September 4, 2016 23RD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR What is really important to us? Are we willing and able to pay the price our deeper values demand? The first reading reminds us that the world is more than the material. Material possessions are not to be the defining things of our existence. Jesus goes so far as to say that we should renounce our possessions.. Jesus invites us to a freedom from all that. In other words, we are called to renounce materialism and keep our values in perspective. Jesus goes so far as to say that we should even renounce members of our family. One way to think of this strange command is to see it an invitation to freedom – as an invitation or radical challenge not to see any person as a possession – as a person that we own. Unless parents let go of their children, there can be no healthy adult relationship. Unless we treat each other as adults, filled with the dignity and freedom that comes from God, we cannot really be Christian brothers and sisters. No person can be the possession of another. No person’s value is found in what they own or control or possess. No one is to be a slave to things. Rather we are all called to be free. CONFIRMATION REGISTRATION & ORIENTATION XXIII DOMENICA DEL TEMPO ORDINARIO Voler essere discepoli del Cristo significa avere scelto e deciso di seguirlo, significa avere scelto Cristo come unico punto di riferimento della e nella nostra vita. Lo seguiamo perché lo amiamo e perché abbiamo fondato su di lui, e solo su di lui, il nostro progetto di vita. Vivremo, nonostante tutto, infedeltà ed errori quotidiani, ma non saranno questi a troncare la nostra sequela se sapremo accettarli e viverli come limite e quindi come parte della croce che ogni giorno ci è chiesto di portare. Una croce fatta di grandi e piccole sofferenze e miserie, ma è proprio l’adesione alla “nostra” croce la via per divenire e rimanere suoi discepoli. La Chiesa, oggi e sempre, è costruita da chi ha il coraggio di affidarsi soltanto a Dio e seguire Gesù con totale abbandono e senza nessun compromesso. FIRST COMMUNION REGISTRATION & ORIENTATION Thursday Sept. 15 @ 6:30 pm Friday Sept. 16 @ 6:30 pm. Requirements: a) Baptismal Certificate b) Child must be entering grade 7, 8 or high school c) Child/Family attends regularly at St Wilfrid’s Church d) Registration fee of $60 e) Confirmation Certificate of the Sponsor Requirements: a) Baptismal Certificate b) Child must be entering grade 2 or higher grade c) Child/Family attends regularly at St Wilfrid’s Church d) Registration fee of $60 September 5 – St. Teresa St. Teresa of Calcutta, you allowed the thirsting love of Jesus on the Cross to become a living flame within you, and so became the light of His love to all. Obtain from the Heart of Jesus (here make your request). Teach me to allow Jesus to penetrate and possess my whole being so completely that my life, too, may radiate His light and love to others. Amen. Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, pray for me. Madre Teresa degli ultimi! Il tuo passo veloce è andato sempre verso i più deboli e i più abbandonati per contestare in silenzio coloro che sono ricchi di potere e di egoismo: l'acqua dell'ultima cena è passata nelle tue mani instancabili indicando a tutti coraggiosamente la strada della vera grandezza. Madre Teresa di Gesù! tu hai sentito il grido di Gesù nel grido degli affamati del mondo e hai curato il corpo di cristo nel corpo piagato dei lebbrosi. Madre Teresa, prega affinchè diventiamo umili e puri di cuore come Maria per accogliere nel nostro cuore l'amore che rende felici. Amen -------------------------------September 8—Nativity of our Blessed Virgin Mary Questa celebrazione, che ricalca sul Cristo le prerogative della Madre, è stata introdotta dal papa Sergio I (sec VII) nel solco della tradizione orientale. La natività della Vergine è strettamente legata alla venuta del Messia, come promessa, preparazione e frutto della salvezza. Aurora che precede il sole di giustizia, Maria preannunzia a tutto il mondo la gioia del Salvatore. (Mess. Rom.) This celebration, which follows on the prerogatives of the Mother of Christ, was introduced by Pope Sergius I (VII century) in the tradition of Eastern Europe. The Nativity of the Virgin is closely linked to the coming of the Messiah, as promised, preparation and fruit of salvation. Aurora before the sun of justice, Mary foretells to the world the joy of the Savior. (Mess. Rom.) Second collection this weekend for the victims of earthquake in Italy./ In secondo luogo questo fine settimana di raccolta per le vittime del terremoto in Italia. Students & Teachers Candidates are: you are not a Baptized Catholic.. you are Catholic but not confirmed You are not Catholic but baptized in other recognized religion and wants to have a full communion in the Catholic church. Please come or call the office to register @ 416-638-0313 Thank you very much for everyone who had donated their treasures for our garage sale Ringraziamo molto per tutti coloro che hanno donato i loro tesori per il nostro garage vendita. Find treasures in St. Wilfrids Indoor Garage Sale September 10 & 11, 2016 7 am to 6 pm Training every Friday @ 4:30 pm. New members are welcome ST. WILFRID’S SENIORS GROUP will resume on Wed.Sept. 21st at 9:00 – 12 noon in Mother Teresa Hall. GRUPPO DEGLI ANZIANI DI S. WILFRID si riprendera` per Mercoledi` 21 Settembre dalle 9 am fino alle 12 nella Sala Madre Teresa Registration: $5 for the whole year Come and join and have fun.... BINGO, TRIPS, AND MANY MORE!! SPIRITUAL PILGRIMAGES Teopoli - Italian September 11, 2016 Departure: 6:30 am Chiamare Alfonsina per prenotarsi 416-638-3840 --------------------------------Our Lady of Fatima _ Italian Lewingstone, Buffalo, New York October 15, 2016 Departure: 6:30 am Italian Retreat Chiamare Alfonsina per prenotarsi 416638-3840 ------------------------------------------ St. Cosmas & St. Damian Utica, New York September 24 & 25 Cost: 175 per person, 4 people /room includes bus & hotel Departure: 6:00 am Pls call the office @ 416-638-0313 SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 3 5:00 PM Esther Tenebro SUNDAY SEPT. 4 7:30 AM Luigi, Gabrielle, Camille, Fiore e Bianchi; Giuseppe Scala;Domenico Dimanno e Mauro e famiglia; Domenico, Maria, Lucia, Angelo, Gaetana, Raffaele, Concetta 9:00 AM COMMUNITY 10:30 AM Maria Grazia, e Domenico Donato; Teresa Papi; Leonardo Gucciardi 12:00 NOON For the healing of Luciano Angeles Laureana Isabel Aquino 5:00 PM For all souls in purgatory MON. SEPT. 5 – ST. THERESA OF CALCUTTA 8:00 AM 7:00 PM Felice Giancola Mary & George Bleyer TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 6 8:00 AM Giovanni & Alicia Bagnoli 7:00 PM WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 7 8:00 AM 7:00 PM Maria Simon For the deceased members of Luistros and Hernandez Family THUR. SEPT. 8 – THE NATIVITY OF BLESSED VIRGIN MARY 8:00 AM Amabilia Rinaldi 7:00 PM 7:30 PM Choir practice - Every Thursday @ 7 pm Meeting every Friday @ 7 pm – Green Room On the lighter side..... Guglielmo Saccone – Mem. - Biligual FRIDAY SEPT. 9 –ST PETER CLAVER 8:00 AM Pio, Rocco, Antonio Toto 7:00 PM Randy Guilas & Lorenzo Pudol 7:30 PM Luigi Paladini Mem. w/ music SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 10 8:00 AM 5:00 PM Umberto DeMelo Let’s remember the departed members of our parish in our prayers: Rosalia Grisafi Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen OFFICE CLOSE ON MONDAY September 5