English - dipartimento di economia e diritto

Present Position: Professor of Economics
Faculty of Economics, Sapienza University of Rome
Via del Castro Laurenziano, 9 00161 Rome, Italy
+39 06 70451196
+39 06 49766380
Email: [email protected]
Education and related visiting fellowships
Degree in Economics, University of Modena
Diploma in Economics and Planning, Advanced School of Statistics and
Planning, Warsaw (Poland)
Graduate courses, University of Cambridge (UK)
Academic Positions
Research Assistant at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Modena
Associate Professor of Economics at the Faculty of Economics of the University of
Associate Professor of Economics at the Faculty of Economics of the University of
Rome "La Sapienza"
Professor of Economics (Professore Ordinario) at the Faculty of Economics of the
University of Rome "La Sapienza".
Coordinator of the Laurea Magistrale in Economics "EPOS"
Coordinator of the European PhD in SESS
Visiting Fellowships
Department of Economics, University of Notre Dame, USA
Department of Economics, New School for Social Research, USA
Key qualifications
Macroeconomist, with a strong focus on institutional and social aspects. Particular attention to open
economy macroeconomics and effects of economic integration and internationalisation on labour
issues: labour market segmentation and employment, equality and equity, quality of jobs and
quality of life, sustainability of social models, gender issues.
Research and lecturing experience in Economics, European economics and Economics of Monetary
Union, Labour, employment and social models, History of economic analysis. Senior advisor to the
Network on gender and employment (EGGE) for DG Employment and the Network on gender and
social inclusion (EGGSI) for DG Employment.
Work experiences
She has promoted, directed and/or carried out several research projects in the field of social policy
and employment, economics of care and the family, gender and equality at the European level. She
also served as scientific director of, or researcher in, national research projects financed by the
Ministry of Research and Education (MIUR) or CNR in the field of macroeconomics, economics of
integration, labour economics.
Academic Positions
Research Assistant at the Faculty of Economics of the University of
Associate Professor of Economics at the Faculty of Economics of the
University of Modena
Associate Professor of Economics at the Faculty of Economics of the
University of Rome "La Sapienza"
Professor of Economics at the Faculty of Economics of the University of
Rome "La Sapienza".
Professional Experience
Professor of Macroeconomics and International Economics at the University
"Eduardo Mondlane" Maputo, Mozambico
Professor of Economics (Professore Ordinario) at the Faculty of Economics
of the University of Rome "La Sapienza".
Scientific Board and Lecturer in the Master on “State Management and
Humanitarian Affairs”, Rome, Sarajevo, Belgrade.
Scientific Board and Lecturer in the Master on “Local development”,
University of Rome, La Sapienza.
Secretary General and (since 2007) Scientific director of the Giacomo
Brodolini Foundation
Presidente del Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Economia Politica EPOS
Local coordinator of the SESS EuroPhD (European PhD in Socio-Economic
and Statistical Studies)
Relevant Research and related activities
Main scientific interest in the following fields of research: Macroeconomics; European Economics
and policy; innovation, competitiveness and growth: interaction between advanced and emerging
economies; gender and migration
Current research focuses on both theoretical and applied economics, with particular interest in real
and financial integration in the Euro area; international fragmentation of production, catching up,
and falling behind; the real consequences of the current financial crisis; gender and migration.
Research networks
IWPLMS: International Working Party on Labour Market Segmentation
Dynamo: Dynamics of National Employment Models” EU 6th Framework Programme
Donne e Scienza (Women in science)
Other network activites
Member of the SIE (Società Italiana degli Economisti); AIEL (Associeazione Italiana degli
economisti del Lavoro); Storep (Associazione Italiana di Storia Economica); Eshet (European
society for the History of Economic Thougt), Eurosapienza.
Referee for: The Cambridge Journal of Economics; International Contributions to Labour Studies;
Metroeconomica; Politica Economica; Political Economy, Economia e Lavoro, Feminist
Economics, Social Policy and Administration, Journal of Population Ageing.
Co-editor of Economia & Lavoro and member of the editorial board of Labour.
Editorial board of www.ingenere.it
 Il ritorno dell’Economia Politica. Saggi in ricordo di Fernando Vianello (ed.), Donzelli,
Roma 2010 (with G. Bonifati)
 Questioni di genere, questioni di politica. Trasformazioni economiche e sociali in una
prospettiva di genere (ed.), Carocci, Roma 2006, ISBN 88-430-3671-8
 “Technical and organisational change: the impact on employment and social equity”, (ed.)
Economia e Lavoro, 38, no.1, 2004.
 Il debito pubblico, (a cura di) Il Mulino, Bologna 1988 (co-author).
 Governi, banchieri e mercanti. La concorrenza fra i paesi industrializzati nei mercati dei
paesi in via di sviluppo, F. Angeli, Milano 1983.
 “Affordability of care and quality of work: new trends in elderly care” in F. Bettio, J.
Plantenga and M. Smith (eds.), Gender and the European labour market, Routledge,
London, 2013, pp. 108- 132 ISBN 978-0-415-66433-2 (with S. Picchi)
 “Chronic einer angekündigten Krise” in S. Lehndorff (ed.), Ein Triumph gescheiterter
Ideen. Warum Europa tief in der Krise steckt Zehn Länder-Fallstudien, VSA:Verlag,
Hamburg, 2012, pp. 190-206. ISBN: 978-3-89965-511-7
 “Time, cash and services: reforms for a future sustainable long-term care”, Futures, vol. 44,
Issue 7, 2012 , pp. 687-695, Elsevier, ISSN: 0016-3287
 “Italy: Chronicle of a crisis foretold” in S. Lehndorff (ed.), A Triumph of failed ideas –
European models of capitalism in the crisis, ETUI, Brussels, 2012, 183-197 ISBN 978-287452-246-8.
 “Home Care and Cash transfers: the search for a sustainable elderly care model” in E.
Addis, P. de Villota F. Degavre, J. Eriksen (eds.), Gender and well being: interactions
between work, family and public policies, Ashgate, Farnham 2011 ISBN: 978-1-4094-0705-8
 “Disinflation in Industrial countries, Foreign Debt Cycles and the Costs of Stability”, in R.
Ciccone, C. Gehrke, and G. Mongiovi (eds.), Sraffa and modern economics, Routledge,
London 2011, ISBN-13: 9780415669351 ; also in Centro di Ricerche e Documentazione
“Piero Sraffa”, Quaderno di Ricerca no. 4, Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Roma, 2004
(with A. Ginzburg)
 “Due presidenti, bue banchieri centrali, due crisi” QA - Rivista dell'Associazione Rossi-Doria,
3, 2010
 “Lavoro e spesa sociale, una politica per le donne” in A. Watt, A. Botsch e R. Carlini (a cura
di) Dopo la crisi, Edizioni dell’asino, 2010, pp. 160-166,. ISBN 978-88-6357-050-2
 “Piero Boni. Due Lezioni” in Economia & Lavoro, vol. 44, no. 1, 2010, pp. 117-20.
 “L’economia politica classica e Keynes” in G. Bonifati e A. Simonazzi (eds.), Il ritorno
dell’Economia Politica. Saggi in ricordo di Fernando Vianello, Donzelli, Roma, 2010, pp.
3-29, ISBN 978-88-6036-517-0
 “La grande illusion. How Italy’s ‘American dream’ turned sour”, in Anxo, D., Bosch, G.
and Rubery, J. (2010) The Welfare State and Life Transitions, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
(with P. Villa), pp. 231-56. ISBN: 978 1 84720 780 7
 “Reforms and job quality. The case of the elder-care sector”, Work organisation labour and
globalization, 2010, volume 4 no 1; pp. 41-56.
 “Exploring international migration and outsourcing through an institutional lens”, Dubravko
Mihaljek (ed.) Globalisation, labour markets, and international adjustment. Essays in
Honour of Palle S. Andersen, BIS Papers no. 50, December 2009 (Jill Rubery, A.
Simonazzi, and Kevin Ward), pp. 77-104. ISBN: 92-9131-807-8
 “La Strategia Europea per l’Occupazione: meriti e limiti”, La Rivista delle Politiche Sociali,
n. 4, 2009, pp. 125-141.
 “Ein ökonomisch inspirierter Blick auf Pflegearragements in europäischen Staaten” (An
Economical Inspired Approach to Care Arrangements in European States), in Christa
Larsen, Angela Joost, Sabine Heid (Hrsg.), Illegale Beschäftigung in Europa, Rainer Hampp
Verlag, München, Mering, 2009, pp. 139-158. ISBN: 978-3-86618-339-1
 “Continuity and change in the Italian model”, in J. Rubery, Gerhard Bosch, and S.
Lehndorff (eds), European employment models in flux. A comparison of institutional change
in nine European countries, London, Palgrave, Macmillan, 2009 (with P. Villa, F. Lucidi
and P. Naticchioni): 201-222. ISBN: 13: 978-0-230-22355-4
 “Care regimes and national employment models”, The Cambridge Journal of Economics,
vol.33, no. 2, March 2009: 211-232.
 “Le stagioni della vita lavorativa e il tramonto del ‘sogno americano’ delle famiglie
italiane”, in Villa P. (ed.) Generazioni flessibili, Roma, Carocci 2007 (pp 25-51) (co-author).
ISBN: 978-88-430-4319-4
 “Price and Prejudice. The statics and dynamics of money-wage flexibility”, in Marcuzzo
M.C., Giacomin A. (eds.) Money and markets, London, Routledge 2007: 115-132 (coauthor). ISBN 13: 978-0-415-38403-2 (hbk).
 “Welfare mediterraneo per la cura degli anziani e immigrazione”, in Simonazzi A (ed.),
Questioni di genere, questioni di politica. Trasformazioni economiche e sociali in una
prospettiva di genere, Roma, Carocci 2006 (pp. 183-211) (co-author).
 “Disparità, opposizioni, complementarietà” in: Simonazzi A (ed.), Questioni di genere,
questioni di politica. Trasformazioni economiche e sociali in una prospettiva di genere,
Roma, Carocci 2006 (pp. 9-24), isbn 88-430-3671-8
 “Change in care regimes and female migration. The ‘care drain’ in the Mediterranean”,
Journal of European Social Policy, vol. 16: 271-285, 2006 (co-author).
 “Patterns of industrialisation and the Flying-geese model: the case of electronics in East
Asia, Journal of Asian Economics, vol. 15, pp. 1051-1078, 2005 (also in Dipartimento di
Scienze Sociali, Cognitive e Quantitative, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, R 16-03,
October 2003) (co-authored).
 “La riforma del mercato del lavoro: una questione ancora aperta”, Economia & Lavoro, vol.
38, n.2, 2004.
 “Institutions, technology, and wage inequality”, Economia e Lavoro, 38, no.1, pp. 7-25
 “Innovation and growth: supply and demand factors in the US expansion”, Cambridge
Journal of Economics, no. 5, vol. 27, September 2003
 Su “Lo Stato asociale” di T. Boeri, Diritto ed Economia dello Stato Sociale, no.1, vol.1,
 “Financial Liberalization, the European Single Currency and the Problem of
Unemployment” in R. Franzini and R.F. Pizzuti (eds.) Globalization, Institutions and Social
Cohesion, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg 2001 (co-author)
 “Il Paradigma della flessibilità”, La Questione Agraria, n. 3, 2000, pp. 45-59
 “Employment, growth and income inequality: some open questions”, in M. A. Landesmann
and K. Pichelmann (eds.) Unemployment in Europe, Macmillan, Londra 2000
 “Flexibility and Growth”, International Review of Applied Economics, vol.13, n. 3,
September 1999 (co-author).
 “Liberalizzazione finanziaria, moneta unica europea e occupazione” in Pizzuti R. (edited
by), Globalizzazione, istituzioni e coesione sociale, Donzelli, Roma 1999 (collaboration).
