Sistema centralizzato di iscrizione agli esami Programma DEMOETHNOANTHROPOLOGICAL DISCIPLINES AND THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE ROSALBA CIRANNI Anno accademico CdS 2016/17 NURSING AND MIDWIFERY SCIENCES 016MF 6 Codice CFU Moduli Settore DISCIPLINE DEMOETNOA M-DEA/01 NTROPOLOGICHE STORIA DELLA MEDICINA MED/02 E BIOETICA Tipo LEZIONI Ore 24 Docente/i SANDRA BURCHI LEZIONI 24 ROSALBA CIRANNI Learning outcomes Knowledge The student who successfully completes the course will be able to: - understand modern biomedicine as the outcome of a complex historical development - critically evaluate methodologies, successes and failures in the history of medicine - understand some aspects of globalization and the problem of cultural differences in contemporary world -understand some basical notions of medical anthropology Assessment criteria of knowledge The student will be assessed on her demonstrated ability to discuss the main course contents using the appropriate language and showing a critical understandig of basic concepts. Methods: Final oral exam Final written exam Teaching methods Delivery: face to face Learning activities: attending lectures participation in seminar participation in discussions individual study Attendance: Mandatory Teaching methods: Lectures Seminar Syllabus The course includes two parts, concerning the history of medicine (prof. Rosalba Ciranni)and cutural anthropology (prof. Fabio Dei). The History of Medicine sub-course will take into account some major moments in the rise of modern biomedicine, focusing on epistemological and methodological problems. The field of bioethics will be considered as well, discussing case-studies of moral implications of scientific research. The CUltural Anthropology sub-course is articulated in three main topics: - the problem of cultural differences and the notions of race, culturar and ethnic identity - some basic notions in the Anthropology of medicine (the concept of "biomedicine", the notions of illness, disease and sickness, the anthropology of the body9, "culture-bound syndromes", the probloem of simbolic efficacy; - the "spirit of the gift" and the welfare economies. Bibliography History of Medicine: - G. Corbellini, Breve storia delle idee di salute e malattia, Roma, Carocci - R. Porter, Breve ma veridica storia della medicina occidentale, Roma, Carocci Cultural Anthropolgy: F. Dei, Antropologia culturale, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2012 Further recommended (optional) readings: - M. Aime, Eccessi di culture, Torino, Einaudi; - B. Good, Narrare la malattia, Torino, Einaudi - I.Quaranta, Antropologia medica: i testi fondamentali, Milano, Cortina - D. Cozzi, a cura di, Le parole dell'antropologia medica. Piccolo dizionario, Perugia, Morlacchi - J. 1/2 Powered by TCPDF ( Powered by TCPDF ( Sistema centralizzato di iscrizione agli esami Programma Godbout, Lo spirito del dono, Torino, Bollati Boringhieri - F. Dei, M. Aria, G.L. Mancini, a cura di, Il dono del sangue. Per un'antropolgoia dell'altruismo, Pisa, Pacini Work placement Yes Updated: 14/11/2016 17:27 2/2