Elenco titoli corsi di formazione

annuncio pubblicitario
Elenco titoli corsi di formazione
Vers. 1 rev. 0 del 02/01/2005
Risorse umane: ............................................................................................................................................. 3
Gestione .................................................................................................................................................... 3
Comunicazione.......................................................................................................................................... 3
Leadership................................................................................................................................................. 3
Qualità ........................................................................................................................................................... 3
Area Office & Automation:............................................................................................................................. 3
Project Mamagement Application Desktop ............................................................................................... 4
Grafica e multimedia: .................................................................................................................................... 4
CAD ........................................................................................................................................................... 4
Vettoriale.................................................................................................................................................... 4
web ............................................................................................................................................................ 4
Multimedia/elaborazione immagine........................................................................................................... 4
Linguaggi:...................................................................................................................................................... 4
.NET........................................................................................................................................................... 4
ASP.NET ................................................................................................................................................... 4
C# .............................................................................................................................................................. 5
C/C++ ........................................................................................................................................................ 5
Visual Basic ............................................................................................................................................... 5
Visual Basic.NET....................................................................................................................................... 5
Web /XML .................................................................................................................................................. 5
Java: .......................................................................................................................................................... 5
MainFrame/Cobol ...................................................................................................................................... 6
SQL............................................................................................................................................................ 6
Oracle PL/SQL .......................................................................................................................................... 6
Sistemi:.......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Windows 2000 ........................................................................................................................................... 6
Windows 2003 ........................................................................................................................................... 6
Windows XP .............................................................................................................................................. 7
Linux .......................................................................................................................................................... 7
Application Server: ........................................................................................................................................ 7
Collaborative solutions .............................................................................................................................. 7
