Newsletter SItIda gennaio-giugno 2006
Diffondi la newletter della SitIda: è un’occasione per medici,veterinari, ricercatori e pazienti di
sostenere la ricerca sull’echinococcosi, una malattia negletta e complessa che non riceve ancora
l’attenzione necessaria dai medici e dalle autorità sanitarie e governative.
Come iscriversi: versare 25 € con la causale “Iscrizione alla società Italiana di Idatidologia per
l’anno 2006 ad: Associazione Ultrasuoni in Malattie Infettive Banca SanPaolo IMI sede di Pavia
CC 3401 ABI 1025 CAB 11302.
Donazioni possono essere fatte sullo stesso conto.
Contattare dr. Enrico Brunetti
Divisione di Malattie Infettive e Tropicali, IRCCS S.Matteo,
Università di Pavia. Via Taramelli 5, 27100 Pavia
e-mail: [email protected]
La riunione della Società si terrà a Messina, in occasione del Congresso della Società Italiana di
Parassitologia, il 23 giugno alle ore 14.
(Facoltà di Medicina Veterinaria, Polo Universitario Annunziata - 98168 Messina)
Eventi Internazionali
Workshop Chengdu (Sechuan, RPC) 5-8 Maggio 2006
Si è svolto a Chengdu il Workshop on Echinococcosis organizzato dal Sichuan Center for Diseases
Control con il prof. Philip Craig dell’Università di Salford (UK). Il workshop ha visto la
partecipazione di oltre 70 esperti, provenienti da Cina, Nuova Zelanda, Germania, Regno Unito,
Australia, Italia, Francia, Svizzera, Stati Uniti, Giappone.
Il simposio ha toccato diversi aspetti clinici, laboratoristici , epidemiologici dell’echinococcosi
cistica ed alveolare con particolare enfasi sulle condizioni cinesi. L’echinococcosi, in particolare
cistica rappresenta un problema di proporzioni enormi per la Cina, dove secondo uno dei relatori,
oltre 50.000.000 di persone sono a rischio.
E’ stato dato ampio spazio ad un programma di controllo dell’EC sull’altipiano tibetano, sostentuto
finanziariamente dai governi della RPC e della Nuova Zelanda, che è durato 15 anni e si sta
concludendo attualmente.
Diverse relazioni, in particolare quella del dr.Heath, hanno esaminato lo stato dell’arte del vaccino
anti echinococcus granulosus, EG95. David Heath è il l ricercatore neozelandese artefice insieme al
dr. Marshall Lightowlers della sintesi del vaccino.
Il workshop si è concluso con un invito del prof.Yang Wen, vice-presidente dei Sichuan CDC, a
collaborare con i colleghi cinesi nella lotta alla echinococcosi e ad altre malattie parassitarie.
e-mail Prof. Yang Wen Sichuan CDC:
[email protected]
Foto di gruppo dei partecipanti al Workshop di Chengdu
Prossimi eventi Internazionali:
6-11 Agosto 2006. ICOPA (International Congress of Parasitology) Glasgow, Scotland
Dicembre 2006. Arc et Senans Riunione del WHO IWGE per rinnovare le raccomandazioni sul
trattamento di E cistica e alveolare (organizzazione: Phil Craig)
2007 Data da stabilire (probabilmente seconda metà Aprile) : Session on Echinococcosis Anniversary of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, London, UK
15-19 Maggio 2007. Atene. Congress of the International Society of Hydatidology (website ISH)
Letteratura scientifica su Echinococcosi gennaio-giugno 2005
1-50 2,3,51-58 59 60-67 68 69-72 73 74 75 76 77 78
1. Iyilikci L, Balkan BK, Capar E. Sedation for percutaneous treatment of hepatic hydatid cyst in a
pregnant patient. Arch Gynecol Obstet 2006:1-2.
