4Q programma svolto 2014-15

annuncio pubblicitario
Prof.ssa BIFFIProgramma a.s. 2014-15
A cultural awakening
Meet the tudors: Henry VII, Henry VIII, Mary I, Elizabeth I;Milestones: 1534 The Act of
Supremacy; Society: Elizabethan entertainment, An expanding world; The English Renaissance,
The sonnet; The Shakespearean and the Petrarchan sonnet; King by divine right
William Shakespeare: England’s genius
Why study Shakespeare; William Shakespeare : the actor and playwright,the language genius, the
poet, the comedian, the historian, the tragic playwright. Shakespeare’s London, The structure of
theatres. Opening scenes in Shakespeare’s plays. Macbeth : the plot, themes. The three witches,
Duncan’s murder; Prospero and Ariel; Prospero and Caliban ;The Tempest : The plot- themes; act I
scene I. Shakespeare’s soliloquies and monologues: Macbeth’s last monologue; Prospero renonces
his magic powers
A Time of Upheaval
The Civil War, Oliver Cromwell and the Ironsides, The Commonwealth, The Puritans, The Puritan
mind; The scientific Revolution: the Royal Society; the scientific method.
The Restoration of the monarchy, The Glorious Revolution, Reason and
sense;Enlightenment;Journalism Sir Christopher Wren.
Shaping the English Character
The birth of political parties- The Tories and the Whigs, The Prime Minister. The English
landscape, the new view of nature, The means for cultural debate, The newspapers, The Coffee
Houses. The rise of the novel. Daniel Defoe and the realistic novel; Jonathan Swift and the satirical
novel,Humour-irony and satire
Analisi e commento dei testi:Shakespeare, The Tempest e Macbeth - lettura integrale dei testi con
traduzione a fronte; Shakespeare’s sonnets: Shall I Compare Thee; My Mistress’ Eyes;
D.Defoe, from Robinson Crusoe: selected passages
J.Swift, from Gulliver’s Travels : selected passages
From the utopia of The Tempest to Swift's dystopian novel.
dal libro Gold ed Pearson: Units 4-5-6-7-8-9 con rielaborazione scritta e orale dei brani delle Units
Ripasso grammaticale: i verbi narrativi: Past Simple, Past Continuous, Present Perfect, Past perfect,
Past Perfect Continuous,Reported speech , Reporting verbs, The Passive form, Modals
Argomenti grammaticali nuovi : Future Perfect, Future perfect continuous,
La docente
Gli studenti
LAVORO ESTIVO 1)Da J Joyce, Dubliners: lettura in inglese-versione integrale e riassunto accurato di ‘Eveline’e ‘The
2) Orwell, Animal Farm
3) O.WILDE, The Picture of Dorian Gray,
4) Beckett: ‘Waiting for Godot’: lettura in inglese con riassunto scritto e orale
5) dal libro Gold:Units 10-11-12 . Rielaborazioni scritte e orali dei brani di lettura proposti
in ciascuna unità
NB: Il lavoro estivo sarà oggetto di verifica scritta e/o orale all’ inizio del prossimo anno