International Council for the Study of Virus
and Virus-like Diseases of the Grapevine
R. Bovey
Chemin de Trembley 27,
CH 1197 Prangins
This is the sixth bibliographic report prepared for the members of the International Council for the
Study of Virus and Virus-like Diseases of Grapevine (ICVG) and for all colleagues interested in virus and
virus-like diseases of grapevine, including phytoplasma and viroid diseases. The five previous reports
Caudwell,A., 1965: Bibliographie des viroses de la vigne des origines ˆ 1965. Office International de la
Vigne et du Vin, Paris, 76 pp. 1019 references (out of print).
Caudwell,A., W.B.Hewitt and R.Bovey, 1972: Les viroses de la vigne. Bibliographie de 1965-1970. Vitis
11, 303-324. 367 references.
Hewitt,W.B. and R.Bovey, 1979: The viroses and virus-like diseases of the grapevine. A bibliographic
report 1971-1978. Vitis 18, 316-376. 777 references.
Bovey,R. and G.P.Martelli, 1986. The viroses and virus-like diseases of the grapevine. A bibliographic
report, 1979-1984. Vitis 25, 227-275. 636 references.
Bovey,R., 1999. The viroses and virus-like diseases of the grapevine: Bibliographic report, 1985-1997.
Options MŽditerranŽennes, ser.B: Studies and Research, Number 29, Part 3, 1- 172. 1670 references.
With the 920 references presented in this report for the period 1998-2004, this makes a total number of
5389 references from the beginning to the end of 2004. The average yearly number of publications on this
subject increased steadily from 1965-72 (61) to 1998-2004 (131) in spite of the fact that from 1997, the
papers on Pierce's disease were no more included. It is interesting to note that in the total number of 5389
papers mentioned above, 836 (15%) appeared in the Proceedings or Extended Abstracts or ICVG's
successive meetings from 1965 to 2003. Moreover, many papers on grapevine virus, viroid or
phytoplasma diseases published in specialized journals during this period concerned the work of ICVG
The publications on phytoplasma and phytoplasma diseases are still included in the ICVG
bibliography, although these organisms belong to bacteriology. The reason for this apparently illogical
situation is partly historical: phytoplasma diseases were for many years considered as virus diseases. On
the other hand, phytoplasma diseases of grapevine are closer to virus diseases than to true bacterial
diseases by their mode of transmission, the control measures they require and their symptoms. Very often
scientists working on grapevine viruses also deal with phytoplasma diseases of grape.
In every ICVG meeting, papers were presented on phytoplasma problems, and this field corresponds
partly to the term "virus-like" included in the name of ICVG.
The references presented in this bibliographic report cover the period 1998-2004, as far as they were
available till end of March 2005. Most of them were transcribed from the original publication and checked
whenever possible from available databases. Great care has been taken to avoid mistakes. However, no
bibliography can be absolutely error-free.
The alphabetic order of the list of references has been determined automatically by the computer
bibliographic software Refman (Reference Manager, Research Information Systems Inc., USA). No
attempt has been made to modify it. The same author may appear with different spellings of his/her name,
especially from countries such as Russia, Greece or Israel where transliteration often leads to confusion.
In principle, the original spelling was maintained.
I wish to express my deep thanks to Dr Paul Gugerli for his very valuable help in the final computer
handling of references and of the subject index.
Several colleagues kindly helped me in the preparation of this bibliography by sending reprints or
photocopies of papers that were not available or by providing information on various points. I wish to
express them my sincere thanks. Many thanks also to Dr G.P.Martelli, president of ICVG for his
encouragement and advice.
This printed version of the bibliography could not have been made available to grapevine virologists
without the generous contribution of the Mediterranean Agronomy Institute of Bari (IAMB) who accepted
to print it in the Options Méditerranéennes. I wish to thank very much its Director, Prof. Dr C.Lacirignola,
and his staff in charge of editing this report.
I.Viruses and virus diseases of grapevine
Arabis mosaic virus
genome, nucleotide sequence
movement protein
447 452 895
66 894 896 897
Bibliography 1984-1997
Cherry leafroll virus
418 425
Cherry mottle leaf virus, comparison with GVB
Classification, nomenclature
398 436 508 570 571 572 574 575 614 747
750 758 912
Clonal selection
113 118 119 126 236 478 540 544 743 775
814 817
Closterovirus, features of the genus
genomic organization
263 570
breeding for resistance
killing old vines with herbicides
sanitary selection, certification (general)
local programs
Europe (EPPO)
Europe (EU)
New Zealand
147 149 267 427 479 597 813 877 878
109 434 740
352 458 898
110 111 114 271 352 384 386 387 458 542
670 836 880
24 351 352
421 424 846
542 569
272 741 742
491 492 493
59 329 476 569 729 916
North America
South Africa
soil fumigation
therapy of infected propagation material
heat therapy and/or meristem tip culture
somatic embryogenesis
transgenic resistance
434 836
163 165
453 616 644
351 562 569 573 576 882
686 892
886 887 888
11 31 53 134 135 163 164 359 361 390 499
551 619 734 844 862 906
388 707
60 91 137 146 148 149 150 162 166 167
168 169 170 238 304 312 314 375 376 377
391 401 432 433 460 461 479 507 578 579
597 626 629 630 667 715 727 815 816 845
851 852 871 902 903
Corky bark
187 188 467 655 898
Cucumber mosaic virus
444 687
Detection and/or diagnosis
comparison of methods
in vitro symptomatology
laboratories available for diagnosis
leaf grafting
nucleic acid assay
real-time PCR
review on detection and diagnosis
40 446 447 511 520 608 863
118 122 328 662 863
130 153 176 206 298 397 442 447 470 510
520 608 625 631 662 666 693 695 755 756
768 783 784 854 909 911
40 72 118 379 380 608 842 873 874
205 414 823 825
5 14 40 62 99 171 175 253 268 269 270
