aquaticreptiles of the DINOSAUR AGE aquaticreptiles of the DINOSAUR AGE illustrations by Román text by Giuseppe García Mora Brillante and Anna Cessa contents introduction 7 plesioSAURUS 10 MOSASAURUS 26 TYLOSAURUS 28 ICHTHYOSAURUS61 CERESIOSAURUS30 LIOPLEURODON18 PLIOSAURUS NOTHOSAURUS 20 TANYSTROPHEUS63 ELASMOSAURUS22 HENODUS 32 38 THE TERROR OF THE SEAS cenozoic today QUATERNARY Origin of Man 1,8 Million years ago Ice Age mammals neogene SCARIERTHANANYMONSTERBORNOUTOFTHEIMAGINATIVEMINDOFAWRITERORADIRECTOR, THEGIGANTICREPTILESTHATLIVEDINTHEPREHISTORICANCIENTSEASOFTENCAUSEATHRILL 23 Million years ago paleogene Extinction of the dinosaurs OFTERRORTORUNALONGTHEBACKOFTHOSEWHOLOOKATHEIRFOSSILS.ITISDIFFICULTTO cretaceous 66 Million years ago THINKTHATBEASTSSUCHASTHESEREALLYEXISTED.YETITISSO,BUTTHEWORLDATTHEIRTIME LATE Gigantic dinosaurs, Mosasaurus, Tylosaurus 100Millionyearsago EARLY ABOUT250MILLIONYEARSAGO,THELANDTHATRAISEDUPWASJOINEDTOGETHERINONE 145Millionyearsago giurassic LATE mesozoic WAS VERY DIFFERENT FROM WHAT WE KNOW TODAY. Diversification of Plesiosaurus 163Millionyearsago middle 174Millionyearsago EARLY Wumengosaurus, ancestor of the Ichthyosaurus CONTINENTALMASSKNOWNASTHEPANGEA,ANDEVERYTHINGELSEWASWATER.THESEWATERS WEREAHABITATTHATSOONCALLEDTOMANYREPTILESTHATHADEVOLVEDONTHEMAINLAND ANDATTHATPOINTWEREINTHEBESTCONDITIONSTORETURNTOTHESEAS,WHERETHEREWAS Giant dinosaurs, Brachiosaurus LESSCOMPETITIONFORFOOD.THEOCEANSOFTHEJURASSICPERIODSAWTHESEANIMALSLIVE, REPRODUCE,ANDDIVERSIFYINTOMANYFORMSTOBECOMETHERULERSOFTHEWATERSOFTHE 201Millionyearsago PLANET. 237Millionyearsago WHENFOSSILHUNTERSBEGANTOBRINGTOLIGHTTHEIRREMAINSINTHENINETEENTHCENTURY, triassic LATE Origin of aquatic reptiles middle WHATTHEYFOUNDWASSOUNUSUALTHATITWASHARDTOBELIEVETHATITCOULDBETRUE. 247Millionyearsago SINCETHEN,HUNDREDSOFSPECIESANDDIFFERENTKINDSOFAQUATICREPTILESHAVEBEEN EARLY 252Millionyearsago Origin of mammals 299Millionyearsago Reptiles similar to mammals PALEOZOIC PERMIAN CARBONIFEROUS FOUND.SOMEFOSSILSARESOUNBELIEVABLETHATTHEYSEEMTOBETRUE“PHOTOGRAPHS” IMPRINTEDONTHEROCKS.BYSTUDYINGANDANALYZINGTHEM,ASDETECTIVESATACRIMESCENE First giant forests 359Millionyearsago DEVONIAN silurian ordovician 419Millionyearsago DO,PALEONTOLOGISTSHAVERECONSTRUCTEDTHEAPPEARANCE,HABITSANDBEHAVIOROFTHESE ANIMALS.THEYTELLTHEEXTRAORDINARYSTORIESOFTHESEANIMALSTHATWOULDOTHERWISEBE LOST IN THE FOLDS OF TIME. Originofamphibians 443Millionyearsago 485Millionyearsago cambrian Trilobites 541Millionyearsago precambrian First land plants Ediacaran fauna Explosion of life in the Cambrian Period AQUATIC REPTILES 7 TODAYWEKNOWTHATTHESIZEOFAQUATICREPTILESCOULDVARYFROMTHATOFADOLPHIN SOMESPECIESMAYHAVEGONEONTOLANDTOLAYTHEIREGGS,WHILEOTHERSGATHERED TOTHATOFAHUGEWHALE.THEYWEREALMOSTALWAYSEFFICIENTPREDATORSANDSOMEWERE SEASONALLYINCOASTALWATERSTHATWERECALMERANDMOREPROTECTEDFROMPREDATORS, REALLYTERRIFYING.ANEXAMPLEOFTHESEWASTHETYLOSAURUSTHATWITHITSBIGJAWSWAS WHERETHEYRETURNEDTODELIVERTHEIRYOUNG.SOMEFINDINGSHAVEEVENREVEALEDSCENES THEEQUIVALENTOFAT-REXINTHEOCEANS.THEMOSASAURUSSHOULDALSOBEMENTIONEDAS OF DAILY LIFE. ITCOULDREACHUPTO14METERSINLENGTH.ITWASSOAGGRESSIVETHATEVENMEMBERSOFITS INGERMANY,FOSSILSOFFEMALEICHTHYSAURUSESWEREFOUNDTHATSTILLHADTHEFETUSES OWN SPECIES OFTEN ENDED UP IN ITS STOMACH. INTHEIRBELLY,WHILEINCHINA,AMOTHERDINOSAURTHATDIEDFROMTHECOMPLICATIONSOF CHILDBIRTHWASDISCOVEREDALONGWITHTHEOTHERBABYDINOSAURSTHATSHEGAVEBIRTH