Prof. Massimo Pregnolato – Elenco delle pubblicazioni (Anni 2008

Prof. Massimo Pregnolato – Elenco delle pubblicazioni (Anni 2008 – 2013)
1. Vittorio Pace, Laura Castoldi, Massimo Pregnolato. (2013). α-Amino-α´-halomethylketones:
Synthetic Methodologies and Pharmaceutical Applications as Serine and Cysteine Protease
Inhibitors. Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry. 13 (7), 988-996 (9).
2. Massimo Pregnolato (2013). The New Science-Art Renaissance and the Critical Issues of
Transhumanism. CRAFT - Community Resilience through Action for Future Transition.
2013, 4, 9a, pp 1-5. ISBN 978-1-875603-17-6
3. Massimo Cocchi, Lucio Tonello, Fabio Gabrielli, Massimo Pregnolato. (2013). La
Depressione Maggiore come nicchia bio-antropologica. From: La Vita stanca. Sguardi
multidisciplinari sulla depressione. A cura di Massimo Cocchi, Fabio Gabrielli, Vincenzo
Guarracino, Lucio Tonello. Manni Editori. pp 305-319. ISBN 978-88-6266-486-8
4. Massimo Pregnolato. (2013). Pittori tra depressione e follia. From: La Vita stanca. Sguardi
multidisciplinari sulla depressione. A cura di Massimo Cocchi, Fabio Gabrielli, Vincenzo
Guarracino, Lucio Tonello. Manni Editori. pp 179-204. ISBN 978-88-6266-486-8
5. Alessio Ferrarotti e Massimo Pregnolato. (2013). Livelli di Coscienza. Il Caos Management.
75 (1) 1-24.
6. Massimo Pregnolato. (2012). The Florentine New Measurement of Humanity Project. From:
The 21st Century Renaissance. By Robert Pope. The Science-Art Research Centre of
Australia Inc. pp. 116. ISBN 978-0-9803702-9-4
7. Paola Zizzi and Massimo Pregnolato. (2012). The Logic of the Unconscious and
Schizophrenia. NeuroQuantology. 10 (3) 566-579.
8. Zizzi P., Pregnolato M. (2012). Looking for the Physical, Logical, and Computational Roots
of the Mind . Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research. 3, 425-431.
9. Cocchi M., Gabrielli F., Pessa E., Pregnolato M., Tonello L., Zizzi P. (2012). Major
depression and bipolar disorder: The concept of symmetry breaking. NeuroQuantology. 10,
10. Ottaviani M. F., Pregnolato M., Cangiotti M., Fiorani L., Fattori A., Danani A. (2012). Spin
Probe Analysis of Microtubules Structure and Formation. Archives of Biochemistry and
Biophysics. 522, 1-8.
11. Michele Petenzi, Teodora Bavaro, Claudio Cornaggia, Daniela Ubiali, Massimo Pregnolato,
Dario Pasini (2012). Synthesis, Postmodification and Characterization of Linear
Polystyrene-based Supports for the Interaction with Immobilized Biocatalysts. Polymer
International. 61, 1611-1618.
12. Zizzi P., Pregnolato M. (2012). The Non-Algorithmic Side of the Mind. Quantum
Biosystems. 4, 1-8.
13. Massimo Pregnolato . (2012). The Role of Microtubules in Psychipathology. In: "A Long
Shadow over the Soul: Molecular and Quantum Approaches to Psychopathology. An
Interdisciplinary Dialog with Psychiatrists." NeuroQuantology. 10 (2): S9-S10.
14. R. Pizzi, S. Fiorentini, G. Strini and M. Pregnolato. (2012). Exploring Structural and
Dynamical Properties of Microtubules by Means of Artificial Neural Networks. From:
Complexity Science, Living Systems and Reflexing Interfaces: New Models and
Perspectives. edited by Franco Orsucci and Nicoletta Sala. IGI Global publisher. Cap. 5, 7591. ISBN 978-1-4666-2077-3
15. Massimo Pregnolato (2011). Biodiversity in the Human Physical Body.The new frontiers of
metagenomics and quorum sensing. International Journal of Anthropology. 1-2, 95-100.
16. Massimo Cocchi, Lucio Tonello, Fabio Gabrielli, Massimo Pregnolato (2011). Biological
and anthropological-existential hypothesis on depression. Quantum Biosystems. 3, 12-18.
17. Marcello Andriola, Massimo Pregnolato, Fulvio Palma (2011). Classificare gli organismi:
DNA RNA e ricerca delle parentele tra specie. Antropologia della Salute. 3, 139-165.
18. Massimo Cocchi, Lucio Tonello, Fabio Gabrielli, Massimo Pregnolato (2011).
Consciousness and Hallucination: molecular considerations and theoretical questions.
NeuroQuantology. 9, 190-201.
19. Massimo Cocchi, Lucio Tonello, Fabio Gabrielli, Massimo Pregnolato (2011). Depression,
osteoporosis, serotonin and cell membrane viscosity between biology and philosophical
anthropology. Annals of General Psychiatry. 10, 1-7.
20. Vittorio Pace, Laura Castoldi, Pilar Hoyos, José Vicente Sinisterra, Massimo Pregnolato,
José Ma Sánchez-Montero (2011). Highly regioselective control of 1,2-addition of
organolithiums to α,β-unsaturated compounds promoted by lithium bromide in 2methyltetrahydrofuran: a facile and eco-friendly access to allylic alcohols and amines.
Tetrahedron. 67, 2670-2675.
21. Massimo Cocchi, Lucio Tonello, Fabio Gabrielli, Massimo Pregnolato, Eliano Pessa (2011).
Quantum Human and Animal Consciousness: a Concept Embracing Philosophy,
Quantitative Molecular Biology and Mathematics. Journal of Consciousness Exploration &
Research. 2, 547-574.
