DiSIA DIPARTIMENTO DI STATISTICA, INFORMATICA, APPLICAZIONI "GIUSEPPE PARENTI" Matrimonio o convivenza? Precarietà lavorativa e formazione dell’unione in Italia Valentina Tocchioni Dipartimento di Statistica, Informatica, Applicazioni (DiSIA) Università degli Studi di Firenze Lavoro congiunto con Daniele Vignoli e Silvana Salvini (Università degli Studi di Firenze) SAPIENZA UNIVERSITÀ DI ROMA 25-26 NOVEMBRE 2016 CONVEGNO SCIENTIFICO LA SOCIETÀ ITALIANA E LE GRANDI CRISI ECONOMICHE 1929-2016 Matrimonio o convivenza? Precarietà lavorativa e formazione dell’unione in Italia DiSIA DIPARTIMENTO DI STATISTICA, INFORMATICA, APPLICAZIONI "GIUSEPPE PARENTI" The spread of employment uncertainty • The diffusion of new forms of flexible and temporary work contracts has transformed labor market entry and exit conditions, leading to an increasing instability of employment careers. • This situation has led to a greater risk of economic hardship and a less predictable future among young people. • These uncertainties have spread into the partnership and parenthood domains of their lives as well (e.g., Mills and Blossfeld 2005; Blossfeld et al. 2005; Blossfeld et al. 2006; Blossfeld and Hofmeister 2006; Kreyelfeld et al. 2012; Vignoli et al. 2012; Vignoli et al. 2013). 2 Matrimonio o convivenza? Precarietà lavorativa e formazione dell’unione in Italia DiSIA DIPARTIMENTO DI STATISTICA, INFORMATICA, APPLICAZIONI "GIUSEPPE PARENTI" Marriage, cohabitation, and job precariousness • When social disorganization or blocked opportunities prevail, societal norms on the “right order” of the life course may lose ground (Bauman 2005) and a “pattern of disadvantage” might emerge (Perelli-Harris and Gerber 2011). • In these situations, the greater temporary and reversible nature of cohabitation may provide a living situation that reflects uncertainties resulting from job instability or prolonged education (Perelli-Harris et al. 2010). • Furthermore, the spread of job precariousness jeopardizes financial resources, and may act as a barrier to marriage or a wedding ceremony (Livi Bacci 2008). • The choice of an informal union might be more cost-intensive as parents tend to withdraw from supporting their adult children (Di Giulio and Rosina 2007; Schröder 2006). 3 Matrimonio o convivenza? Precarietà lavorativa e formazione dell’unione in Italia DiSIA DIPARTIMENTO DI STATISTICA, INFORMATICA, APPLICAZIONI "GIUSEPPE PARENTI" The Italian setting • The major steps in the process of labor market deregulation was made in 1997, through the Legge Treu (n. 196/1997), while the following Legge Biagi (n.30/2003) gave further impulse to the spread of atypical forms of employment. • The growth of atypical jobs has increased labor market dualism between workers finding permanent jobs and those failing to do so (Ichino et al. 2005). • In 2012, the number of workers with temporary jobs amounts to more than 2 millions (with an increase of more than 20% compared to 2008). In parallel, in the period 2008-2012, the labor market faced a contraction of about 1 million of workers. 4 Matrimonio o convivenza? Precarietà lavorativa e formazione dell’unione in Italia DiSIA DIPARTIMENTO DI STATISTICA, INFORMATICA, APPLICAZIONI "GIUSEPPE PARENTI" Aim and research strategy • To provide some fresh insights into the influence of job precariousness on individuals’ decision to enter cohabitation or marriage in Italy. • We combine the empirical evidence from both qualitative and quantitative research. The qualitative analysis provides an in-depth understanding into the mechanisms of how uncertain forms of employment and atypical jobs may affect the individual decisions on union formation. The quantitative analysis verifies how strong these mechanisms are in the general population. 