BUTEVENIFTHESEEXAMPLESWEREPROBABLYSOLITARYHUNTERS,OTHERAQUATICREPTILES PROBABLY LIVED IN AND MOVED AROUND IN HERDS. TOANDITWASINTHATPOSITION,TOGETHERWITHHERCHILDRENTHATSHEWASFOUNDBY PALEONTOLOGISTS. INNEVADA,UNITEDSTATES,DOZENSOFSHONISAURUSSKELETONSWEREFOSSILIZEDALLINTHE SAMEDIRECTIONASIFTHEIRDEATHHADOCCURREDWHILETHEYWEREGATHEREDSWIMMING GENERATIONAFTERGENERATION,THEEXISTENCEOFTHESEAQUATICREPTILESCONTINUED IN A GROUP. FORMILLIONSOFYEARS.THENSUDDENLYSOMETHINGDISTURBEDTHEIRWORLD.FOLLOWING THEIMPACTOFAMETEORITEONEARTH,THESEGIGANTICANIMALSSUFFEREDTHESAME FATEASTHEDINOSAURSANDLIKETHEMDISAPPEAREDFOREVERBECOMING EXTINCT. AQUATIC REPTILES 9 plesioSAURus WHERE IT LIVED: The Seas of Northern Europe WHERE THE MOST IMPORTANT FOSSILS WERE FOUND: Dorset (United Kingdom), Germany WHEN IT LIVED: 205 to 65 million years ago T oday we know that it was a marine reptile from the Jurassic Period, but when the fossil was reconstructed in full, it was realized that it would not be easy to understand its behavior. For this reason, the first hypotheses on how it lived and its daily habits were quite imaginative. According to some scholars, they could “coil up” their neck like a snake, while others argued that they were able to walk on land. Over time, scientists have put together a more accurate identikit and these assumptions today almost make us smile. Plesiosaurus hadASMALLHEAD, a mouth filled with SHARP TEETH and four legs that over time had become TRUE FINS used to swim in a manner similar to an underwater flight. SIZE: up to 5 meters in length and 1.5 meters tall WEIGHT: from 500 kilograms to 2 tons I t looked like a “SEA DRAGON” from legends in Medieval times. When the remains of this large animal were discovered in 1823, nobody had ever seen a creature like it, and the geologist and paleontologist William Conybeare described it as “a snake that passes through a turtle shell.” They later chose the name PLESIOSAURUS for it, a name which means “RELATED TO LIZARDS.” AQUATIC REPTILES 11 plesioSAURus PLESIOSAURUS HAS SPARKED THE IMAGINATION OF PEOPLE SO MUCH THAT IT WAS I ts neck was long and slender and the animal used it to approach prey without them noticing. It fed on fish, cephalopods and other small aquatic reptiles. It is almost certain that, because of its long neck and body size, it was not able to move around on the sand, even to lay eggs, as some scholars have claimed. A surprising discovery made a few years ago allowed scholars to discover that Plesiosaurus was VIVIPAROUS, that it gave birth to its young and that it did it in the water, which was the its habitat. A fossil, unearthed in Kansas (United States) in 1987, still had the fetus in its belly. This “PREHISTORIC MOTHER” did not survive to give birth and so the fetus died and was fossilized with her. EVEN SUGGESTED THAT it DID NOT BECOME EXTINCT AND WAS STILL ALIVE IN PLACES THAT WERE INACCESSIBLE TO HUMANS. AS EVIDENCE OF THIS, A PHOTO WAS PRODUCED THAT HAD BEEN TAKEN IN 1934 ON THE BANKS OF LOCH NESS IN SCOTLAND, WHEREAMYSTERIOUS CREATURE SIMILAR TOAPLESIOSAURUS COULD BE SEEN WITH ITS LONG NECK OUT OF THE WATER AND WHICH LOCALS HAD GIVEN THE NICKNAME NESSIE. OVERTHEYEARS,MANYHAVETRIEDTOFINDTHISANIMALBYPROBINGTHEDEPTHSOFTHELAKE, BUT OF COURSE, NO ONE HAS EVER FOUND ANY TRACE. THE REASON IS SIMPLE: PLESIOSAURUS BECAME EXTINCT IN THE LATE CRETACEOUS PERIOD AS THE RESULT OF THE CATASTROPHIC IMPACT OF A METEORITE, THE SAME EVENT THAT ENDED THE LONG HISTORY OF THE DINOSAURS. AQUATIC REPTILES 13 ichthyoSAURus WHERE IT LIVED: Europe and Asia WHERE THE MOST IMPORTANT FOSSILS WERE FOUND: Lyme Regis (United Kingdom), Holzmaden (Germany) WHEN IT LIVED: 160 to 100 million years ago T he truth came out when other specimens were discovered and Mary became one of the most famous FOSSIL HUNTERS in Europe, although official scientists continued to keep her on the sidelines because at that time women were not granted such important roles in research. Ichthyosaurus was not gigantic, it barely reached two meters long. LACKING GILLS meant it had to go back up to the surface to breathe, but it was skilled hunter and, thanks to its hydrodynamic shape, it could reach almost 50 km/h while swimming. It fed on fish and shellfish, in particular on PHOLIDOPHORUS (similar to today’s herring) and BELEMNITES (distant relatives of cuttlefish and squid). How do we know what it ate? Scholars have found their remains in coprolites, the fossilized feces of Ichthyosaurus. SIZE: from 2 to 3 meters in length WEIGHT: up to 1 tons I t moved around the seas during the Jurassic period and it was a strange cross between a dolphin and a crocodile. Ichthyosaurus is perhaps the best known of the marine reptiles. It was first found in the early 19th century by MARY ANNING, an English woman of humble origins who could barely read and write, but searched for fossils as a livelihood trying to sell them as souvenirs to tourists on the cliffs near thetownofLymeRegis.TheREPTILESKELETONthat she unearthed was so strange that at the time many scholars did not believe in her discovery and accused her of having constructed a fake fossil by putting together pieces of different animals. INITIALLYITWASBELIEVEDTHATICHTHYOSAURUSLAIDEGGS. BUT THEN A NUMBER OF EXTRAORDINARY DISCOVERIES BEGAN TO TELL A DIFFERENT STORY. INHOLZMADEN,GERMANY,THEFOSSILSKELETONSOFFEMALE ICHTHYOSAURUSWEREBROUGHTTOLIGHTHAVINGDIEDWITH THEIRFETUSESSTILLINTHEWOMBOREVENWHILETHEYWERE GIVINGBIRTH.ITWASTHEREFOREREALIZEDTHAT,ALTHOUGH THEY WERE REPTILES, THEY DID NOT LAY EGGS BUT GAVE BIRTH IN SHALLOW WATERS TO FETUSES THAT WERE ALREADY DEVELOPED. AQUATIC REPTILES 17 liopleurodon WHERE IT LIVED: Europe WHERE THE MOST IMPORTANT FOSSILS WERE FOUND: France (Boulogne-sur-Mer and Caen), United Kingdom, Russia WHEN IT LIVED: 160 to 155 million years ago L ike today’s whales, to breathe it needed air and was forced to return to the surface, but it never left the water, not even to lay eggs, because it was incapable of moving on land. How large was it? We do not know for sure. The study of majority of the known fossils seems to indicate a size of about 7 meters in length, but the remains of some specimens found in recent years suggest that it could even be MORE THAN 10 METERS LONG. SIZE: from 7 to 10 meters in length WEIGHT: between 5 and 15 tons I t was aVORACIOUS PREDATOR, one of the most feared among the prehistoric reptiles that inhabited the seas of the planet. Its head measured more than a meter in length and its mouth, full of sharp protruding teeth, twice as long as that of a T-Rex, was a terrible deadly weapon. It mainly fed on Ichthyosaurus, Plesiosaurus and large fish which it identified from even tens of kilometers away with its SENSITIVE NOSE, capable of analyzing the water in search of the odors of its prey. It chased them by swimming quickly thanks to its legs, which functioned as large oars, and reduced them to pieces with its bite that was powerful enough to kill in seconds. IN 2003, SOME STUDENTS IN MEXICO FOUND THE FOSSILIZED REMAINS OFAGIANT REPTILE THATALIVE COULD HAVE MEASURED MORE THAN 15 METERS LONG (ONLY THE HEAD WAS MORE THAN TWOANDAHALFMETERSLONG).THISISTHESO-CALLEDMONSTER OFARAMBERRI. IT WAS INITIALLYSUGGESTED THAT IT WASANEXAMPLEOFAYOUNGLIOPLEURODON AND ISWHATMADE SCHOLARS THINK THAT THESE ANIMALS COULDREACHENORMOUSSIZES INADULTHOOD.TODAY,HOWEVER, SCIENTISTS BELIEVE THAT IT IS MORE LIKELYTHATTHE MONSTER OFARAMBERRI BELONGS TO A DIFFERENT SPECIES, PERHAPS A PLIOSAURUS. AQUATIC REPTILES 19 nothoSAURus WHERE IT LIVED: North Africa, Europe, China WHERE THE MOST IMPORTANT FOSSILS WERE FOUND: Germany I t was not clear how Nothosaurus swam, until the discovery in China in 2014, of a number of fossilized footprints on an ancient path on the seabed. The tracks are ARRANGED IN PAIRS, in long series of ten or fifteen. The size and the space between the tracks suggest that they were left by the front legs of these animals and they demonstrate that they swam by moving their limbs in unison downwardly like paddles (instead of laterally as penguins do today, for example). WHEN IT LIVED: 240 million years ago SIZE: up to 4 meters in length WEIGHT: from 20 to 100 kilograms A bout 240 million years ago, NOTHOSAURUS was among the most common marine reptiles in the oceans. It had sharp teeth and was voracious SEMI-AQUATIC PREDATOR: it probably lived like seals do today. It was actually only partially adapted to life at sea, with a long body, but rather short legs and was possibly equipped with a membrane between their toes. According to scientists, it sometimes returned to land. Nothosaurus probably did so to lay eggs and certainly when it wanted to rest or had to escape other marine reptiles that were larger than it was. IN ITALY, MANY FOSSILS OF NOTHOSAURUS HAVE BEEN BROUGHT TO LIGHT IN BESANO, IN THE AREA OF MONTE SAN GIORGIO, IN THE PROVINCE OF VARESE. HERE, MILLIONS OF YEARSAGO,AVARIETY OF SPECIES PROBABLY COEXISTED THAT WERE ALSO OF DIFFERENT SIZES GIVEN THAT SOME FINDINGS HAVE BEEN RECOGNIZED AS BELONGING TO NOTHOSAURUS GIGANTEUS WHILE OTHERS BELONG TO THE SMALLER NOTHOSAURUS JUVENILIS. AQUATIC REPTILES 21 elasmoSAURus WHERE IT LIVED: No r t h A m e r i c a WHERE THE MOST IMPORTANT FOSSILS WERE FOUND: Kansas (Usa) B ut how long could it go without resurfacing for a breath (apnea)? It is hard to say for sure. We can only speculate. Considering the size and relative capacity of the lungs, it is believed that it could have stayed underwater for about fifteen minutes, then had to re-surface again to fill up its oxygen supply. It was not even a very good swimmer. It moved slowly by pushing itself along with FOUR LEGSTRANSFORMED INTO FINS, a little like how the turtles of today move. But the sea was its kingdom and its ambushes were almost always fatal. WHEN IT LIVED: 80 million years ago SIZE: up to 14-15 meters in length WEIGHT: between 2 and 3 tons I t was one of the first marine reptiles ever found. It was an animal with such an unusual look that paleontologists, while trying to put together the bones of the skeleton in 1869, put its little head on the tail instead of on the neck, as it was difficult to imagine at that time that a living being could have had SUCH A LONG