279 293 297 370 407 413 447 452 514 520
555 558 608 623 627 628 632 649 654 662
663 664 665 730 731 732 733 735 758 770
771 786 820 834 849 850 864 895 907
632 735
396 661
Economic importance (see performance)
Enation disease
127 173 222 258 408 422 893
Fanleaf (see grapevine fanleaf virus)
Fleck (see grapevine fleck virus)
Foveavirus, features of the genus
Germplasm collections
742 847
Graft-transmissible diseases, review
Grapevine Anatolian ringspot virus
260 348
Grapevine angular mosic ilarvirus
Grapevine asteroid mosaic virus
2 5 279 744 747 748
Grapevine berry inner necrosis virus
428 473 649 659 903
Grapevine chrome mosaic virus
Grapevine deformation virus
Grapevine fanleaf virus
detection in grapevine
in X.index
economic importance
genome, nucleotide sequence
197 260
movement protein
new hosts
techniques for grapevine inoculation
biolistic inoculation
transmission by Xiphinema index
Grapevine fleck virus
genome, nucleotide sequence
36 153 171 175 297 660
36 66 283 289 296 395 503 650 651 652
653 703 833 870 872 896 897
66 487 488 896
429 430
315 316 486 487 700 701 703 728 861
410 840
859 860
728 861
32 33 35 65 258 426 427
574 575 750
5 279
2 288 744 746 747 748 750 806 807
Grapevine leafroll-associated viruses (GLRaV's) (See also detection, surveys, performance,
206 514 786 849
in Pseudococcus viburni
effect of infection on photosynthesis
538 839
genome, nucleotide sequence
299 300 514 786 849
interaction with unidentified
isometric virus (UIGV)
512 513
virus movement in grapevine
serological relationship with GLRaV-3
transmission experiments
194 356 358 798 802 803 917
alfie virus in New Zealand
coat protein
genome, nucleotide sequence
comparison of isolates
new isolates
Red Globe strain in Australia
in Italy
in USA
transmission experiments
ultrastructure of infected cells
cytopathology of infected cells
detection in grapevine
detection in Pseudococcus viburni
genome, nucleotide sequence
natural spread in Italy
in Spain
transmission experiments
virus movement in grapevine
ultrastructure of infected cells
putative new GLRaVs
88 89 442 909
8 90 112 611 912
37 90
349 357 360 363 713
37 39 88 90
14 36 196 206 510 511 660 864 910 911
36 225 290 350 440 448 507 508 509 648
798 905 917
259 853
12 354 356 358 422 423 593 802 803 915
4 6 298 356 730
350 365 730 809
4 131 132
55 129 850
21 22 23 408 409 689 809
3 224
264 398 570
Grapevine red globe virus
2 5 279 744 747 748
Grapevine rootstock stem lesion
associated virus (GRSLaV)
416 712 737 855 856 857
Grapevine rupestris stem pittingassociated virus (GRSPaV)
270 286 287 608 610 612 614 625 663 664
693 695 698 699 820 834 908
distribution of the virus in grapevine
economic importance
genome, nucleotide sequence analysis
180 505 506 610 614 615 738 768 835 908
fragmented genome RNA
strains, variability
152 613 736 812
Grapevine rupestris vein feathering virus
2 5 744 745
Grapevine virus A (GVA)
agent of Shiraz disease in South Africa
associated with restricted spring
growth in Australia
coat protein
defective RNA fragments
effect on RNA silencing
genome, nucleotide sequence analysis
infectious RNA transcripts
infectious cDNA and transcripts
intracellular localization of the virus
spread in vineyards in Australia
transmission by mealybugs
411 824
256 754
15 253 270 370 520 654
225 291 318 319 321 322 366 634 752
367 369 370
756 757
368 648 917
Grapevine virus B (GVB)
genome, nucleotide sequence analysis
infectious cDNA and transcripts
intracellular localization of the virus
virus-induced rootstock decline (VIRD)
270 654 655
633 655 755
805 808
752 753
756 757
349 357
Grapevine virus D (GVD)
130 270
Green grafting
72 464
223 459 881
168 169
History of Australian viticulture
of selection and virus diagnosis in Italy
155 313 524 879
345 346
38 112 353 360 713 855 857
In vitro culture
induced stress and leafroll indexing
micropropagation for gene banks
morphological effects on grape
388 742
71 685
Latent virus infections
230 349 355 454 913
Leafroll disease (see also grapevine leafroll associated viruses, performance, and surveys)
meeting in France
Merlot problem in Australia
403 457
264 398 570
Longidorus, molecular characterization by PCR
Maculavirus, features of the genus
574 575
Marafivirus, features of the genus
characterization of a possibly new member
Mealybugs on grapevine
796 883
Meeting, grapevine leafroll
Mediterranean network
on grapevine closteroviruses
Syrah decline
144 313 524 879
Peach rosette mosaic virus
Performance, comparison of healthy vs. virus-infected
vines, morphologicaal changes, economic importance
51 138 724 726
10 34 116 120 125 174 204 262 325 389
400 410 411 439 454 455 462 538 539 541
543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 552 553
554 562 772 810 837
Physiological effect of virus infection
84 174 192 287 538 839
Potato virus Y
Raspberry bushy dwarf virus
598 599
Raspberry ringspot virus
277 278 450
Redglobe virus
574 575 737 739
Resistance (non transgenic)
147 267 427 813 877 878
Reviews on grapevine viruses and virus diseases
on biotechnology
on epidemiology
on grapevine fanleaf virus
on leafroll
on phloem-limited viruses
264 265 564 566 567 568 569 827
Rugose wood
115 520 838
622 624
Strawberry latent ringspot virus
Surveys on the occurrence of grapevine viruses in vineyards or in collections
362 831
406 414 459
323 324 326 327 499
292 462 465 466 468 469 472
418 712
516 704
Czech Republic
449 450 451
16 17
54 55 56 273
402 710 711 759
105 129 131 235 236 261 266 477 592 729
773 821 875 913 916
Mediterranean and Near East
264 265
New Zealand
767 769 770
276 474
South Korea
172 173 844 893
13 523
18 198 199 443 445
577 617 618 620 621 900
Syrah decline
51 138 724 725 726
Tobacco ringspot virus
324 617 779
Tomato ringspot virus
Transmission of grapevine viruses
by eriophyid mites
by mealybugs and/or scale insects
Heliococcus bohemicus
Parthenolecanium corni
Phenacoccus aceris
Planococcus citri
Planococcus ficus
Pseudococcus comstocki
Pseudococcus longispinus
Pseudococcus maritimus
Pseudococcus viburni (=affinis)
by nematodes
Xiphinema index
Xiphinema diversicaudatum
798 802 803 915 917
194 798 802
798 802 803
350 354 356 422 423
368 422 423 556 884 917
350 354 356 358 809
350 354 356 358
350 354 356 358
32 33 35 65 149 258 426 427 813
Ultrastructure of virus-infected cells
182 488 757
Unidentified isometric grapevine virus (UIGV)
Vein mosaic
Vein necrosis
152 230
Virus-induced rootstock decline (VIRD)
349 357
Virus-like disease of unknown etiology
Vitis vinifera ssp sylvestris
517 719 770
Xiphinema diversicaudatum, biology
identification by PCR
419 889
Xiphinema index, biology
identification by PCR
specificity of GFLV transmission by X.index
survival and retention of GFLV in vineyards
detection of GFLV in single X.index
284 603 604
252 419 889
32 35 65
II. Phytoplasmas and phytoplasma diseases of grapevine
Alnus-associated grapevine yellows (AYG)
Aster yellows group
USA, search for vectors
210 412
441 672 804
28 77 117 586
Australian grapevine yellows
genetic variability
Candidatus phytoplasma
Candidatus phytoplasma autraliense
Candidatus phytoplasma australasia
distribution in grapevine
membrane protein structure
search for vectors
64 209 211 213 214 216 342 343 412 415
438 504 521 782 899
64 415 504 899
211 214 438 521
64 438
Bibliography 1984-1997
Bois noir (black wood, legno riccio,Vergilbungskrankheit)
158 221 232 233 245 247 481 527 683 795
797 801
evolution after replanting
molecular characterization
483 484 557
physiological effects
85 86 87
334 530
search for potential new vectors
671 751
spread in vineyards in Italy
three types of stolbur in Germany
varietal sensitivity
Buckland Valley grapevine yellows
214 218 219
Classification, nomenclature
47 248 496 497 498 504 781 785 899
biological control of Scaphoideus titanus
compulsory measures in France
in Italy
hot water treatment
insecticide sprays against vectors
in organic viticulture
pollarding, pruning
program for control of FD in Italy
sanitary selection, certification
Detection, diagnosis
comparison of methods
detection in extracts of tissue culture
in feeding medium of vectors
in vectors
DNA or RNA extraction
immunogold electron microscopy
laboratories available for detection
polymerase chain reaction (PCR), nested PCR
real-time PCR
ligase detection reaction (LDR)
536 537 668
48 189 251 385 494
208 373 600 640 706 776
75 78 100 104 128 239 240 308 340 635
636 645 722 761 832 876
53 145 226 228 309 385 482 600 601 638
640 678 688 708 760 761 818
482 494 600
646 761 914 918
177 600 674
73 140 142 145 761
561 562 573 576
94 143 412 584 641 684
691 692
62 338 339 605 751 828 829
62 82 254 441 684 751 890
143 341 382
205 823 825
77 78 81 94 97 99 101 143 179 181 200
201 202 209 302 337 342 382 412 490 557
585 588 589 590 606 641 672 684 692 792
823 865
96 97
101 311
67 661
Economic importance, compared performance
68 193 305 330 562 679
Elm yellows group of phytoplasmas
41 237 392 497 498 531 533
Flavescence dorée
comparison between isolates
control, compulsory measures
genetic variability
historical account of the epidemics in France
in Italy
occurrence in Clematis vitalba in Italy
protection of nurseries
41 42 43 103 136 212 580
48 208 306 309 494 600 688 706 762 914
26 69 77 102 161 221 307 919
43 103 136 212 580
77 102 177
44 45 46
121 309 371 385 675 819
69 117 185 193 237 641 642 643 778 866
141 459 881
Hot water treatment (see control)
Leafhoppers and planthoppers in vineyards, as potential vectors
survey in France
in Germany
in Italy
82 156 157 383 501 518 602 658 766
in Israel
441 671 828
in Spain
in USA
Legno riccio (see bois noir)
Palatinate grapevine yellows
transmission by Oncopsis alni
41 42 245 338 526
245 338 533
Phylogenetic relationships between
grapevine mycoplasmas
42 43 81 504 580 899
Physiological changes produced
by bois noir infection
85 86 87
Reviews on grapevine yellows diseases
27 67 73 139 140 142 145 214 220 495 530
587 717 901
Sanitary selection (see control)
Stolbur (see bois noir)
Surveys of grapevine phytoplasma disease and vector occurrence in different countries
210 213 214 215 216 218 310 342 343 412
417 782
241 242 790 791 811
41 42 202 489 843
344 483 526 723
456 683 865
441 672 673 804 830 904
bois noir
58 82 83 93 95 98 158 159 177 195 231
243 244 303 307 332 557 559 586 646 677
680 716 718 762 794
41 42 57 68 69 74 76 77 79 80 92 93 95 98
121 123 124 160 177 183 185 228 231 234
237 244 309 371 372 393 581 582 586 637
639 642 677 681 718 760 762 777 793 794
841 866 867 868 919 920
flavescence dorée
other phytoplasmas, multiple or undetermined
infections ("yellows")
Tomato big bud (Australian)
28 29 42 49 93 95 106 107 108 117 133
177 184 243 244 305 385 558 583 586 678
718 762 794 901
27 29 92 157 226 229 347 394 501 518 602
637 656 657 658 708 765 818 868
190 191
254 714
274 275 475
690 697 788 789
42 61 285 841
151 399 780
186 519
63 249 250
209 214 219 342 899
Transmission by insect vectors, biology of vectors
Euscelidius variegatus
Euscelis incisus
Goniognathus guttulinervis
Hyalesthes obsoletus
Metcalfa pruinosa
Macrosteles quadripunctulatus
Oncopsis alni
Psammotettix striatus
Orosius argentatus
Scaphoideus titanus
Transmission through forced lymph diffusion
28 29
28 29
25 30 245 246 247 338 485 501 525 526
527 529 535 657 679 683 794 797 799 800
801 890 891
159 203 394
28 29
25 245 338 531 533 534
25 26 28 29 92 141 161 226 227 229 500
501 518 637 639 640 657 668 679 708 794
818 819 869
Vergilbungskrankheit (see bois noir)
X-disease, Western X-disease
26 62 672 718
III. Viroids of grapevine
Australian grapevine viroid
first record in the Mediterranean region
nucleotide sequence analysis
576 561
Citrus exocortis viroid in grapevine
occurrence in Turkey
Detection methods, comparative analysis
Grapevine yellow speckle viroid -1
occurrence in Italy
in Tunisia
in Turkey
population diversity
transmission via grape seeds
two types in Japan
Grapevine yellow speckle viroid-2
occurrence in Italy
occurrence in Turkey
Handbook on graft-transmitted diseases of grape
on grapevine viroids
Hop stunt viroid in grapevine
nucleotide sequence analysis
occurrence in the Czech Republic
in Hungary
in Italy
in Turkey
transmission via grape seeds
The numbers before the first author's name correspond to the Subject index numbers.
Abou Ghanem-Sabanadzovic, N., S. Sabanadzovic, M. A. Castellano, D. Boscia, and G. P.
Martelli. 2000. Properties of a new isolate of grapevine leafroll-associated virus 2. Vitis 39:119-121.
Abou Ghanem-Sabanadzovic, N., S. Sabanadzovic, and G. P. Martelli. 2003. Sequence
analysis of the 3'end of three Grapevine fleck virus-like viruses of grapevine. Virus Genes 27:11-16.
Abou Ghanem-Sabanadzovic, N., S. Sabanadzovic, and A. Rowhani. 2004. Preliminary data
on a putative new grapevine leafroll associated virus. Phytopathology 95 (Supplement):S2.
Abou Ghanem-Sabanadzovic, N., S. Sabanadzovic, A. Rowhani, and D. Golino. 2004.
Molecular characterization of two viruses involved in the grapevine leafroll complex.
Phytopathology 94 (Supplement):S2.
Abou Ghanem-Sabanadzovic, N., S. Sabanadzovic, A. Rowhani, and G. P. Martelli. 2003.
Multiplex RT-PCR detection of Grapevine fleck virus-like viruses in grapevine with co-amplification
of control plant mRNA, p. 195. In Extended abstracts 14th Meeting ICVG, Locorotondo, Italy, 13-17
September 2003. Department of Plant Protection and Applied Microbiology, University, Bari (Italy).
Abou Ghanem-Sabanadzovic, N., S. Sabanadzovic, G. Roy, and A. Rowhani. 2003. Partial
molecular characterization of Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 4, p. 42. In Extended abstracts
14th Meeting ICVG, Locorotondo, Italy,13-17 September 2003. Department of Plant Protection
and Applied Microbiology, University, Bari (Italy).
Abou-Ghanem, N., S. Sabanadzovic, M. A. Castellano, D. Boscia, and G. P. Martelli. 2000.
Characterization of a new strain of grapevine leafroll-associated virus 2, p. 8. In R. H. Symons
(ed.), Extended abstracts 13th Meeting ICVG, Adelaide, Australia, 12-17 March 2000. University of
Adelaide, Adelaide.
Abou-Ghanem, N., S. Sabanadzovic, A. Minafra, P. Saldarelli, and G. P. Martelli. 1998. Some
properties of grapevine leafroll-associated virus 2 and molecular organization of the 3' region of the
viral genome. Journal of Plant Pathology 80:37-46.
Abracheva, P. 2003. Problems in the production of certified grapevine planting material in
Bulgaria, p. 183. In Extended abstracts 14th Meeting ICVG, Locorotondo, Italy, 13-17 September
2003. Department of Plant Protection and Applied Microbiology, University, Bari (Italy).
Abracheva, P. 2004. Influence of some virus diseases on the size of leaf area of grapevines, p. 7277. In II Balkan Symposium of Viticulture and Enology. Symposium Proceedings. Institute of
viticulture and enology, Pleven, Bulgaria.
Abu Shirbi, A. 2001. Effect of thermal therapy treatments and meristem tip culture on freeing
grapevine infected with Grapevine fanleaf virus. PhD thesis, University of Jordan, Amman
Acheche, H., S. Fattouch, S. M'hirsi, N. Chabbouh, N. Marzouki, and M. Marrakchi. 2000.
Studies on grapevine leafroll associated virus 3 transmission by mealybugs in Tunisian
grapevines, p. 23. In R. H. Symons (ed.), Extended abstracts 13th Meeting ICVG, Adelaide,
Australia, 12-17 March 2000. University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia.
Acheche, H., S. Fattouch, S. M'hirsi, N. Marzouki, and M. Marrakchi. 1998. Les viroses de la
vigne en Tunisie (Grapevine virus diseases in Tunisia). Archives de l'Institut Pasteur de Tunis
Acheche, H., S. Fattouch, S. M'hirsi, N. Marzouki, and M. Marrakchi. 1999. Use of optimized
PCR methods for the detection of GLRaV3: a closterovirus associated with grapevine leafroll in
Tunisian grapevine plants. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 17:31-42.
Afonso, A.P.S., J. L. C. Faria, T. V. M. Fajardo, M. Botton, O. Nickel, and P. G. Schenato. 2004.
Detecçao de GLRaV-1 e 3 e GVA em Pseudococcus viburni (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae)
associado a cultura da videira por DAS-ELISA (Detection of GLRaV-1 and 3 and GVA by DASELISA in Pseudococcus viburni (Hemiptera:Pseudococcidae) associated to grape culture), p. 544.
In XX Congresso Brasileiro de Entomologia, Gramado, RS (Abstract).
Ahmed, H.M.H., M. Digiaro, and G. P. Martelli. 2003. A preliminary survey for grapevine viruses in
Egypt, p. 178-179. In Extended abstracts 14th Meeting ICVG, Locorotondo, Italy, 13-17 September
2003. Department of Plant Protection and Applied Microbiology, University, Bari (Italy).
Ahmed, H.M.H., M. Digiaro, and G. P. Martelli. 2004. Viruses and virus diseases in Egypt. Bulletin
OEPP/EPPO Bulletin 34:395-398.
Akbas, B. and G. Erdiller. 1998. Grapevine virus diseases of Karaman, Konya and Nevshehir
provinces, p. 149-153. In Proceedings of the 8th Turkish Phytopathological Congress, Ankara 1998.
Al-Tamimi, N., M. Digiaro, and V. Savino. 1998. Viruses of grapevine in Jordan. Phytopathologia
mediterranea 37:122-126.
Alkowni, R., M. Digiaro, and V. Savino. 1998. Viruses and virus diseases of grapevine in
Palestine. Bulletin OEPP/EPPO Bulletin 28:189-195.
Alkowni, R. and A. Rowhani. 2003. Molecular characterization of Grapevine leafroll-associated
virus 9, a new closterovirus associated with grapevine leafroll disease complex, p. 33. In Extended
abstracts 14th Meeting ICVG, Locorotondo, Italy,13-17 September 2003. Department of Plant
Pathology and Applied Microbiology, University, Bari (Italy).
Alkowni, R., A. Rowhani, S. Daubert, and D. Golino. 2004. Partial characterization of a new
ampelovirus associated with grapevine leafroll disease. Journal of Plant Pathology 86:123-133.
Alkowni, R., A. Rowhani, and D. A. Golino. 2002. Partial nucleotide sequence and molecular
detection of a putative new grapevine leafroll associated virus. Phytopathology 92
Alley, L. and D. A. Golino. 2000. The origins of the grape program at foundation plant materials
service, p. 222-230. In Proceedings of the 50th Anniversary Meeting of the American Society for
Enology and Viticulture, Seattle, Washington, June 19-23, 2000.
Alma, A. 2001. Auchenorrhinchi vettori di fitoplasmi in Europa (Auchennorrhyncha vectors of
phytoplasmas in Europe). Quad. Vitic. Enol. Univ. Torino 25:109-117.
Alma, A. and M. Conti. 2002. Flavescenza dorata e altre fitoplasmosi della vite: il punto su vettori
ed epidemiologia (Flavescence dorée and other phytoplasma diseases of grapevine: vectors and
epidemiology). Informatore Fitopatologico 52(10):31-35.
Alma, A. and M. Conti. 2004. Vettori dei fitoplasmi della vite (Vectors of grapevine phytoplasms),
p. 1-5. In La Vite - Convegno Nazionale, Torino, 2-3.12.2004.
Alma, A., M. Conti, and G. Boccardo. 2000. Trasmissione a vite mediante cicaline del
phytoplasma del Giallume della margherita (CY, gruppo 16Sr-IB) (Leafhopper transmission to
grapevine of the phytoplasma of chrysanthemum yellows [CY, group 16Sr-IB]). Petria 10:173-174.
Alma, A., S. Palermo, G. Boccardo, and M. Conti. 2001. Transmission of Chrysanthemum
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103. Bianco, P.A., F. Quaglino, P. Casati, and M. Calvi. 2003. Genetic variability and distribution of
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116. Bongiovanni, M. and C. Nicolosi Asmundo. 2003. Influenza del complesso
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117. Borgo, M. 1998. Riconoscimento di viti affette da malattie da fitoplasmi (Symptoms of
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118. Borgo, M. 2001. Evoluzione dei sistemi di diagnosi per le malattie da virus e virus-simili della vite ai
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of grapevine in relation with clonal selection in Italy). Quad. Vitic. Enol. Univ. Torino 25:27-37.
119. Borgo, M. 2004. Accertamenti virali per la selezione clonale della vite (Virological assessments
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120. Borgo, M. and E. Angelini. 2002. Influence de l'enroulement foliaire GLRaV3 sur les paramètres
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121. Borgo, M. and E. Angelini. 2002. Diffusione della flavescenza dorata della vite in Italia e relazioni
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grapevine in Italy and relation to cultivars, agronomic practice and propagation material), p. 35-50.
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122. Borgo, M., E. Angelini, N. Bertazzon, and I. Bazzo. 2004. Protocol for the assessments of
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123. Borgo, M., E. Angelini, and L. Bertotto. 2001. Fitoplasmi della vite in Provincia di Treviso:
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124. Borgo, M., E. Angelini, and L. Bertotto. 2002. Diffusione della flavescenza dorata nel Veneto - La
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Treviso). L'Informatore agrario 58(24):8-9.
125. Borgo, M., E. Angelini, and R. Flamini. 2003. Effetti del virus GLRaV-3 dell'accartocciamento
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127. Borgo, M. and C. Michielini. 2000. Diffusione naturale di accartocciamento fogliare su varietà e
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128. Borgo, M., E. Murari, S. Sartori, A. Zanzotto, P. Sancassani, and A. Bertaccini. 1999.
Termoterapia per eliminare i fitoplasmi da vite (Heat therapy for eliminating phytoplasmas from
grapevines). L'Informatore agrario 55(24):47-51.
129. Boscia, D. and L. Demarinis. 1998. Un'indagine sulla cv. Victoria rivela la presenza di un virus
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130. Boscia, D., M. Digiaro, M. Safi, R. Garau, Z. Zhou, A. Minafra, N. Abou GhanemSabanadzovic, G. Bottalico, and O. Potere. 2001. Production of monoclonal antibodies to
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131. Boscia, D., M. Digiaro, V. Savino, and G. P. Martelli. 2000. Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 6
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Adelaide, Australia.
132. Boscia, D., M. Digiaro, V. Savino, and G. P. Martelli. 2000. Indagine sulla diffusione del
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Abruzzo and its association with cv. Cardinal). Vignevini 27(10):92-95.
133. Boselli, M. 1999. Spatial distribution and severity of grapevine yellows on Albarola and
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134. Bottalico, G., A. Campanale, P. La Notte, C. Pirolo, and V. Savino. 2003. Sanitation of wine
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Locorotondo, Italy, 13 -17 September 2003. Department of Plant Protection and Applied
Microbiology, University, Bari (Italy).
135. Bottalico, G., V. Savino, and A. Campanale. 2000. Improvements in grapevine sanitation
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Australia, 12 -17 March 2000. University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia.