2. Prado AS, Castillo P, Gaete F. Hydatid cyst of the scalp. Plast Reconstr Surg 2006;117(1):322-4.
3. Mitrev ZK, Anguseva TN. Complex reconstruction of hydatid cyst-destructed left ventricle: a
case report. Heart Surg Forum 2006;9(1):E490-2.
4. Mishra A, Ehtuish EF. Hydatid cyst - An unusual presentation. Saudi Med J 2006;27(6):892-3.
5. Bouden A, Khaled S, Annabi H, Mbarek M, Kraiem NH, Hamoussi M. [Unusual localization of!
Spinal hydatid cyst]. Tunis Med 2006;84(3):201-4.
6. Yaycioglu O, Ulusan S, Gul U, Guvel S. Isolated renal hydatid disease causing ureteropelvic
junction obstruction and massive destruction of kidney parenchyma. Urology 2006.
7. Demircan O, Baymus M, Seydaoglu G, Akinoglu A, Sakman G. Occult cystobiliary
communication presenting as postoperative biliary leakage after hydatid liver surgery: Are
there significant preoperative clinical predictors? Can J Surg 2006;49(3):177-84.
8. Akcakaya A, Sahin M, Karakelleoglu A, Okan I. Endoscopic stenting for selected cases of biliary
fistula after hepatic hydatid surgery. Surg Endosc 2006.
9. Hasni Bouraoui I, Jemni H, Arifa N, Chebil M, Ben Sorba N, Tlili K. [Imaging of renal hydatid
cyst based on a series of 41 cases]. Prog Urol 2006;16(2):139-44.
10. Johr M, Berger M, Winiker H. Unexpected hypernatremia during pulmonary resection in a 7year-old child with hydatid disease. Paediatr Anaesth 2006;16(6):697-8.
11. Meyer PG, Bonneville C, Orliaguet GA, et al. Grand mal seizures: an unusual and puzzling
primary presentation of ruptured hepatic hydatid cyst. Paediatr Anaesth 2006;16(6):676-9.
12. Sandonato L, Cipolla C, Li Petri S, et al. Giant hepatic hydatid cyst as a cause of small bowel
obstruction. Am Surg 2006;72(5):405-8.
13. Tandon S, Darbari A. Hydatid cyst of the right atrium: a rare presentation. Asian Cardiovasc
Thorac Ann 2006;14(3):e43-4.
14. Kapan M, Kapan S, Goksoy E, Perek S, Kol E. Postoperative Recurrence in Hepatic Hydatid
Disease. J Gastrointest Surg 2006;10(5):734-739.
15. Palanivelu C, Jani K, Malladi V, et al. Laparoscopic management of hepatic hydatid disease.
Jsls 2006;10(1):56-62.
16. Yoshikawa M, Hirai T, Ouji Y, et al. Hydatid cysts in the liver. Intern Med 2006;45(8):565-6.
17. Salerno S, Cracolici E, Lo Casto A. Subcutaneous rupture of hepatic hydatid cyst: CT findings.
Dig Liver Dis 2006.
18. Kismet K, Ozcan AH, Sabuncuoglu MZ, et al. A rare case: spontaneous cutaneous fistula of
infected splenic hydatid cyst. World J Gastroenterol 2006;12(16):2633-5.
19. Papathanasiou A, Voulgaris S, Salpiggidis G, Charalabous S, Fatles G, Rombis V. Hydatid cyst
of the seminal vesicle. Int J Urol 2006;13(3):308-10.
20. Robertson M, Geerts L, Gebhardt GS. A case of hydatid cyst associated with postpartum
maternal death. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2006;27(6):693-6.
21. Rathod VS, Rathod SB, Suvernakar SV. Multiple hydatid cysts of ovary and spleen--a case
report. Indian J Pathol Microbiol 2006;49(1):23.
22. Nasseri Moghaddam S, Abrishami A, Malekzadeh R. Percutaneous needle aspiration, injection,
and reaspiration with or without benzimidazole coverage for uncomplicated hepatic hydatid
cysts. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2006(2):CD003623.
