CV Sfameni EN -

annuncio pubblicitario
Born in Milan on 25 November 1965
Domicile and Office: Piazza della Repubblica no. 30
20124 - Milan
Office Tel: +39 0229000261
Fax: +39 0229013359
L. Bocconi University: Legal Studies Department A. Sraffa
Via Roentgen, 1 (1st floor)
20136 Milan
Tel: +39 02 58 36 2486
e-mail: [email protected]
Università della Valle d’Aosta
Strada Cappuccini, 2A
11 100 Aosta
Tel: +39 0165-306711
Fax: +39 0165-32835
[email protected]
Professional activities
Degree in Economics attained from Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi of
Milan; Chartered Accountant and Auditor.
In the 2000-2002 period, he worked as a consultant for Assonime in the corporate law
He provides freelance consultancy services in corporate law, banking and financial
Positions held
I) He holds the position of Auditor in the following companies:
Equita S.i.m. S.p.A. (regular auditor);
Banca ITB S.p.A. (regular auditor);
Pirelli e C. S.p.A. (regular auditor);
Spig S.p.A. (regular auditor);
Unicredit Group:
Cordusio Fiduciaria S.p.A. (Chairman of the Board of Auditors);
Unimanagement Srl
He holds the position of Director, in the capacity of independent director, in the
Allianz Group:
Allianz Global Investors SGR S.p.A. (Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors);
Allianz Bank Financial Advisors S.p.A. (Chairman of the Internal Control Committee).
Italmobiliare Group:
- Italmobiliare S.p.A. (independent director)
III) He acts as representative of the savings shareholders of Intesa SanPaolo S.p.A.
IV) He is Chairman of the supervisory board pursuant to Italian Legislative Decree no.
231/01 of
Bayer S.p.A.
Academic qualifications
− Associate professor of Business law at the Faculty of Economics of the University of
Aosta, where he also stands as Professor of Private law;
− Short-term lecturer of Law of financial intermediaries at the University L. Bocconi of
− Professor within the scope of the PhD in Law of Business and Commerce at
Bocconi University of Milan;
− PhD researcher in business law and Researcher of business law at the University L.
Bocconi of Milan (2004);
− Member of the editorial committee of the Rivista delle società (Companies journal),
of the Rivista di diritto pubblico comparato (Journal of comparative public law) and of
the Rivista di diritto societario (Corporate law journal); academic member of the
European Corporate Governance Institute and member of the International
Corporate Governance Network (ICGN);
− He collaborated, within the scope of the Scientific Committee of the Ref.irs Forum,
on the publication of the “Guide to market information”, with reference to the Ref
Forum on corporate information.
He is the author of numerous publications on corporate and business law, including, among
his most recent works:
- Perdita del capitale sociale e bilancio straordinario. Funzione informativa e
organizzativa (Loss of share capital and extraordinary financial statements.
Information and organisational function), Milan, 2004;
- Responsabilità da reato degli enti e nuovo diritto azionario: appunti in tema di doveri
degli amministratori ed organismo di vigilanza (Criminal liability of organisations and
new equity law: notes on the duties of directors and the supervisory board), in Rivista
delle società (Companies journal), no. 1-2007;
- Diritto agli utili e alla quota di liquidazione (Right to profits and liquidation quota), in
Commento alla nuova disciplina delle società (Comment to the new companies
discipline), by Marchetti-Bianchi Ghezzi-Notari, Milan, 2008;
- Categorie di azioni e diritti patrimoniali (Categories of shares and asset rights), Milan,
- Idoneità dei modelli organizzativi e sistema di controllo interno (Suitability of
organisational models and internal control system), in AGE, 2009;
- Appunti di diritto degli intermediari finanziari (Notes on financial intermediaries’ law),
Milan, 2011;
- Commento agli artt. 27-33 d. lgs. N. 231 of 2011 (Comment to articles 27-33 of
Italian Legislative Decree no. 231 of 2001), by A. Giarda-G. Spangher, Codice di
procedura penale commentato (Commented code of criminal procedure), Milan, III,
- Vigilanza, informazione e affidamento nella nuova disciplina della delega
amministrativa (Supervision, information and reliance in the new discipline on
administrative delegation), in Scritti giuridici per Piergaetano Marchetti (Legal papers
for Piergaetano Marchetti), Milan, 2011.
27 October 2011
Prof. Paolo Domenico Sfameni