI *, short play. IL VICERE' DELL'ISOLA FERDINANDEA, short play. * BIRO INSALATA E SOGNI, comedy. ATTO INVOLONTARIO, monologue. CONDUTTURE, monologue. PIATTI ROTTI, monologue. HAMLET FRAGMENTA, inspired by Shakespeare. DIALOGO COL BAMBINO, drama: Special Mention at the “Studio 12” Prize, 1998, Rome, – Winner of the Fersen Prize of Dramas 2004, Milan SCIAILOCK, monologue. * ADNAP, comedy * ROSTOV, monologue * PER IL BENE DI TUTTI, drama, Winner of the Candoni Arta Terme Prize 96, Udine - Finalist of the Fondi La Pastora Prize 96, Rome CONTROVERSE IRRIMEDIABILI , drama GLI HO DATO UNO SCHIAFFO, * monologue, Critic and Public Award at the “Attori in cerca di autori” Festival of italian plays, Teatro Valle, Rome, 1997 NOTTE SEGRETA, comedy * SHECHINÀH, journey for a rap chorus* 'NZULA, histories about love, madness and dreams * Best Play Award at the National Festival "Schegge d'Autore", II ed. (National Syndicate of Playwriters & E.N.A.P.), Rome , 2002 - Critic and Public Award at the Istituzione Magna Graecia Prize, Battipaglia, 2002 VOGLIO TORNARE A CASA, monologue, * “Attori in cerca di autori” Festival of italian plays, Teatro Greco, Rome 2002 KREN, l'isola dei maiali, drama* Winner of the Drama on Web Prize ( National Association of Theatre Critics, Italian Drama Company of Rijeka,, Bologne, 2003. PUTA, Critic Award at the “Attori in cerca di autori” Festival of european plays, Teatro Brancaccio and Teatro Valle of Rome, 2003 OTELLO IL NIVURU DI MAZZARIA, Tragic comedy: Winner of the Ugo Betti Prize of dramas, Camerino, 2005 * RADIO DRAMAS : ANDATA E RITORNO, for Radio Uno, Rai Estero. * IL VIAGGIATORE, for Radio Uno, Rai Estero. * SCREENPLAYS: L’OPERA DEI MATTI (longh lenght film subject) LA STANZA (short lenght film subject) LA BICICLETTA DI LEONARDO (longh lenght film subject and screenplay): Winner of the Sonar Script Open Prize 2005 – Presented by the Association Affabula/Plot on readings at the Turin Film Festival 2005, Milan Film Fest 2006, Stresa Cine Week 2006, Corto in Bra Fest 2006, European film meeting of Turin, 2006. HIS PLAYS TRANSLATED: HAMLET FRAGMENTA (Hamlet Fragmenta) Spanish translation by Ramón Goliz CONTROVERTIDAS IRREMEDIABLES (Controverse Irrimediabili) Spanish translation by Rossana Nuñez Veracierta DIALOGUE WITH CHILD (Dialogo col bambino) * English translation by di James Schiebler Presented at the New York International Playwright Festival, 2001 THE ALIBI OF GOD (L’Alibi di Dio) English translation by James Schiebler UNE MEDÉE (Una Medea) * French translation by Daniela Renosto NUIT SECRÉTE (Notte Segreta)* French translation by Micheline Parent Presented at the Festival of St. Anne-Bellevue, Montréal, Quebéc, Canada, 2006 NOTE: “*” means the play was represented. BOOKS : Love Aids, short play, Stampa Alternativa, 1994 Sciailoc, monologue , Stampa Alternativa, 1994 Per il bene di tutti, drama, Edizioni Centro Spettacoli Udine, 1997 Tou fu, short story , Tratti Moby Dick Ed, 1997 Sento l’anima partir, short story, Tratti Moby Dick Ed, 1997 Il Viceré dell’isola Ferdinandea , short play, Quaderni degli Ostinati, 1997 Pasolini 1960, Choral Play, Edizioni MTM, Rome 2000 Shechinàh, journey for a rap chorus, Prospettiva Editrice, Siena-Civitavecchia, 2001 Aglaìa, poems, in La Poesia vola sulla rete, Edizioni LiberodiScrivere, Genova 2002 Voglio tornare