 "Italy towards European Monetary Union (and domestic socio-economic disunion)", in
Moss, B.H. and Michie J. (edited by) The Single European Currency in National
Perspective. A community in Crisis?, Macmillan, Londra 1998 (collaboration).
 “I processi economici: Economia, produzione, consumi e imprenditorialità” in
“L’Italia dopo la grande trasformazione. Trent'anni di analisi del Censis”. Note e
Commenti, n. 1-2, 1998.
 “Flessibilità e crescita”, Politica Internazionale, n. 3, maggio-giugno 1997 (coauthor).
 “Saggio di interesse e livello dei prezzi: i paradossi della disinflazione”, Rivista Italiana
degli Economisti, vol. 2, n.1, 1997 (in collaborazione). Ripubblicato in De Vecchi, N. e
Marcuzzo, M. C., (ed.), A cinquant'anni da Keynes. Teorie dell'occupazione, interesse e
crescita”, Edizioni Unicopli, Milano 1998.
 “Credibility or ‘exit speed’? Reflections prompted by the 1992 EMS crisis”, Rivista Italiana
di Economia, vol.1, n.1, 1996 (collaboration).
 “Patterns of production and distribution in Europe: the case of the textile and clothing
sector”, in Schiattarella R. (a cura di) New Challenges for European and International
Business, Facoltà di Economia, Roma 1995 (collaboration).
 “Beggar-my-neighbour policies: the 1930s and the 1980s”, in M.C.Marcuzzo, L.Pasinetti,
A.Roncaglia (eds.), The Economics of Joan Robinson, Routledge, London 1995.
 “Modificabilità dei tassi di cambio e restrizioni alla libertà di movimento dei capitali”, in
Felice R. Pizzuti (edited by), Pragmatismo, disciplina e saggezza convenzionale.
L'economia italiana dagli anni '70 agli anni '90, McGraw-Hill, Milano 1994 (collaboration).
 “La politica monetaria e i suoi vincoli” in P. Ginsborg (edited by), Stato dell'Italia, Il
Saggiatore, Milano 1994.
 “Vantaggi comparati e divisione del lavoro nel mercato unico europeo”, Politica Economica,
vol. IX, no.1, 1993
 “La World Bank e l'Africa. Il dibattito sulle politiche di aggiustamento strutturale”, Politica
ed Economia, n.4, 1991.
 “Effetti della crisi fiscale sui servizi sociali personali”, in A.M.Nassisi (edited by), Il lavoro
femminile tra produzione e riproduzione, Istituto Gramsci, Roma 1990 (collaboration).
 “Alti tassi di interesse e funzionamento dei mercati finanziari. Alcune riflessioni sul caso
italiano”, Moneta e Credito, dicembre 1989, n.168.
 “Introduzione” a Massimo Matteuzzi e Annamaria Simonazzi (edited by) Il debito pubblico,
Il Mulino, Bologna, 1988.
 “Crediti all'esportazione e concorrenza internazionale”, Politica Economica, I, n.2, agosto
 “Banche e Terzo mondo. Creditori e debitori nell'economia mondiale”, Dossier di Le Monde
Diplomatique, n.21, 1984.
 “Economia politica: 'tecnica di pensiero' o tecniche di aggiustamento?”, Il Mulino, XXXI,
n.2, March-April 1982.
 “La politica economica di Mrs. Thatcher. L'Inghilterra sulla scia tedesca?”, Inchiesta,
September - December 1979 (collaboration).
 “Domestic Demand Pressure and Export Performance: the case of Selected Italian
Industries”, Economic Notes, vol.7, no.2-3 1978.
 “Care regimes on the move” (with F. Degavre et al.), Centre Interdisciplinaire de Recherche
Travail, Etat et Société, Université Catholique de Louvain, Charleroi, Avril 2012.