Datawarehouse [MS SQL Server] ............................................................................................................. 7
Deploy and Manage .................................................................................................................................. 7
Groupware [MS Exchange] ....................................................................................................................... 7
Web/e-commerce ...................................................................................................................................... 7
Oracle ........................................................................................................................................................ 8
SAP............................................................................................................................................................ 8
AS400 ........................................................................................................................................................ 8
Sicurezza:...................................................................................................................................................... 8
Teknosurf. It Srl
Elenco titoli corsi di formazione
Pag. 2 di 8
Elenco corsi Teknosurf.it Formazione - Corsi tecnologici:
Risorse umane:
Create a motivational team - 1,5gg
Conflict management - 1,5gg
Ability discovery - 1,5gg
Leader coach - 1,5gg
People Management - 1,5gg
Tecniche di comunicazione, introduzione alla negoziazione - 3gg
Introduzione all’intelligenza emotiva - 2gg
Lavorare con l’intelligenza emotiva - 2gg
Approccio alla trasformazione, personale e organizzativa - Workshop 1gg
Essere leader - 3gg
Definire la propria missione e visione - Workshop 1gg
Il mondo delle relazioni - 2gg
Training trasformazionale - 5gg
Cambiamento e trasformazione nella leadership - Workshop 1gg
Scoprire le risorse possibili - Workshop 2gg
Ambiente per i non addetti - durata da definire
Costruire il sistema di qualità - durata da definire
Gestire i rifiuti secondo il Decreto Ronchi - durata da definire
Gestire il reclamo - durata da definire
Gestire le non conformità - durata da definire
Le visite ispettive interne - durata da definire
Qualità per i non addetti - 1gg
Sicurezza OHSAS18001 - durata da definire
Subire le visite ispettive - 1gg
Corso di formazione per Consulenti Sistemi Qualità - 3gg
Area Office & Automation:
Introduzione al PC + MS Office - 5gg (Windows+Word+Excel+internet)
Microsoft Windows XP - 1gg
MS Office corso intensivo - 5gg (Word+Excel+P.Point)
Internet: navigazione e posta elettronica - 1gg
Microsoft Outlook - 1gg
Lotus Notes - 1gg
Microsoft Power Point - 1g
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Elenco titoli corsi di formazione
Pag. 3 di 8
Microsoft Word base - 1gg
Microsoft Word avanzato - 1gg
Microsoft Word Programmazione VBA - 5gg
Microsoft Excel base - 3gg
Microsoft Excel avanzato - 2gg
Microsoft Excel Programmazione VBA - 5gg
Microsoft Access base - 3gg
Microsoft Access avanzato - 2gg
Microsoft Access programmazione VBA - 5gg
Project Mamagement Application Desktop
Microsoft Project - 4g
Grafica e multimedia:
Autodesk Autocad -5gg
3D Studio Max/viz Modellazione e rendering - 5gg
3D Studio Max Aminazione - 4gg
Corel Draw - 4gg
Adobe Freehand - 5gg
Adobe Illustrator - 5gg
MOC1552 - Microsoft FrontPage avanzato - 2gg
Microsoft FrontPage base - 3gg
Macromedia Flash - 5gg
Macromedia Dreamweaver - 5gg
Multimedia/elaborazione immagine
Macromedia Director - 5gg
Adobe Acrobat - 3gg
Adobe Photo Shop - 5gg
MOC2717 - Introduction to .NET Development - 2gg
MOC2090 - Modeling Business Requirements to create a Database using Visual Studio.NET - 3gg
MOC2350 - Developing and Deploying Secure Microsoft .NET Framework Applications - 3gg
MOC2389 - Programming with ADO.NET - 3gg
MOC2556 - Developing Mobile Applications using the .NET Compact Framework - 5gg
MOC2557 - Building COM+ Applications using Microsoft® .NET Enterprise Services - 5gg
MOC2558 - Programming with Managed Extensions for Microsoft Visual C++ .NET - 3gg
MOC2571 - Application Upgrade and Interoperability Using Visual Studio .NET - 2gg
MOC2710 - Analyzing Requirements and Defining Microsoft .NET Solution Architectures - 5gg
MIE3290 - Introduzione alla programmazione ASP.NET - 3gg
MOC2640 - Upgrading Web Development Skills from ASP to Microsoft ASP.NET - 3gg
MOC2524 - Developing XML Web Services Using Microsoft ASP.NET - 3gg
MOC2310 - Developing Microsoft ASP .NET Web Applications Using Visual Studio .NET - 5gg
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Elenco titoli corsi di formazione
Pag. 4 di 8
MOC3201 - Developing Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 Web Applications Corso Base - 3gg
MIE3100 - Programming in ANSI SQL - 3gg
MOC2124 - Introduzione alla programmazione con C# 5gg
MOC2349 - Programming with the Microsoft .NET Framework (Microsoft Visual C# .NET) - 5gg
MOC2555 - Developing Microsoft .NET Applications for Windows (Visual C# .NET) - 5gg