136. Botti, S. and A. Bertaccini. 2003. Molecular variability in Flavescence dorée phytoplasmas as
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137. Boubals, D. 2000. Compte-rendu de la Journée de réflexion sur les OGM. Application à la vigne et
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138. Boubals, D. 2000. Le dépérissement de la Syrah. Compte-rendu de la réunion du Groupe de
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139. Boudon-Padieu, E. 1999. Grapevine phytoplasmas, p. 1-11. In First Internet conference on
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140. Boudon-Padieu, E. 2000. Recent advances on grapevine yellows: detection, etiology,
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141. Boudon-Padieu, E. 2000. La cicadelle vectrice de la Flavescence dorée, Scaphoideus titanus
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142. Boudon-Padieu, E. 2003. The situation of grapevine yellows and current research directions:
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ICVG, Locorotondo, Italy,13-17 September 2003. Department of Plant Protection and Applied
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143. Boudon-Padieu, E., A. Béjat, D. Clair, J. Larrue, M. Borgo, L. Bertotto, and E. Angelini. 2003.
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PCR for routine diagnosis of phytoplasmas in grapevine. Vitis 42:141-149.
144. Boudon-Padieu, E., M. Fuchs, and S. Grenan. 2003. 14ème Congrès de l'I.C.V.G. (14th Meeting
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145. Boudon-Padieu, E. and M. Maixner. 1998. Grapevine Yellows: current knowledge and control
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146. Bouquet, A. 2000. Les OGM en question: Quel avenir pour les vignes transgéniques? (The
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147. Bouquet, A., Y. Danglot, L. Torregrosa, M. Bongiovanni, P. Castagnone-Sereno,
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148. Bouquet, A., G. Marck, D. Pistagna, and L. Torregrosa. 2003. Transfer of grape fanleaf virus
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149. Bouquet, A., L. Torregrosa, and P. Chatelet. 2003. Combinaison des méthodes
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résistance durable à la transmission de la maladie du court-noué (Combination of conventional
and biotechnological methods for selecting rootstocks showing a durable resistance to court-noué
disease). Progrès Agricole et Viticole 120:507-512 and 528-532.
150. Bouquet, A., L. Torregrosa, and P. Chatelet. 2004. Combinaison des approches
biotechnologiques et conventionnelles dans la sélection de porte-greffes présentant une
résistance durable à la transmission de la maladie du court-noué (Combination of biotechnological
and conventional approaches to the selection of rootstocks presenting a sustainable resistance to
grapevine fanleaf disease transmission). Bulletin de l'O. I. V. 77:362-376.
151. Bourquin, L., A. Schmid, J. De Meyer, O. Cazelles, M. E. Ramel, and P. Gugerli. 2000.
Confirmation of the presence of stolbur type yellows in Swiss vineyards by molecular diagnosis of
grapevine, p. 111-112. In R. H. Symons (ed.), Extended abstracts 13th Meeting ICVG, Adelaide,
Australia, 12-17 March 2000. University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia.
152. Bouyahia, H., D. Boscia, V. Savino, P. La Notte, C. Pirolo, M. A. Castellano, A. Minafra, and
G. P. Martelli. 2004. Is grapevine vein necrosis a reaction to Grapevine rupestris stem pittingassociated virus? Journal of Plant Pathology 86 (Special issue):301.
153. Bouyahia, H., O. Potere, and D. Boscia. 2003. Sampling method for the detection of Grapevine
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154. Bovey, R. 1999. The viroses and virus-like diseases of grapevine. Bibliographic report 1985-1997.
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155. Bovey, R. and P. Gugerli. 2003. A short history of ICVG, p. 1-2. In Extended abstracts 14th
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Applied Microbiology, University, Bari (Italy).
156. Braccini, P. and F. Pavan. 2000. Indagine sulla presenza di auchenorrhynchi in vigneti della
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Tuscany). Petria 10:181-182.
157. Braccini, P. and F. Pavan. 2000. Auchennorrinchi potenziali vettori di fitoplasmi associati a
giallumi della vite (Auchenorrynchs potential vectors of phytoplasms associated with grapevine
yellows). L'Informatore agrario 56(47):103-107.
158. Braccini, P., A. Sfalanga, S. Botti, A. Malossi, and A. Bertaccini. 2002. Prime osservazioni su
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observations on epidemiological investigations in some vineyards of central Tuscany affected with
bois noir). Petria 12:437-439.
159. Braccini, P., A. Sfalanga, M. Pondrelli, M. Martini, and A. Bertaccini. 2000. Diffusione di
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Tuscany). Petria 10:177-178.
160. Brandone, C. 2002. La flavescenza dorata in Piemonte (Flavescence dorée in Piedmont).
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161. Bressan, A., S. Spiazzi, C. Capuzzo, V. Girolami, and E. Boudon-Padieu. 2003. Seasonal
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vectors and source for acquisition, p. 107-108. In Extended abstracts 14th Meeting ICVG,
Locorotondo, Italy, 13-17 September 2003. Department of Plant Protection and Applied
Microbiology, University, Bari (Italy.
162. Bruno, C., P. Arce, and P. D. Valenzuela. 2003. RNA interference as a novel strategy for
resistance against Grapevine fanleaf virus, p. 229. In Extended abstracts 14th Meeting ICVG,
Locorotondo, Italy, 13-17 September 2003. Department of Plant Protection and Applied
Microbiology, University, Bari (Italy).
163. Buciumeanu, E. and E. Visoiu. 1999. Selectia sanitara, deviroszarea si certificarea materialului
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grapevine propagation material at the Station of Stefanesti-Arges). Protectia Plantelor 9(35):6677.
164. Buciumeanu, E. and E. Visoiu. 2000. Elimination of grapevine viruses in Vitis vinifera L. cultivars,
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165. Buciumeanu, E., E. Visoiu, and C. F. Popescu. 2003. Certification of grapevine planting material
at Research Station for Viticulture Stefanesti, Romania, p. 161. In Extended abstracts 14th
Meeting ICVG, Locorotondo, Italy, 13-17 September 2003. Department of Plant Protection and
Applied Microbiology, University, Bari (Italy).
166. Burger, J.T., M. Engelbrecht, and C. Van Eeden. 2003. The construction of gene silencing
vectors for the introduction of multiple virus resistance in grapevines, p. 226-227. In Extended
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Protection and Applied Microbiology, University, Bari (Italy).