23. Nemes A, Geleijnse ML, van Geuns RJ, et al. Evaluation of pericardial hydatid cysts by
different echocardiographic imaging modalities. Int J Cardiovasc Imaging 2006.
24. Brezean I, Catrina E, Aldoescu S, et al. ["The fate" of a peri-cystic-jejunostomy in the treatment
of the hydatid liver cysts]. Chirurgia (Bucur) 2006;101(1):81-2.
25. Isik AF, Sagay S, Ciftci A. Diaphragmatic hydatid disease. Acta Chir Belg 2006;106(1):96-7.
26. Sahin M, Kartal A, Haykir R, Cakir M. RF-Assisted Cystectomy and Pericystectomy: A New
Technique in the Treatment of Liver Hydatid Disease. Eur Surg Res 2006;38(2):90-93.
27. Mahdi NK, Al-Johar MH. Scolicidal agents in hydatid cyst surgery. Saudi Med J
28. Guvener M, Dogan OF, Atalar E, Yilmaz M, Demircin M. The interventricular septal giant
hydatid cyst caused by biventricular outflow tract obstruction. Saudi Med J 2006;27(4):54950.
29. Pakis I, Akyildiz EU, Karayel F, et al. Sudden death due to an unrecognized cardiac hydatid
cyst: three medicolegal autopsy cases. J Forensic Sci 2006;51(2):400-2.
30. Brunetti E, Filice C, Meroni V. Comment on percutaneous treatment of liver hydatid cysts. AJR
Am J Roentgenol 2006;186(4):1198-9; author reply 1199-200.
31. Aydin NB, Celik S, Suzer A, Coruh T, Okay T, Gercekoglu H. Hydatid cyst in the wall of the
ascending aorta. Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Ann 2006;14(2):153-4.
32. Rumana M, Mahadevan A, Nayil Khurshid M, et al. Cestode parasitic infestation: intracranial
and spinal hydatid disease--a clinicopathological study of 29 cases from South India. Clin
Neuropathol 2006;25(2):98-104.
33. Rabii R, Mezzour MH, Essaki H, Fekak H, Joual A, Meziane F. Laparoscopic treatment for
renal hydatid cyst. J Endourol 2006;20(3):199-201.
34. Kavukcu S, Kilic D, Tokat AO, et al. Parenchyma-preserving surgery in the management of
pulmonary hydatid cysts. J Invest Surg 2006;19(1):61-8.
35. Faraj W, Selmo F, Khalifeh M, Jamali F. Laparoscopic resection of pancreatic hydatid disease.
Surgery 2006;139(3):438-41.
36. Gonzalez-Munoz JI, Angoso-Clavijo M, Marcos-Sanchez A, et al. [Giant splenic hydatid cyst].
Cir Esp 2006;79(2):120-2.
37. Gulcan O, Turkoz R, Oguzkurt L, Tercan F, Sezgin A. Unusual clinical presentation of isolated
cardiac hydatid cyst. Anadolu Kardiyol Derg 2006;6(1):111.
38. Battyany I, Herbert Z, Rostas T, et al. Successful percutaneous drainage of a giant hydatid cyst
in the liver. World J Gastroenterol 2006;12(5):812-4.
39. Kabaalioglu A, Ceken K, Alimoglu E, Apaydin A. Percutaneous imaging-guided treatment of
hydatid liver cysts: Do long-term results make it a first choice? Eur J Radiol 2006.
40. Sapkas GS, Machinis TG, Chloros GD, Fountas KN, Themistocleous GS, Vrettakos G. Spinal
hydatid disease, a rare but existent pathological entity: case report and review of the
literature. South Med J 2006;99(2):178-83.
41. Khazim RM. Spinal hydatid disease. South Med J 2006;99(2):114.
42. Taori K, Sanyal R, Jawale R, Rathod J, Bhagat M. Intrabiliary hydatid without any focal liver
lesion: a rare presentation. J Ultrasound Med 2006;25(3):397-8.