NECK (it is made up of as many as 71 VERTEBRAE, while the TAIL had ONLY 18). It was so cumbersome and heavy that it could not keep it straight outside of the water (its muscles would not have been sufficiently strong enough). It was content to bring its nostrils and mouth out of the water for what little time it needed to breathe, because, being areptile,itDIDNOTHAVEGILLS like fish and, consequently, had to return to the surface for a breath of air before continuing on its search for prey. ACCORDINGTO SCHOLARS, BECAUSE ITWAS NOTAFASTSWIMMER, IN ORDERTO PROCUREITSMEAL,THEELASMOSAURUSUSEDATECHNIQUETHATALLOWEDIT, DESPITE ITS SIZE, NOT TO BE SEEN. IT MOVED FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE SEAFLOOR UPWARDS, SO THAT ITS BODYWASALMOST INVISIBLEAGAINSTTHE DARKBACKGROUNDOFTHEABYSSALDEPTHS,WHILETHESILHOUETTESOFITSPREY ABOVEITWEREEASILYIDENTIFIABLEASTHEYWERESILHOUETTEDINTHELIGHT FROMTHESURFACEOFTHESEA.ITAPPROACHEDSILENTLYWITHITSLONGNECK AND GRABBED ITS VICTIM SUDDENLY, THUS AVOIDING HAVING TO CHASE ANIMALS FASTER THAN ITSELF. AQUATIC REPTILES 23 mosaSAURus WHERE IT LIVED: Europe, North America WHERE THE MOST IMPORTANT FOSSILS WERE FOUND: Mount Saint Peter (Holland), United States of America WHEN IT LIVED: I t could reach up to 14 meters in length and was so aggressive that it not only fed on large marine animals, but it did not even spare its own kind.Although it was a GOOD SWIMMER (thanks to its legs that were transformed into fins and its flat tail), it captured its prey above all by lurking, waiting for the fish, ammonites and other cephalopods that it fed on to approach it while it was still in the darkness of the deep sea, and at that point it bit them with a lightning fast strike that almost never let them escape. 70 to 65 million years ago SIZE: up to 14 meters in length WEIGHT: up to 5 tons I n the movie “Jurassic World,” which tells of a theme park whose attractions are giant prehistoric reptiles brought back to life thanks to science, there is a scene in which a MOSASAURUS jumps out of a giant swimming pool and devours a large shark hanging from a rope in a single bite, in front of hundreds of people frightened by its appearance. Hollywoodimagination aside, the Mosasaurus was truly terrifying. It had LONG JAWS, like those of crocodiles today, and a body covered in scales (we know this because several specimens were found in Jordan in 2009 containing fossilized skin). RECENTRESEARCHCONDUCTEDBYSWEDISHANDAMERICAN SCHOLARS ON FOSSILIZED FRAGMENTS OF SKINTHATHAVE PRESERVED TRACES OF PIGMENTS HAVE FOUND THAT MOSASAURUS WAS DARK COLORED. THIS ENABLED ITTO REACH HIGHER BODYTEMPERATURES AND WARM UPMORE QUICKLYIN THE SUN BETWEEN DIVES (THISWASANADAPTATIONTHATALLOWED ITTO LIVE EVEN IN VERY COLD SEAS), AS WELL TO BE LESS VISIBLE TO THE EYES OF ITS PREY. AQUATIC REPTILES 27 tyloSAURus WHERE IT LIVED: North America WHERE THE MOST IMPORTANT FOSSILS WERE FOUND: Kansas (Usa) WHEN IT LIVED: 85 to 73 million years ago S ometimes, to chase its prey, it immersed itself all the way down into the abyssal depths, but signs found on the bones of some remains of Tylosaurus were found evidencing the typical marks left by diseases related to decompression, demonstrating that it was not particularly suited to hunting in such extreme environments. It actually preferred shallow coastal areas. And it was in an environment like this, once upon a time, that a Tylosaurus bit into a large herbivorous dinosaur: a Hadrosaurus that had immersed itself in the water. Paleontologists found its bones with bite marks left by the teeth of this marine reptile. We will never know for sure whether the Hadrosaurus was alive or dead when the TYLOSAURUS attacked, as these reptiles were not even frightened by the most giant dinosaurs of the time. SIZE: more than 14 meters in length WEIGHT: more than 10 tons I n the stomach of some TYLOSAURUS specimens, the remains of huge fish, Plesiosaurus, Mosasaurus, sharks and giant squid were found. These findings speak volumes about its aggressiveness and power. As large as a bus, it was a kind of T-Rex of the seas. Its look was unmistakable: its long snout ended in a BEAK that it used to break through the body of its victims, as ancient Roman ships did with enemy ships. It was an efficient swimmer which moved thanks to the thrust of its paddle-shaped legs and long tail that was flattened vertically, providing it with a driving force and speed unthinkable for such a giant. FOR A LONG TIME, TYLOSAURUS WAS REPRESENTED WITH A RIDGE THAT RAN ALONG ITS BODY, FROM ITS HEAD TO ITS TAIL. WE NOW KNOWTHIS WASAN ERROR. PALEONTOLOGISTS HAD NOTICED THE REMAINS OF CARTILAGE IN A FOSSIL OF THIS SPECIES, BUT IT WAS THE IMPRESSION LEFT BY THE ANIMAL’S TRACHEA, WHICH IS ONLY RARELY PRESERVED, AND NOT THAT LEFT BY A DORSAL RIDGE. AQUATIC REPTILES 29 ceresioSAURus WHERE IT LIVED: Italy, Switzerland WHERE THE MOST IMPORTANT FOSSILS WERE FOUND: Monte San Giorgio (Italy) WHEN IT LIVED: 240 million years ago SIZE: up to 4 meters in length T here would have been islets and sandbars that separated the coast from the open waters and would have created a large coastal lagoon, a landscape that would have been similar to that of the Bahamas or the Maldives today. This was the habitat where Ceresiosaurus lived and hunted. On the day that it ended becoming a fossil, something did not go the right way and the killer and its victims died together. Their bodies ended up on the seabed, where they were covered with mud. The rest was taken care of by time: over millennia, their bones were transformed into FOSSILS which scholars then rediscovered. WEIGHT: 200 to 300 kilograms O ne of the best known fossils of this species is truly unique: on the same slab of rock, seven small skeletons of Neusticosaurus and a large example of a Ceresiosaurus are found together. It looks like a peaceful “snapshot” from the distant past, but it is instead the remains of a prehistoric drama, probably a hunting scene. CERESIOSAURUS was the predator and those little Neusticosaurus would have been its prey. They were found in Monte San Giorgio (on the border between Italy and Switzerland) which at that time, about 240 million years ago, was not yet a mountain, but the seabed of a shallow sea. THIS HUGE LIZARD SWAM QUICKLY IN SEARCH OF ITS PREY, GRABBING IT WITH SHARP TEETH. ITS HIND LEGS, LONGER AND MORE POWERFUL THAN THE FRONT ONES, GAVE IT GREATER THRUST DURING THE HUNT. THE FAVORITE VICTIMS OF CERESIOSAURUS WERE OTHER AQUATIC REPTILES OR SMALL FISH. AQUATIC REPTILES 31 plioSAURus WHERE IT LIVED: In all of the seas on Earth WHERE THE MOST IMPORTANT FOSSILS WERE FOUND: Lincolnshire, Oxfordshire (United Kingdom) and Svalbard (Norway) G iven its size, to not consume too much energy, it moved slowly, using only its front fins until it identified its