Code 27003002 Description Statistics Sector Code SECS

annuncio pubblicitario
Code 27003002
Description Statistics
Sector Code SECS-S/01
Single Module Type OB
Weight 10
Course Year 1
Cycle type Code S1
Apprenticeship NO
Lingua di insegnamento Italian
Descriptive Statistics The role of Statistics and data analysis process.
Types of data. Frequency distributions: absolute, relative, cumulative,
density. Graphical method for visualizing data: bar and pie charts,
cumulative frequency plot, histograms Describing the center of a data
set Mode, median, percentiles, Chisini means, means of order s. The
arithmetic mean and its properties: internality, minimum, associative,
linearity. The geometric mean. Describing the variability in a data set
range, interquartile range, absolute deviations of order s, mean
differences, the variance and the standard deviation, the coefficient of
variation. The Gini homogeneity index Bivariate data Contingency
tables, marginal and conditioned distributions. The concept of statistical
dependence and its assessment. The maximum statistical dependence.
Different formulations of the Chi-square index. The Cramer index. The
concept of mean dependence and the its measure. The study of the
correlation: the covariance and its sign, the Cauchy-Schwartz
inequality, the Pearson correlation coefficient. The linear regression:
fitting a line to bivariata data, the principle of least squares and the
determination of the parameters, assessing the fit of a line, the residual
Testi di riferimento Agresti A., Franklin C. (2009) “Statistics. The Art and Science of
Learning from Data”, Pearson Education Bennet J.O., Briggs W.L.,
Triola M.F. (2009) “Statistical Reasoning for Everyday Life”, Pearson
Education Cicchitelli G. (2008) “Statistica. Principi e Metodi”. Pearson
Education Latorre G. “Probabilità e Statistica. Vol. 3. 1”. Disponibile in
copisteria Leti G., Cerbara L. (2009). Elementi di Statistica Descrittiva”,
Il Mulino Peck R., Devore J. (2008) “Statistics. The Exploration and
Analysis of Data”, Thomson Zenga M. (2007). “Lezioni di Statistica
descrittiva”. G. Giappichelli Editore, Torino.
Obiettivi formativi The purpose of the course is to critically provide students the basic
methodology for data collection and summarization, data analysis and
interpretation of the results. At the end of the course, students should
be able to carry out descriptive statistical analyses by visualization,
interpretation and communication of data.
Prerequisiti none
Metodi didattici Theoretical lectures and solution of exercises
Altre informazioni
Modalita di verifica dell'apprendimento written and oral Programma esteso
ID Number 010755
Last Name
First Name
Role Code PA
Activity Type LEZ
Hours 60