caricato da dadimahraj

2020-2021 unito clest. 6

annuncio pubblicitario
The Cover Letter
The cover letter introduces your resume or CV when applying for a job interview. There
are a few important things that need to be included in the cover letter. Most importantly,
the cover letter should point out why you are particularly suited to the position. The best
way to do this is to take the job advertisement and point out the highlights in your resume
that exactly match the desired qualifications.
Daniel Larson
35 Green Road (1)
Spokane, WA 87954
April 19, 2017
Mr Frank Dillon, HR Manager (2)
Jeans and Co.
254 Main Street
Seattle, WA 98502
Dear Mr. Dillon: (3)
I am writing to you in response to your advertisement for a local branch manager, which
appeared in the Seattle Times on Sunday, April 15. As you can see from my enclosed
resume, my experience and qualifications match this position's requirements.
My current position managing the local branch of a national shoe store has provided the
opportunity to work in a high-pressure team environment, where it is essential to be able to
work closely with my colleagues in order to meet sales deadlines.
In addition to my responsibilities as manager, I also developed time management tools for
staff using Access and Excel from Microsoft's Office Suite.
I thank you in advance for your time and consideration and I look forward to the
opportunity to personally discuss why I am particularly suited to this position. Please
telephone me at …… after 4.00 p.m. to suggest a time to meet at your convenience. I can
also be reached by email at [email protected]
Daniel Larson
Daniel Larson (7)
1 - Begin your cover letter by placing your address first, followed by the address of the company you are writing to.
2 - Use complete title and address; don't abbreviate.
3 - Always make an effort to write directly to the person in charge of hiring.
4 - Opening paragraph - Use this paragraph to specify which job you are applying for, or, if you are writing to inquire whether a job position is open question
the availability of an opening.
5 - Middle paragraph(s) - This section should be used to highlight your work experience which most closely matches the desired job requirements
presented in the job opening advertisement. Do not simply restate what is contained in your resume. Notice how the example makes a special effort to
show why the writer is especially suited to the job position opening posted above.
6 - Closing paragraph - Use the closing paragraph to ensure action on the part of the reader. One possibility is to ask for an interview appointment time.
Make it easy for the personnel department to contact you by providing your telephone number and email address.
7 - Always sign letters. "enclosure" indicates that you are enclosing your resume.
Put the correct words in the boxes so that this covering letter is in good English
Dear Mr Smith,
I am writing to…………… for the position of Editorial
………………….. in the latest edition of Business News.
I am currently ……………………. by a Market Research company as a research assistant,
but am keen to ……………………….. a career in publishing, because I enjoy reading and
writing my own poetry.
As you will notice on the …………………………..CV, I graduated in European Literature.
At University I gained considerable …………………………working on the student
magazine, so I am ………………………….. with editing techniques. I work well under
………………………. and enjoy working in a team. In addition, I speak English and French
………………………………… .
I would be ……………………………… for interview from next week. Meanwhile, please do
not ……………………………………… to contact me if you require further information.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Margaret Colson
Fill the gaps with the correct preposition . Use: at, with, on, to, in, in, of, into, to, to,
from, for, in, in, at, in
1.I am writing with regard ....... the voluntary work placement.
2.I am planning ........ doing a degree......... veterinary science......... university.
3.As you will see ........ my CV, I have always shown an interest........ working .........animals.
4......... this position I was responsible ........ taking care ......... the dogs’ daily needs.
5.Undertaking a degree ........ veterinary science confirms my interest ........ and
commitment ....... the field.
6. Working ........ your animal sanctuary will provide an invaluable insight .......... working
with animals.
Write the correct form of the word in brackets.
1.There are several ............... online for a variety of work placements. (advertise)
2. She’s always known that she wants to work as a .............. after university. (science)
3.He has an .............. offer from medical school, which means he’s definitely got a place,
whatever his exam results. (condition)
4. Learning music is interesting, but it’s ............. to what I want to do at university. (relevant)
5. At the animal sanctuary I had sole ................. for looking after the birds. (responsible)
6.She............... spends time helping out on her uncle’s farm. (regular)
7.My time helping out at the animal sanctuary ............... my decision to become a vet.
8.Hands-on experience provides an ............... insight into any profession. (value)
9.It was a unique opportunity to acquire new skills and .................. . (expert)
10.My previous employers would be willing to provide .............. to support my application.