Il chitarrista e compositore Johannes Möller ha affascinato il pubblico di tu7o il mondo con i suoi concer8densidicarismaeprofondità.Nel2010ha vintoilGFAConcertAr8stCompe88on,unodeipiù pres8giosiconcorsichitarris8mondiali. Come interprete ha vinto nel marzo 2008 il Dutch Vriendenkrans Concours, compe8zione riservata nonsolamenteallachitarra,maatuMglistrumen8: come premio, tra gli altri, è stato inserito il suo nome in una targa presso il Concertgebouw in Amsterdam. E’ anche stato il primo chitarrista di sempre a vincere, nel 2007, la Ljunggrenska Compe88on (Svezia) con questa mo8vazione: “con l’aiuto di una tecnica mozzafiato e tuM i colori dell’arcobaleno, apre le porte ad un mondo di espressionisfumatechecolpisconocongrandeforza ed intensità”. Nel 2005 è stato anche il primo chitarrista a vincere The Bromsgrove Fes8val Interna8onalYoungMusiciansPlaborm(England):“ilchitarristaJohannesMöllerfamiracoliconle sueesecuzionilucideegenerose”(StephenPeM7,LondonEveningStandard). All’età di dodici anni visse un’esplosione crea8va come compositore autodida7a, scrivendo numerosilavoridimusicadacamerapervaristrumen8.Parteditalicomposizionifuregistratada alcunideipiùimportan8interpre8svedesiquandoJohannesavevasoloqua7ordicianni.Lacri8ca salutòl’albumconfavoreedilGöteborgspostenscrisse:“cosadiventeràquestoJohannesMöller? UnMozartsvedesedeigiorninostri?”.Nel2006duranteilFes8valInternazionalediIserlohnvenne eseguitainprimamondialelasuacomposizione“Whenthewindsdissolve”perflautocontraltoe chitarra.Daquelmomentodecisedidedicarsiprincipalmenteallacomposizioneenel2009vinse l’EuropeanGuitarAwardconunacomposizioneperchitarrasolacheconfluìnell’albumdel2010 interamentededicatoallecomposizioniperchitarrasola. Johannes ha studiato al Royal College of Music a Londra con Gary Ryan e Carlos Bonell e composizione con William Mival, o7enendo il Bachelor of Music con lode. Ha poi o7enuto un Master presso il Conservatorio di The Hague dove ha studiato con Zoran Dukic ed ha seguito masterclass con il chitarrista Pavel Steidl e con il chitarrista-compositore Dusan Bogdanovic. Un secondoMasterconlaguidadiLexEisenhardtperlachitarraeRichardAyresperlacomposizioneè statoo7enutopressoilConservatoriodiAmsterdam. ! ! ! ! The European guitarist and composer Johannes Möller has cap8vated audiences throughout the world with charisma8c and soulful performances. In 2010 he was awarded first prize in the GFA ConcertAr8stCompe88on,consideredbymanytobethemostpres8giousguitarcompe88onin theworld. As a performer, Johannes’s ar8stry has reached well beyond the usual guitar circles. This was confirmed in March 2008 when he won the Dutch Vriendenkrans Concours while compe8ng against performers in all instrumental categories. As a part of this award his name has been engravedonametalplatethatcanbeseenintheConcertgebouwinAmsterdam.Healsobecame thefirstguitaristevertowintheLjunggrenskaCompe88on(Sweden)in2007,andtheconclusion issued by the jury was: “With the help of a breathtaking technique and all the colors of the rainbowheopensadoortoaworldofsubtleexpressionswhichstrikesuswithgreatpowerand intensity.” In 2005, he became the first guitarist to win The Bromsgrove Fes8val Interna8onal Young Musicians Plaborm (England). Cri8cs have also noted his special quali8es, wri8ng of his playing “Guitarist Johannes Moller achieved miracles with his lucid, spacious playing.” (Stephen PeM7,LondonEveningStandard). At the age of 12 as a self-taught composer Johannes experienced an outburst of crea8vity that resulted in a large quan8ty of mainly chamber music works for various instrumenta8ons. A selec8onoftheseworkswasrecordedonaCDwithsomeofthetopinstrumentalistsinSweden when he was 14 years old. A cri8c from the Swedish newspaper Göteborgsposten wrote about thesecomposi8ons,”WhatistobecomeofJohannesMöller?ASwedishMozart–inour8me?” In his later teenage years, Johannes con8nued composing experimen8ng with various composi8onalstylesandtechniques.Itwashowevernotun8lhecomposedhispiece“Whenthe Winds Dissolve” for alto flute and guitar in 2006 that he found his personal voice. The world premiereofthiscomposi8ontookplaceduringthe“IserlohnInterna8onalGuitarSymposium”.It wasreceivedwithsuchenthusiasmfromcollegesandstudentsalikethathedecidedtodedicate himselftomainlycomposemusicfortheguitar.In2009,hewona“EuropeanGuitarAward”forhis guitarsolocomposi8onandinOctober2010,aCDwasreleasedofJohannesperforminghisown music. ! JohanneshasearnedaBachelorofMusicwithHonorsfromtheRoyalCollegeofMusicinLondon wherehestudiedguitarwithGaryRyanandCarlosBonellandcomposi8onwithWilliamMival.He hasreceivedaMastersdegreefromtheRoyalConservatoireinTheHaguewherehestudiedwith Zoran Dukic. He also received a scholarship for excellent students from the Royal Conservatoire that allowed him to study privately with Pavel Steidl in Czech Republic as well as composi8on lessons with Dusan Bogdanovic in the USA. He completed a second Masters degree at the Conservatoire in Amsterdam where he studied guitar with Lex Eisenhardt and composi8on with RichardAyres.