43. Sayarlioglu H, Erkoc R, Soyoral Y, Etlik O, Dogan E, Kotan C. Peritoneal hydatid cyst: an
unusual cause of abdominal pain in a haemodialysis patient. Nephrol Dial Transplant
44. Yildirim M, Erkan N, Vardar E. Hydatid cysts with unusual localizations: diagnostic and
treatment dilemmas for surgeons. Ann Trop Med Parasitol 2006;100(2):137-42.
45. Bouraoui H, Trimech B, Madhaoui A, Ernez-Hajri S, Jeridi G, Ammar H. [Hydatid cyst of the
right atrium]. Rev Med Liege 2006;61(1):8-10.
46. Kosecik M, Karaoglanoglu M, Yamak B. Pericardial hydatid cyst presenting with cardiac
tamponade. Can J Cardiol 2006;22(2):145-7.
47. Nagpal V, Kohli K, Chowdhary A, Kumar A, Andley M, Ravi B. Breast lump as a presentation
of a hydatid disease. Trop Doct 2006;36(1):57-8.
48. Elhattaoui M, Charei N, Bennis A, et al. [Cardiac hydatid cysts: report of 10 cases]. Arch Mal
Coeur Vaiss 2006;99(1):19-25.
49. Sahin E, Kaptanoglu M, Nadir A, Ceran C. [Traumatic rupture of a pulmonary hydatid cyst: a
case report]. Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg 2006;12(1):71-5.
50. Galati G, Sterpetti AV, Caputo M, et al. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiography for intrabiliary
rupture of hydatid cyst. Am J Surg 2006;191(2):206-10.
51. Tarcin O. Rupture of hydatid cyst into the biliary tract. Gastrointest Endosc 2006;63(2):325-6;
discussion 326.
52. Basiri A, Nadjafi-Semnani M, Nooralizadeh A. Case report: laparoscopic partial nephrectomy
for isolated renal hydatid disease. J Endourol 2006;20(1):24-6.
53. Manterola C, Vial M, Melo A, Oberg C, Fonseca F. Viability and fertility of human hepatic
hydatid cysts. World J Surg 2006;30(2):227-32.
54. Kuran S, Disibeyaz S, Parlak E, Arhan M, Kacar S, Sahin B. Biliocutaneous fistula following
alveolar hydatid disease surgery treated successfully with percutaneous cyanoacrylate. Dig
Dis Sci 2006;51(1):18-20.
55. Iyilikci L, Balkan BK, Capar E. Sedation for percutaneous treatment of hepatic hydatid cyst in a
pregnant patient. Arch Gynecol Obstet 2006;274(2):113-4.
56. Ciurea AV, Fountas KN, Coman TC, et al. Long-term surgical outcome in patients with
intracranial hydatid cyst. Acta Neurochir (Wien) 2006;148(4):421-6.
57. Durakbasa CU, Sander S, Sehiralti V, Tireli GA, Tosyali AN, Mutus M. Pulmonary hydatid
disease in children: outcome of surgical treatment combined with perioperative albendazole
therapy. Pediatr Surg Int 2006;22(2):173-8.
58. Karahatay S, Akcam T, Kocaoglu M, Tosun F, Gunhan O. A rare cause of parotid swelling:
Primary hydatid cyst. Auris Nasus Larynx 2006;33(2):227-9.
59. Akhmedov IG. [Recurrence of echinococcosis: pathogenesis, prophylaxis, early diagnosis and
treatment.]. Khirurgiia (Mosk) 2006(4):52-57.
60. Gupta N, Arora J, Nijhawan R, Aggarwal R, Lal A. Aspergillosis with pulmonary
echinococcosis. Cytojournal 2006;3:7.
