CV - Università degli Studi dell`Insubria

Miriam Stefania De Rosa
(born 22 December 1981, Milan, IT)
Current position:
Adjunct professor of Institutions of History of Cinema, Università Cattolica
del Sacro Cuore, Milan and of Cinema, Photography and TV, Università
degli Studi dell’Insubria, Como.
Previous Teaching Activity
a.y. 2013-14 Adjunct professor of Cinema, Photography and TV, Università degli Studi
dell’Insubria, Como.
Teaching module keywords: postmedia, medium specificity, post-cinema, mobile
cinema, new media, convergence, remediation, relocation, intermediality.
Adjunct professor for the seminar of Audiovisual cultures, Università Cattolica
del Sacro Cuore, Milan.
Seminar keywords: cinema and visual arts, new media, intermediality, remediation,
visual culture.
Teaching assistant and lecturer for the seminar attached to the module of
Audiovisual Media Policies (Prof. W. Strauven), Università Cattolica del Sacro
Cuore, Milan.
Seminar keywords: tactility, filmic experience, apparatus, mediascape, urban
ethnography, field research.
a.y. 2012-13
Adjunct professor for the seminar of Audiovisual cultures, Università Cattolica
del Sacro Cuore, Milan.
Seminar keywords: new media, intermediality, remediation, visual culture, film
a.y. 2010-11; Teaching assistant and lecturer for the seminar attached to the module of
Pragmatics of Media Communication (prof. R. Eugeni), Università Cattolica del
Sacro Cuore, Milan.
Seminar keywords: experience, filmic experience, expanded cinema, new screen
sensitive environments, relational aesthetics, video-storytelling, audiovisual
a.y. 2008-9;
2009-10 Teaching assistant and lecturer for the seminar attached to the module of
Communication and Citizenship (Proff. D. Boffo, A. Zaccuri), Università Cattolica del
Sacro Cuore, Milan.
Seminar keywords: visual culture, media experience, media hyper-saturation, image
2008 – today Students supervision, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan and Università
degli Studi dell’Insubria, Como. Supervised BA/MA dissertations:
• I take pictures therefore I am: Il turismo all’epoca di Instagram (I take picture
therefore I am: Tourism in the age of Instagram) BA – 2015, in progress;
• Turismo e sovraesibizione: strategie dell’immagine nell’epoca del selfie (Tourism
and overexhibition: strategies of the image in the age of selfie) BA – 2015, in
• Il turismo alla prova dei new media: ‘Travel Brilliantly’ di Marriott (Tourism before
new media: Travel Brilliantly by Marriott) BA – 2015, in progress;
• Cinema e forme di promozione del territorio: il caso del lago di Como (Cinema and
territorial promotion: the example of Como lake) BA – 2014;
• Il dark tourism come prodotto della rappresentazione mediale: il caso Ground Zero
(Dark tourism as a product of media representation: Ground Zero), BA cosupervision – 2014;
• Strategie di rappresentazione del conflitto nel cinema e nella videoarte
contemporanei (Strategies to represent conflict in contemporary films and video art),
MA co-supervision – 2014;
• L’evoluzione del racconto seriale nei media contemporanei. Il caso delle webserie
italiane (Contemporary media and the evolution of serial narration: the phenomenon
of webseries in Italy), MA co-supervision – 2014;
• Per un approccio archeologico alla storia dei media. Il caso Alien (An
archaeological approach to media history. Case history: Alien), 2014; MA cosupervision – 2014;
• Le trasformazioni estetiche del cinema nell'era del digitale (Aesthetical changes in
cinema in the digital age), MA co-supervision – 2014;
• Com’è difficile parlare di se stessi! Obiettivi, logiche e tecniche della promozione
televisiva (How difficult it is to talk about oneself! Aims, logics and techniques of TV
promotion), MA co-supervision – 2014;
• Le nuove tecnologie dell’immagine nella costruzione dello spazio urbano: il caso
Vivid Sydney (New technologies of the image in the construction of urban space.
Case history: Vivid Sydney), MA co-supervision –2013;
• I non luoghi della società dell’immagine (Non-lieux in the society of the image), MA
co-supervision –2013;
• Il marketing virale applicato all'industria dell'audiovisivo: i casi ''Cloverfield'' e ''True
Blood'' (Viral marketing in the audiovisual industry. Case histories: Cloverfield and
True Blood), BA co-supervision –2008;
Examiner for several teaching modules, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore,
List of modules: Audiovisual Media Policies (Prof. W. Strauven),
Pragmatics of Media
Communication (Proff. F. Casetti, R. Eugeni), Cultural History of Audiovisual Media
and Languages (Prof. M. Fanchi), History of Italian Cinema (Prof. R. Della Torre),
Media Products Marketing; Sociology of Consumption (Prof. S. Gnasso),
Communication and Citizenship (Proff. D. Boffo, A. Zaccuri)
Ph.D. in Culture della Comunicazione (Culture of communication), Università
Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan (full 3 years scholarship + individual research stay
at the University Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3).
Dissertation: Spazio e immagine nell’esperienza filmica contemporanea. Questioni
di design e cultura visuale. (Space and Image in the Contemporary Filmic
Experience. Issues of Design and Visual Culture) Advisors: Proff. Francesco
Casetti, Ruggero Eugeni
Administrative, Editorial Roles and Further Professional Experiences
Nov 2014 –
Co-editor of the section “Art&Media files” – CINERGIE – il cinema e le altre arti
Articles planning, selection, scheduling and revision; organisation of the peerreview, copy-editing, and publication processes.
Feb 2014 –
Co-editor of the exhibition review section – NECSUS, European Journal of Media
Oct 2013 –
Founder and leader of the Cinema and Contemporary Visual Arts workgroup
(European Network of Cinema and Media Studies)
Online platform management, distribution of call for papers and working documents,
conference panels organisation and chairing.
