LINGUA CULTURA ED ISTITUZIONI DEI PAESI DI LINGUA INGLESE – 6 CFU Fabio Luppi * Settore disciplinare: L-LIN/10 * Aims of the course: Students will acquire a specific vocabulary for social studies and education through the study of the text English for Educators, together with the ability to understand and express ideas on relevant and complex cultural issues found in the text The Shape of a Culture. Description of the course: - This course is meant to provide a cultural analysis of the texts studied, a reflection on English (and Englishes) and a study of the language itself in the context of the emergence of Cultural Studies in the UK starting from the 19th century to the present. The texts provided focus on cultural issues related to a culture-bound use of English and are related to the development and importance of a language for a consequent cultural and social development of a country. Students will have to deal with these texts in order to read, understand and interpret them from a linguistic, sociological, historical and cultural point of view. - Lessons will be held in English and in Italian. Activities such as cloze tests, reading / comprehension and listening / comprehension exercises will be part of the course. Authentic materials will be used in order to provide different models of the use of English. Video and audio materials will be used to enhance listening skills. - Exam: the exam consists in a short grammatical written test (cloze) followed by an oral exam in English on the books indicated in bibliography. ** Texts: - C. PAGETTI, O. PALUSCI, The Shape of a Culture – Il dibattito sulla cultura inglese dalla Rivoluzione industriale al mondo contemporaneo, Carocci, Roma, 2004, pp. 1-86 e 139-188. Roberta Facchinetti, Anna Belladelli, English for Educators, CEDAM, Milano, 2011 (4 Units – students’ choice). ** Testi di base: - Michael VINCE, Lelio PALLINI, English Grammar Practice for Italian Students, Macmillan & Heinemann. ** Testi di consultazione: - Dictionaries: Hazon Garzanti , Nuova Edizione, oppure F.Picchi, Grande dizionario Inglese-Italiano/Italiano-Inglese, Hoepli. - Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners or Oxford Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary, or Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary