>> SQL Server 2008 Maintaining a SQL2008 Database Microsoft SQL Server 2008 è l'ultima versione di RDMS di Microsoft per le aziende. Le funzioni di Business-intelligence implementate consentono l'elaborazione con tecnologie di data warehouse. Ihr Nutzen: Seminarinhalte: Dopo questo seminario sarete in grado di utilizzare e configurare database SQL Server 2008. Day 1 * Installing and configuring SQL Server - Preparation - SQL Server installation - Inital Configuration * Managing Databases and Files - Planning Databases - Creating Databases - Using Policy-Based Management Day 2 * Disaster Recovery - Designing a Backup Strategy - Backup User Databases - Recovery of User Databases - Onlinerestore - Recovery of Data with Database Snapshots - System Databases and Disaster Recovery Voraussetzungen: Fondamenti di gestione del sistema operativo e conoscenze di Transact-SQL ~ 5009 Hinweise: MOC6231, Questo seminario è un EGOS! Clever Track. Version: 2008 R2 Preis pro Teilnehmer EUR 1975,exklusive der gesetzlichen MwSt. Seminardauer: 5 Tag(e) Termine: Day 3 * Managing Security - SQL Server Security Overview - Securing the Servers - Securing the database - Using Schemas for Security - Monitoring Security * Transfering Data - DTS Overview - SQL Server Integration Services Introduction Day 4 * Automation - Automating Admin-Tasks - SQL Server Agent - Creating Maintenance Plans - Creating Jobs - Implementing Warnings - Multi-Server-Management - Managing SQL Server Agent Security * Implementing Replication - Replication Overview - Managing Publications and Subscriptions - Monitoring Replication Day 5 * High Availability - HA Features Overview - Configuring Log Shipping Feature - Introduction to Database Mirroring - Server Clusters with SQL Server - Using distributed HA Solutions * Monitoring SQL Server - Current Activity - Using SQL Server Profiler - Monitoring with DDL Triggers - Using Event Notifications * Troubleshooting and Performance Tuning - Troubleshooting SQL Server - Performance Tuning SQL Server - Resource Governor - Using Data Collectors Unsere BildungsberaterInnen stehen Ihnen gerne zur Verfgung Innsbruck +43 (0)512 36 47 77 (C)2017 EGOS! The Education Company, Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Irrtmer und Druckfehler vorbehalten. Lernen und Entwickeln Seite www.egos.co.at