 “E’ davvero questa l’Europa che vogliamo?”, www.ingenere.it, 23-2-2012
 “Meno tassi per tutti”, www.ingenere.it, 1-12-2011
 “I due redditi”, intervista realizzata da Barbara Betoncin, Una Città n. 189 / 2011 novembre
 “Da Versailles a Maastricht”, www.ingenere.it, 6-10-2011
 “Chi scommette sulle calende di agosto”, www.sbilanciamoci.info, 29-7-2011
 “Fermate il casinò, vogliamo scendere”, www.ingenere.it, 21-7-2011
 “Dal welfare al bankfare. La Grecia e l’Europa”, www.ingenere.it, 23-6-2011
 “Curiamo la disoccupazione con i lavori di cura”, www.ingenere.it, 24-2-2011
 “Long-term care. The role of local government”, The Urbact Tribune, November 2010: 2729 (con F. Deriu).
 “Due presidenti, due governatori, due crisi”, Short Notes, Dipartimento di Economia
Pubblica, 2009, novembre http://dep.eco.uniroma1.it/docs/short_notes/simonazzi.pdf.
 “Ageing and Employment: old and new challenges in a global crisis scenario”, The Urbact
Tribune, October 2009: 23-26
 “New Skills for new jobs. Status quo and perspectives for the elderly care sector in
Europe”, GHK Report, 2009, July.
 “Una crisi disuguale”, in Sbilanciamoci.info, 8-7-2008 (con R. Schiattarella)
 Recensione a L. Costabile (ed.), Institutions for social well-being. Alternatives for Europe”,
Economia & Lavoro, 42, no. 3, 2008: 271-273.
 “Presentazione” of the special issue “Participation, Human Capital and Migrations”,
Economia & Lavoro, XLI, no.2, 2007 p. 7-8 (con L: Tronti).
 The "care drain" in the Mediterranean: notes on the Italian experience. The State and future
of care work: international migration as a solution for labour shortage?. Tokio, 12-13
December 2004 (collaboration).
 “Crescita”, Formula, no.3, XV, maggio-giugno 1998.
 “Flessibilità e crescita” in M. Capparucci (a cura di), Radici e percorsi dell’economia del
lavoro, La Sapienza Editrice, Roma 1998 (co-author).
 "L'Europa messa in riga e le prospettive dell'Unione monetaria", Politica ed Economia,
n.1-2, gennaio-maggio 1996 (co-author).
 “La flessibilità inutile e altri falsi miti sul mercato del lavoro”, Politica ed Economia, n.6,
novembre-dicembre 1995 (co-author).
 “Il settore Tessile, abbigliamento, calzature in Europa”, in Sistema moda Italia. Grandi
progetti per piccole imprese. CNA, Roma 1995 (co-author).
 “Europa – Mercati” Politica ed Economia, supplemento al n. 5-6 1994.
 “Beyond the short run. Germany and the changing division of labour within the enlarged
EU” (with A. Ginzburg and G. Nocella), paper presented at the Conference
“WWWforEurope: Workshop on European Governance and the Problems of Peripheral
Countries”, Vienna 12-13 July 2012.
 “The process of marketisation in home care” (with M. Nyssens and S. Picchi), paper
presented at the Conference “Cuidados y Migraciones Internacionales” Universidad de
Deusto, Bilbao, January 12- 13, 2012
 “Affordability of care and quality of work. New trends in elderly care”, paper presented at
the Conference Making Connections: Migration, Gender and Care Labour in Transnational
Context’, Oxford, 14-15 April 2011
 “Itay: still life”, paper presented at the workshop “Models of capitalism in Europe - how
have they fared in the crisis?”, Paris, 18-19 March, 2011, and at the IWPLMS Conference,
Bamberg 11-13 July, 2011; Vienna 16-17 September 2011.
 “Work, Employment and Ageing in the Mediterranean: country strategies of dealing with
the ageing workforce”, paper presented at the Conference “Ageing in the Mediterranean
world”, Malta, 12-15 March, 2009.
