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Financial Transparency System - Consultancy

Financial Transparency System
Evaluation services (EUR million)
Research, development or scientific activities (EUR million)
Studies (EUR million)
Top 20 beneficiaries
Beneficiary’s contracted amount (EUR)
The figures represent only expenditure under direct and indirect management.
Top 20 countries
Beneficiary’s contracted amount (EUR)
The figures represent only expenditure under direct and indirect management.
Top 5 responsible departments
Commitment contracted amount EUR million
The figures represent only expenditure under direct and indirect management.
Top 5 programmes
Commitment contracted amount EUR million
Commitment contracted amount EUR million
The figures represent only expenditure under direct and indirect management.
Top 20 Projects
Commitment contracted amount EUR million
The figures represent only expenditure under direct and indirect management.
The information on external consultancy services published on this page covers
professional knowledge-based services provided by an economic operator (e.g.
private or public service suppliers, from individual consultants to management and
consulting firms, IT and engineering firms, universities, research institutions or
NGOs). While external consultancy services may provide the European Commission
with important technical input, the European Commission eventually remains fully
responsible for the conduct of its own tasks as defined under the Treaty on European
Union, including policy development.
The figures for external consultancy services published on this page represent only
funding from the EU budget with legal commitments under direct and indirect
management for the following types of contracts: ‘consultancy (advisory services)’,
‘evaluation services’, ‘research, development or scientific activities’ and ‘studies’. A
large portion of these contracts has been signed for third parties in the field of EU
External Action (e.g. technical assistance, cooperation, partnerships) or to the benefit
of Member States (e.g. supporting EU countries to design and implement reforms).
This page does not show information for the European Development Fund, which can
be found on the FTS Analyse page, nor does it include information that is not part of
the Financial Transparency System annual publications.