Ákos Windháger - UniFI - Università degli Studi di Firenze

annuncio pubblicitario
Università degli Studi di Firenze, Settore Ugro-finnico (L-LIN/19) – Resp. Prof. Beatrice Töttössy, org. Dott. Kinga Kapácsy
IT-50129 Firenze, Via Santa Reparata 93 – tel e fax +39/05550561262 – www.dipfilmod.unifi.it („Area ugro-finnica”)
[email protected]
- Department of Theory of Arts, University of Fine Arts, (Budapest)
- Department of Communication Studies, University ELTE (Budapest)
- Department of Modern Philology, University of Firenze
Hungarian (native), English (fluent), German (well), Russian (well), Latin (reading-quills), Georgian (basic)
After receiving my MA degree in comparative literature (ELTE University, Budapest) with a thesis that analyzed the system
of metaphors in the text of Jerusalem by William Blake (2000) and my MA degree in History (ELTE University, Budapest)
with thesis that focused on the historical prospective of the Hungarian music lyrical operas born in the period between 18671918 I started my PhD studies (ELTE University, Budapest) in which my field of research is the literary roots of the
composition by Edmund von Mihalovich (1842-1929), widely celebrated composer of this time, rector of the Hungarian
Music Academy (1887-1920) and a close friend of Franz Liszt (1811-1886, friends: 1871-1886).
The intended absolution of my PhD thesis (ELTE University, Budapest) is the end of 2006.
Since January 2006 I have been studying in Firenze with an Erasmus scholarship during the period of which I started giving
lectures on the literary aspects of the Hungarian late romantic music.
- The literary connections of the Hungarian musical production written in the period of fin de siecle, that of the Hungarian
late romanticism, the connection between mass-media and art contemporary music.
- The changing point of views concerning the connection and interferences of myth, psychology, literature and music.
In 2002 I started conducting seminars at the Department of Comparative Literature (University ELTE, Budapest) about the
connections of Music and Literature.
From 2003 I have been teaching at the Department of Communication Studies on the diverse aspects of Mass-media.
Since 2003 I have been Associated Lecturer at the University of Fine Arts (Budapest) about the development of the
European forma mentis concerning the interconnections between the various aspects of art perceptions (psychological,
mythological, literary and musical).
For my MA thesis in Comparative Literature I prepared a new translation of Blake’s Jerusalem.
In my MA thesis in History my investigation was the representation of contemporary social and political problems in the
libretti of music lyrical opera.
In my PhD thesis I give the literary and musical analysis of Mihalovich’ compositions with a special attention to the myths
of l’Ondine and Faust that are recurring themes in the Oeuvre of Mihalovich.
I have also conducted a research work about the forgotten musical pieces of some late, but in their time well known
Hungarian composers such as Miklós Radnai, Emma Gruber, Albert Siklós and I produced a Cd of their works entitled
“Pesti szalon – 1905” (“Saloon at Pest – 1905” ; “Salotto musicale di Pest – 1905”).
Università degli Studi di Firenze, Settore Ugro-finnico (L-LIN/19) – Resp. Prof. Beatrice Töttössy, org. Dott. Kinga Kapácsy
IT-50129 Firenze, Via Santa Reparata 93 – tel e fax +39/05550561262 – www.dipfilmod.unifi.it („Area ugro-finnica”)
In 2006 I organized a concert in cooperation with the Hungarian National Broadcasting to present a selection of “Old Horn
Music” that contains pieces by Johann Fuchs, J.N. Hummel, Anton Richter, Albert Siklós and also a new piece written by
an Hungarian contemporary composer, Balint Bethlenfalvy.
Manager of Musical Events
- Concert entitled “Old Horn Music” that contains pieces by Johann Fuchs, J.N. Hummel, Anton Richter, Albert Siklós and
also a new piece written by an Hungarian contemporary composer, Balint Bethlenfalvy.
- Three concerts about the Oeuvre of Mihalovich at the “Old Music Academy” and at the “Marble chamber of the
Hungarian National Radio” and at the “Concert Hall of the University of Szeged”.
- Since this year I have been the manager of “Concert Music” Orchestra of
1995 – 1998
- Manager of Göncöl Szinház (Teatro della costellazione del “Carro”).
1993 – 1996
- Manager of “Stravinsky” Chamber Orchestra.
1994 – 2006
Founding and contributing editor of the following cultural reviews:
- “Kavehazi Tavasz” (Caffè Letterario di Primavera) – University Magazine of Cultural Events.
- “Hajonaplo” (“Diario di bordo”) – The monthly Magazine of “Bárka” Theatre (Teatro “Barca”).
- “Pesti Est Sugo” (“Programmi delle serate di Pest”) – Weekly Magazine about the Cultural Events in Budapest.
- “Harsonas-Tubas Merkur” (“Rivista sugli ottoni”) – A Bulletin for Brass Players.
- “Naxos” (Giornale on-line di critica di eventi culturali) – An on-line Critical Journal.
