Progetto ArAl Percorsi nell’aritmetica per favorire il pensiero pre-algebrico Bibliografia 1. Bibliografia del GREM Bazzini L., Iaderosa R.: 2000, Approccio all'Algebra, Riflessioni didattiche, Franco Angeli,Milano Gherpelli L., Navarra G.: 1997, Quale algebra nella scuola media?, in Atti del XVIII Convegno Nazionale UMI, Campobasso, 174-181 Gherpelli L, Malara N.A.: 1998, Le rappresentazioni grafiche e le difficoltà di apprendimento, suppl. Notiziario UMI, XXV, n.10, 100-103 Iaderosa R.: 1994, La teoria della Divisibilità nella Scuola Media, Numeri e Proprietà, in Basso M. e Altri (a cura di), Numeri e Proprietà, CSU Parma, 101-106 Iaderosa R.: 1994, La teoria della divisibilità nella scuola media. Riflessioni, esperienze, proposte, Scuola e Didattica e in Basso et al., Numeri e proprietà, Parma, 101-106 Iaderosa R.: 1995, Indagare - Verificare - Argomentare - Dimostrare: un’opportunità didattica da non trascurare nella scuola media soprattutto in vista della scuola secondaria superiore, Atti Conv. Naz. UMI, Padova, 1995 Iaderosa R., Malara N.A.: 1996, La dimostrazione in geometria, in Micale B., Pluchino S. (a cura di) suppl. Notiziario UMI , XXIII, n.7, 201-210 Iaderosa R., Fait M., Dorigotti G. (a cura di): 1997, Problemi e proposte sull'insegnamento dell’algebra, collana strumenti didattici, IPRASE Trentino (Provincia di Trento), 1997 Iaderosa R.: 1998, Avvio al concetto di funzione - funzioni di proporzionalità, Scuola e Didattica, n.12, 58-59 Iaderosa R.: 1998, Avvio al calcolo algebrico e letterale, Scuola e Didattica, n.2, 78-79 Iaderosa R.: 1999, Funzioni nel piano cartesiano, Scuola e Didattica, Vol.8, 81-83 Iaderosa R.: 1999, Dalle funzioni alle equazioni e disequazioni, Scuola e Didattica, Vol.10, 70-72 Iaderosa R.: 1999, I problemi algebrici, Scuola e Didattica, Vol.12, 71-72 Iaderosa R.: 2000, Lettura di un grafico: problematiche connesse con l’evoluzione delle capacità di analisi ed interpretative ai vari livelli scolari, in D’Amore B. (a cura di), Didattica della matematica nel terzo millennio, 157-160 Iaderosa R.: 2001, Avvio ad esperienze algebriche, in Malara, N.A. (2001), Educazione matematica e sviluppo sociale: esperienze nel mondo e prospettive, Rubettino editore, Cosenza Iaderosa R.: 2001, Il grafico di una funzione come interpretazione geometrica di scritture algebriche, Notiziario UMI Supplemento ottobre, 157-160 Malara N.A.: 1994, Il pensiero algebrico: come promuoverlo sin dalla scuola dell'obbligo limitandone le difficoltà? in D'Amore B. (a cura di), L'apprendimento della matematica: dalla Ricerca Teorica alla Pratica Didattica, Pitagora (BO), 1994, 67-77, ora anche in L'Educazione Matematica, 1996, anno XVII, serie V, vol.1, 80-99 Malara N.A., Gherpelli L.: 1994, Argomentazione in Aritmetica, in Basso et alii (a cura di), Numeri e Proprietà, CSU, Parma, 55-60 1 Malara N.A.: 1997, Problemi di insegnamento-apprendimento nel passaggio dall’aritmetica all’algebra, in Jannamorelli B. e Strizzi A. (a cura di) Atti del 3° Seminario Internazionale in Didattica della Matematica, Sulmona, 9-22. Malara N.A.: 1997, Mutamenti e permanenze nell'insegnamento delle equazioni algebriche da un'analisi di libri di testo di Algebra editi a partire dal 1880, in BAZZINI L. (a cura di) La Didattica dell'Algebra nella Scuola secondaria Superiore, ISDAF, Pavia, 145-154 Malara N.A.: 1997, Problemi nel passaggio Aritmetica-Algebra, La Matematica e la sua Didattica, vol.2, 176-186 Malara N.A., Gherpelli L.: 1997, Argumentation and proof in Arithmetics: some results of a long lasting research, proc First Mediterranean Conference on Mathematics Education , 139-148 in versione italiana in L’Educazione Matematica, anno XVIII, serie V, vol.2, n.2, 82-102 Malara N.A Navarra G.: 1998, Role of the teacher in promoting interaction among pupils and metacognition through problem solving abilities, proc. CIEAEM 49, 203-211 Malara N.A.: 1999, Theory and Practice: a case of fruitful relationship for the Renewal of the Teaching and Learning of Algebra, in Jaquet F. (a cura di) Proc CIEAEM 50 - Relationship between Classroom Practice and Research in Mathematics Education, 38-54 (con un breve contributo di R. Iaderosa) Malara N.A.: 1999, Un projecto de approximación al piensamento algebraico: experiencias, resultadados, problemas, Revista EMA, vol.5, n.1, 3-28, in versione inglese più breve in Rogerson A. (a cura di) proc. International Conference on Mathematics Education into 21st Century: Societal Challenges, Issues and Approaches (Cairo, Egitto, nov. 1999), vol.2, 68-78, in versione italiana ampia in stampa su Rivista di Matematica dell’Università di Parma (6), 3*, 153-181 Malara N.A.: 1999, An aspect of a long term research on algebra: the solution of verbal problems, proc. PME 23, Haifa, Israele, vol.3, 257-264, in versione italiana su L’Educazione Matematica, 1999, anno XX, serie VI, vol.1, n.2, 96-110 Malara N.A.: 2000, Il problema didattico dell'approccio ai razionali nella loro struttura, in D’Amore, B. (a cura di), Didattica della matematica nel terzo millennio, 93-103 Malara N.A.: 2000, La dimostrazione in ambito aritmetico, quale spazio nella scuola secondaria?, in Malara N.A (a cura di): 2001, Educazione Matematica e Sviluppo Sociale: esperienze nel mondo e prospettive, Rubettino editore, 129-166 Malara N.A., Tagliagambe R.: 2000, Evoluzione nell’insegnamento delle equazioni algebriche, in Gallo E. et al. (a cura di), Seminari e Conferenze Mathesis subalpina 1999-2000, Torino, 23-39 Malara N.A., Brandoli M.T., Fiori C.: 2000, Comportamenti di studenti in ingresso all’università di fronte allo studio di disequazioni, La Matematica e la sua Didattica, n.2, 208-226, presentato su invito al WG ‘Algebra’ al PME 23 (Haifa, luglio 1999) Malara N.A., Navarra G.: 2000, Explorative ways to encourage algebraic thinking through problems, in Gagatsis, E, Makrides G. (eds) proc. II Mediterranean Conference on Mathematics Education, vol 1, 55-64, anche versione italiana in L’Educazione Matematica, anno XXVI, serie VI, n.1, vol.2, 7-21 Malara N.A: 2000, Innovative Paths for Approaching Rational Numbers from the Structural Point of View, Rogerson A. (ed), proc. International Conference on ‘Mathematics for Living’, Amman, novembre 2000, 202-208. in edizione italiana più breve in Navarra, G. et al. (a cura 2 di), 2001, Atti del 3° Internuclei Scuola dell’obbligo: Valutazione dei processi di apprendimento con particolare riferimento alle difficoltà, Università di Napoli, Napoli, 38-46 Malara N.A., Iaderosa R.: 2000, The Interweaving of Arithmetic and Algebra: Some Questions About Syntactic, Relational and Structural Aspects and their Teaching and Learning, in Swanke E (ed) European Research in mathematics Education vol. 2, 159-171 in edizione più ampia in Gomez P., Rico L. (a cura di), Iniciación a la investigación en la Didactica de la Matematica, 2001, Homenajes, Granada, 301-312 Malara N.A.: 2001, The behaviour of future teachers dealing with proof problems in arithmetic, in Rogerson, A. (a cura di) proc. Congr. Int. New Ideas in Mathematics Education, (Palm Cove, Queensland, Australia, 2001), 162-166 Malara N.A., Iaderosa R: 2001, Un aspetto di un percorso didattico per l’approccio al concetto di funzione, L’Insegnamento della Matematica e delle Scienze Integrate, vol. 24A, n.4, 376-387, in sintesi anche in proc. PME 25, (Utrecht, 2001), vol.1, 320, in versione inglese in Rogerson, A. (a cura di) proc. Congr. Int. New Ideas in Mathematics Education, (Palm Cove, Queensland, Australia, 2001), 156-165 Malara N.A., Navarra G.: 2001, ‘Brioshi’ e altri strumenti di mediazione per un insegnamento relazionale dell’aritmetica nell’ottica di un avvio all’algebra come linguaggio, Atti del quarto Convegno Nazionale Intenuclei Scuola dell’obbligo: Il problema dell'emergenza dell'oggetto matematico. Aspetti epistemologici e questioni di osservazione e interpretazione dei processi di apprendimento, Monticelli Terme, 2001, Pitagora, Bologna Malara N.A., Navarra G.: 2001, Promoting an early approach to the algebraic thought, in primary and middle school., proc. SEMT ’01 (Praga, 2001), 119-121 Malara N.A.: 2001, Aspetti relazionali dell’aritmetica e avvio al pensiero algebrico, in Bazzini L. (a cura di) atti Conv. Naz. ‘Scuola a che punto siamo?’ (Milano, 2000), 21-31 Navarra G.: 1998, Percorsi nell’aritmetica per favorire il pensiero pre-algebrico, Atti: Incontri con la matematica n.13: Diversi aspetti e diversi ambiti della didattica della matematica, Castel S.Pietro, 127-128 Navarra G., Reggiani M., Tortora R. (a cura di): 2001, Atti 3° Internuclei Scuola dell’obbligo: Valutazione dei processi di apprendimento con particolare riferimento alle difficoltà, Università di Napoli, Napoli Navarra G.: 2001, Percorsi esplorativi di avvio al pensiero algebrico attraverso problemi; osservazione e rilevazione di difficoltà in insegnanti e allievi, Atti 3° Convegno Nazionale Internuclei Scuola dell’obbligo: Valutazione dei processi di apprendimento con particolare riferimento alle difficoltà, Vico Equense, 53-60 Navarra G.: 2001, Una questione di stuzzicadenti, riflessioni sul linguaggio naturale e sul linguaggio algebrico, Italiano & oltre, 90-96 Navarra G., 2001, Progetto ArAl: percorsi nell’aritmetica per favorire il pensiero pre-algebrico, Atti Incontri con la matematica n.15: Didattica della matematica e rinnovamento curricolare, Castel S.Pietro, 2001, 173-176 Pubblicazioni in corso di stampa Malara N.A.: 2001, From fractions to rational numbers in their structure: outlines of an innovative didactical strategy and the question of density, in stampa su atti del Congresso internazionale 3 CERME 2, Marienbad, Repubblica Ceka (febbraio 2001) Iaderosa R., Malara N.A.: 2001, Il numero naturale e le sue proprietà: loro varianza e invarianza rispetto alla rappresentazione, in Malara, N.A. et al. Atti del IV Conv. Naz. Internuclei ‘L’emergere dell’oggetto matematico’ (Monticelli Terme, 2001), Pitagora, Bologna Malara N.A., Gherpelli L.: 2001, Un approccio ai razionali centrato sugli aspetti di rappresentazione e sul ragionamento per analogia, in Malara, N.A. et al. (a cura di) Atti del IV Conv. Naz. Internuclei ‘L’emergere dell’oggetto matematico’, (Monticelli Terme, 2001) Pitagora, Bologna Navarra G.: 2001, Progetto speciale ArAl: percorsi nell’aritmetica per favorire il pensiero prealgebrico, Atti del Convegno Internazionale Educazione matematica e sviluppo sociale, Reggio Calabria, in stampa Reggiani M., Grugnetti L., Iaderosa R. (a cura di): 1996, Argomentare e Dimostrare nella scuola media, Centro stampa Università di Pavia, Pavia 2. Bibliografia Generale Arzarello F., Bazzini L., Chiappini G.: 1994, L’algebra come strumento di pensiero, Analisi teorica e considerazioni didattiche, Progetto strategico del CNR, Quaderno n.6 Aczel J.: 2001, Towards a theoretical synthesis of research in the early learning of symbolic algebra, Proc. 12th ICMI Study ‘The future of the teaching and learning of Algebra’, Univ. Melbourne, Australia, vol.1: 13-20 Arcavi A.: 1994, Symbol sense: informal sense-making in formal mathematics, For the Learning of Mathematics, vol.14, n.3, 24-35 Bazzini L., Iaderosa R.: 2000, Insegnamento-apprendimento dell’algebra, Franco Angeli, Milano Bell A.W., Malone J.A., Taylor P.C.: 1987, Algebra-An Exploratory Teaching Experiment, Shell Centre Nottingham, UK Bell A.: 1995, Purpose of School Algebra, Journal of Mathematical Behaviour, vol.14, 42-73 Bernardz N.: 2001, A problem-solving approach to algebra: accounting for the reasoning and notations developed by students, Proc. 12th ICMI Study ‘The future of the teaching and learning of Algebra’, Univ. Melbourne, Australia, vol.1, 69-78 Bernardz N., Janvier L.: 1996, Emergence and Development of Algebra as a Problem Solving Tool: tool: Continuities and Discontinuities with Arithmetic, in Bernardz & Al. (a cura di) Approaches to Algebra, perspectives for research and teaching, Kluver Academic Press Boero P.: 1992, Sulla specificità delle ricerche in Didattica della Matematica: il caso del formalismo algebrico, L’insegnamento della Matematica e delle Scienze Integrate, vol.15, n.10, 963-986 Brizuela B., Lara-Roth S.: 2001, Additive relations and function tables, Proc. 12th ICMI Study, ‘The future of the teaching and learning of Algebra’, Univ. Melbourne, Australia, vol.1: 110-119 Carpenter T., Franke M.L.: 2001, Developing algebraic Reasoning in the elementary school: generalization and proof, Proc. 12th ICMI Study ‘The future of the teaching and learning of Algebra’, Univ. Melbourne, Australia, vol.1: 155-162 Carraher D., Brizuela B., Earnest D.: 2001, The reification of additive difference in early algebra: viva la difference, Proc. 12th ICMI Study, ‘The future of the teaching and learning of Algebra’, Univ. Melbourne, Australia, vol. 1: 163-170 4 Chevallard Y.: 1989-1990, Le passage de l'arithmétique a l'algèbre dans l'enseignement des mathématiques au collège, parts2 and 3, Petit X, n.19, 43-72 e n. 23, 5-38 Cornoldi C.: 1995, Metacognizione e apprendimento, Il Mulino, Bologna Davis, R.B.: 1985, ICME 5 Report, Algebraic Thinking in the early grades, Journal of Mathematical Behaviour, 4: 195-208 Demby A.: 1997, Algebraic procedures used by 13 to 15 year old, Educational Studies in Mathematics, vol.33, 45-70 Doblaev L.P.: 1969, Thought processes in setting up equations, in Kilpatrick J. Wirszup I. (eds) Soviet Studies in the Psychology of Learning and Teaching Mathematics, vol. III, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, University of Chicago press, Chicago: 103-183 Filloy E., Rojano T.: 1989, Solving Equations: The transition from arithmetic to algebra, For the Learning of Mathematics, 9 (2): 19-25 Freudenthal H.: 1974, Soviet Research on Teaching Algebra, Educational Studies in Mathematics n.5, 391-412 Goodson-Epsy T.: 1998, The roles of reification and reflective abstraction in the development of abstract thought: transition from arithmetic to algebra, Educational Studies in Mathematics, vol.36, n.3, 219-245 Harper E.: 1987, Ghost of Diophantus, Educational Studies in Mathematics, vol.18, 75-90 Hatch G.: 2001, Making Algebra meaningful to Pupils, Proc. 12th ICMI Study ‘The future of the teaching and learning of Algebra’, Univ. Melbourne, Australia, vol.1, 288-295 Herscovics N.: 1989, Cognitive Obstacles Encountered in the Learning of Algebra, in Wagner S., Kieran K. (a cura di), Research Issues in the Learning and Teaching of Algebra, LEA, Reston Virginia, 60-86 Herscovics N., Linchevski L.:1994, A Cognitive Gap between Arithmetic and Algebra, Educational Studies in Mathematics, vol.27, 59-78 Hewitt D.: 1998, Approaching arithmetic algebrically, Mathematics Teaching: 163: 19-29 Kaput J., Blanton M.: 2001, Algebrafying the Elementary Mathematics Experience: Part 1: Transforming Task Structures, part II Transforming practice on a district-wide scale, Proc. 12th ICMI Study ‘The future of the teaching and learning of Algebra’, Univ. Melbourne, Australia, vol.1, 344-353, 87-95 Kieran K.: 1989, The Early Learning of Algebra: a Structural Perspective, in Wagner S. and Kieran K. (eds), Research Issues in the Learning and Teaching of Algebra, LEA, Reston Virginia, 3356 Kieran K.: 1990, Cognitive Processes involved in Learning School Algebra, in Nesher P., Kilpatrik J. (eds), Mathematics and Cognition, ICMI Study Series, Cambridge University Press, 96-112 Kieran K.: 1992, The Learning and Teaching of School Algebra, in Grouws D.A. (a cura di), Handbook of Research on Mathematics Teaching and Learning, Macmillan, NY, 390-419 Krigowska A.Z.: 1957, Sul pericolo del formalismo e del verbalismo nell'insegnamento dell'Algebra, Archimede: 165-177 Kuchemann D.E.: 1981, Algebra, in Hart K. (ed) Children Understanding Mathematics, Murray, London: 11-16 Lee L.: 2001, Early algebra - but which algebra?, Proc. 12th ICMI Study ‘The future of the teaching and learning of Algebra’, Univ. Melbourne, Australia, vol.1, 392-399 Lemoyne G., Conne F., Brun J.: 1993, Du traitement des formes à celui des contenus d'écritures 5 litterales: une perspective d'enseignement introductif de l’Algèbre, Recherches en Didactique des Mathématiques, vol.13, n.3, 333-384 Linchevski L.: 1995, Algebra with numbers and arithmetic with letters: a definition of pre-algebra, Journal of Mathematical Behaviour, vol.14: 113 – 120 Linchevski L., Livneh D.: 1999, Structure Sense: the relationship between Algebraic and numerical contexts, Educational Studies in Mathematics, vol.40, n.2: 173-196 Mac Gregor M.: 1991, Making Sense of Algebra, Cognitive Processes Influencing Comprehension, Deakin University press, Geelong, Victoria, Australia Mac Gregor M., Stacey K.: 1993, Cognitive Models underlying students' formulation of simple linear equations, Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, vol.24, n.3, 217-232 Mac Gregor M., Stacey K.: 1997, Students’ understanding of Algebraic notations, Educational Studies in Mathematics, vol.33, N.1: 1-19 Mac Gregor M., Price, E.: 1999, An exploration of aspects of language proficiency and algebra learning, Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, v.30 (4), 449 - 467 MacGowen M.A., Davis G.E.: 2001, Changing pre-service elementary-teachers’ attitudes to algebra, Proc. 12th ICMI Study ‘The future of the teaching and learning of Algebra’, Univ. Melbourne, Australia, vol.2, 438-445 Nathan M.J., Koedinger, K.R.: 2000, Teachers’ and researchers beliefs about the development of algebraic reasoning, Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, vol.31, n.2: 168-190 Phillip R.A.: 1992, A Study of Algebraic Variables: beyond the Student-Professor Problem, Journal of Mathematical Behaviour, vol.11: 161-176 Pirie S., Martin L.: 1997, The equation, the whole equation and nothing but equation! One approach to the teaching of linear equations, Educational Studies in Mathematics, vol.34: 159-181 Reggiani M.: 1997, Continuità nella costruzione del pensiero algebrico, Notiziario UMI, suppl.n.7, 35-62 Radford L.: 2000, Signs and Meanings in Students’ Emergent Algebraic Thinking: a Semiotic Analysis, Educational Studies in Mathematics, vol.42, n.3, 237-268 Raymond A.M., Leinenbach M.: 2000, Collaborative action research on the learning and teaching algebra: a story of one mathematics teacher development, Educational Studies in Mathematics, vol.41, 283-307 Sáenz-Ludlow A., Walgamut C.: 1998, Third grades’ interpretations of equality and the equal simbol, vol.35, n.2: 153-187 Sfard A.: 1991, On the Dual Nature of Mathematical Conceptions: Reflections on Processes and Objects as Different Sides of the Same Coin, Educational Studies in Mathematics, vol.22: 1-36 Sfard A.: 1994, The Gains and Pitfalls of reification: The case of Algebra, Educational Studies in Mathematics, vol.26: 191-228 Slavit D.: 1998/99, The role of operation sense in transition from arithmetic to algebraic thought, Educational Studies in Mathematics, vol. 37, n.3, 251-274 Speisier B., Walter C.: 1997, Performing Algebra: emergent discourse in a fifth-grade classroom, Journal of Mathematical Behaviour: 16 (1), 39-49 Stacey K., Mac Gregor M.: 1999, Learning the algebraic method of solving problems, Journal of Mathematical Behaviour: 18 (2): 149-167 Swafford J.J., Langrall C.W.: 2000, Grade 6 students’ preinstructional use of equations to describe and represent problem situation, Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, n.1, 89-112 6 Sutherland R.: 1997, Teaching and learning Algebra pre-19, London, RS/JMC Tirosh D., Even R., Robinson N.: 1998, Simplifying Algebraic Expressions: Teacher awareness and teaching approaches, Educational Studies in Mathematics, vol. 35, 51-64 Van Reeuwijk M.: 2001, From informal to formal, progressive formalization an example on Solving System of Equations, Proc. 12th ICMI Study ‘The future of the teaching and learning of Algebra’, Univ. Melbourne, Australia, vol. 2, 613-620 Vinner S.: 1997, The pseudo-conceptual and the pseudo-analytical thought processes in mathematics learning, Educational Studies in Mathematics, vol.34, n.2, 97-129 Warren E.: 2001, Algebraic Understanding: the importance of learning in the early years, Proc. 12th ICMI Study ‘The future of the teaching and learning of Algebra’, Univ. Melbourne, Australia, vol.2, 633-640 3. Bibliografia del PME Il gruppo internazionale per la psicologia dell’educazione matematica (PME) nasce nel 1976 al congresso ICME di Karlshue per opera di Efraim Fischbein. L’obiettivo è quello di promuovere lo studio e il confronto sui problemi di tipo psicologico connessi con l’insegnamento e l’apprendimento della matematica, in connessione con questioni storico-epistemologiche - legate all’evoluzione della disciplina -, metodologiche - legate alle tradizioni di insegnamento ed ai sistemi di formazione degli insegnanti nei vari paesi – e con questioni più ampie - di tipo antropologico, sociologico e etnologico -. Il gruppo organizza ogni anno un convegno; i contributi offerti dai vari ricercatori sono sottoposti ad un preventivo triplice referaggio che, per la variegata composizione culturale del gruppo stesso, risulta fortemente selettivo. Attualmente gli Atti del PME (in 4 volumi) raccolgono in media 500 contributi da tutto il mondo e sono quanto di più ricco e avanzato nella ricerca in didattica della matematica. 1987 Boileau A., Kieran C., Garançon M.: 1987, La pensée algorithmique dans l'initiation à l'algèbre, proc. PME XI, vol.1: 183-189 Booker G.: 1987, Conceptual obstacles to the development of algebraic thinking, proc. PME XI, vol.1, 275-281 Booth L.R.: 1987, Equations revisited, proc. PME XI, vol.1, 282-288 Carraher T.N., Schielmann A.D.: 1987, Manipulating equivalences in the market and in maths, proc. PME XI, vol.1, 289-294 Dreyfuss T., Eisemberg T.: 1987, On the deep structure of functions, proc. PME XI, vol.1: 190-197 Filloy E.Y.: 1987, Modelling and the teaching of Algebra, proc. PME XI, vol.1, 289-294 Gallardo A., Rojano T.: 1987, Common difficulties in the learning of algebra among children, displaying low and medium pre-algebraic proficiency levels, proc. PME XI, vol.1, 301-307 7 Goldenberg E.P.: 1987, Believing is seeing: how preconceptions influence the perception of graphs, proc. PME XI, vol.1: 197-203 Kirshner D.: 1987, The myth about binary representation in algebra, proc. PME XI, vol.1, 308-316 Lee L.: 1987, The status and understanding of generalised algebraic statements by high school students, proc. PME XI, vol.1, 316-323 Lesh R., Herre J.: 1987, Dienes revisited: multiple embodiments in computer environments, proc. PME XI, vol.1, 211-219 Nelson G.T.: 1987, Using microcomputer-assisted problem solving to explore the concept of literal symbols - a follow-up study, proc. PME XI, vol.1, 221-227 Nonnon P.: 1987, Acquisition d'un langage graphique de codage par la modélisation en temps réel des données d'expériences, proc. PME XI, vol.1, 228-234 Norman F.A.: 1987, A psycholinguistic perspective of algebraic language, proc. PME XI, vol.1, 234-330 Pereira-Mendoza L.: 1987, Error patterns and strategies in algebraic simplification, proc. PME XI, vol.1, 331-337 Putnam R.T., Lesgold S.B., Resnik L.B., Sterret S.G.: 1987, Understanding sign change transformations, proc. PME XI, vol.1, 338-344 Schwartz J.L.: 1987, The representation of function in the Algebraic Propose, proc. PME XI, vol.1, 234-240 Sutherland R.: 1987, A study of the use and understanding of algebra related concepts within a logo environment, proc. PME XI, vol.1, 241-247 Thompson P.W., Thompson A.G.: 1987, Computer presentations of structure in algebra, proc. PME XI, vol.1, 248-254 Zehavi N., Gonen R., Omer S., Taizi N.: 1987, The effects of microcomputer software on intuitive understanding of graphs of quantitative relationships, proc. PME XI, 255-261 1988 Becker G.: 1988, A classification of students' errors in secondary level algebra, proc. PME XII, vol.1: 131-138 Bell A.: 1988, An Exploratory Teaching Experiment, proc. PME XII, vol.1: 147-153 Bliss J., Sakonidis H.: 1988, Teachers’ written explanations to pupils about algebra, proc. PME XII, vol.1: 139-146 Even R.: 1988, Pre-service teachers conceptions of the relationships between functions and equations, proc. PME XII, vol.1, 304-311 Fuji T.: 1988, The meaning of ‘x’ in linear equation and inequality: preliminary survey using cognitive conflict problems, proc. PME XII, vol.1, 334-341 Kieran C.: 1988, Learning the structure of algebraic expressions and equations, proc. PME XII, vol.1, 343-440 Oliver A.: 1988, The construction of an algebraic concept through conflict, proc. PME XII, vol.1, 511-518 Schwartz B., Bruckheimer M.: 1988, Representations of functions and analogies, proc. PME XII, vol.2, 552-559 8 Sfard A.: 1988, Operational vs. Structural method of teaching mathematics- case study, proc. PME XII, vol.2, 560-567 Sierpinska A.: 1988, Epistemological remarks on functions, proc. PME XII, vol.2, 568-573 Thomas M., Tall D.: 1988, Longer-Term conceptual benefits from using a computer in algebra teaching, proc. PME XII, vol.2, 601-608 Zehavi N.: 1988, Substitutions leading to reasoning, proc. PME XII, 665-672 1989 Booth L.R.: 1989, Grade 8 students' understanding of structural properties in mathematics, proc. PME XIII , vol.1, 141-148 Frielander A.,Hershowitz R., Arcavi A.: 1989, Incipient ‘algebraic’ thinking in pre-algebra students, proc. PME XIII, vol.1, 283-290 Hoz R., Harel G.: 1989, The facilitating role of table forms in solving algebra speed problems: real or imaginary?, proc. PME XIII, vol.2: 123-130 Kieran C.: 1989, A perspective on algebraic thinking, proc. PME XIII, vol.2, 163-171 Sfard A.: 1989, Transition from operational to structural conception: the notion of function revisited, proc. PME XIII, vol.3, 151-158 Sutherland R.: 1989, Developing algebraic understanding: the potential of a computer based environment, proc. PME XIII, vol.2, 205-212 Yerushalmy M.: 1989, The use of graphs as visual interactive feedback while carrying out algebraic transformations, proc. PME XIII, vol.2, 252-260 Zehavi N., Schwartz B.: 1989, A knowledge-base of student reasoning about characteristics of functions, proc. PME XIII, vol.3, 269-276 1990 Avila A., Garcia F., Rojano T.: 1990, Algebraic syntax errors: a study with secondary school children, PME XIV, vol.2., 11-18 Cifarelli V.: 1990, The development of conceptual structure as a problem solving activity, PME XIV, vol.2, 19-26 Cortes S.A., Vergnaud G., Kavafian N.: 1990, From arithmetic to algebra: negotiating a jump in the learning process, PME XIV, vol.2, 27-34 Filloy E.: 1990, PME algebra research. A working perspective, PME XIV, vol.1, 1-33 Gallardo A., Rojano T.: 1990, Avoidance and acknowledgment of negative numbers in the context of linear equations, PME XIV, vol.2, 43-49 Garancon M., Kieran C., Boileau A.: 1990, Introducing algebra: a functional approach in a computer environment, PME XIV, vol.2, 51-58 Guin D., Guzman-Retamal I.: 1990, LOGO to teach the concept of function, PME XIV, vol.2, 59-66 Hitt F.: 1990, The concept of function: continuity image versus discontinuity image (Computer experience), PME XIV, vol.2, 67-74 Linchevski L., Vinner S.: 1990, Embedded figures and structures of algebraic expressions, PME XIV, vol.2, 85-92 9 Lins R.C.: 1990, A framework for understanding what Algebraic Thinking is, PME XIV, vol.2, 93100 Meira L.L.: 1990, Developing knowledge of functions through manipulation of a physical device, PME XIV, vol.2, 101-108 Moschkovich J.: 1990, Students' interpretations of linear equations and their graphs, PME XIV, vol.2, 103-116. Rubio G.: 1990, Algebra word problems: a numerical approach for its resolution (a teaching experiment in the classroom), PME XIV, vol.1 I, 125-132 Sakonidis H., Bliss J.: 1990, Children’s writing about the idea of variable in the context of a formula, PME XIV, vol.2, 133-140 Seeger F.: 1990, Observations on the ‘reversal error’ in algebra tasks, PME XIV, vol.2, 141-14 Ursini S.: 1990, Generalization processes in elementary algebra: interpretation and symbolization, PME XIV, vol.2, 149-156 1991 Arzarello F.: 1991, Procedural and relational aspects of algebraic thinking, PME XV, vol.1, 80-87 Bakar M., Tall D.: 1991, Students’ mental prototypes for functions and graphs, PME XV, vol.1, 104-111 Chiappini G., Lemut E.: 1991, Construction and interpretation of algebraic models, PME XV, vol.1, 199-206 Filloy E.: 1991, Cognitive tendencies and abstraction processes in algebra learning, PME XV, vol.2, 48-55 Hershovics N., Linchhevski L.: 1991, Pre-algebraic thinking range of equations and informal solution processes used by seventh graders prior to any instruction, PME XV, vol.2, 173-180 Kieran C.: 1991, A procedural-structural perspective on algebra research, PME XV, vol.2, 245-253 Linchevski L., Sfard A.: 1991, Rules without reasons as processes without objects: the case of equations and inequalities, PME XV, vol.2, 317-324 Margolinas C.: 1991, Interrelations between different levels of didactic analysis about elementary algebra, PME XV, vol.2, 381-388 Rojano T., Sutherland R.: 1991, Symbolising and solving algebra word problems: the potential of a Spreadsheet environment, PME XV, vol.3, 207-213 Tirosh D., Hadass R., Movshovic-Hadar N.: 1991, Overcoming overgeneralizations: the case of commutativity and associativity, PME XV, vol.3, 310-315 Ursini S.: 1991, First steps in generalization processes in algebra, PME XV, vol.3, 316-323 Wolters M.A.: 1991, The equal sign goes both ways: how mathematics instruction leads to the development of a common misconception, PME XV, vol.3, 348-355 Yerushalmy M., Gafni R.: 1991, The effect of graphic representation: an experiment involving algebraic trasformation, PME XV, vol.3, 372-377 1992 Bernarz N., Radford L., Janvier B., Lepage A.: 1992, Arithmetical and algebraic thinking in problem-solving, PME XVI, vol.1, 65-72 10 Hershovics N., Linchhevski L.: 1992, ‘Cancellation within-the-equation’ as a solution procedure, PME XVI, vol.1, 265-272 Lins R.C.: 1992, Algebraic and Non-algebraic algebra, PME XVI, vol.2, 56-63 Nathan M.J.: 1992, Interactive depiction of mathematical constrains can increase students’ levels of competence for word algebra problem solving, PME XVI, vol.2. 160-169 Robinson N., Even R., Tirosh D.: 1992, Connectedness in teaching algebra: a novice-expert contrast, PME XVI, vol.2, 258-265 1993 Arzarello F., Bazzini L., Chiappini G.: 1993 Cognitive processes in algebraic thinking: towards a theoretical framework, proc. PME XVII, vol.1, 138-145 Cortes A.: 1993 Analysis of errors and a cognitive model in the solving of equations, proc. PME XVII, vol.1, 146-153 Filloy E., Rubio G.: 1993 Didactic models, cognition and competence in the solution of arithmetic and algebra problem solving, proc. PME XVII, vol.1, 154-162 Fishbein E., Barach A.: 1993, Algorithmic models and their misuse in solving algebraic problems, proc. PME XVII, vol.1, 162-172 Fuji T.: 1993, A clinical interview on children's understanding and misconceptions of literal symbol in school mathematics, proc. PME XVII, vol.1, 173-180 Mac Gregor M., Stacey K.: 1993, Seeing a pattern and writing a rules, proc. PME XVII, vol.1, 181188 Rojano T., Sutherland R.: 1993, Towards an algebraic approach: the role of spreadsheets, proc. PME XVII, vol.1, 189-196 Garancon M., Kieran C., Boilau A.: 1993, Using a discrete computer graphing in algebra problem solving: notion of infinity/continuity, proc. PME XVII, vol.2, 25-32 Dagher A., Artigue M.: 1993, The use of computers in learning to correlate algebraic and graphing representation of functions, proc. PME XVII, vol.2, 81-88 1994 Kieran C.: 1994, A functional approach to the introduction of algebra, some pros and cons, proc. PME XVIII, vol.1, 124-132 Arzarello F., Bazzini L., Chiappini G.: 1994, The process of naming in algebraic problem solving, proc. PME XVIII, vol.2, 40-47 Bernardz D., Doufur-Janvier B.: 1994, The emergence and development of algebra in problem solving context: a problem analysis, proc. PME XVIII, vol.2, 64-71 Bills J.E.,1994, One's company, two a crowd-pupils' difficulties with more than one variable, proc. PME XVIII, vol.2, 80-87 Bloedy-Vinner H.: 1994, The analgebraic mode of thinking: the case of parameter, proc. PME XVIII, vol.2, 88-95 Croewly L., Thomas M., Tall D.: 1994, Algebra, symbol and translation of meaning, proc. PME XVIII, vol.2, 240-247 11 Ferrari P.L.: 1995, On some factors affecting advanced algebraic problem solving, proc. PME XVIII, vol.2, 345-352 Furinghetti F., Paola D.: 1994, Parameters, unknowns and variables: a little difference?, proc. PME XVIII, vol.2, 368-375 Linchewsky L., Herschovits S.N.: 1994, Cognitive obstacles in pre-algebra, proc. PME XVIII, vol.3, 176-183 Mac Gregor M., Stacey K.: 1994, Metalinguistic awareness and algebra learning, proc. PME XVIII, vol.3, 200-207 Pence B.: 1994, Teachers perception of algebra, proc. PME XVIII, vol.4, 17-23 Reggiani M.: 1994, Generalization as a basis for algebraic thinking: observations with 11-12 year old pupil, proc. PME XVIII, vol.4, 97-104 Robinson N., Even R., Tirosh P.: 1994, How teachers deal their students conception of algebraic expression as incomplete, proc. PME XVIII, vol.4, 129-135 Sfard A., Linchevsky L.: 1994, The interpreter and the doer, proc. PME XVIII, vol.4, 257-264 Mac Gregor M., Stacey K.: 1994, Algebraic sums and products: students' concepts and symbolisms, proc. PME XVIII, vol.4, 289-295 1995 Ainley J.: 1995, Reasons to be formal: contestualizing formal notation in a spreadsheet environment, proc. PME XIX, vol.2, 26-33 Bernardz N., Radford L., Janvier B.: 1955, Algebra as a problem solving tool: one unknowns or several unknows, proc. PME XIX, vol.3, 160-167 Bloedy-Vinner H.: 1995, Analgebraic interpretations of algebraic expression. Functions or predicates?, proc. PME XIX, vol.2, 42-49 Coady C.: 1995, Students’ responses utilising the procedural and structural aspects of algebra, proc. PME XIX, vol.2, 50-57 Cortes A.: 1995, World problems: operational invariants in the putting into equation process, proc. PME XIX, vol.2, 58-65 Rocha Falcao J.T.: 1995, A case of algebraic scaffolding: from balance scale to algebraic notation, proc. PME XIX, vol.2, 66-73 Perrin Glorian J. M.: 1995, The absolute value in secondary school. A case study of ‘institutionalisation process’, proc. PME XIX, Vol.2, 74-81 Sakonidis H., Bliss J.: 1995, Mathematical discourse: insights into children’s use of language in algebra, proc. PME XIX, vol.3, 97-104 Schmidt S., Bernardz N.: 1995, The gap between arithmetical an algebraic types of reasoning in problem-solving among the pre-service teachers, proc. PME XIX, vol.2, 82-89 Stacey K., Mac Gregor M.: 1995, The influence of problem representation on algebraic writing and solution strategies, proc. PME XIX, vol.2, 90-97 Warren E.: 1995, The development of elementary algebraic understanding, proc. PME XIX, vol.2, 98-105 Yerushalmy M., Bohr M.: 1995, Between equation and solutions: an odyssey in 3D, proc. PME XIX, vol.2, 218-225 12 1996 Bills L.: 1996, The use of examples in the teaching of mathematics, proc. PME XX, vol.2, 81-88 Bloedy-Vinner H.: 1996, The analgebraic mode of thinking and other errors in word problem solving, proc. PME XX, vol.2, 105-112 Coady C., Pegg J.: 1996, Levels of forming reasoning in school algebra, proc. PME XX, vol.2, 233240 Gallardo A.: 1996, Qualitative analysis in the study of negative numbers, proc. PME XX, vol.2, 377-383 Healy L., Hayles C.: 1996, Seeing, doing, and expressing: an evaluation of task sequences for supporting algebraic thinking, proc. PME XX, vol.3, 67-74 Hewitt D.: 1996, The use of levels of subordination to help students gain fluency in mathematics, proc. PME XX, vol.3, 81-88 Kutsher B.: 1996, Application of reification theory in translating verbal expression and statements into algebraic expression, proc. PME XX, vol.3, 201-208 Linchewsky L., Livneh D.: 1996, The competition between numbers and structure, proc. PME XX, vol.3, 257-264 Linchewsky L., Williams J.: 1996, Situated intuitions, concrete