René Siegfried Lundmark
Nationality: Swiss & Italian
Date of birth: 29. 08. 1983
Address: Via Asilo 1, 6834, Morbio Inferiore, Ticino, Switzerland
Mobile: +393334438797; E-mail: [email protected]
Military Status: Main survey absolved
Work in the advisory sector, as in corporate consulting positions, or in
the corporate/ investment/ marchant banking (included private equity
funds) divisions.
2005 – 2007
Master of Science in Economics, Institutions and Public
Policies; Provided by the Faculty of Economics; University of
Lugano and the Postgraduate School of Economics and
International Relationship (ASERI), Catholic University of the Sacred
Heart, Milan. First level international master focusing on relevant
contents and actual issues on both global and regional level in the
field of financial systems, economics aggregates, international law,
environment, human rights, policy making, with an interdisciplinary
approach and particular emphasis on relative institutions
relationships. Master thesis title: Implementation and Role of
Private Equity in Advanced Economies. Supervisor: Prof. Raffaele
De Courten.
The Leading Scholars’ Program, ‘Scenario 2020: Grand
Strategies and New Leaderships’; six seminars on international
2002 – 2006
Bachelor of Arts in Economics; Faculty of Economics; Università
della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano. Focus on financial contents. Thesis
title: Institutional Evolution in the economic development contest of
People's Republic of China. Supervisor: Prof. Mauro Baranzini,
January 2006.
High School Federal Diploma, Liceo Cantonale of Mendrisio (CH)
Italian: mother tongue
English: speaking: fluent – reading: excellent – writing: good level
French: speaking: fluent – reading: excellent – writing: good level
German: speaking: notions – reading: good level – writing: medium level
Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access), Reuters platform,
My Client (database PwC), some bank - accounting systems of PwC’s
customers; basic skills of C++, Visual Basic, SQL, Open GL, Html
Internship as auditor in financial services in
PricewaterhouseCoopers SA (Tessin area - 01.09.06 - 30.04.07)
Temporary teacher substitute in Mathematics, Geography and
Sciences at various public middle school in Ticino (2003 – 2006)
Private mathematics lesson (2002 – today)
Cerruti Shop Assistant during week-end in Fox Town fashion store
(Mendrisio, CH, October 2003 - May 2004)
1998 – 2002
Archery, swimming, snowboarding, wakeboarding, wind-surfing,
motorcycling, horses, classic guitar
Professors: M. Baranzini, M. Bernasconi, M. Borghi, A. Cencini, M.
Filippini; Raffaele De Courten (Prof. in Università Cattolica, Partner of
Alto Partners, a Private Equity Fund)
PricewaterhouseCoopers: R. Fehlmann (Partner Tessin), B. Bartelt