Aug 2013 –
Articles planning, selection, scheduling and revision; organisation of the peerreview, copy-editing, and publication processes.
Co-founder at Screencity Lab, cultural association
Research and counselling activity dealing with film & new screen media, information
& digital technology, smart city, urban-screen, public art, media & informational
architecture, design, digital production, heritage requalification and valorisation.
June 2013 – Collaborator at Pirate Cinema, artistic collective
Co-curator (with Heath Iverson) of the film programme presented in the frame of
the Maldive Pavillion, at the 55. Biennale d’Arte di Venezia (June 2013).
Oct 2011 –
Publication Committee Member at NECS (European Network of Cinema and
Media Studies)
Editorial collaboration, network PR and social media activity.
Organizer of several NECS Graduate workshops
Scientific planning, call for papers composition and promotion, editing, publishing;
fund raising, participants selection and chairing.
List of the organized initiatives:
• 11th NECS Graduate Workshop, Contemporary perspectives on the City: Screen
Media and Dwelling, Milan, 17-18 June 2014 (full organisation and chairing)
• 10th NECS Graduate Workshop, Media Archaeology and the Digital Media, Udine,
3-4 April 2014, (organisational support and chairing)
• 6th NECS Graduate Workshop, Moving Images – Imagined Movements: Mobility
in/of Film, Vienna, 28 February - 1 March 2013, (full organisation and chairing)
• 4th NECS Graduate Workshop, Identities in Motion. New Visual Media Strategies,
Lisbon, 19-20 June 2012 (full organisation and chairing) Sept 2011 –
June 2010 –
Internship co-coordinator ( BA program in Languages of Media ), Università
Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan
HR management; recruiting; internal/external communication; general coordination
of the activation, evaluation and academic attestation procedures; organisation of
workshop activities.
General coordinator of IMACS – International Master in Cinema and Audiovisual
( and support to the local IMACS Faculty members at Università
Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan
International activity:
International network activities planning and reporting; interface with the partners
universities belonging to the network; project communication and web content
* As required by the network, this activities are entirely managed in French
Local activity:
Teaching modules design; students supervision and administrative tutor (research
projects consulting; candidates selection, management of the admission processes
and of the incoming/outcoming procedures). April 2011 –
Undergraduates summer school coordinator at Soundtrack. Il cinema che
si sente
– ALMED (Graduate School in Media and Communication, Università
Cattolica del Sacro Cuore,
June 2011
Teaching modules design, schedule organisation, students supervision and
administrative tutor
2009 –
Council. Ph.Ds Delegate, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan
Graduate students’ delegate at the Department of Communication & Performing Arts
Fall 2008 –
Fall 2011
Editorial staff member at Cinéma et Cie. – International Film Studies Journal
Articles revision, copy-editing, organisation and management of the peer-review and
publication processes.
a.y. 2009 –
Project manager in the frame of the “Master in Comunicazione e promozione del
cinema” (Master in Communication and promotion of Cinema) – ALMED (Graduate
School in Media and
Communication, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan)
Scientific planning, organisation and management of round tables and open
lectures; unconventional PR and promotion activities.
May –
Dec 2007
Junior researcher at Labmedia – Media research and consulting
Desk and field qualitative research.
NECS, European Network of Cinema and Media Studies
SCMS, Society for Cinema and Media Studies
ScreencityLab (cultural association)
Foreign Languages Skills
English: excellent written and oral
French: good written and oral
German: basic written and oral
Foreign languages certificates:
English: DAAD language assessment issued by the Università cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan;
Michigan Test issued by Tulane University, New Orleans LA First Certificate English (FCE) issued
by University of Cambridge; TOEPE Test issued by Melton College, York, UK.
German: Zertificat Deutsch issued by Goethe-Institut (Milan, Italy).
Further Academic Activity
Grants and Funding
Oct 2014 –
DAAD Research Grant, Goethe Universität – Frankfurt, Institut für TFMFilmwissenschaft
Jan 2015
Project: Cinema and the Gallery: Encounters in the Post-media Age
Local sponsor: Prof. Vinzenz Hediger
2007 – today Research teamwork for the following projects funded by the Italian Ministry
of Education and University (Department of Communication and Performing Arts,
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan):
• Action D.1/2011: Dagli urlatori agli auricolari. Il suono del cinema italiano: modi di
produzione, forme di consumo (From Shouters to Head-phones. Sound in Italian
Cinema: Modes of Production, Forms of Consumption); Scientific director, prof.
Ruggero Eugeni;
• Action D.3.1/2011: funding application for publishing initiatives (positive result;
published volume: M. De Rosa, Cinema e Postmedia. I territori del filmico nel
contemporaneo, Postmedia Books, Milano 2013);
• Action D.1/2010: Media, autobiografismi, confidenze. La rappresentazione e il
racconto di sé nel panorama mediale contemporaneo (Media, Autobiographisms,
Disclosures. Representation and self-narration in the Contemporary Media
Scenario); Scientific director, prof. Ruggero Eugeni;
• Action D.1/2009: Documentare e narrare nell’epoca del 2.0. Come l’esperienza
dell’utente cambia i regimi discorsivi del testo audiovisivo (Document and Narrate in
the 2.0 Age. How the User’s Experience changes the Audio-visual Discourse);
Scientific director, prof. Mariagrazia Fanchi;
• Action D.1/2008: La dislocazione degli schermi. La creazione dei contenuti e formati
mediali nell’era del multipiattaforma (Screen Relocation - Creation of Medial
Contents and Formats in the Multi-Platform Age); Scientific director, prof. Ruggero