MOC2609 - Introduction to C# Programming with Microsoft .NET - 5gg
MIE3500 - Programming in ANSI C - 5gg
MIE3510 - Programming in ANSI C++ - 5gg
MIE3520 - Win32 System Programming - 5gg
MIE3540 - Implementing COM in ATL and MFC - 5gg
Visual Basic
MOC1303 - Mastering Microsoft Visual Basic 6 Fundamentals - 5gg
MOC2657 - Programming Microsoft Access 2002 - 3gg
MIE3301 - Mastering Visual Basic 6.0 Fundamentals -5gg
MIE3310 - Visual Basic 6.0 Programming - 5gg
MIE3320 - Visual Basic 6.0 Advanced Topics - 5gg
Visual Basic.NET
MOC2565 - Developing Microsoft .NET Applications for Windows (Visual Basic .NET) - 5gg
MOC2415 - Programming with the Microsoft. NET Framework (Microsoft Visual Basic .NET) - 5gg
MOC2559 - Introduction to Visual Basic .NET Programming with Microsoft .NET - 5gg
MOC2373 - Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic.NET - 5gg
Web /XML
MOC2300 - Developing Secure Web Applications -3gg
MOC1592 - Creating and Managing Web Sites Using FrontPage 2000 - 2gg
MOC1017 - Mastering Web Application Development Using Microsoft Visual InterDev 6 - 5gg
MOC1905 - Building XML Web Based Applications - 5g
MOC1913 - Exchanging and Trasforming Data Using XML and XSLT - 5gg
MOC2500 - Introduction to XML and the Microsoft .NET Platform - 2gg
MOC2663 - Programming with XML in the Microsoft .NET Framework - 3gg
MIE3400 - HTML - 2gg
MIE3411 - Dynamic HTML For Web Publishing - 3gg
Developing Applications for the J2EE Platform - 5gg
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Using UML - 5gg
Fundamentals of the Java Programming Language - 5gg
Java Programming Language for Visual Basic Programmers - 5gg
Java Technology for Structured Programmers - 5gg
Java Programming Language - 5gg
Distributed Programming with Java Technology - 4gg
Web Component Development with Servlet and JSP Technologies - 5gg
GUI Construction with Java Foundation Classes - 5gg
Database Application Programming with Java Technology - 4gg
Advanced Business Component Development with EJB Tecnology - 5gg
SL-425 Architecting and Designing j2EE Applications - 4gg
J2EE Patterns - 4gg
Implementing Java Security - 3gg
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Elenco titoli corsi di formazione
Pag. 5 di 8
Web Services for Java Technology Programmers - 2gg
Sun ONE Middleware: Developing Web Services - 2gg
Introduction to XML - 4gg
Managing XML with the Java Platform - 3gg
Introduzione al Mainframe - 2gg
L’ambiente di sviluppo Mainframe (TSO) - 2gg
Programmazione in COBOL - 5gg
Programmazione COBOL Batch - 3gg
Programmazione COBOL CICS - 3gg
Programmazione base in JCL - 2gg
Programmazione avanzata in JCL - 2gg
Programmazione in REXX - 3gg
Linguaggio SQL (varianti Oracle, DB2, SQL Server) - 2gg
Oracle PL/SQL
Il linguaggio PL/SQL di Oracle – base - 2gg
Il linguaggio PL/SQL di Oracle – avanzato - 2gg
Windows 2000
MIEIW02 - Essential TCP-IP and implementing Windows 2000 Professional and Server-Intensive - 5gg
MOC1560 - Updating Support Skills from Windows NT 4.0 to Windows 2000 - 5gg
MOC1561 - Designing a Windows 2000 Directory Services Infrastructure - 3gg
MOC1562 - Designing a Windows 2000 Networking Services Infrastructure - 4gg
MOC2028 - Basic Administration of Microsoft Windows 2000 - 3gg
MOC2087 - Implementing Microsoft Windows 2000 Clustering -3gg
MOC2126 - Managing a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Environment - 5gg
MOC2150 - Designing a Secure Windows 2000 Network - 5gg
MOC2151 - Windows 2000 network & operating system essentials - 3gg
MOC2152 - Implementing Windows 2000 Professional and Server - 5gg
MOC2153 - Implementing a Windows 2000 Network Infrastructure - 5gg
MOC2154 - Implementing and Administering Windows 2000 Directory Services - 5gg
MOC2433 - Visual Basic Script and Windows Script Host Essentials - 3gg
MOC2439 - Scripting Using Microsoft Windows Management Instrumentation - 2gg
MOC2820 - Implementing and Administering Security in a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network - 5gg
MIE1304 - Introduzione ad Active Directory - 2gg
MIE1306 - Implementare e Amministrare Active Directory in Windows 2000 - 3gg
Windows 2003
MOC2823 - Implementing and Administering Security in Windows Server 2003 Network - 5gg
MOC2207 - Updating Systems Admin and Engineer Skills from Win 2000 to Win Server 2003 - 5gg
MOC2208 - Updating Support Skills from Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 to Windows Server 2003 - 3gg
MOC2209 - Updating Systems Administrator Skills from Windows 2000 to Windows Server 2003 - 2gg
MOC2210 - Updating Systems Engineer Skills from Windows 2000 to Windows Server 2003 - 3gg
MOC2273 - Managing and Maintaining a Microsoft® Windows Server 2003 Environment - 5gg
MOC2274 - Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment - 5gg
MOC2275 - Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment - 3gg
MOC2276 - Implementing a Windows Server 2003 Network Infrastructure: Network Hosts -2gg
MOC2277 - Implementing Managing Win Server 2003 Network Infrastructure:Network Services - 5gg