5 Matrimonio o convivenza? Precarietà lavorativa e formazione dell’unione in Italia DiSIA DIPARTIMENTO DI STATISTICA, INFORMATICA, APPLICAZIONI "GIUSEPPE PARENTI" Qualitative analysis • Qualitative data collected in the project “Childbearing Within Cohabitation” coordinated by Brienna Perelli-Harris at University of Southampton. • Focus group interviews (FGIs) conducted in February-April 2012 in Italy (Florence) on individuals aged 25-40. • In total, eight FGIs stratified by gender and level of education, were conducted, with 58 respondents altogether. • We applied bottom-up coding procedures to identify main themes. The categories were systematically compared to investigate mechanisms through which job precariousness intertwine with the relationship choices. 6 Matrimonio o convivenza? Precarietà lavorativa e formazione dell’unione in Italia DiSIA DIPARTIMENTO DI STATISTICA, INFORMATICA, APPLICAZIONI "GIUSEPPE PARENTI" Qualitative findings • Uncertainty in the labor market is associated with uncertainty in the private life by respondents essentially through two main mechanisms: Cohabiting may be seen as a “trouble-free opportunity” to test the functioning of a relationship; it represents “a sort of test”. Cohabitation is attracting because it is “easier to disrupt”. • When both partners reached a permanent employment status, then the “right time” to reach a permanent status also in their relationship seems to follow soon after: “Lavoro stabile per lui, lavoro stabile per me, 4 mesi dopo ci siamo sposati, 9 mesi dopo ero incinta….eravamo pronti! Cioè: finalmente abbiamo qualche protezione, qualche diritto!” (FG 1: W, high education) 7 Matrimonio o convivenza? Precarietà lavorativa e formazione dell’unione in Italia DiSIA DIPARTIMENTO DI STATISTICA, INFORMATICA, APPLICAZIONI "GIUSEPPE PARENTI" Qualitative findings • Job precariousness intensifies the difficulties experienced by the young in their transition to adulthood, when they start their employment careers, try to strengthen their economic position, and begin to consider family formation: “[Il momento giusto per sposarsi arriva con] il lavoro fisso! Dal mio punto di vista, di persona che a 32 anni continua ad avere contratti di un anno uno dietro a quell’altro, [puoi sposarti] quando hai un punto fermo.” (FG1: W, high education) “Se hai un lavoro permanente, allora puoi anche fare una scelta permanente: sposarsi!” (FG2: M, high education) 8 Matrimonio o convivenza? Precarietà lavorativa e formazione dell’unione in Italia DiSIA DIPARTIMENTO DI STATISTICA, INFORMATICA, APPLICAZIONI "GIUSEPPE PARENTI" Quantitative analysis • Data: 2009 Household Multipurpose Survey Family & Social Subjects It covers partnership and employment histories – including information on changes in the type of contract in each employment spell (with the month as time unit). N: 10,304 men and 10,675 women born between 1950 and 1985. • Method: Competing risk event-history analysis We study the transition to the first union for men and women. Key explanatory (time-varying) variable: o not employed o permanent employment o self-employment o temporary employment o atypical job Confounders: educational attainment, calendar time, and macroarea. 9 Matrimonio o convivenza? Precarietà lavorativa e formazione dell’unione in Italia DiSIA DIPARTIMENTO DI STATISTICA, INFORMATICA, APPLICAZIONI "GIUSEPPE PARENTI" Quantitative results – WOMEN 10 Matrimonio o convivenza? Precarietà lavorativa e formazione dell’unione in Italia DiSIA DIPARTIMENTO DI STATISTICA, INFORMATICA, APPLICAZIONI "GIUSEPPE PARENTI" Quantitative results – MEN 11 DiSIA Matrimonio o convivenza? Precarietà lavorativa e formazione dell’unione in Italia DIPARTIMENTO DI STATISTICA, INFORMATICA, APPLICAZIONI "GIUSEPPE PARENTI" Relative risks of entry into marriage and cohabitation by employment status in Italy for women. Results of a piecewise-constant event history competing risk model. Entry into marriage Employment hazard ratio covariate permanent employment 1.000 not employed 1.035 temporary employment 0.768 atypical job selfemployment std error Entry into cohabitation p-value hazard ratio std error p-value 1.000 0.040 0.375 0.861 0.095 0.175 0.043 0.000 1.215 0.192 0.218 0.779 0.124 