Fall On Me Words by Chad Vaccarino, Ian Axel, Matteo Bocelli and Fortunato Zampaglione Music by Chad Vaccarino and Ian Axel = 56 Original key: F major (one semitone lower) G G5 xoo ooo 3 Em D(add4) x o x o C6 ooo x o 3 1. I thought Ped. cont. sim. G ooo G5 D(add4) xoo x o x 3 soon -er 3 or lat - er the lights up a - bove will come down in cir - cles and Em7 o But I C(add9) o o don’t know what’s right for me, guide me to love, x I can-not see straight, I’ve o o been here too long and I don’t wan-na wait for it. © 2018 Songs Of Universal Inc, Chad Vaccarino Publishing, Ian Axel Music and Sugarmusic SPA Universal/MCA Music Ltd and Sugar Songs UK Limited All Rights Reserved. musicnotes.com Compliments Authorized for useofby: peter galsai musicnotes.com 2 G G5 ooo D(add4) xoo x o x 3 Fly like a 3 can-non - ball straight to my soul, tear me Em7 o x will-ing to fight for it and car-ry this weight, G5 I’m but o o with ev - ’ry step I keep ques-tion-ing what is x o o x 3 true. Em D(add4) xoo ooo 3 Fall on me C5 xx make me feel whole, C(add9) o o x to piec - es and with o - pen G5 oo 3 from where you are, arms, fall on me your light, D(add4) x 3 fall on o x 3 me with all cresc. musicnotes.com Compliments Authorized for useofby: peter galsai musicnotes.com Em7 o C(add9) o o x with all your light, 3 G o o ooo with all G your light. D(add4) ooo x o x 3 Pres - to u - na lu - ce ti il - lu - mi - ne - rà, Em o Em7 ooo tu se - gui - la sem - pre, o non ar - ren - der - ti, gui - dar - ti sap - rà, C6 o o x at - ten -to a non per - der-ti, e il o tuo pas - sa-to av-rà sen - so per te. Vor - cresc. G D(add4) ooo x o x 3 rei musicnotes.com che cre - des - si in te stes - so, ma sì, in og - ni pas - so che muo-ve-rai qui, è un Compliments Authorized for useofby: peter galsai musicnotes.com 4 Em7 o C(add9) o o x viag -gio in - fi - ni - to, sor - ri - de-rò G se, tem - po che fug - ge mi por x Fall on o x - o ooo 3 me as - col C5 - ta - mi, fall G5 xx x 3 ab - brac - cia - mi, on me D(add4) oo 3 o x 3 fall Em7 o ti con te. Em D(add4) ooo x nel o o on me fin - C(sus2) o o x oo unis. ché musicnotes.com vor - rai, fin - ché vor - rai, fin - ché Compliments Authorized for useofby: peter galsai musicnotes.com Em7 o D(add4)/F o o G xo C(add9) ooo x Em7 o o o vor - rai, fin C69 D xxo D x x x G o o x ooo o x D ooo 3 ooo ooo o D xxo D xxo it’s like I’m breath -ing you C x o o I can feel you’re there. A E(add4) o oo Fall musicnotes.com x o o I step out-side, oo 5 G x G(add9)/B xxo in the air, xo xo vor-rai. D(add4) D/E D(sus2)/F G o o ché and I’m see -ing you ev-’ry-where, I close my eyes C(add9) C xxo - D/F o o on me oo D/E F m ooo as - col - ta - mi, fall on me Compliments Authorized for useofby: peter galsai musicnotes.com 6 D A/D xxo xxo D o xxo E/D A xxo oo xo E(add4) o oo oo solo ab - brac - cia - mi, Dadd9/E oo F m fall E(add4)/G o o oo A xo on me with D o E xxo o oo tutti your all light, with all your light, A xo E(add4) o oo your F m7 with all oo light. D(sus2) xxo o A xo o rit. musicnotes.com Compliments Authorized for useofby: peter galsai musicnotes.com