Europass Curriculum Vitae Personal Information Name Date of birth Nationality Address Serafina Lapenta January 29th, 1987 Italian Università degli Studi di Salerno Dipartimento di Matematica Via Giovanni Paolo II, 132 84084 Fisciano (SA) Italia E-mail [email protected] [email protected] Web page Experience Current Position August 2016 Post-doc researcher at University of Salerno Research project: “Łukasiewicz modal logic via algebras and dualities” July 2015–July 2016 Post-doc researcher at University of Salerno Research project: “Riesz Spaces and Łukasiewicz logic” Education and training 2011-2014, Thesis defended on 10 March 2015 PhD in Mathematics (Dottorato di Ricerca in Matematica) with grant SSD MAT/01 “Logica Matematica”, with evaluation “Excellent” Thesis title: "MV-algebras with product: connecting the Pierce-Birkhoff conjecture with Łukasiewicz logic". Dipartimento di Matematica, Informatica ed Economia, Universitá degli Studi della Basilicata. 2009-2011, Thesis defended on 20 July 2011 Master Degree in Mathematics (Laurea Specialistica in Matematica), 110/110 cum laude. Thesis title: "La dimostrazione elementare del Teorema di Completezza del Calcolo Proposizionale di Lukasiewicz a infiniti valori". Dipartimento di Matematica ed Informatica, Universitá degli Studi della Basilicata. 2006-2009, Thesis defended on 23 September 2009 Bachelor Degree in Mathematics (Laurea Triennale in Matematica), 110/110 cum laude. Dipartimento di Matematica ed Informatica, Universitá degli Studi della Basilicata. Page 1 / 5 - Curriculum vitæ of Lapenta, Serafina Pubblication Papers in Journals 1. Flaminio T., Hosni H., Lapenta S., Convex MV-algebras: many-valued logics meet decision theory, accepted on Studia Logica. 2. Lapenta S., Leuştean I., Notes on divisible MV-algebras, arXiv:1605.01230 [math.LO], accepted for publication on Soft Computing, DOI:10.1007/s00500016-2339-z. 3. Lapenta S., Leuştean I., Scalar extensions for the algebraic structures of Łukasiewicz logic, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 220 (2016) 1538–1553. 4. Lapenta S., Leuştean I., Stochastic independence for probability MV-algebras, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 298 (2016) 194–206. 5. Lapenta S., Leuştean I., Towards understanding Pierce-Birkhoff conjecture via MV-algebras, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 276, 114–130, 2015. Book chapters 1. Lapenta S., Leuştean I., A general view on normal form theorems for Łukasiewicz logic with product, to appear in Dieter Probst and Peter Schuster (eds.), “Concepts of Proof in Mathematics, Philosophy, and Computer Science”. Ontos Mathematical Logic. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin. Submitted papers 1. Lapenta S., Leuştean I, A general view on the algebraic semantics of Lukasiewicz logic with product,submitted, arXiv:1411.4987v3 [math.LO]. 2. Di Nola A., Lapenta S., Leuştean I., An analysis of the logic of Riesz Spaces with strong unit, submitted. Work in progress 1. Di Nola A., Lapenta S., Norm MV-algebras and compact Hausdorff Spaces, in preparation. Page 2 / 5 - Curriculum vitæ of Lapenta, Serafina Conferences 1. “A general view on MV-algebras with product and normal form theorems”, Soft Computing Days, Beijing (China), November 26th - 30th 2016 - invited talk. 2. “Riesz MV-algebras and Divisible MV-algebras: logic, analysis and polyhedral geometry” LATD 2016, Phalaborwa (South Africa) - June 28th - 30th 2016 contributed talk, 3. “On MV-algebras with convexity operators” - ManyVal’15, Les Diabletets, Switzerland, December 10th - 13th 2015, contributed talk. 4. “Towards an algebraic approach to convex combination” - Trends in Logic XV: Logic for social behaviour, Delft, The Netherlands - June 28th - July 3rd 2015. 