167. Burger, J.T. and K. L. Wilsen. 2000. Towards the introduction of a broad-spectrum antiviral
mechanism into grapevine, p. 55-56. In R. H. Symons (ed.), Extended abstracts 13th Meeting
ICVG, Adelaide, Australia, 12-17 March 2000. University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia.
168. Buzkan, N., A. Minafra, P. Saldarelli, M. A. Castellano, M. Dell'Orco, G. P. Martelli, R. Gölles,
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169. Buzkan, N., A. Minafra, P. Saldarelli, M. A. Castellano, and G. P. Martelli. 2000.
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viruses A and B, p. 38. In R. H. Symons (ed.), Extended abstracts 13th Meeting ICVG, Adelaide,
Australia, 12-17 March 2000. University of Adelaide, Adelaide.
170. Buzkan, N., P. Saldarelli, A. Minafra, L. Martinelli, A. Perl, and G. P. Martelli. 2000. Tolerance to
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171. Buzkan, N. and A. Walker. 2004. A small scale procedure for extracting nucleic acids from
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172. Cabaleiro, C., A. Piñeiro, O. Rosende, and J. Garcia. 2003. Changes in grapevine leafroll
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173. Cabaleiro, C. and A. Segura. 2003. Monitoring the spread of Grapevine leafroll-associated virus
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174. Cabaleiro, C., A. Segura, and J. J. Garcia-Berrios. 1999. Effects of grapevine leafroll-associated
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176. Cardoso, F., C. Baptista, E. Sousa, and C. Novo. 2003. New monoclonal antibodies developed
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177. Carraro, L., R. Osler, and E. Refatti. 2000. Storia dei giallumi della vite nei Friuli-Venezia Giulia
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178. Carstens, R. 2000. Improved procedure for the isolation of double stranded RNA from virusinfected grapevine, p. 144. In R. H. Symons (ed.), Extended abstracts 13th Meeting ICVG,
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179. Casati, P. and P. A. Bianco. 1999. Possible improvement in phytoplasma detection. Petria 9:9396.
180. Casati, P., A. Minafra, A. Rowhani, and P. A. Bianco. 2003. Further data on molecular
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181. Casati, P., F. Quaglino, and P. A. Bianco. 2004. RSI-PCR (Restriction site insertion-PCR) as a
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182. Castellano, M.A., N. Abou-Ghanem, E. Choueiri, and G. P. Martelli. 2000. Ultrastructure of
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183. Cavagna, B., M. Celè, A. M. Masiello, and M. Perucca. 2002. Flavescenza dorata nelle aree
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Petria 12:453.
184. Cavallini, G., A. Castiglioni, P. Bortolotti, N. Mori, R. Nicoli Aldini, S. Botti, A. Malossi, and
A. Bertaccini. 2003. Flavescenza dorata e legno nero in vigneti del Modenese (Flavescence
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185. Cavanni, P. 2001. Flavescenza dorata della vite. La nuova malattia che minaccia i vigneti.
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186. Chabbouh, N., S. Bouhachem, S. M'hirsi, N. Mahfoudhi, N. Marzouki, and M. Marrakchi.
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187. Chabbouh, N. and M. Marrakchi. 1998. Contribution à l'étude de l'écorce liégeuse dans le
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188. Chabbouh, N., M. Marrakchi, and Z. Bel Falah. 2000. Investigations on the aetiology of corky
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189. Chiron, M.F., B. Herlemont, and J. M. Trespaille-Barrau. 2004. Latest developments in the
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190. Choueiri, E., F. Jreijiri, S. El Zammar, E. Verdin, P. Salar, J. L. Danet, J. Bové, and M. Garnier.
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191. Choueiri, E., S. Jreijiri, S. El Zammar, E. Verdin, P. Salar, J. L. Danet, J. Bové, and M. Garnier.
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192. Christov, I.K., D. Stefanov, V. N. Goltsev, and P. Abracheva. 2001. Effects of grapevine fanleaf
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193. Ciampitti, M., R. Tonesi, G. Belli, and P. Cravedi. 2002. Studio del deperimento vegetoproduttivo della vite dovuto alla Flavescenza dorata (Study of grapevine vegetation and production
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194. Ciampolini, M. and A. Guarnone. 2003. Pullulazioni su vigneti di Partholecanium corni
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195. Ciccotti, A., D. de Sutter, D. Gurioli, E. Mescalchin, and M. E. Vindimian. 2003. Bois noir in
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196. Cid, M., C. Cabaleiro, and A. Segura. 2003. Detection of Grapevine leafroll-associated virus-3 in
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2003. Department of Plant Protection and Applied Microbiology, University, Bari (Italy).
197. Cigsar, I., M. Digiaro, K. Gokalp, N. Abou Ghanem-Sabanadzovic, A. De Stradis, D. Boscia,
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198. Cigsar, I., M. Digiaro, and G. P. Martelli. 2002. Sanitary status of grapevines in south-eastern and
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199. Cigsar, I. and M. A. Yilmaz. 2000. Detection of grapevine viruses by serological methods in southeast of Turkey, p. 143. In R. H. Symons (ed.), Extended abstracts 13th Meeting ICVG, Adelaide,
Australia, 12-17 March 2000. University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia.
200. Clair, D., A. Frelet, G. Aubert, E. Collin, and E. Boudon-Padieu. 2000. Improved detection of
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201. Clair, D., J. Larrue, G. Aubert, J. Gillet, G. Cloquemin, and E. Boudon-Padieu. 2003. Direct
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use in field surveys, p. 82-83. In Extended abstracts 14th Meeting ICVG, Locorotondo, Italy,13-17
September 2003. Department of Plant Protection and Applied Microbiology, University, Bari (Italy).
