Repubblica e Cantone Ticino Dipartimento delle finanze e dell’economia Divisione dell’economia Economic innovation act Document for the official request of support according to the Legge per l'innovazione economica of 25 June 1997 Business Plan (BP) Company: Date: 19/06/2017 Ufficio per lo sviluppo economico Viale Stefano Franscini 17 6501 Bellinzona Tel. 091 814 35 41 [email protected] Economic innovation act | Business Plan 2 General information The Department of Finance and Economy will consider applications only if the information given in this questionnaire is complete. Tangible investments made or contracted prior to the decision of the Ufficio per lo sviluppo economico will not be considered for the calculation of the subsidy. To be sent to Ufficio per lo sviluppo economico. Applicant Company, name Contact person Address E-mail Telephone Number NOGA Number IVA Dipartimento delle finanze e dell’economia Ufficio per lo sviluppo economico 6501 Bellinzona Mobile phone Economic innovation act | Business Plan 1. List of items to be developed 1.1. General information on the company's business 1.1.1 short description of the company 1.1.2 future developments 1.1.3 importance of the company for the regional economy (labour market, additional tax income, training, etc.) 1.2. Description of the company structure 1.2.1 company structure 1.2.2 membership of the Board of Directors 1.2.3 management profile, experience and role in the company 1.2.4 location of the decision-making centre if the company belongs to a group Dipartimento delle finanze e dell’economia Ufficio per lo sviluppo economico 6501 Bellinzona 3 Economic innovation act | Business Plan 1.3. Description of the production process and products 1.3.1 production process and products 1.3.2 any special activity in the area of research and development 1.3.3 any partners in the production process 1.4. Sales markets 1.4.1 shares of total sales by outlet markets and different product families 1.4.2 (last 3 years and outlook for the next 3 years) list of customers representing more than 10% of sales (name and share of sales) 1.4.3 competition and market conditions (market share, special niches, etc.) 1.4.4 sales organisation structure 1.4.5 any sales partners 1.5. Personnel 1.5.1 see table on next page (present and future jobs) 1.5.2 any comments on personnel structure (trend, training, re-training, etc.) Dipartimento delle finanze e dell’economia Ufficio per lo sviluppo economico 6501 Bellinzona 4 Economic innovation act | Business Plan 1.6. 5 Present and future jobs POSTI DI LAVORO ATTUALI per aziende esistenti total of which cross-border personne Top and middle management Research and development - graduates or technicians - qualified personnel - semi-qualified and unskilled personnel Production and control - graduates or technicians - qualified personnel - semi-qualified and unskilled personnel Services and administration - graduates or technicians - qualified personnel - semi-qualified and unskilled personnel Other jobs (to be specified) - graduates or technicians - qualified personnel - semi-qualified and unskilled personnel Total total administrative apprenticesi technical apprentices * after project implementation (existing and new companies) Dipartimento delle finanze e dell’economia Ufficio per lo sviluppo economico 6501 Bellinzona men women PLANNED JOBS Minimum annual salary or wage 20 Total planned jobs * Economic innovation act | Business Plan 2. Information on the project 2.1. Description of the project 2.2. Strategic motivation of the investment (possibly supported by market research data) 2.3. Innovative features of the project 2.3.1 complete list of new products and/or technological innovations at the plant level 2.3.2 how the products are innovative and advanced from a technological standpoint 2.3.3 place where the investment will be implemented 2.4. repercussions of the project on company structure, production, research and development, marketing, etc. Dipartimento delle finanze e dell’economia Ufficio per lo sviluppo economico 6501 Bellinzona 6 Economic innovation act | Business Plan 3. Financial aspects 3.1. Planned investment 3.1.1 complete and detailed list of all the tangible and intangible investments required for the new project 3.1.2 summary (see table on next page) 3.1.3 have tangible investments already been made or contracted prior to the authorisation of the Ufficio per lo sviluppo economico for the Head Start investments? No 3.2. Yes if yes, please describe them Financing 3.2.1 information on the financing of the project 3.2.2 if a bank has been contacted, it must provide its appraisal of the applicant's financial situation and solvability, its appraisal of the project as far as financing is concerned and a copy of the contract governing the granting of credit 3.3. Deadlines 3.3.1 schedule for the implementation of the various stages of the investment project Dipartimento delle finanze e dell’economia Ufficio per lo sviluppo economico 6501 Bellinzona 7 Economic innovation act | Business Plan 3.4. 8 Summary of investments and financing amount in ,000 CHF Tangible investments, not financed by leasing building, plant and land machines and production plant computer system, etc. Tangible investments, financed by leasing building, plant and land machines and production plant Intangible investments patents and licenses research and development market research and technical feasibility studies prototypes Total investments 3.5. Financing of the project amount in ,000 CHF Financing of the project owner’s equity third-party capital leasing * Total financing * annual leasing fee Dipartimento delle finanze e dell’economia Ufficio per lo sviluppo economico 6501 Bellinzona Economic innovation act | Business Plan 4. Miscellaneous 4.1. existing bank relationship(s) 4.1.1 list and name of relationship(s) manager 4.2. auditors 4.3. company insuring the building and the machines 4.4. comments 4.4.1 at present, are there any legal proceedings in course against you according to Financial or Bankruptcy Law (Legge esecuzione e fallimenti)? Dipartimento delle finanze e dell’economia Ufficio per lo sviluppo economico 6501 Bellinzona 9 Economic innovation act | Business Plan 10 5. Declaration I declare that the information given in this questionnaire is complete and true. By signing this form, the undersigned authorizes other cantonal services to provide to the Ufficio per lo sviluppo economico any complementary information concerning the company that may be required Place and date: Dipartimento delle finanze e dell’economia Ufficio per lo sviluppo economico 6501 Bellinzona Signature and title of the authorized signatory: Economic innovation act | Business Plan 6. List of enclosures 1. extract from the Register of Commerce 2. 4. company organisation chart management and auditors' reports, financial and income statements for the last 3 years profit and loss outlook for the next 3 years, with a description of the main accounting items 5. leasing contracts, for production machines 6. copy of the latest tax returns (last 3 years) 7. copia dell’ultima notifica salari AVS (ev. in forma anonima) 3. The Ufficio per lo sviluppo economico can request other documents: balance sheet and cash flow outlook, details on social contributions and taxes, agreements, construction permit, etc. Dipartimento delle finanze e dell’economia Ufficio per lo sviluppo economico 6501 Bellinzona 11 Economic innovation act | Business Plan 7. Complementary information for training bonus Training plan for the innovative project 7.1. Reason for training, concerning the innovative investment 7.2. Beneficiaries of training 1.2.1 number of people involved 1.2.2 qualifications before and after training 1.2.3 salary before and after training 7.3. Training plan 1.3.1 duration 1.3.2 organization 1.3.3 people in charge 1.3.4 any outside organization involved 1.3.5 actual costs for the company Dipartimento delle finanze e dell’economia Ufficio per lo sviluppo economico 6501 Bellinzona 12