prey. Then, by moving its rear fins, it increased its speed unbelievably until it reached its target. Its TEETH, MORE THAN 30 CM LONG and its large jaws gave it a bite that had DEVASTATING POWER (according to scholars, it was four times more powerful than that of a T-Rex). This was how it was able to kill even very large animals without difficulty, animals which it probably swallowed whole. WHEN IT LIVED: 160 to 140 million years ago SIZE: up to 13 meters in length WEIGHT: up to 45 tons IN2007,NORWEGIANPALEONTOLOGISTSHADALREADY UNEARTHED AGIGANTIC PLIOSAURUS IN SVALBARD, WHICH THEY HAD CALLED “THE MONSTER.” IT DOES NOT TAKE MUCH TO IMAGINE THE REASON FOR THIS NAME. IT WAS 10 TO 12 METERS IN LENGTHAND ITS LEGS, TRANSFORMED INTO FINS,WEREAT LEASTTHREE METERS LONG. THIS W hen researchers found the fossilized remains of this dinosaur in the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard, they named it PREDATOR X (its scientific name is Pliosaurus funkei). With a length that would have been around 13 meters, it was one of the biggest marine reptiles that ever lived. Its skull, three meters long by itself, contained a brain that was larger than that of a white shark in modern times, but the Pliosaurus’ aggressiveness was far superior. RECORDWASTHENSNATCHEDAWAY IN 2008 BY THE DISCOVERY OF PREDATOR X.THE BONES OF BOTH SPECIMENS,HOWEVER,DUETOTHE HARSHCLIMATEOFSVALBARD,WERE FRAGMENTED INTO HUNDREDS OF PIECES AND HAS MADE THE JOB OF SCIENTISTS TO REBUILD THEM VERY DIFFICULT, ALMOST AS IF IT WERE A GIANT PUZZLE. AQUATIC REPTILES 33 tanystropheus WHERE IT LIVED: Italy, Switzerland (German part) WHERE THE MOST IMPORTANT FOSSILS WERE FOUND: Besano (Italy) WHEN IT LIVED: 230 million years ago SIZE: up to 6 meters in length WEIGHT: up to 200 kilograms I ts neck was so disproportionate to the rest of the body (making up half of its total length) that it has been given the nickname of “GIRAFFE-REPTILE.” Some of the most important fossils have been found in Italy, in Besano, near Varese. For a long time, its bizarre appearance created more than one question for paleontologists who were trying to figure out the behavioral habits of this animal and could not understand if it was aquatic or terrestrial. Today, the question seems to have finally found an answer. According to scholars, TANYSTROPHEUS swam in the shallow waters of prehistoric marine lagoons, moving by undulating its tail and the trunk of its body. It used its long hind legs as big fins and its neck as a kind of rudder to change direction. It hunted for small fish, mollusks, squid and shellfish (remains of these foods were found in the stomach of some fossil specimens found in Switzerland), which it captured with its mouth filled with many small POINTED TEETH. Even though it lived mostly in the sea, it occasionally returned to land, especially when laying its eggs. ATTHEBEGINNINGOFTHETWENTIETHCENTURY,SCHOLARSWHOANALYZEDTHEFIRSTFOSSILS OF TANYSTROPHEUS MISTOOK IT FOR A FLYING REPTILE. WHAT CONFUSED THEM WAS THE PRESENCE OF LONG BONES THAT LOOKED LIKE THE PHALANGES OFAFINGER SIMILAR TOA PATAGIUM(I.E.THEMEMBRANEFOUNDINWINGS)OFSOMEPREHISTORICANIMALSTHATCOULDFLY. SUBSEQUENT FINDS CLARIFIED THAT THESE BONES WERE ACTUALLY THE VERTEBRAE OF ITS LONG, ASTONISHING NECK. AQUATIC REPTILES 37 henodus WHERE IT LIVED: Europe WHERE THE MOST IMPORTANT FOSSILS WERE FOUND: Germany WHEN IT LIVED: H ENODUS probably spent