202. Clair, D., J. Larrue, G. Aubert, J. Gillet, G. Cloquemin, and E. Boudon-Padieu. 2003. A
multiplex nested-PCR assay for sensitive and simultaneous detection and direct identification of
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203. Clair, D., J. Larrue, and E. Boudon-Padieu. 2001. Evaluation of vectoring ability of phytoplasmas
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204. Clingeleffer, P.R. and L. R. Krake. 2002. Light (minimal) pruning enhances expression of higher
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205. Cloquemin, G., G. Blaszczyk, D. Herold, and J. Gillet. 1998. Laboratoire national de la
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206. Cohen, D. and R. van den Brink. 2000. Improved sensitivity for ELISA detection of GLRaV-1 and
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207. Cohen, D., R. van den Brink, and N. Habili. 2003. Leafroll virus movement in newly infected
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208. Colla, R. 2004. Flavescenza dorata, battaglia su piu fronti (Flavescence dorée, a battle on several
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209. Constable, F. and B. Symons. 1999. Seasonal detection of phytoplasmas in Australian
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210. Constable, F., J. Whiting, and B. Symons. 2000. A new grapevine phytoplasma from the Ovens
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ICVG, Adelaide, Australia, 12-17 March 2000. University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia.
211. Constable, F.E. 2002. The biology and epidemiology of Australian grapevine phytoplasmas. PhD
thesis, University of Adelaide, Department of Plant Science, Adelaide, Australia.
212. Constable, F.E. and E. Boudon-Padieu. 2003. Genomic diversity of the flavescence dorée
phytoplasma, p. 81. In Extended abstracts 14th Meeting ICVG, Locorotondo, Italy, 13-17
September 2003. Department of Plant Protection and Applied Microbiology, University, Bari (Italy).
213. Constable, F.E., K. S. Gibb, J. R. Moran, and Y. M. Wilson. 1998. Incidence of phytoplasma
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214. Constable, F.E., K. S. Gibb, J. W. Randles, and R. H. Symons. 2003. Biology and epidemiology
of Australian grapevine phytoplasmas, p. 58-59. In Extended abstracts 14th Meeting ICVG,
Locorotondo, Italy, 13-17 September 2003. Department of Plant Protection and Applied
Microbiology, University, Bari (Italy).
215. Constable, F.E., K. S. Gibb, and R. H. Symons. 2003. Seasonal distribution of phytoplasmas in
Australian grapevines. Plant Pathology 52:267-276.
216. Constable, F.E., J. Jones, K. S. Gibb, Y. M. Chalmers, and R. H. Symons. 2004. The incidence,
distribution and expression of Australian grapevine yellows, restricted growth and late season leaf
curl diseases in selected Australian vineyards. Annals of applied Biology 144:205-218.
217. Constable, F.E. and R. H. Symons. 2004. Genetic variability amongst isolates of Australian
grapevine phytoplasmas. Australasian Plant Pathology 33:115-119.
218. Constable, F.E., J. R. Whiting, K. S. Gibb, and R. H. Symons. 2002. A new grapevine yellows
phytoplasma from the Buckland Valley of Victoria. Vitis 41:147-153.
219. Constable, F.E., J. R. Whiting, J. Jones, K. S. Gibb, and R. H. Symons. 2003. The distribution of
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220. Conti, M. 2001. Giallumi della vite (Grapevine yellows). Informatore Fitopatologico 51(4):35-40.
221. Conti, M. 2001. Fitoplasmosi della vite: aspetti epidemiologici (Phytoplasma diseases of
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222. Conti, M. 2003. Grapevine virus vectors and epidemiology, p. 206-207. In Extended abstracts 14th
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Applied Microbiology, University, Bari (Italy).
223. Cordeau, J. 1998. Création d'un vignoble. Greffage de la vigne et porte-greffes. Elimination des
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229. Cravedi, P. and R. Nicoli Aldini. 2000. Lo Scaphoideus titanus, vettore della flavescenza dorata
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237. Credi, R. and V. Vicchi. 2001. Flavescenza dorata. Come si riconoscono i sintomi dell'avversità
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294. Faoro, F., G. Scattini, S. Sant, and P. Gugerli. 2000. UIGV and GLRaV-1 interactions in mixed
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297. Fattouch, S., S. M'hirsi, H. Acheche, M. Marrakchi, and N. Marzouki. 2001. RNA oligoprobe
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302. Firrao, G., G. Malossini, S. Palmano, A. Carpanelli, I. Tomada, M. Dazzan, R. Benedetti, and
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303. Firrao, G., S. Palmano, G. Malossini, I. Tomada, A. Carpanelli, M. Dazzan, and C. Frausin.
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305. Frausin, C. 2000. Flavescenza dorata e legno nero della vite in Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Flavescence
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306. Frausin, C. 2002. Resoconto di tre anni di attività per l'eradicazione della Flavescenza dorata della
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307. Frausin, C., B. Antoni, G. Baldessin, and et al.. 2000. Indagine pluriennale sulla situazione
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308. Frausin, C., A. Gregoris, and F. Anaclerio. 2000. Verifica di pratica utilizzazione della tecnica di
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309. Frausin, C., A. Ortez, A. Gregoris, C. Coiutti, D. Mucignat, and A. Zanoli. 2000. Il vivaismo
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543. Mannini, F. 2003. Virus elimination in grapevine and crop performance, p. 234-239. In Extended
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544. Mannini, F., N. Argamante, and R. Credi. 1999. Contribution des infections virales à la variabilité
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547. Mannini, F., N. Argamante, and S. Guidoni. 2003. Effetto delle virosi della vite sull'accumulo di
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548. Mannini, F. and R. Credi. 2000. Appraisal of agronomic and enological modifications in the
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549. Mannini, F., D. Cuozzo, S. Piano, and M. Gobetto. 1999. Prime risultanze dello studio sul
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550. Mannini, F., V. Gerbi, and R. Credi. 1998. Heat-treated v. virus-infected grapevine clones:
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552. Mannini, F. and I. Gribaudo. 2004. Risanamento da virus e fitoplasmi nella vite e suoi effetti
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553. Mannini, F., I. Gribaudo, D. Cuozzo, S. Tronfi, and F. Bonanimi. 2003. Virus-free grapevines
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554. Mannini, F., L. Rolle, and S. Guidoni. 2003. Vineyard management to optimize grape quality in
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570. Martelli, G.P., A. A. Agranovski, M. Bar-Joseph, D. Boscia, T. Candresse, R. H. A. Coutts,
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