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Readme LibreOffice - Free Office Suite - Based on OpenOffice - Compatible with Microsoft

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Welcome (/welcome/) / Readme
LibreOffice ReadMe
For latest updates to this readme file, see h�p://
This file contains important informa�on about the LibreOffice so�ware. You are recommended to read this
informa�on very carefully before star�ng installa�on.
The LibreOffice community is responsible for the development of this product, and invites you to consider
par�cipa�ng as a community member. If you are a new user, you can visit the LibreOffice site, where you
will find lots of informa�on about the LibreOffice project and the communi�es that exist around it. Go to
Is LibreOffice Really Free for Any User?
LibreOffice is free for use by everybody. You may take this copy of LibreOffice and install it on as many
computers as you like, and use it for any purpose you like. If you intend to use LibreOffice in a business or
large organisa�on, we strongly recommend sourcing LibreOffice‐based products from partners in our
ecosystem (download/libreoffice‐in‐business/). In this way, you get addi�onal long‐term support op�ons
and other benefits, and help to financially support the long‐term future of the so�ware.
For further details, see the license text packaged with this LibreOffice download.
Why is LibreOffice Free for Any User?
You can use this copy of LibreOffice free of charge because individual contributors and corporate sponsors
have designed, developed, tested, translated, documented, supported, marketed, and helped in many other
ways to make LibreOffice what it is today ‐ the world's leading Open Source produc�vity so�ware for
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home and office.
If you appreciate their efforts, and would like to ensure that LibreOffice con�nues to be available far into
the future, please consider contribu�ng to the project ‐ see h�p://www.documen�ounda�
/contribu�on/ for details. Everyone can make a contribu�on of some kind.
Notes on Installa�on
LibreOffice requires a recent version of Java Run�me Environment (JRE) for full func�onality. JRE is not
part of the LibreOffice installa�on package, it should be installed separately. Please refer to the Installa�on
Instruc�ons (/get‐help/install‐howto/).
System Requirements
Please refer to the System Requirements (/get‐help/system‐requirements/) page.
Problems During Program Startup
Difficul�es star�ng LibreOffice (e.g. applica�ons hang) as well as problems with the screen display are
o�en caused by the graphics card driver. If these problems occur, please update your graphics card driver
or try using the graphics driver delivered with your opera�ng system. Difficul�es displaying 3D objects can
o�en be solved by deac�va�ng the op�on "Use OpenGL for all rendering" under 'Tools ‐ Op�ons ‐
LibreOffice ‐ View ‐ Graphics Output'.
Shortcut Keys
Only shortcut keys (key combina�ons) not used by the opera�ng system can be used in LibreOffice. If a
key combina�on in LibreOffice does not work as described in the LibreOffice Help, check if that shortcut is
already used by the opera�ng system. To rec�fy such conflicts, you can change the keys assigned by your
opera�ng system. Alterna�vely, you can change almost any key assignment in LibreOffice. For more
informa�on on this topic, refer to the LibreOffice Help or the Help documenta�on of your opera�ng
File Locking
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File locking is enabled by default in LibreOffice. On a network that uses the Network File System protocol
(NFS), the locking daemon for NFS clients must be ac�ve. To disable file locking, edit the soffice script and
change the line "export SAL_ENABLE_FILE_LOCKING" to "# export SAL_ENABLE_FILE_LOCKING". If you
disable file locking, the write access of a document is not restricted to the user who first opens the
Graphic Performance
By default, LibreOffice favours nice‐looking graphics over speed. If you experience slow graphics,
switching off 'Tools ‐ Op�ons ‐ LibreOffice ‐ View ‐ Use an�‐aliasing' may help.
Important Accessibility Notes
For more informa�on on the accessibility features in LibreOffice, see the accessibility (/get‐
help/accessibility/) page
User Support
The main support page (/get‐help/feedback/) offers various possibili�es for help with LibreOffice. Your
ques�on may have already been answered ‐ check the Archive in the Forum‐Interface
(h�p://nabble.documen�ounda�‐f1639498.html) or search the archives of the
'[email protected]' mailing list at h�p://
(h�p:// Alterna�vely, you can send in your ques�ons to
[email protected] If you like to subscribe to the list (to get email responses), send an empty mail
to: [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]
Repor�ng Bugs & Issues
Our system for repor�ng, tracking and solving bugs is currently BugZilla, kindly hosted at
h�ps:// We encourage all users to feel en�tled and welcome to report bugs that may
arise on your par�cular pla�orm. Energe�c repor�ng of bugs is one of the most important contribu�ons
that the user community can make to the ongoing development and improvement of LibreOffice.
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Ge�ng Involved
The LibreOffice Community would very much benefit from your ac�ve par�cipa�on in the development of
this important open source project.
As a user, you are already a valuable part of the suite's development process and we would like to
encourage you to take an even more ac�ve role with a view to being a long‐term contributor to the
community. Please join and check out the contribu�ng page at h�p://�on/
How to Start
The best way to start contribu�ng is to subscribe to one or more of the mailing lists, lurk for a while, and
gradually use the mail archives to familiarize yourself with many of the topics covered since the LibreOffice
source code was released back in October 2000. When you're comfortable, all you need to do is send an
email self‐introduc�on and jump right in. If you are familiar with Open Source Projects, check out our To‐
Dos list and see if there is anything you would like to help with at h�p://
Here are a few of the mailing lists to which you can subscribe at h�p://�on/
* News: announce@documen�ounda� *recommended to all users* (light traffic)
* Main user list: [email protected] *easy way to lurk on discussions* (heavy traffic)
* Marke�ng project: marke�[email protected] *beyond development* (ge�ng heavy)
* General developer list: libreoffi[email protected] (heavy traffic)
Joining one or more Projects
You can make major contribu�ons to this important open source project even if you have limited so�ware
design or coding experience. Yes, you!
We hope you enjoy working with the new LibreOffice and will join us online.
The LibreOffice Community
Used / Modified Source Code
Por�ons Copyright 1998, 1999 James Clark. Por�ons Copyright 1996, 1998 Netscape Communica�ons
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(non‐binding English transla�on) (h�ps://www.documen�ounda� ‐
Satzung (binding German version)
(h�ps://www.documen�ounda� | Copyright informa�on: Unless otherwise specified, all text and images on this website are licensed
under the Crea�ve Commons A�ribu�on‐Share Alike 3.0 License (h�ps://crea�‐sa/3.0/). This does not include the source code
of LibreOffice, which is licensed under the Mozilla Public License v2.0 (h�ps:// “LibreOffice” and “The Document
Founda�on” are registered trademarks of their corresponding registered owners or are in actual use as trademarks in one or more countries. Their
respec�ve logos and icons are also subject to interna�onal copyright laws. Use thereof is explained in our trademark policy
(h�ps://wiki.documen�ounda� LibreOffice was based on
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