- “Criticai Lapok” (“Fogli di Critica Teatrale”) – Thetrical Glossy Magazine.
Contribution to different Broadcasting Stations:
2005 – (in corso)
- Conductor of Musical Programs at the Hungarian Catholic Radio
- Musical Editor for Radio EPER (“Elsö Pesti Egyetemi Radio” – First University Radio of Pest – 97,0 MHz)
1997 – (in corso)
- Musical Editor for Radio Fiksz (98,0 MHz)
2004 – 2006
- Participation in sequence of Conferences organized by “The University of Fine Arts” (Budapest) about Hermeneutics of
music, the musical memory of 1956
- Musicology Conference in memoriam Balint Sarosi about ouvre of Edmund von Mihalovich
2003- 2005
- Participation in sequence of Conferences in honour of “J.R.R. Tolkien” (at Universities of Szeged, Pecs, Budapest) about
Università degli Studi di Firenze, Settore Ugro-finnico (L-LIN/19) – Resp. Prof. Beatrice Töttössy, org. Dott. Kinga Kapácsy
IT-50129 Firenze, Via Santa Reparata 93 – tel e fax +39/05550561262 – www.dipfilmod.unifi.it („Area ugro-finnica”)
Myth in music, eg. in symphonies and operas
• Further presentations of musical pieces by Robert Volkmann, Geza Zichy and Albert Siklos.
• Organization to perform the Oratorium “Vita Nova” by Jeno Hubay at “Hungarian Academy in Rome” (“Accademia
d’Ungheria in Roma”). This Oratium (also known as “Dante Symphony”) needs a large Orchestra (“S. Cecilia”
Academy National Orchestra”), vocal singer soloists, children choir and a big chorus.1
• Organization to perform the “The Double Borderline of Csáth”, a Lyrical Opera written by Alessio Elia, a
contemporary Italian composer, about the life and the artistic production of the famous Hungarian writer Csáth
Géza, at the State Opera Theatre in Budapest.
With my research work my primary aim is to discover and analyze the Hungarian and the Hungarian related oratories,
lyrical operas and symphonic poems.
I want to thank in advance all those who will evaluate my request for study and research scholarship, while hoping that it
can produce in everybody concerned, the same interest and passion that give life to my iter as a researcher and as a man.
La “Dante Symphony” è il lavoro più importante di Jenő Hubay, compositore e violinista ungherese, allievo di Vieuxtemps e di
Franz Liszt. Il lavoro venne scritto per commemorare il 600° anniversario della morte del poeta, e riscosse sin dalla prima
esecuzione un grande successo, tanto che fu più volte ripreso da grandi direttori d’orchestra del panorama internazionale, come
ad esempio Felix
Weingarten e Arturo Toscanini. L’oratorio prevede un gruppo di cantanti solisti, un coro misto, un coro di bambini e una grande
orchestra, per unadurata di circa 100 minuti.
Negli anni successivi alla prima esecuzione la “Dante Symphony” venne acclamata come il più importante contributo ungherese
alla diffusione della cultura italiana in Ungheria e nel mondo, al punto da rimanere per molti anni nel repertorio delle più
importanti orchestre d’Europa. La “Dante Symphony” appartiene ad un ciclo di importanti lavori di carattere artistico,
cui si dedicarono eminenti figure del panorama artistico ungherese a cavallo tra il sec. XIX e il sec. XX, tra i quali annoveriamo
in primis il compositore Franz Liszt (1811-1886) che scrisse la meravigliosa Dante Symphony, il compositore Emil Ábrányi
(1882-1970) che compose l’opera lirica Paolo e Francesca, il pittore Lajos Gulácsy (1882-1932) che realizzò un dipinto
intitolato Paradiso, il poeta Mihály Babits (1883-1941), celeberrima figura nella cerchia letteraria ungherese dell’epoca, che
tradusse la Divina Commedia in lingua ungherese e altri importanti artisti ungheresi di quegli anni.
Istituzioni che supportano il progetto:
Hubay Foundation (Sezione dell’Istituto di Musicologia dell’Accademia Ungherese delle Scienze)
Accademia di Ungheria in Roma
Hubay Society (Società Ufficiale del compositore ungherese Jenő Hubay)
Il Dipartimento Ugro-Finnico dell’Università degli Studi di Firenze
Il Dipartimento di Musica della Biblioteca Nazionale Ungherese Széchényi in Budapest
Il Dipartimento degli Archivi della Biblioteca dell’Accademia “Liszt Ferenc” di Budapest
Dipartimento della “Teoria dell’Arte” dell’Università delle Belle Arti di Budapest
Dipartimento delle Comunicazioni dell’Università di Eötvös Lóránd di Budapest
EPER (Prima Radio Universitaria di Pest) 97.0 MHz
Decens Kiadó (Casa Editrice Musicale e Culturale di Dunakeszi)
Magyar Katolikus Rádió (Radio Cattolica Ungherese di Budapest)