MOC2278 - Planning and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network Infrastructure - 5gg
MOC2279 - Planning Implementing Maintaining Windows Server 2003 Active Directory - 5gg
MOC2282 - Designing Windows Server 2003 Active Directory and Network Infrastructure - 5gg
MOC2283 - Migrating from Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 to Microsoft Windows Server 2003 - 3gg
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Elenco titoli corsi di formazione
Pag. 6 di 8
MOC2297 - Plan, Implement, Maintain Win Server 2003 Environment MCSE Win 2000 - 5gg
MOC2299 - Managing, Maintaining Windows Server 2003 Environment for MCSA Windows 2000 - 2gg
Windows XP
MOC2285 - Installing, Administering, and Configuring Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional - 2gg
MOC2261 - Supporting Users Running the Microsoft Windows XP Operating System - 3gg
MOC2262 - Supporting Users Running Applications on a Microsoft Windows XP Operating System - 2gg
MOC2272 - Implementing and Supporting Microsoft Windows XP Professional - 5gg
MIEIW01 - Implementing and Supporting Microsoft Windows XP Professional - Intensive - 3gg
Utilizzo dell’interfaccia di Linux (tutte le versioni) - 1,5gg
Installazione di linux (tutte le versioni) - 4gg
Gestione delle policy e configurazione in rete di Linux (tutte le versioni) - 2gg
Linux e la sicurezza - 5gg
Linux e il firewalling - 2gg
Application Server:
Collaborative solutions
MOC2012 - Design, Implement, Manage Office SharePoint TM Portal Server 2003 Infrastructure - 3gg
MOC2014 - Customizing Microsoft Office SharePoint Products and Technologies 2003 - 2gg
MOC2732 - Planning, Deploying, and Managing an Enterprise Project Management Solution - 5gg
MOC8036 - Designing IT Platform Collaborative Applications with Microsoft SharePoint 2003 - 2gg
Datawarehouse [MS SQL Server]
MOC2734 - Updating your Database Development Skills to Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 3gg
MOC2733 - Updating your Database Administration Skills to Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 3gg
MIEIS01 - Amministrazione di Microsoft SQL Server 2000 - Intensive - 2gg
MIEIS02 - Programmazione di Microsoft SQL Server 2000 - Intensive - 2gg
MOC2030 - Creating Reporting Solutions Using Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services - 2gg
MOC2071 - Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2000 with Transact-SQL - 2gg
MOC2072 - Administering a Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Database - 2gg
MOC2073 - Programming a Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Database - 2gg
MOC2074 - Designing and Implementing OLAP Solutions with Microsoft SQL Server 2000 - 2gg
MOC2092 - Populating a Data Warehouse with SQL Server 2000 Data Transformation Services - 5gg
MOC2093 - Implementing Business Logic with MDX in Microsoft SQL Server 2000 - 3gg
Deploy and Manage
MOC2287 - Managing Your Infrastructure Using Microsoft® Operations Manager 2005 - 3gg
MOC2395 - Designing, Deploying, Managing Network Solution for Small &Medium-sized Business - 3gg
MOC2550 - Implementing Microsoft Operation Manager 2000 - 3gg
MOC2596 - Managing Microsoft Systems Management Server 2003 - 5gg
MOC2597 - Planning and Deploying Microsoft Systems Management Server 2003 - 3gg
Groupware [MS Exchange]
MOC2400 - Implementing and Managing Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 - 5gg
MOC1572 - Implementing and Administering Microsoft Exchange 2000 - 5gg
MOC1573 - Designing Microsoft Exchange 2000 for the Enterprise - 4gg
MOC2009 - Upgrading Your Skills from Exchange Server 5.5 to Exchange Server 2003 - 3gg
MOC2011 - Troubleshooting Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 - 3gg
MOC2159 - Deploying and Managing Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000 - 3gg
MOC2295 - Implementing and Supporting Microsoft Internet Information Services 5.0 - 3gg
MOC2694 - Updating Web Server Skills to Internet Information Services 6.0 - 2gg
MOC2728 - Building Microsoft BizTalk Server 2002 Solutions - 4gg
MOC2729 - Building Microsoft Commerce Server 2002 Solutions - 4gg
MOC2824 - Implementing Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004 - 4gg
Teknosurf. It Srl
Elenco titoli corsi di formazione
Pag. 7 di 8
Oracle Enterprise Server 8i/9i basic administration -2gg
Oracle Enterprise Server 8i/9i advanced administration - 2gg
Oracle advanced instruments - 2gg
Introduzione a SAP e alla GUI - 1gg
Modulo FI - 4gg
Modulo CO - 4gg
Modulo SD - 4gg
Operatore AS400/iSeries - 5gg
Introduzione alle Reti ed Internet - 2gg
Internetworking Essential - 1gg
Security Essential - 3gg
Firewall e VPN - 3gg
Introduction to CheckPoint FireWall-1 - 2gg
VPN-1/Firewall-1 Management I NG - 2gg
VPN-1/Firewall-1 Management II NG - 3gg
VPN-1/Firewall-1 Management III NG - 2gg
Log Management Using the FireWall-1 Reporting Module - 1gg
Risk Analysis - 3gg
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Pag. 8 di 8