caricato da Utente12792

the perfect school

annuncio pubblicitario
In the perfect shool there are more than one study area per floor, these areas are very large, illumineted
and confortable with all the necessary materials and tools (e.g. books, computers,wifi,printers…). The study
areas are always open and the students can go there anytime they want: during the break to rieview for a
test or in the aftrnoon in case they have some troubles doing that at home…
There’s and adult who supervises and helps the students when they need something
There’s also a small area with vending machines and small tables for eating , when they are finish they’ve
finishes they have to clean up
the classrooms are very large with big desks and windows. There’s a cupboard which conteins pens, glues,
sheets… but they are only loaned so at the end of the lessons the people who have used something have to
put them back. It’s some sort of a classroom’s stationery store.
Each student has a locker where they can put books, phone,clothes…
the the perfect school has also outdoor classes, areas outside where there are tables and a blackboard, so
usually , when the weather is good, the classes have lessons here.