Creative Methodology for Corporate Communication GR. A-K: PROF. MASSIMO BARTOCCIOLI; GR. L-Z: PROF. ANGELO GHIDOTTI Gr. A-K: Prof. Massimo Bartoccioli COURSE CONTENT – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Brands from an anthropological perspective. Brands and marketing. Brands and the value chain. Brands and communication culture. Semiological theory of brands. Tribale brand. Virale brand. Bottom-up/Bottom-down brand. Guerrilla marketing and brand building. Brands and agency planning: planning systems. * Bav (Y&R). * Holistic (Publicis). * Brand Wheel (Bates). * Planning Cycle (Thompson). Brands and food culture (Case history). Brands and body care (Case history). Brands telephone companies (Case history). Brands and segments of the automobile market (Case history). READING LIST COVA-GIORDANO-PALLERA, Marketing non convenzionale, Il Sole24Ore. E.T. BRIOSCHI, Dalla pubblicità alla comunicazione d’azienda. Problematiche, metodologie e questioni aperte, Vita e Pensiero, Milano, 2013. Further information regarding the reading list will be indicated during the course. NOTES Further information can be found on the lecturer's webpage at, or on the Faculty notice board. Gr. L-Z: Prof. Angelo Ghidotti COURSE AIMS Understand how creative idea, built by brands, are born and develop. Follow the development of creative language, from a unique selling proposition to digital interactive formats. COURSE CONTENT TEN CREATIVE IDEAS 1. Unique Selling Proposition: the idea can be found within the product Rosser Reeves. M&Ms. DHL. Rio Mare. Sony Bravia. USP the other way round: Bernbach. AVIS. VW Think small. Guinness. Brinker Hotel. 2. Brand Personality: a different personality from others David Ogilvy. Hathaway. Rolls Royce. Portorico. Axe. Barilla. Nike. Levi’s. Johnny Walker. Honda. 3. Advertising Characters: the brand is a cartoon Leo Burnett. Jolly Green. Tony The Tiger. Marlboro Man. Carmencita. Omino Bianco. Mr Muscolo. Mastrolindo. Energizer bunny. Mr Chuck. Giovanni Rana. 4. Talk Value: the idea generates discussion Gossage. Pink air. Whassup. Ryanair. Cadbury. Monnities. T-Mobile. Anorexia. Heineken Auditorium 5. Brand spirit: when the brand introduces a value Apple 1984. Think different. Oliviero Toscani. Benetton. Fiat 500. Telecom Gandhi. Dove. The Independent. 6. Indivisuality: the brand has visual identity Absolut. Economist. Esselunga. Rolling Stone. Guinness glass. Nike Swoosh. I love NY. 7. Entertainment: humour, action, cinema Hamlet. Fox Sport. Skittles. Canal +. Shreddies. Disney. Aerolinas argentinas. Orange. HBO. Epuron. 8. Digital creativity Interactive websites. Youtube interactive video. Virals. Facebook apps. Branded apps. I-ads. Geolocation games. Foursquare. Twitter. Interactive billboard. Pinterest. Iphone apps. 9. Integrated and activation ideas Sagami Love Distance. Queensland The best job in the world. Nike Write the future. Bing JayZ. Nike Livestrong Chalkbot – Walker Sandwich – Small business Saturday. READING LIST The tutor will manage a blog on creativity for the course: Creativity Blab, e i gruppi dedicati al corso su Facebook. Course reading M. LOMBARDI, La creatività in pubblicità. Manuale di linguaggio multimediale: dai mezzi classici al digitale, F. Angeli, Milano, 2010. Recommended reading M. LOMBARDI, La strategia in pubblicità, Franco Angeli. L. PANZERI, C’ero una volta, Lupetti. M. MANCINA, Bill Bernbach e la rivoluzione creativa, Franco Angeli. TEACHING METHOD Lectures, presentation of campaigns, intervention by external experts, creativity workshops. ASSESSMENT METHOD Students will be assessed on their level of participation, the preparation of a brief dissertation and the final oral test. NOTES Further information can be found on the lecturer's webpage at, or on the Faculty notice board.