Temperature measurements th ermal ba ffle fi lter ob jective T fo v ta rget TD de tector radiant power blackbody T=310 T=300 K gray f ilter to TD 3 8 non-gray deviat ion 20 (m) 1 Noise In a BLIP-limited detector: in(bg) = s NEP = sNA√AB/DBLIP = NA√[2pes r()DAB] but signal is then i = sDp = s pNA2 A Dkr() DT/T S/N = k(DT/T) NA √[psAr()D/2eB] and the NEDT - noise equivalent differential temperature DT @ S/N=1: NEDT = (T/kNA) √[2eB/spr()DA] = 2kT2 DBLIP (1/hNA)√(B/A) 2 Theoretical NEDT -1 10 6 107 8 6 10 8 MINIMUM DETECTABLE TEMPERATURE NEDT (°C) 5 3 2 -2 10 9 8 6 10 5 3 h=0.5, NA=0.5 A=0.01 cm2 DBLIP =6.1010 2 -3 10 8 5 3 10 D** = 6 10 2 -4 10 8 D BL 5 IP (W-1cm√Hz) it lim 3 2 -5 10 1 10 10 0 1k 10 k BANDWIDTH B - (Hz) 3 NED in real detectors If detector is real (not BLIP-limited): in(bg) = s NEP = sNA√AB/D**, signal is the same S/N = Di/in(bg) = pNA √(A/B) k r() D(DT/T) D** and NEDT = T [pNA k r() D D**]-1√(B/A) = 2kT2 (D2BLIP/D**) (1/hNA)√(B/A) 4 Thermovisions Spectral range of operation: MIR, =3-5m or FIR, =8-14m GENERATIONS: 0-th: pioneer’s work: Spectracon (oil -film camera), 1950 1st: LN-cooled InSb scan camera (AGA, Huges, etc.) 1970 - general purpose 2nd: LN-cooled CMT and LTT FPA, 1980 - military 3rd: TEC-cooled Bolometer, 1985 - portable 4th: uncooled Pt-Si and VOx bolometer 1990 - camcorder 5 Optical preamplification Ps I ph G G Ps Optical power gain is G. At output, added to amplified signal GPs a dc power due to amplified spontaneous emission is found: ASEout = nsp(G-1)hnDn0 6 OA noise equivalent circuit Ps I ph G Pu ASE i + + 2 hn ASE i B 2(F-1) hn Ps B Noise input: ASE shot-noise plus excess noise (factor F) Pu = GPs + GASEi s2Pu = 2F G2 hnPs B + 2 hnG2ASEi B 7 AO performance 30 9 G 20 6 G(dB) F(dB) 10 3 F 0 best range of operation -40 -30 -20 -10 0 +10 0 P i (dBm) Performance is typical for EDFAs, 1480-1540 nm 8 Requirements for OA preamplification • SIGNAL LEVELS: ASEi limits minimum signal amplitudes Pi=1÷10W (or -30÷-20 dBm). Onset of saturationis at about 1-10 mW • WAVELENGTHS: a few available, in correspondence to laser lines (e.g., 1500, 1300, 1060, 850 nm) • SIGNAL MODE: a single spatial mode is required, or the low coupling hto DFA fiber would frustrate any amplification • Large PIXEL #: extension theoretically feasible but not yet demonstrated: problem is that, in AO with N modes, ASE increases N times becoming very high for images with N =105..106 pixels 9 Il Fotomescolamento (rivisitazione di una vecchia tecnica !) LASER 1 Potenza ottica E1=E01cos(2pf1t+1) fibra o guida ottica controll polarizz f1 f I(t)E1+E22 = E12 +E22+2E1E2cos[2p(f1-f2)t +1-2] Fotodiodo a larga banda LASER 2 Potenza ottica accoppiatore f2 f out Potenza elettrica E2=E02cos(2pf2t+1) f1- f2 f 10 Il Fotomescolamento, II per rilassare il requisito di stabilità di frequenza dei due laser, é meglio usare un laser a 2 modi oppure in regime di mode-locking laser a 2 o piu' modi, meglio se mode-locked con spaziatura Dn uscita elettrica a frequenza Dn (typ. 60 GHz) fibra o guida fotodiodo ultrarapido infine, e’ opportuno incidere sul fotodiodo con la potenza ottica più alta possibile, inserendo un amplificatore ottico al posto della guida 11 Limiting resolution 1 MTF 0.5 limiting resolution 0.03 0 0 k - spatial frequency A generic MTF diagram always starts from MTF=1 at k0 (low spatial frequency), and gradually decreases to zero at increasing spatial frequencies. The cutoff frequency is defined as that of eye perceptivity to contrast, Clim=0.03, and the corresponding spatial frequency is calledlimit spatial frequency (or, limiting resolution). 12 Optical rule circuits RIFARE cos signal sin signal sin cos I I0 0 p 2p x By counting the sin and cos crossings of mean level I0, (4 per period) displacement is measured with p/4 resolution (and sign) 13 Infrared MSA k N rows M columns +V bb j k-column j-row video out Y metal Y Y' VO X bolometer X X B E Y readout metal 14 Classification near-infrared viewers 1st, 2nd, 3rd generation types for radiology in visible (IMAGE INTENSIFIERS or IIT) or infrared, UV (IMAGE CONVERTERS or ICT) and X-rays ELECTROSTATIC or MAGNETIC focalization electron ENERGY or electron NUMBER amplification special functions can be included: gate, zoom, sweep hand-held night visors and LLLTV bulky, for astronomy with MCPs fast (ns) shutters streak cameras 15 Magnetic focussing ICT FOC USIN G COIL PH OTOCATH ODE ELEC TRON TR AJEC TOR IES PH OSPHOR GLASS WIND OW FAC EPLATE AXIAL FI ELD R INGS GLASS WIND OW FAC EPLATE +V 0V bb (typ. 15 kV) 16 ICT parameteres Spectral response : all transmission PhC available, with preference of S-20 and S-1 Display characteristics : phosphor P-20 is preferred, has medium persistence (0.35 ms), good yield(k=80 ph /keV) Radiant gain G=Eu/Ei: reference source is the 2850 K lamp (as representative of artificial illuminance and of residual illuminance of natural scenes at dark Response dynamic range : ratio of max. to min. reproduced illuminance, is given by Esat/GICTEBI, where Esat=screen saturation level, GICT=gain and EBI=equivalent background illuminance (typ. 10-7 to 10-4 lux) Linearity : Eu=KEi can reach a conformity better than 1% for an individual pixel, but from pixel to pixel K may vary over ±10%, because of PhC and PS disuniformity Spatial resolution : is described by the MTF; total limiting resolution is about 50 cycles/mm. 17 Photodetectors Devices, Circuits and Applications ' by: S. Donati, Prentice Hall, USA, 2000 XVIII+425 pages, bound, price:75$, ISBN 013 020337-8 see web: http://www.phptr.com/booksrch/index.html or buy online from: http://vig.pearsoned.com/store/product/ 18