61. Sountoulides P, Zachos I, Efremidis S, Pantazakos A, Podimatas T. Nephrectomy for benign
disease? A case of isolated renal echinococcosis. Int J Urol 2006;13(2):174-6.
62. Altun O, Akalin F, Ayabakan C, et al. Cardiac echinococcosis with intra-atrial localization. Turk
J Pediatr 2006;48(1):76-9.
63. Franco-Paredes C, Nicolls D, Kempker R, Dismukes R, Kozarsky P. Pelvic echinococcosis in a
Northern Iraqi refugee. J Travel Med 2006;13(2):119-22.
64. Aydogdu T, Gungor T, Tug M, Cavkaytar S. Pelvic echinococcosis in differential diagnosis of
pelvic masses. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2006.
65. Yang YR, Ellis M, Sun T, et al. Unique family clustering of human echinococcosis cases in a
chinese community. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2006;74(3):487-94.
66. Yazar S, Yaman O, Cetinkaya F, Sahin I. Cystic echinococcosis in Central Anatolia, Turkey.
Saudi Med J 2006;27(2):205-9.
67. Budke CM. Global socioeconomic impact of cystic echinococcosis. Emerg Infect Dis
68. Shevchenko Iu L, Musaev G, Borisov IA, Popov LV, Magomedov AG, Akhmedov IG.
[Echinococcosis of the heart]. Khirurgiia (Mosk) 2006(1):11-6.
69. Svab J, Feyereisl J, Ruzicka P, et al. [Hydatic cysts--echinococcosis]. Cas Lek Cesk
70. Asanuma T, Kawahara T, Inanami O, et al. Magnetic resonance imaging of alveolar
echinococcosis experimentally induced in the rat lung. J Vet Med Sci 2006;68(1):15-20.
71. Gencer M, Ceylan E. Pulmonary Echinococcosis with Multiple Nodules Mimicking Metastatic
Lung Tumor in Chest Radiography. Respiration 2006.
72. Simonsen L, Soerum C. Myocardial perfusion SPECT defects resulting from cystic
echinococcosis in the pericardium. Clin Nucl Med 2006;31(2):96-8.
73. Bresson-Hadni S, Delabrousse E, Blagosklonov O, et al. Imaging aspects and non-surgical
interventional treatment in human alveolar echinococcosis. Parasitol Int 2006;55
74. Kern P, Wen H, Sato N, et al. WHO classification of alveolar echinococcosis: principles and
application. Parasitol Int 2006;55 Suppl:S283-7.
75. Kern P. Medical treatment of echinococcosis under the guidance of Good Clinical Practice
(GCP/ICH). Parasitol Int 2006;55 Suppl:S273-82.
76. Yang YR, Liu XZ, Vuitton DA, et al. Simultaneous alveolar and cystic echinococcosis of the
liver. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 2006;100(6):597-600.
77. Koroglu M, Akhan O, Gelen MT, et al. Complete resolution of an alveolar echinococcosis liver
lesion following percutaneous treatment. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol 2006;29(3):473-8.
78. Galitza Z, Bazarsky E, Sneier R, Peiser J, El-On J. Repeated treatment of cystic echinococcosis
in patients with a long-term immunological response after successful surgical cyst removal.
Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 2006;100(2):126-33
Epidemiologia, Controllo
79 80-83 84,85 86,87 88-94 95-98 99-101 102
79. Craig PS, Larrieu E. Control of cystic echinococcosis/hydatidosis: 1863-2002. Adv Parasitol
80. Zhang W, McManus DP. Recent advances in the immunology and diagnosis of echinococcosis.
FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol 2006;47(1):24-41.
81. Wang Q, Qiu J, Yang W, et al. Socioeconomic and behavior risk factors of human alveolar
echinococcosis in Tibetan communities in Sichuan, People's Republic of China. Am J Trop
Med Hyg 2006;74(5):856-62.
82. Wang Y, He T, Wen X, et al. Post-survey follow-up for human cystic echinococcosis in
northwest China. Acta Trop 2006;98(1):43-51.
83. Yang YR, Sun T, Zhang JZ, McManus DP. Molecular confirmation of a case of multiorgan
cystic echinococcosis. J Parasitol 2006;92(1):206-8.
84. Capuano F, Rinaldi L, Maurelli MP, et al. Cystic echinococcosis in water buffaloes:
epidemiological survey and molecular evidence of ovine (G1) and buffalo (G3) strains. Vet
Parasitol 2006;137(3-4):262-8.
85. Azlaf R, Dakkak A. Epidemiological study of the cystic echinococcosis in Morocco. Vet
Parasitol 2006;137(1-2):83-93.
86. Yang YR, Cheng L, Yang SK, et al. A hospital-based retrospective survey of human cystic and
alveolar echinococcosis in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, PR China. Acta Trop
87. Magambo J, Njoroge E, Zeyhle E. Epidemiology and control of echinococcosis in sub-Saharan
Africa. Parasitol Int 2006;55 Suppl:S193-5.
88. Schantz PM. Progress in diagnosis, treatment and elimination of echinococcosis and
cysticercosis. Parasitol Int 2006;55 Suppl:S7-S13.
89. Moro P, Schantz PM. Cystic echinococcosis in the Americas. Parasitol Int 2006;55
90. Torgerson PR. Mathematical models for the control of cystic echinococcosis. Parasitol Int
2006;55 Suppl:S253-8.
91. Torgerson PR, Oguljahan B, Muminov AE, et al. Present situation of cystic echinococcosis in
Central Asia. Parasitol Int 2006;55 Suppl:S207-12.
92. Romig T, Dinkel A, Mackenstedt U. The present situation of echinococcosis in Europe.
Parasitol Int 2006;55 Suppl:S187-91.
93. Sako Y, Nakao M, Nakaya K, Yamasaki H, Ito A. Recombinant antigens for serodiagnosis of
cysticercosis and echinococcosis. Parasitol Int 2006;55 Suppl:S69-73.
94. Eddi C, Katalin de B, Juan L, et al. Veterinary public health activities at FAO: cysticercosis and
echinococcosis. Parasitol Int 2006;55 Suppl:S305-8.
95. Taeniasis/cysticercosis and echinococcosis with focus on Asia and the Pacific. Proceedings of
the 5th International Symposium, Asahikawa, Japan, 2005. Parasitol Int 2006;55 Suppl:S1308.
96. Nakaya K, Mamuti W, Xiao N, et al. Usefulness of severe combined immunodeficiency (scid)
and inbred mice for studies of cysticercosis and echinococcosis. Parasitol Int 2006;55
97. Craig PS. Epidemiology of human alveolar echinococcosis in China. Parasitol Int 2006;55
98. Waikagul J, Dekumyoy P, Anantaphruti MT. Taeniasis, cysticercosis and echinococcosis in
Thailand. Parasitol Int 2006;55 Suppl:S175-80.
99. Ito A. Brief historical remarks as an introduction for the international symposium on
taeniasis/cysticercosis and echinococcosis. Parasitol Int 2006;55 Suppl:S3-5.
100. Sadjjadi SM. Present situation of echinococcosis in the Middle East and Arabic North Africa.
Parasitol Int 2006;55 Suppl:S197-202.
101. Allan JC, Craig PS. Coproantigens in taeniasis and echinococcosis. Parasitol Int 2006;55
102. Scala A, Garippa G, Varcasia A, Tranquillo VM, Genchi C. Cystic echinococcosis in
slaughtered sheep in Sardinia (Italy). Vet Parasitol 2006;135(1):33-8.
Scienza di base
103. Matowicka-Karna J, Kemona H, Dymicka-Piekarska V, Butkiewicz A. Activation of blood
platelets in echinococcosis - CD62P and CD63 expression. Parasitol Res 2006;98(3):214-7.