How to fix IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL errors Updated: 01/24/2018 by Computer Hope The IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL or Stop 0x0000000A errors are generated by both software and hardware issues. The message indicates that a kernel mode process or driver attempted to access a memory address that it did not have the rights to access. Below is an example of how these error messages are formatted. STOP: 0x0000000A (0xwwwwwwww, 0xxxxxxxxx, 0xyyyyyyyy, 0xzzzzzzzz) 0xwwwwwwww The address that was referenced improperly. 0xxxxxxxxx IRQL that was required to access the memory. 0xyyyyyyyy Type of access. 0xzzzzzzzz Address of instruction that attempted to access 0xwwwwwwww.