CAIRO COMMUNICATION Cairo Communication • Activity started in January 1996 • Turnover 2000 : Euro 158,7 million • Active in 3 business areas: Advertising collection, Publishing, Internet • Staff : 167 employees plus 100 sales agents • Listed at “Nuovo Mercato” on July the 19th, 2000 at Euro 65 per share Shareholder Break-down Free Float 26.1% Urbano Cairo 12.8% Roberto Cairo 0.1% UT Belgium Holding 15.9% UT Communications 45.1% Group Structure CAIRO COMMUNICATION 100% Editoriale Giorgio Mondadori 100% Cairo Tv 100% Cairo Pubblicità 100% CairoWeb 80% Il Trovatore 99.95% Airone Publishing Advertising Internet-Advertising Internet: Search engine ADVERTISING: CAIRO PUBBLICITA’ Cairo Pubblicità 1996: Start up company in the advertising business • Jan. ‘96: - Contract with RCS for 4 years. - 1999 Target turnover: Euro 50 million • - Target of Euro 50 million reached 2 years ahead of contract Dec. ‘97 • Mar. ‘00 - Contract renewal with RCS till 2002 with a target for further renewal of 3 more years • Oct: ‘00 - Concession of all Giorgio Mondadori’s magazines to Cairo Pubblicità Cairo Pubblicità - The Offer • 2001 Portfolio: 16 Magazines in the main editorial segments Women/Fashion Cusine Family Health Gossip Travelling Media/Finance Nature Gardening Art and Antique Children Cairo Pubblicità – Turnover Euro millions 90 79 80 69 70 60 60 48 50 40 30 17 20 10 0 9/96 9/97 9/98 9/99 9/00 Cairo Pubblicità • Great potential of Giorgio Mondadori’s portfolio compared with competitors. • Revenues extimated for 2001: Euro 23 million Title Genre Gulliver Dove Class Bell’Italia Bell’Europa Travel & leisure Travel Life style Travel Travel Target High High High High High Circulation* Circulation* 25,204 38,781 32,834 55,166 33,840 Adv. Adv. Revenue**.year ‘00 Eu 5.5 mn Eu 5.5 mn Eu 5 mn Eu 3.6 mn Eu 2.1 mn * new stand last 3 month ** extimation ADVERTISING: CAIRO TV Cairo Tv 1998: First acquisition made by Cairo Communication • Opportunity to enter Italian TV market ( Euro 3.6 billion in 1999, Pay TV share around 1% compared to USA more than 20%) • Pay TV: a highly potential market in Italy. (10% Household penetration in Italy compared to 18% in Spain, 33% in France and 35% in UK) • 10-year contract (till 2007, with 6 months first negotiation right and an addictional first refusal right) Cairo Tv: the Offer TELE+ CHANNELS THEMATIC CHANNELS TV GUIDE Cairo Tv-Turnover Euro millions 50 40 40,7 30 20 10 31,0 18,6 0 9/98 9/99 9/00 ADVERTISING: CAIRO WEB Cairo Web 1998: Start up company in the Internet business • Highly potential and growing market (still only 1% of the total) • 24 web sites in concession: Affari,,,,,,,,,, and others, for more than 50 million impressions a month • Dedicated sales force plus some of the sales agents of Cairo Pubblicità and Cairo Tv. Cairo Web Turnover Euro thousands 3000 2500 2000 2427 1500 1000 966 500 0 206 9/98 9/99 9/00 ADVERTISING: STADIUM Cairo Communication - Stadium 1997: Start up activity in the Sport business • In 1997, Cairo Communication has signed agreements with Lazio and Roma for the advertising in the Olympic Stadium • The turnover has more than tripled from Euro 2 million in ’96-’97 to Euro 6,5 million. • In the season 2000 - 2001 Cairo Communication has renewed the contracts with Lazio and Roma adding new agreements with Teams in Serie B (Italian second league) PUBLISHING Editoriale Giorgio Mondadori 1999: Second acquisition made by Cairo Communication. • Editoriale Giorgio Mondadori (a 20 years old