 “Facts and puzzles in Italy’s productivity decline”, paper presented at the IWPLMS
conference, Porto, 8-10 September, 2008, and at the EAEPE Conference, Rome, 6-8
November 2008.
 “Home care and cash transfers: the search for a sustainable elderly care model”, presented at
the Conference: "A new social policy for the European citizens", Roma 20-21 November
 “Formal and informal markets. Are care regimens converging to a European model?”, paper
presented at the Cost Action A34 Conference “Gender and well-being: The role of
institutions from past to present”, Madrid 24-27 June 2008.
 “What can we expect from gender budgeting?”, paper presented at the Conference “Gender
Budgeting in Practice”, Sophia, 2 November 2007 and Prague, 8 November, 2007.
 “Care regimes and national employment models”. Conference paper presented at the Joint
Seminar Series at the Oxford Institute of Ageing (OIA), Oxford January 8-11, 2007 and Aix
en Provence, July 2007. WP no. 113, Dipartimento di Economia Pubblica, Università di Roma “La
Sapienza”, June 2008.
“Continuity and change in the Italian social model”. Paper presented at the 26th Conference
of the IWPLMS. Working Paper Series, n. 108, Dipartimento di Economia Pubblica,
Università di Roma ‘La Sapienza’ January 2008 (co-author).
“La grande illusion. Great expectations and disillusionment in the Italian economy”. Paper
presented at the 27th Conference of the IWPLMS, Växjö University, Sweden. 14-16
September 2006 (co-author).
“Does the welfare state keep a ‘high and stable’ level of demand in Europe?”, presented at
the DynamoConference, Budapest,. 4-5 March, 2005 (co-author).
“Deflation. The short happy life of unconventional thinking”, preparato per The Eighth
Annual Conference ESHET 2004, "Money and Markets", Treviso, 27-29 febbraio 2004 (coauthor).
“L’impatto della delocalizzazione produttiva e delle decisioni dell’WTO sui mercati
nazionali del lavoro”, presented at the Conference “Il mosaico del lavoro globale”, Palermo,
22-23 Novembre 2002.
“New technologies, imports of intermediate goods and the demand for labour”, presentato
alla 23 Conference of the IWPLMS, “Job Quality”, Spetses (Greece), 18-20 luglio 2002
“What can we reasonably expect from increasing labour market flexibility?” presentato al
workshop “Challenge for structural reform: design, implementation and experience”, the
Joint Vienna Institute, The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (WIIW),
Wien 28-30 Novembre 2001.
"La reinterpretazione monetarista della Grande Depressione del 1873-96", 2001 (co-author).
“Inequality and technical change: old and new theories of segmentation”, presentato al
convegno “Old and New Growth Theories: An Assessment”, Pisa 5-7 Ottobre 2001.
“Institutions, technology and earnings inequality”, paper for the XLI Scientific Annual
Meeting of Italian Society of Economists (Società Italiana degli Economisti), Cagliari,
October 2000.
“Deregulate in order to innovate: can Europe learn from the US?”, 26th Annual Conference
of the Eastern Economic Association, Hyatt Regency Crystal City, (USA) March 24 –
March 26, 2000.
“Employment security and structural change”, paper presented at Meeting “Sraffa and
Modern Economics”, Roma, 1-4 October 1998 e al XII biannual Meeting - A.I.S.S.E.C.,
University of Siena, 3-5 June 1999.
“World Debt Cycles and the ‘Gibson Paradox’: an interpretative hypothesis”, Materiali di
Discussione, Dipartment of Political Economy, University of Modena n. 259, Modena 1999
“Competitive employment policies: from austerity policies to wage subsidisation”,
IWPLMS, Strasbourg, 1994.
“The Consequences of the Fiscal Crisis on the Provision of Personal Social Services”,
IWPLMS, Cambridge, 1992.
“On the Independence of the Central Bank. Reflections on post-war US Experience”,
CIDEI, no. 12, March 1992.
“Fenomeni di isteresi nella spiegazione degli alti tassi di interesse reale", Materiali di
Discussione, Department of Political Economy, Modena, n. 41, 1988