PERCORSO FORMATIVO DISCIPLINARE A.S. 2015/2016 Classe: Materia: Docente: MODULO Grammar review SECONDA Sezione (Indirizzo): AL LINGUA E CULTURA INGLESE CECILIA MARIANI UNITA' DIDATTICA CONTENUTI (dai testi Interact Elementary; New Active English Grammar) Articles, personal pronouns, simple present to Grammar be, usi particolari verbo to be, possessive schede 1-2-3- adjectives, articles 4-5 (New Active English Grammar) Dimostrative adjectives and pronouns, plurals, numbers Grammar schede 6-7-8 (New Active English Grammar) Grammar Verb to have, there is/there are, some/any, schede 9-10adjectives (New Active English Grammar) 11-12 5 Fame! Modulo 1 Grammar schede n. 32-33-34 6 The natural world 7 Mealtime Modulo 2 Grammar scheda n. 11 8 At home Past simple verb to be, past simple regular verbs. Vocabulary: describing people, jobs. Interaction 5: Describing someone (Interact Elementary, pp.56-63) Simple past to be, simple past verbi regolari e irregolari, Simple past forma interrogativa, negativa. (New Active English Grammar) Past simple irregular verbs, Vocabulary: the natural world, animals. Interaction 6: taking turns. (Interact Elementary, pp. 64-71) a/an, some/any, a lot of, much, many Vocabulary: food and drink. Interaction 7: Ordering food and drink. (Interact Elementary, pp. 72-77) Some/any (New Active English Grammar) Comparative and Superlative adjectives. Vocabulary: parts of a house, furniture, objects. Interaction 8: describing a room. (Interact Elementary, pp. 80-89) Grammar schede 3940-41 Comparativo di maggioranza ; Superlativo relativo; Comparativo di uguaglianza e minoranza (cenni) (New Active English Grammar) 9 Go to Town Present Continuous for Future Plans Prepositions of Place Vocabulary: Building and Places; Shops Interaction 9: Asking and giving directions (Interact Elementary, pp. 90-97) LIVELLO DI APPROFONDIMENTO Buono Buono Buono Buono Buono Buono Buono Buono Buono Buono Buono Modulo 3 Have to and don’t have to Can and could: requests and permission 10 Vocabulary: Clothes; Accessories Looking good Interaction 10: Buying clothes (Interact Elementary, pp. 98-105) Preposizioni di tempo; preposizioni di luogo Grammar (New Active English Grammar) schede n. 20-21 Modulo 4 11 Star Quality Present Perfect : statements Present Perfect: questions (Interact Elementary, pp. 106-110) LETTERATURA : Contenuti Disciplinari Sviluppati dal testo Cornerstone - Loescher The Origins – The Historical Background . The first Inhabitants of Britain . The Romans . The Anglo-Saxons . The Vikings The Origins – The Literary Context . The evolution of the English Language . The unwritten word . Pagan versus Christian . Epic . Anglo-Saxon poetry . BEOWULF p.12 - 13 The Middle Ages – The Historical Background . The last invaders: the Normans . The social order under the Normans . The feudal system . Reforms . Richard the Lion-Heart and King John . The Hundred Years’ War . The wars of the Roses . Reading Comprehension – The Legend of Robin Hood p.19-21 The Middle Ages – The Literary Context . Medieval literature : the ballad . Geoffrey Chaucer . The rise of the theatre . Morality plays . The romance . King Arthur and the knights of the Round Table . GEOFFREY CHAUCER . Literature around the world: Chaucer and Boccaccio p.26-33 p.14-18 p. 24-25 p. 34-35 p. 40-41 Buono Buono Solo parte grammaticale Livello di Approfondimento: ottimo / buono / discreto / sufficiente/ solo cenni Tutti gli argomenti sono stati trattati con livello di approfondimento buono. Alcuni sono stati ulteriormente approfonditi – in particolare: . Beowulf . Common Law and Magna Charta . Chaucer and Canterbury Tales