publishing company) was acquired in February 1999, restructured and turned around in one year from a loss of Euro 1,9 in first quarter 1999 to break even in first semester 2000 Editoriale Giorgio Mondadori Break even is the result of : 1 Reduction of Production costs, Personnel costs (-16%) and Overhead costs (33%) 2 Rationalization of Products to cut costs and increase circulation (closing of a magazine, reduction of books published by 50%, product changement/repositioning and editorial promotions) 3 Growth in Advertising collection Editoriale Giorgio Mondadori Circulation JANUARY-SEPTEMBER (NEWS-STAND) 1999 - IN VIAGGIO 13.222 - BELL’EUROPA 29.499 - BELL’ITALIA 46.833 - GARDENIA 37.722 - ARTE 17.278 - ANTIQUARIATO 12.333 - AIRONE 38.498 2000 27.778 35.267 50.611 39.889 17.663 12.545 38.516 Trend +110% +19,5% + 8,0% + 5,7% + 0,2% + 0,2% = (SUBCRIPTIONS) SEPTEMBER 2000 116.912 Trend +9,4% 1999 106.857 INTERNET IlTrovatore 2000: Third acquisition made by Cairo Communication. • Il Trovatore is an Italian search engine, with its owns technology and a high potential growth of impressions (since the acquisition impressions grew 6 times to 8 million a month) • In the future il Trovatore will benefit from a stronger positionig on High Technology, its development and its impact on all aspects of society and from an advertising campaign Financials Cairo Group - P&L Statement 1997-2000 Proforma 9/97 % 9/98 % 9/99 % 9/00 % 49.2% 85.5 40.7 53.9% 1.3% 2.4 2.1 1.5% 2.0% 74.5 30.8 1.0 1.8 54.5% 1.0% 64.2 18.8 0.2 2.3 56.2% Other income 48.0 22.1 0.0 0.9 Total Rep. Advertising 71.0 72.7% 85.5 74.9% 108.1 79.1% 130.7 82.4% Total Ed. Giorgio Mondadori 26.5 97.6 27.3% 25.1% 100.0% 28 158.7 17.6% 100.0% 28.6 136.7 20.9% 100.0% 28.6 114.1 EBITDA Rep. Advertising 1.6 2.2% 3.7 4.3% 8.5 7.9% 9.7 7.4% EBITDA Ed. Giorgio Mondadori 0.8 3.0% (3.9) -13.6% (2.9) -10.0% 0.8 2.8% 2.4 (1.0) (3.0) (3.6) 2.5% (0.2) (3.6) (6.6) (7.1) -0.2% 5.6 1.2 (0.4) (1.7) 4.1% 10.5 4.9 11.5 6.9 6.6% (Euro millions) Conc. (Publishing + stadium) Conc. (Pay-TV) Conc. (internet) Total Revenues TOTAL EBITDA EBIT PBT Net Earnings 22.6% 0.0% -1.0% -3.1% -3.7% 16.5% 0.2% -3.6% -5.8% -6.2% 22.5% 0.7% 0.9% -0.3% -1.2% 25.6% 1.3% 100% 3.1% 7.2% 4.3% Cairo Communication Strategy Cairo Communication Strategy Cairo Communication in less than 5 years of activity has implemented a three level strategy: 1) Start up companies in advertising market to become multimedia (Cairo Pubblicità and CairoWeb) 2) Acquire a rep.advertising company (Cairo Tv) with high potential of growth in the big and growing television market 3) Acquire publishing companies with high potential in advertising collection and in increase of readers/users (Giorgio Mondadori, Il Trovatore) Turnover (Euro millions) 160 140 120 100 80 137 60 86 40 49 20 0 159 17 30/09/96 30/09/97 30/09/98 30/09/99 30/09/00 Evolution of the Revenue Mix 100 7 18 80 32 60 40 93 50 20 0 1997 ADV. Magazines 2000 ADV.Tv, Internet and Stadium Publishing Cairo Communication Strategy Cairo Communication will focus in the future on a three level strategy: 1) Develop the existing activities especially those with the highest potential (Pay Tv, Internet, Giorgio Mondadori) 2) Acquire publishing companies in order to start operate in areas of the comunication business highly potential for advertising and circulation or audience. 3) Acquire rep. Advertising companies in order to complete the media portfolio and to reinforce media already in concession