ANNO 2014 - aggiornato al 31/12/2015 COGNOME E NOME Alborali, Giovanni Loris Alborali, Giovanni Loris Alborali, Giovanni Loris Alborali, Giovanni Loris Alborali, Giovanni Loris Alborali, Giovanni Loris Alborali, Giovanni Loris Alborali, Giovanni Loris AUTORI Sozzi° E, Moreno° A, Lelli° D, Cinotti° S, Alborali° GL, Nigrelli° A, Luppi° A, Bresaola° M, Catella° A, Cordioli° P Chiari° M, Sozzi° E, Zanoni° M, Alborali° LG, Lavazza° A, Cordioli° P Ben-Dov D, Hadani Y, Ben-Simchon A, Alborali° L, Pozzi PS Chiari° M, Zanoni° M, Alborali° LG, Zanardi° G, Avisani° D, Tagliabue° S, Gaffuri° A, Pacciarini° ML, Boniotti° MB Chiari° M, Ferrari° N, Giardiello° D, Avisani° D, Pacciarini° ML, Boniotti° B, Alborali° L, Zanoni° M TITOLO DEL LAVORO DATO BIBLIOGRAFICO RELATIVO ALLA PUBBLICAZIONE IMPACT FACTOR ASSEGNATO Genomic characterization of Pseudorabies virus strains isolated in Italy Transbound Emerg Dis 61 no 4 (2014) . - p 334-340. - 17 bib ref 3,1160 Serosurvey for Schmallenberg virus in alpine wild ungulates Guidelines for pig welfare in Israel Transbound Emerg Dis 61 (2014) . - p 1-3. - 10 bib ref 3,1160 Isr J Vet Med 69 no 1 (2014) . - p 4-15. - 24 bib ref 0,2000 Isolation of Mycobacterium caprae (Lechtal J Wild Dis 50 no 2 (2014) . - p 330-333. - 15 bib ref genotype) from red deer (Cervus elaphus) in Italy Wild boar (Sus scrofa) and MTB complex, Hystrix Ital J Mammalogy 25 (supplement) (2014) . - p 52 something new : spatiotemporal and biological patterns of M. microti infection in wild boar Ruggeri° J, Pesciaroli M, Gaetarelli° B, Scaglione Parenteral administration of attenuated Vaccine 32 (2014) . - p 4032-4038. - 27 bib ref FE, Pregel P, Ammendola S, Battistoni A, Bollo Salmonella Typhimurium znuABC is protective against salmonellosis in piglets E, Alborali° GL, Pasquali P 1,3050 Zhang HJ, Jiang XR, Mantovani G, Valdez_Lumbreras AE, Comi M, Alborali° G, Savoini G, Dell’Orto V, Bontempo V Boni A, Vaccari G, Di_Trani L, Zaccaria G, Alborali° GL, Lelli° D, Cordioli° P, Moreno° AM 0,6040 Modulation of plasma antioxidant activity in weaned piglets by plant polyphenols Ital J Anim Sci 13 (2014) . - p 424-430. - 35 bib ref Genetic characterization and evolution of BioMed Res Int Article ID 598732 (2014) . - 9 p. - 28 bib ref H1N1pdm09 after circulation in a swine farm (ultimo accesso 23/10/2014 0,5930 3,4850 2,7060 Alborali, Giovanni Loris Chiari° M, Ferrari° N, Giardiello° D, Avisani° D, Temporal dynamics of European brown hare Eur J Wild Res 60 (2014) . - p 891-896. - 22 bib ref Zanoni° M, Alborali° GL, Lanfranchi P, Guberti V, syndrome infection in Northern Italian brown Capucci° L, Lavazza° A hares (Lepus europaeus) 1,2080 Alborali, Giovanni Loris Chiari° M, Ferrari° N, Zanoni° M, Alborali° L Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae temporal Eur J Wild Res 60 (2014) . - p 187-192. - 25 bib ref trends of infection and pathological effects in wild boar populations Chiari° M, Ferrari N, Giardiello° D, Lanfranchi P, Isolation and identification of Salmonella spp. Acta Vet Scand 56 no 86 (2014) . - 4 p. - 21 bib ref Zanoni° MG, Lavazza° A, Alborali° LG from red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) and badgers (Meles meles) in Northern Italy 1,2080 Trevisi E, Amadori° M, Riva F, Bertoni G, Bani P Evaluation of innate immune responses in bovine forestomachs Razzuoli E, Villa° R, Ferrari A, Amadori° M A pig tonsil cell culture model for evaluating oral, low-dose IFN-alfa treatments Res Vet Sci 96 (2014) . - p 69-78. - 40 bib ref 1,5110 Vet Immunol Immunopathol 160 (2014) . - p 244-254. - 44 bib ref 1,7480 Amadori, Massimo Vitali A, Lana E, Amadori° M, Bernabucci U, Nardone A, Lacetera N J Anim Sci 92 (2014) . - p 5134-5141. - 23 bib ref 1,9200 Amadori, Massimo Magnani D, Cafazzo S, Calà P, Razzuoli° E, Amadori° M, Bernardini D, Gerardi G, Nanni_Costa L Analysis of factors associated with mortality of heavy slaughter pigs during transport and lairage Effect of long transport and environmental conditions on behaviour and blood parameters of postweaned piglets with different reactivity to backtest Livestock Sci 162 (2014) . - p 201-208. - 31 bib ref 1,1000 Amadori, Massimo Trevisi E, Zecconi A, Cogrossi S, Razzuoli° E, Grossi P, Amadori° M Scarpari M, Bello° C, Pietricola C, Zaccaria M, Bertocchi° L, Angelucci° A, Ricciardi MR, Scala V, Parroni A, Fabbri AA, Reverberi M, Zjalic S, Fanelli C Ardigò° P, D’Incau° M, Pongolini° S Strategies for reduced antibiotic usage in dairy cattle farms Aflatoxin control in maize by Trametes versicolor Res Vet Sci 96 (2014) . - p 229-233. - 43 bib ref 1,5110 Toxins 6 (2014) . - p 3426-3437. - 23 bib ref 2,4800 Abortion in cattle due to infection with Staphylococcus lugdunensis Evaluation of viable Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in milk using peptidemediated separation and Propidium Monoazide qPCR A screening sampling plan to detect Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis-positive dairy herds Paratubercolosi : un problema di sanità pubblica = "Paratuberculosis : a public health problem?" 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S, Giacometti F paratuberculosis survival in pasteurized milk in three dairy plants in Italy Chiari° M, Zanoni° M, Alborali° LG, Zanardi° G, Isolation of Mycobacterium caprae (Lechtal Avisani° D, Tagliabue° S, Gaffuri° A, Pacciarini° genotype) from red deer (Cervus elaphus) in ML, Boniotti° MB Italy Chiari° M, Ferrari° N, Giardiello° D, Avisani° D, Wild boar (Sus scrofa) and MTB complex, Pacciarini° ML, Boniotti° B, Alborali° L, Zanoni° something new : spatiotemporal and M biological patterns of M. microti infection in wild boar Chiari° M, Ferrari° N, Giardiello° D, Avisani° D, Temporal dynamics of European brown hare Zanoni° M, Alborali° GL, Lanfranchi P, Guberti V, syndrome infection in Northern Italian brown Capucci° L, Lavazza° A hares (Lepus europaeus) Avisani, Dominga Avisani, Dominga Avisani, Dominga Baioni, Laura Chiapponi° C, Baioni° L, Luppi° A, Moreno° A, Castellan A, Foni° E Baioni, Laura Chiapponi° C, Pavoni° E, Bertasi° B, Baioni° L, Scaltriti° E, Chiesa E, Cianti L, Losio° MN, Pongolini° S Lopes AM, Capucci° L, Gavier_Widén D, Le_Gall_Reculé G, Brocchi° E, Barbieri° I, Quéméner A, Le_Pendu J, Geoghegan JL, Holmes EC, Esteves PJ, Abrantes J Zanusso G, Fiorini M, Ferrari S, Meade-White K, Barbieri° I, Brocchi° E, Ghetti B, Monaco S Barbieri, Ilaria Barbieri, Ilaria Bello, Cristiano Benedetti, Valentina Scarpari M, Bello° C, Pietricola C, Zaccaria M, Bertocchi° L, Angelucci° A, Ricciardi MR, Scala V, Parroni A, Fabbri AA, Reverberi M, Zjalic S, Fanelli C Bianchini° V, Borella° L, Benedetti° V, Parisi A, Miccolupo A, Santoro E, Recordati C, Luini° M Perdite economiche associate alla presenza di Large Anim Rev 20 no 4 (2014) . - 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