Present Continuous - Istituto Comprensivo "Lorenzo Lotto"

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Sede operativa accreditata dalla Regione Marche per Obbligo Formativo/Formazione Superiore/Formazione Continua
Titolo scheda: Present Continuous
Disciplina: Inglese
Livello: Intermedio
Classe: 5^ primaria
Obiettivo di apprendimento: Conoscere e utilizzare il present continous
Competenze chiave: Saper raccontare episodi che si stanno svolgendo
Docente: Ercoli Oriana
Ex 1 In ogni frase sottolinea la giusta forma del verbo "to be" (is / are /am)
1. We
is / are /am
2. They
playing tennis.
is / are /am swimming.
3. She
is / are /am
4. My sister and I
eating a pizza.
is / are /am watching TV.
5. My parents is / are /am working.
6. Your brother is / are /am playing video games.
7. The snow
is / are /am
8. I is / are /am
9. The telephone
writing an email.
is / are /am ringing.
10.You is / are /am preparing a sandwich.
11.I is / are /am
13. I
reading a book.
is / are /am
is / are /am
eating an ice-cream.
listening to music.
14.Your English friends is / are /am arriving at the airport.
15.It's eight o'clock, the shops is / are /am closing.
Ex 2 Trasforma le seguenti frasi alla forma negativa e interrogativa.
1. She's working.
She isn't working.
Is she working?
2. Sally is dancing.
3. Mary and I are drinking tea.
4. You're having a sandwich.
5. It's raining.
6. They're jumping.
7. The fireman is driving a fire engine.
8. The children are walking on the beach.
9. Those women are talking.
10.I'm listening to the radio.
11.Your aunt is cutting a watermelon.
12.Sam is buying a new comic.
13.The water is boiling (bollire).
14.The students are painting a picture.
15.We're having lunch.
Ex 3 Scegli il verbo adatto a completare la frase e coniugalo al "Present Continuous": go / wash
/ ride / drive / have (2) / cut (tagliare) / sit (sedersi) / cook / wear / do / swim / watch / write/
read / play
1. Susan is wearing a red jumper.
2. We.................................our homework.
3. I......................................dinner with my family.
4. My
5. the supermarket.
6. My grandma......................................on the sofa.
7. My sister.....................................a comic.
8. My teacher.......................................a postcard.
9. Dad.....................................his new car.
10. My uncle .............................a horse.
11. He......................................a shower.
12. the sea.
13. My little brother.......................................his favourite cartoons.
14. I............................................a cake with my mum.
15. face.