5. “Baker-Beynon duality for Riesz MV-algebras” - Beyond 2014, Florence, Italy December 3rd - 5th 2014, invited talk. 6. "On tensor product in Łukasiewicz logic" - LATD 2014, TU Wien, Wien, Austria - July 16th - 19th 2014, contributed talk. 7. "MV-algebras with product and the Pierce-Birkhoff conjecture" - LATD 2014, TU Wien, Wien, Austria - July 16th - 19th 2014, contributed talk. 8. "An extension to the notion of MV-algebras: f MV-algebras" - XXV AILA Conference, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy - April 14th - 17th 2014, contributed talk. 9. "f MV-algebras and piecewise polynomial functions" - ManyVal’13, Prague, Czech Republic - September 3rd - 7th 2013, contributed talk. Seminars 1. “From logic to functional analysis via Riesz MV-algebras” - Institute of Computer Science, Czech Academy of Science, Prague - December 14th 2016, invited seminar. 2. “MV-algebras, normal form theorems and decision theory” - University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg - June 13th 2016. 3. “MV-algebras and the Pierce-Birkhoff conjecture” - Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, ILLC, Amsterdam - April 20th 2016. 4. “On MV-algebras with convexity operators” - Logic Seminar at University of Bucharest, Romania - November 26th 2015, invited seminar. 5. "Un approccio algebrico alle combinazioni convesse" - Logic Seminar at Università di Milano, Italy - June 12th 2015, invited seminar. 6. "Baker-Baynon duality in Riesz MV-algebras" - Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy (IMAR), Bucharest, Romania - March 18th 2014, invited seminar. 7. "On product in Lukasiewicz logic" - Universitatea di Bucuresti, Bucharest, Romania - July 11th 2013, invited seminar. 8. "MV-algebras and MV-modules" - University Roma 3, Roma, Italy - November 9th 2012, SELP seminar. Page 3 / 5 - Curriculum vitæ of Lapenta, Serafina Summer Schools 1. August 25th -31st 2013. I have attended the "Scuola Estiva di Logica" organized by "Associazione Italiana di Logica e sue Applicazioni"(AILA). 2. August 19th - 25th 2012. I have attended the "Scuola Estiva di Logica" organized by "Associazione Italiana di Logica e sue Applicazioni"(AILA). Visiting periods 1. June 2016 (1 month), Johannesburg, visiting Prof. Clint Van Alten (SYSMICS project). 2. April 2016 (1 week), Amsterdam, visiting Prof. Nick Bezhanishvili. 3. January 2016 (1 week), Milan, visiting Prof. Hykel Hosni and Dr. Tommaso Flaminio. 4. November 2015 (1 week), Bucharest visiting Prof. Ioana Leuştean. 5. June 2015 (1 week), Varese, visiting Dr. Tommaso Flaminio. 6. March 2014 (2 weeks), Bucharest visiting Prof. Ioana Leuştean. 7. February-July 2013 (6 months), Bucharest, visiting Prof. Ioana Leuştean. Grants and Projects 1. INdAM-Cofound 2010, ranked 1st , fellowship declined; 2. Project manager and member of the Marie Curie - RISE project “SYSMICS”, grant agreement n. 689176,; 3. Member of the coordinating unit for the Italian National Research Project (PRIN2010-11) entitled Metodi logici per il trattamento dell’informazione. Teaching 1. 2015–2016, T.A. for the class Universal Algebra at University of Salerno, held by Prof. Di Nola. 2. 2015–2016, “Cultore della Materia” for SSD MAT/01. Member of the examination committee for the class Matematica per l’economia e Matematica finanziaria, held by Prof. Luca Spada. 3. November 2015, “Help Teaching” at University of Salerno. Course Calculus – Degree course in Biology. 4. 2013–2014, “Tutor” at University of Basilicata. Course: Calculus – Degree course in Computer Science. Page 4 / 5 - Curriculum vitæ of Lapenta, Serafina Additional informations Organization 1. TACL2015, School and Conference, 2. Soft Computing Days 2016, Service I have been reviewer for the following journals/conference proceedings: Soft Computing, Mathematical Logic Quarterly, Journal of Logic and Computation, Bulletin of the Section of Logic, Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications, Proceedings of the Tblilisi Symposium, FUZZ-IEEE. Memberships 1. From 2013 I am a member of "Associazione Italiana Logica e sue applicazioni" (AILA). 2. From 2013 I am a member of MathFuzzLog, the working group on Mathematical Fuzzy Logic. Prizes 1. May 2012 "Laureati Eccellenti 2011", awarded on the basis of outstanding academic performance. 2. "Premio di laurea 2011" from ARDSU (money award) awarded on the basis of outstanding academic performance. Languages My first language is Italian, I am fluent in English. Page 5 / 5 - Curriculum vitæ of Lapenta, Serafina