its life in the quiet waters of coastal marshes, where its strange flat jaw that was almost toothless(ithadONLYFOURTEETH)allowed it to sift the muddy bottom of the marsh to search for crustaceans which it ate. It is not out of the question that it had a BALEEN- LIKE structures in its mouth (similar to that of modern whales), which it used to filter the water and retain small prey. It breathed air and had a partly amphibious existence. In fact, it often returned to land to rest and reproduce although itsARMOR PLATE made its movements on land rather awkward. 225 million years ago SIZE: more than 1 meter in length WEIGHT: up to 150 kilograms HENODUS’ ARMOR PLATE WAS MADE FROM THE FUSION OFALARGE NUMBER OF I t is probably one of the strangest animals that have ever appeared on the planet. Its appearance was truly unique. Its head was so flattened and crushed that it seemed to come straight out of a press, while its body, wider than it was long, was characterized by a LARGE ARMOR PLATE on its back that made it look like a turtle even if, in reality, it was not even a distant relative of this animal. This enigmatic creature made PALEONTOLOGISTSlosesleep and even today, its lifestyle is not known for certain. Why did it look the way it did? What was its peculiar shaped skull used for? These are the two questions that scholars have asked themselves for some time. There are naturally a number of different hypotheses. BONEPLATES.THEYFORMEDASTURDY SHELL THAT PROTECTED IT FROM its ENEMIES, EVEN THOSE WITH THE MOST POWERFUL BITES. THIS DEFENSE STRATEGY HAD ONLY ONE WEAKNESS: UNLIKE TURTLES TODAY, HENODUS WAS NOT ABLE TO retract ITS LEGSAND HEAD INSIDE THE ARMOR, LEAVING THEM EXPOSED AND VULNERABLE. GENERALLY, HOWEVER, IN THE HEAT OF AN ATTACK IN WATER, PREDATORS AIMED AT THE BIGGER TARGET, THE BODY, AND ONLY RARELY AT THE EXTREMITIES. THIS ALLOWED HENODUS TO SURVIVE IN MOST CASES. AQUATIC REPTILES 39 Attracted since childhood by both art and science, ROMÁN GARCÍAMORAgraduated in biology. After his studies, he decided to unite the two fields that fascinated him and specialized in scientific illustration, devoting himself in particular to paleontological reconstruction, above all of dinosaurs. Román has received several international awards in this field. He has worked for several scientific journals such as “PM Bilde Quo” and collaborates with various publishers and illustrated scientific publications, along with researchers from several Spanish institutions. giuseppe brillante is a journalist, currently responsible for the Italian editions of the “BBC Science” and “BBC History” magazines. He has written scientific and naturalistic articles and reports for several newspapers. He has often worked in the field of paleontology and also collaborated on the book “Italian Dinosaurs.” annacessahas always been passionate about paleontology. She specializes in scientific and naturalistic publishing, collaborates with “BBC History” and has many years of experience in teaching. Graphic Design by valentina Graphic Rendering by maria figus cucchi WS Edizioni White Star® is a registered trademark owned by White Star Ltd. © 2016 White Star s.r.l. Piazzale Luigi Cadorna, 6 - 20123 Milan, Italy All rights to translation, reproduction and adaptation in total or in part and by any means are reserved for all countries. ISBN 978-88-540-3304-7 1 2 3 4 5 6 21 20 19 18 17 Printed in China