a casa, monologue, Ei Editori, Rome S’incatenano i giorni…, poem, in Navigando nelle Parole vol.3, Edizioni Il Filo, 2003 Come un pesce azzurro, poems, Edizioni Il Filo, Rome 2003 'Nzula - Biaggia - La bicicletta di Leonardo, short plays, Quaderni degli Ostinati, 2003 La Scala, short story, in L'irreale realtà, Pezzini Editore, Viareggio 2003 Notte Segreta, comedy, Bulzoni Editore-Siad, Rome, 2004 Cronache di prodigiosi amori, novel, Lampi di stampa Editore, Milano, 2005 Summit, short story, in “Illustrissimi” (Acqua – Il diluvio universale), Fara Editore, Rimini 2005 Papier mais, short stories, Fara Editore, Rimini 2006 La bicicletta di Leonardo, subject story for a film, Rivista Plot n°6, 2006 Dialogo col bambino, drama, Editoria&Spettacolo, 2006 Otello, il Nìvuru di Mazzària, tragic comedy, Bulzoni Editore, 2006 He founded and is co-director of the cultural Webzine MIRKAL delle arti e delle lettere. He wrote and published articles, critics, short stories and poems on various web magazines: Vibrisse, Bottega di lettura, LiberodiScrivere, Mirkal, Visum, Parole di Sicilia, Divino Scrivere, etc. TEACHING AND CONFERENCES: LECTIONS, STAGES, WORK IN PROGRESS, CONFERENCES OF THEATRE CULTURE, HISTORY OF THEATRE AND DRAMAS AT THEATRE SCHOOLS AND ACADEMIES, CULTURAL INSTITUTIONS, UNIVERSITIES AND THEATRES: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Professor of Acting at the School of Theatre “Giusto Monaco” dell’Istituto Nazionale del Dramma Antico di Siracusa, 1991/1998. Conference about the Italian Theatre, CINARS, 1994, Montréal, Canada. Conference about Audiovisual at the Faculty of Architecture Ca’ Foscari, 1994, Venezia. Professor of Acting, Stage at the Teatro Nacional Juvenil de Venezuela, 1996-Valera. Professor of Acting, Stage at the Teatro Nacional Juvenil de Venezuela, 1997-Caracas. Relator at Convention about G. Verga, 1999, Catania. Convention about Drama at the International Playwright Festival, New York University, 2001, U.S.A. Professor of Acting, Drama and Histoy of Theatre at the International Acting School di Rome, 1999-2007. Professor of Acting at the Centro Teatro Educazione/Ente Teatrale Italiano, Rome, 2004/2005/2006 . Conference about Drama, National Convention Uilt, Imperia, 2004 Conference about Paraninfo by L. Capuana, Teatro Stabile di catania e University of Catania, 2003. Conferences about poetry and theatre at the VI Settimana della Cultura del Ministero dei Beni Culturali, BB. CC. Regione Siciliana, Noto, 2004 Stage al Teatro Stabile di Catania, 2005 Professor of acting for a stage about Cechov, Atelier dei Giovani Maestri, Uilt Campania e Uilt Umbria, 2004, 2005. Professor of acting for a stage about Melodrama, Scuola Attore Corpo Mente, Uilt Umbria, 2005-2006 Conference at Convention “Imagination dead imagine: Samuel Beckett da Endgame ai mass media”, Università La Sapienza di Rome, Dipartimento di Anglistica, Villa Mirafiori, 2006 Since 2003, lead the Ostinati Officina Teatro Open Studio, in collaboration with the International Acting School di Rome, workshops for young actors. Public Essays: - Don Giovanni Kierkegaard Suite, 2003 - War Games, 2004 - Bjezumie, 2005 * * * ADDRESS: Francesco Randazzo - Via degli Orti Gianicolensi 5, 00152, Rome - TEL 06 5813966 - TEL- CELL. 338 8409336 - FAX: 06 23313166 - E-Mail: [email protected] Links: