Parrocchia – Santa Maria Goretti – Parish
Edmonton, Alberta
Pastor: Fr. George Puramadathil, CFIC
16 April 2017
Domenica di Pasqua
Risurrezione del Signore
Cristo, mia speranza, è risorto, allelulia!
ia gioia, Cristo è risorto”.
Così san Serafino di Sarov, un monaco russo vissuto fra il 1700 e il 1800, era
solito salutare quanti incontrava. E in
quell’espressione intendeva racchiudere tutta la sua esperienza di solitudine, di sofferenza, di prova,
che era stata illuminata da una
certezza: Cristo è risorto! In un
certo modo il cammino quaresimale ha fatto sperimentare
al popolo cristiano le medesime dimensioni, orientandole
alla speranza che i momenti
di buio nella vita non sono mai
definitivi, perché ciò che resta
è la luce della risurrezione. È
come un momento di nascondimento, perché si riveli la gloria di
Cristo e la nostra gloria insieme alla
sua (IIa Lettura).
In questo giorno di Pasqua, anche noi come
Maria di Magdala corriamo nel buio delle vicende
della vita quotidiana per trovare qualcosa che supera
ogni nostra attesa: la pietra del sepolcro, al terzo giorno
è rotolata e non c’è più nella tomba un cadavere, perché
Cristo è il Vivente! (Vangelo). E, come gli apostoli, potremo attestare che chiunque crede in lui è perdonato e
accolto nel suo amore (Ia Lettura).
Tiberio Cantaboni
Easter Sunday
Resurrection Of The Lord
oday’s Gospel reading is one that never grows old
or boring for me, because it is a story of such sharp
contrasts. Dark becomes light; weeping turns to joy;
despair changes into hope. If I were to sum up
Easter in one word, it would be “transformation.”
Just think about the disciples. In the
weeks and months after the Resurrection, they found themselves doing
things they could never have imagined. Take Peter in today’s first reading: he was the one who a few days
earlier had denied even knowing
Jesus and was not fearlessly proclaiming his lordship. For all the
disciples, life would never be the
same again. Their encounter with
the Risen Christ had changed them
Each time we gather to celebrate the Eucharist, Jesus is in our midst, just as surely
as he was for Mary Magdalene and the disciples on that first Easter morning. Our faith in
the real presence assures us of this. And just as their
encounter with the Risen Lord changed the disciples’
lives forever, we too should never leave any celebration
of the Eucharist unchanged. We receive his Body and
Blood so that we might become his Body and Blood in a
world much in need of God’s presence. Nourished and
transformed, we go forth to love and serve the Lord and
one another. Alleluia! Alleluia!
Teresa Whalen Lux, Regina, SK
2017 Easter Message
Easter is with us again. Alleluia!! In the wonderful and great
solemn liturgies that the Church celebrates to mark Christ’s
gift of redemption and new life to the world, we hear once
again the stories that are proclaimed very year about the
death of Jesus by crucifixion and his subsequent resurrection
from the dead.
especially among many of our young people, an anxiety,
sometimes a real depression, and that’s reflective sometimes
of a hardship that is also being experienced at home. Perhaps
that’s no surprise, given the fluctuations in our economy, political instability throughout the world, the difficulties people are having in their relationships, and so on.
What I find wondrous about the Word of God, especially
in these stories, is that even though they are very familiar
to us, we receive them as something fresh, something new,
something that is able to address us now in the current reality in which we live. As the Word addresses our present lived
reality, it brings to us extraordinary and real hope.
So there is a felt need for something to hold onto, something
secure, a real foundation that will give a reason for real hope.
And that’s precisely the message of Easter! Jesus is the Son
of God. He became human for us. He took upon himself the
reality of our human nature. When he suffered his passion
and died by crucifixion, he took to himself all the evil forces
in the world, and by his resurrection destroyed their power.
He showed that the love of God is able to vanquish all.
What is our current reality today? I think a lot of people
are suffering precisely from a lack of hope. I’m witnessing,
As I like to tell our young people, especially in their own
moments of difficulty, if Jesus can rise from the dead, there
is nothing from which he cannot rescue us. Jesus alone is the
reason for our hope. When we turn to him in faith, we discover his presence, and we discover in him the steadfast love
of God, of God who remains with us always as he promised,
of God who will never, ever let us down. That’s the reason
for our hope – the fidelity of God made known in the death
and resurrection of Jesus.
Let us cling to that. Let us find in Jesus the Risen Lord the
real reason for hope, the sure foundation for our lives, and
let us rejoice in the love and peace that flows from His presence and from His mercy.
A blessed and happy Easter to all of you.
† Richard W. Smith
Archbishop of Edmonton
2016 Income Tax Receipts
Please pick up your Income Tax receipts for your 2016 donations
to both the Parish and to the Sons of the Immaculate Conception
(CFIC) Congregation at the entrance of the church. All’ingresso
della Chiesa ci sono le ricevute delle donazioni dell’anno 2016 sia
della Parrocchia e della Missione.
2017 Donation Envelopes
The 2017 weekly donation envelopes are ready for pick up at the
church entrance. Please support our parish through your generous
donation. Please inform us about any change in address. Thank
you and God bless you. Le buste per le donazioni settimanali per il
2017 sono pronte. Aiutate la nostra parrocchia portando le vostre
donazioni. Cortesemente fateci sapere se avete cambiato il Vostro
indirizzo. Grazie mille. Dio vi benedica sempre.
An Easter Charity:
The CFIC Congregation of Father George, our Pastor, is appealing
to our parishioners during this Easter Season to generously support
CFIC seminarians being prepared for the priesthood in India.
Please take a copy of the seminarians’ list showing their photos as
well as their formation year, at the church entrance. Please support
by sponsoring a seminarian, thank you very much!
Aiutiamo un seminarista durante il tempo di Pasqua. Padre
George invita la parrocchia di considerare durante il tempo
di Pasqua come opera di carità di aiutare o sponsorizzare un
seminarista dalla sua ordine religiosa (CFIC).
Parish Registration
Inviting all our families, especially the young families who are
new in our parish, to register for active membership in the Santa
Maria Goretti parish community.
Please fill out registration forms at the church entrance and either
drop off your registration form at the parish office (tel. 780-4228304) or place it in the Sunday Mass collection basket. Thank
you/grazie mille.
Marrazzo Law Office
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Let Us Help Poor Children During the Easter Seson
An Act Of Charity
Aiutiamo i Bambini Poveri Durante il Tempo di Pasqua
The CFIC (Sons of the Immaculate Conception) Community of
our Pastor Father George in India is taking care of children who
are either physically or mentally challenged, poor, abandoned or
orphaned. You, too, can be a part of this Great Mission, especially
to live out truly our Lenten charity. Aiutiamo i bambini poveri nella Pasqua. Per fare la carità durante la Pasqua cerchiamo di
aiutare i bambini poveri, così viviamo nostri propositi per la quaresima. Grazie per l’aiuto che avete offerto per la CFIC missione
dei bambini in India. The CFIC Congregation and Father George
personally would like to thank you so much for your continuing
generous support of this mission. CFIC will issue tax receipts for
all of your donations to the mission. Please contact Fr. George at
780-422-8304. Thank you and God bless you and your families for
sharing your blessings with those in need.
SMGCC Annual General Meeting
Sunday May 28th, 2017, 3:00 PM in the Theatre Hall
Santa Maria Goretti Community Center
Santa Maria Goretti Council 12836
As we enter this weekend, we continue to partake to celebrate the
life, death and resurrection of our Lord and what it means to us as
Catholics. Easter confirms to us that death has no power over the
God of life. He gives us the power to make a difference by praying
more, by being present in church, family and community, and by
performing acts of charity. All these things bring us closer to our
Lord. And, as Knights, we strive to set an example to our families
and our community. May you all have a wonderful weekend. Your
Knights wish you a Happy Easter as we rejoice in the Lord, for He
is Life!
Joyous greetings to all parishioners on this blessed weekend! We
hope your attendance at mass has stoked and strengthened you to
the Word of The Lord. Thank you to those who will be joining us
for Easter Brunch here at your Centre. And, to everyone enjoying a meal and this special time, possibly with friends and family,
may your weekend be filled with peace. Our Pranzo menu for next
week, April 23: Antipasto, Mushroom Crostini, Penne Marinara, Insalata, Chicken Lemon, Baby Red Potato, Rapini, Raspberry
Mousse, Coffee and Tea. Happy Easter to all!
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