Programmazione inglese cl. 5Bp - a.s. 2007/08

annuncio pubblicitario
LICEO STATALE "Carlo Montanari"
Indirizzi: Socio Psico Pedagogico, delle Scienze sociali, musicale
C.F. 80011840230
Vicolo Stimate n. 4
37122 VERONA
Tel. 045/8007311
Fax 045/8030091
Materia di insegnamento: Inglese
Classe: 5Bp a.s. 2007/2008
Docente, Prof.ssa: Patrizia Cieno
A. The modern age - Modernism: the social context, the world picture, the literary
Authors and texts (extracts):
T.S.Eliot Four quartets: Burnt Norton, The waste Land: The burial of the dead, What
the thunder said, The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock.
James Joyce Dubliners, A portrait of the artist as a young man, Ulysses.
Virginia Woolf To the Lighthouse,
J. Conrad Heart of Darkness,
W.B.Yeats Selected Poems,
War Poets Selected poems
F.S.Fitzgerald The great Gatsby.
B. The present age - Postmodernism: the world picture and literary background.
Authors and texts (extracts):
G. Orwell, Nineteen-Eighty-Four;
A. Carter, The Werewolf;
S. Rushdie, Midnight’s Children;
S. Heaney, Digging, Punishment;
W. Golding, Lord of Flies;
S.Plath, Daddy;
J.D. Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye.
S. Beckett, Waiting for Godot
J. Kerouac, On the road
Spiazzi – Tavella, Only connect: The Modern Age (modulo F), The present Age (modulo
G), Zanichelli.
Dizionario monolingue a scelta dell’alunna, possibilmente learner edition.
La docente prof.ssa
Patrizia Cieno
Verona, 03 giugno 2008
Gli alunni