0.117 1.447 0.281 0.057 0.947 0.053 0.336 1.161 0.098 0.078 12 DiSIA Matrimonio o convivenza? Precarietà lavorativa e formazione dell’unione in Italia DIPARTIMENTO DI STATISTICA, INFORMATICA, APPLICAZIONI "GIUSEPPE PARENTI" Relative risks of entry into marriage and cohabitation by employment status in Italy for men. Results of a piecewise-constant event history competing risk model. Entry into marriage Employment hazard ratio covariate permanent employment 1.000 not employed temporary employment atypical job selfemployment std error Entry into cohabitation p-value hazard ratio std error p-value 1.000 0.389 0.025 0.000 0.676 0.054 0.000 0.727 0.038 0.000 1.142 0.110 0.167 0.657 0.124 0.026 0.973 0.265 0.919 0.972 0.034 0.423 1.105 0.090 0.223 Matrimonio o convivenza? Precarietà lavorativa e formazione dell’unione in Italia 13 Matrimonio o convivenza? Precarietà lavorativa e formazione dell’unione in Italia DiSIA DIPARTIMENTO DI STATISTICA, INFORMATICA, APPLICAZIONI "GIUSEPPE PARENTI" Concluding remarks • Our results suggest that cohabitation can be linked to the growing labor market uncertainty while marriage to stability • In line with those who advocate the emergence of a “pattern of disadvantage” (Perelli-Harris and Gerber 2011), individuals faced with blocked opportunities might prefer cohabitation to marriage, or postponing marriage to periods when their outlook on life is brighter • Given the contemporary developments in terms of economic fluctuations in Europe, the spread of labor market uncertainty will likely become increasingly crucial in directing the choice of the type of union in the years to come. 14 DiSIA DIPARTIMENTO DI STATISTICA, INFORMATICA, APPLICAZIONI "GIUSEPPE PARENTI" Grazie! [email protected] SAPIENZA UNIVERSITÀ DI ROMA 25-26 NOVEMBRE 2016 CONVEGNO SCIENTIFICO LA SOCIETÀ ITALIANA E LE GRANDI CRISI ECONOMICHE 1929-2016 Matrimonio o convivenza? Precarietà lavorativa e formazione dell’unione in Italia Full model results for women Covariates Employment permanent employment not employed temporary employment atypical job self-employment Educational attainment upper-secondary education in education primary education tertiary education Macroarea of residence North of Italy Center of Italy South of Italy Calendar time before 1994 1994 - 1997 1997 – 2003 2003 - 2006 after 2006 Entry into marriage standard hazard ratio error 1.000 1.035 0.768 0.779 0.947 1.000 0.316 1.301 1.097 1.000 1.095 1.132 1.000 0.560 0.563 0.512 0.445 DiSIA DIPARTIMENTO DI STATISTICA, INFORMATICA, APPLICAZIONI "GIUSEPPE PARENTI" Entry into cohabitation hazard standard ratio error 0.040 0.043 *** 0.124 0.053 1.000 0.861 1.215 1.447 1.161 0.095 0.192 0.281 * 0.098 * 0.018 *** 0.047 *** 0.040 ** 1.000 0.631 1.028 1.184 0.075 *** 0.078 0.121 0.057 * 0.056 ** 1.000 0.765 0.306 0.097 ** 0.062 *** 0.026 *** 0.025 *** 0.030 *** 0.035 *** 1.000 1.589 2.397 3.520 2.253 0.164 *** 0.197 *** 0.356 *** 0.307 *** 12 Matrimonio o convivenza? Precarietà lavorativa e formazione dell’unione in Italia Full model results for men Covariates Employment permanent employment not employed temporary employment atypical job self-employment Educational attainment upper-secondary education in education primary education tertiary education Macroarea of residence North of Italy Center of Italy South of Italy Calendar time before 1994 1994 - 1997 1997 – 2003 2003 - 2006 after 2006 Entry into marriage standard hazard ratio error 1.000 0.389 0.727 0.657 0.972 1.000 0.657 1.125 1.061 1.000 1.129 1.384 1.000 0.564 0.526 0.461 0.368 DiSIA DIPARTIMENTO DI STATISTICA, INFORMATICA, APPLICAZIONI "GIUSEPPE PARENTI" Entry into cohabitation hazard standard ratio error 0.025 *** 0.038 *** 0.124 ** 0.034 1.000 0.676 1.142 0.973 1.105 0.054 *** 0.110 0.265 0.090 0.021 *** 0.045 *** 0.066 1.000 0.993 1.039 1.210 0.110 0.084 0.103 ** 0.051 *** 0.090 *** 1.000 0.803 0.363 0.108 0.064 *** 0.033 0.027 0.023 0.024 1.000 1.581 2.436 3.063 2.194 0.152 0.150 0.383 0.115 *** *** *** *** 12 *** *** *** ***