22. R. Pizzi, G. Strini, S. Fiorentini, V. Pappalardo, M. Pregnolato (2011). Evidences Of New
Biophysical Properties of Microtubules. In: John A. Flores. Focus on Artificial Neural
Networks. p. 191-207, Hauppauge, New York:Nova Science Publisher Inc. , ISBN:
23. Massimo Pregnolato. (2011). L'approccio quantistico alla psichiatria. Alla ricerca del
"luogo" dove si forma la coscienza. Villaggio Globale. Anno XIV, Numero 56, Dicembre
2011, ISSN 2039-7208.
24. Massimo Pregnolato, Marcello Andriola (2010). Biodiversità nel microbioma umano:
implicazioni sui processi cognitivi e coevolutivi. Antropologia della Salute. 2, 93-105.
25. Massimo Cocchi, Fabio Gabrielli, Lucio Tonello, Massimo Pregnolato (2010). Interactome
Hypothesis of Depression. NeuroQuantology. 8, 603-613.
26. Massimo Pregnolato (2010). Time for Quantum Consciousness. Journal of Consciousness
Exploration & Research. 1, 898-906.
27. Massimo Pregnolato. (2010). Biodiversità nel Corpo Fisico Umano. Le nuove frontiere della
Metagenomica e del Quorum Sensing. Il Caos Management. 50 (3).
28. Bavaro Teodora, Rocchietti Silvia, Ubiali Daniela, Filice Marco, Terreni Marco, Pregnolato
Massimo (2009). A Versatile Synthesis of 5'-Functionalized Nucleosides Through
Regioselective Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Their Peracetylated Precursors. European Journal
of Organic Chemistry. 1967-1975.
29. Bavaro, Teodora; Ubiali, Daniela; Brocca, Stefania; Rocchietti, Silvia; Nieto, Ines;
Pregnolato, Massimo; Lotti, Marina; Terreni, Marco (2010). Recombinant lipase from
Candida rugosa for regioselective hydrolysis of peracetylated nucleosides: A comparison
with commercial non-recombinant lipases. Biocatalysis and Biotransformation. 28 (2), 108116.
30. Filice Marco, Bavaro Teodora, Fernandez-Lafuente Roberto, Pregnolato Massimo, Guisan
Jose M., Palomo Jose M., Terreni Marco (2009). Chemo-biocatalytic regioselective one-pot
synthesis of different deprotected monosaccharides. Catalysis Today. 140, 11-18.
31. Bonomi Paolo, Cairoli Paola, Ubiali Daniela, Morelli Carlo F., Filice Marco, Nieto Ines,
Pregnolato Massimo, Manitto Paolo, Terreni Marco, Speranza Giovanna (2009). Enzymatic
resolution of 5-hydroxy- and 8-hydroxy-2-tetralols using immobilized lipases. Tetrahedron
Asymmetry. 20, 467-472.
32. Pregnolato Massimo, Ubiali Daniela (2009). Hepatitis C virus IRES inhibitors: development
and future perspectives. From: RNA-viruses. Enzymatic and receptoral inhibitors. p. 189210, Trivandrum-695 023 Kerala (India): Research Signpost , ISBN: 9788130803296
33. Bavaro Teodora, Cecchini Davide A., Pasini Dario, Ubiali Daniela, Petenzi Michele,
Pregnolato Massimo (2009). Immobilized Enzymes for Resolution of Racemic Organic
Substrates Linked to Soluble Polymers. In: Atti del convegno. N.D.:N.D., Forte dei Marmi
(Italy), May 20-23, 2009
34. Bavaro Teodora, Ubiali Daniela, Brocca Stefania, Rocchietti Silvia, Pregnolato Massimo,
Lotti Marina, Terreni Marco (2009). Recombinant lipase from Candida rugosa as a tool for
the regioselective hydrolysis of peracetylated pyrimidine nucleosides. A comparison with
commercial non recombinant lipases. From: Atti del convegno. N.D.:N.D., Ciocco a
Castelvecchio Pascoli (Italy), February 13-14, 2009
35. Terreni Marco, Ubiali Daniela, Bavaro Teodora, Cecchini Davide A., Serra Immacolata,
Pregnolato Massimo (2008). Bioprocesses for the synthesis of nucleosides and nucleotides.
From: Biocatalysis Research Progress. p. 47-94, New York: Nova Science Publishers Inc ,
Francesco H. Romano Andrea Russo Eds., ISBN: 9781604566192
36. Pregnolato Massimo, Terreni Marco, Ubiali Daniela, Bavaro Teodora (2008). 2',3'-Di-Oacyl-5-fluoronucleosides. WO2008/107771 A3, Applicant: Innovate Biotechnology s.r.l.,
Via Marconi, 3 I-27029 Vigevano (Pavia), Italia
37. Filice Marco, Terreni Marco, Pregnolato Massimo (2008). “Process for the preparation of
3,6-di-O-acethyl-D-glycals via transacylation and regioselective enzymic hydrolysis” . WO
2008081270 A2, Applicant: Innovate Biotechnology S.r.l.
38. Giovanni Cotticelli; Silvia Rocchietti; Marco Terreni; Massimo Pregnolato; Raul Salvetti.
(2008). Chemo-enzymatic process for preparing escitalopram. EC: C12P41/00;
C12P41/00C2 IPC: C12P41/00; C12P. Publication HK1101827 (A1) - 2008-10-31
Applicant: Adorkem Technology SpA [IT].
Indice-H (dal 2008) = 10
Citazioni (dal 2008) = 341
N. Brevetti (dal 2008) = 3