caricato da Utente1461

biologia 2 semestre

Course code Biol1011
Credit points 3
Moodle URLs Biol1011-LV Biol1011-EN-PLK Biol1011-EN-NLN
Total Contact Hours 48
Number of hours for lectures42
Number of hours for seminars and practical assignments6
Number of hours for laboratory assignments0
Independent study hours72
Date of course confirmation01.02.2017
Responsible UnitFaculty of Biology
Course developers
Kaspars Tārs
Zane Kalniņa
Eižens Slava
Course abstract
The aim of the course is to give the general concept of the eukaryotic cell and molecular biology, basic principles of genetics,
eye development, as well as general understanding of human tissue structures. Within the first part of the course, students will
be introduced with the basic elements of life, cell structure, physiological processes within the cell and mechanisms of genetic
information realisation. Within the course, the molecular basis of the eye development will be discussed. A detailed overview
on different tissue structures in human body and their representation in the eye as an organ will be given, eye as an
immunopriviledged organ will be described. During the course, attention will be drawn to cell ultrastructure and ocular tissue
characterisation via microphotograph analysis.
Learning outcomes
By successfully passing the course, students will acquire knowledge of:
1. Basic principles of Molecular Biology
2. Basic principles of Genetics
3. Cellular structure
4. Structure of various tisuues
5. Cellular differentiation, stem cells
6. Molecular structure of eye
7. Basic principles of immunology
8. Various microscopy techniques, analysis of micrographs
After the successful completion of the course, students will acquire skills to recognize the morphology of the eye tissue
forming cell types and the intra-cellular structures by analyzing figures acquired by different microscopy techniques (light
and fluorescent microscopy, electron microscopy).
Course plan
1. Introductory lecture. Water molecule, monomers. L3
2. Macromolecules L3
3. Replication, Transcription, Translation. L3
4. Basic principles of genetics. L3
5. Cell structure, cell cycle. L3
6. Intracellular and intercellular communication systems L3
7. Microscopy techniques, micrograph analysis S3
8. Stem cells, cell differentiation, senescence and death L3
9. Molecular basis of the eye development, sensory information transfer L3
10.Tissue classification, Epithelial tissues, glands L3
11. Connective and supportive tissues L3
12. Blood, haematopoiesis L3
13. Blood cells and immunity L3
14. The eye as an immunoprivileged organ L3
15. Muscular tissue L3
16. Tissues under microscope S3
Requirements for awarding credit points
Attendance of lectures is optional. Students have to pass 5 written intermediate tests - 70% of final evaluation, and final test
(exam) - 30% of final evaluation.
Intermediate tests - 10 questions with choices of answers
Final test - 40 question with choices of answers
Compulsory reading
Campbell, Biology, 2013, 10th edition. Publisher: Benjamin Cummings.
Further reading
Alberts et al, Essential Cell biology, 3rd edition, Garland Science
Ross and Pawlina, Histology, Text and Atlas, 6th edition, Wolters Kluwer
Periodicals and other sources
Eye. Nature Publishing group.