manipulations and the construction of mathematical concepts: the case of integers, proc. PME XX, vol.3, 265-272 Lopez-Real F.: 1996, Secondary pupil’s translations of algebraic relationship into everyday language: a Hong Kong study, proc. PME XX, vol.3, 273-280 Mac Gregor M., Stacey K.: 1996, Learning to formulate equations for problem, proc. PME XX, vol.3, 297-304 Radford L., Grenier M.: 1996, On dialectical relationship between signs and algebraic ideas, proc. PME XX, vol.4, 179-186 Rocha Falcao J.T.: 1996, Clinical analysis of difficulties in algebraic problem solving among Brazilian students: principal aspects and didactic issues, proc. PME XX, vol.2, 257-263 Rojano T., Sutherland R., Ursini S., Molyneux S., Jinich E.: 1996, Ways of solving algebra problems: the influence of school culture, proc. PME XX, vol.4, 219-226 1997 Bill L.: 1997, Stereotypes of letteral symbol use in senior school algebra, proc PME XXI, vol.2, 7380 Cooper T.J. Boulton-Lewis G.M., Atweh B., Pillay H, Wills L. & Mutch S.: 1997, The transition from arithmetic to algebra: initial understanding of equals, operations and variable, proc PME XXI, vol.2, 89-96 Cedillo Tenoch E.A.: 1997, Algebra as a language in use: a study with 11-12 year olds using graphic calculators, proc PME XXI, vol.2, 137-144 Boulton-Lewis G.M., Cooper T.J., Atweh B., Pillay H, Wills L. & Mutch S.: 1997, The transition from arithmetic to algebra: a cognitive perspective, proc PME XXI, vol.2, 185-192 Brito Lima A.P., Da Rocha Falcão J.T.:1997, Early development of algebraic representation among 6-13 year-old children: the importance of didactic contract, proc PME XXI, vol.2, 201-208 Drouhard J.P., Sackur C.: 1997, Triple approach: a theoretical frame to interpret students' activity in algebra, proc PME XXI, vol.2, 225-232 13 Ferrari P.L., Action-based strategies in advanced algebraic problem solving, proc PME XXI, vol.2, 257-264 Rassalan S. Vinner S.: 1997, Images and definitions for the concept of even/odd function, proc PME XXI, vol.3, 41-48 Rojano T., Sutherland R.: 1997, Pupils’ strategies and the Cartesian method for solving problems: the role of spreadsheets, proc PME XXI, vol.3, 72-79 Sackur C., Drouhard J.P.: 1997, Algebraic expressions and equations: an example of the evolution of the notions, proc PME XXI, vol.3, 112-119 Ursini S. Trigueros M.: 1997, Understanding of different uses of variable: a study with starting college students, proc PME XXI, vol.3, 254-261 Wong M.: 1997, Number versus letters in algebraic manipulation: which is more difficult?, proc PME XXI, vol.3, 285-290 Zehavi N.: 1997, Changes that computer algebra systems bring to teacher professional development, proc PME XXI, vol.3, 307-314 1998 Aczel, J.: 1998, Learning algebraic strategies using a computerized balance model proc. PME 22, vol.2, 8-15 Boulton Lewis G.M., et alii: 1998, Pre-algebra: a cognitive perspective, proc. PME 22, vol.2, 144151 Cortes A.: 1998, Implicit cognitive work in putting word problems into equation form, proc. PME 22, vol.2, 208-217 Felix C.B.A.: 1998, From number pattern to algebra: a cognitive reflection on a cape flats experience, proc. PME 22, vol.2, 288-295 Garcia Cruz J.A, Martinón A.: 1998, Levels of generalization in linear patterns, proc. PME 22, vol.2, 329-336 Iwasaki I. et alii: 1998, Design and evaluation on teaching unit: focusing on the process of generalization, proc. PME 22, vol.3, 72-79 Lamon S.: 1998, Algebra: meaning through modelling, proc. PME 22, vol.3: 167-174 Lichevski L. et alii: 1998, Moments of conflict and moments of conviction in generalizing, proc. PME 22, vol.3, 215-222 Palarea M.M., Socas M.: 1998, Operational and Conceptual abilities in the learning of algebraic language. A case study, proc. PME 22, vol.3, 327-334 Waring T. et al.: 1998, An experiment in developing proof through pattern, proc. PME 22, vol.4: 161-168 1999 Ainley J.: 1999, Doing algebra type stuff: emergent algebra in the primary school, proc. PME 23, vol.2, 9-16 Brown L., Coles A.: 1999, Needing to use Algebras – A case Study, proc. PME 23, vol.2, 153-160 14 Chazan D, Larriva C, Sandow D.: 1999, What kind of mathematical Knowledge supports teaching for ‘conceptual understanding’? Pre-service teachers and The solving of Equations, proc. PME 23, vol.2, 193-200 Crowley L., Tall D.: 1999, The role of cognitive units, connections and procedures in achieving goals in college algebra, proc. PME 23, vol.2, 225-232 De Marios P., Tall D.: 1999, Function: organizing principle or cognitive root, proc. PME 23, vol.2, 257-264 Ferreira da Silva J.E., Baldino R.R.: 1999, An algebraic Approach to algebra trough a manipulativecomputerized puzzle for linear systems, proc. PME 23, vol.2, 329-336 Friedlander A.: 1999, Cognitive Processes in a spreadsheet environment, proc. PME 23, vol.2, 337344 Klapsinou A, Gray E.: 1999, The intricate balance between abstract and concrete in linear algebra, proc. PME 23, vol.3: 153-160 Malara N.A.: 1999, An aspect of a long term research on algebra: the solution of verbal problems, proc. PME 23, vol.3, 257-264 Musicant B.: 1999, Operations on ‘open phrases’ and ‘open sentences’ expressions – Is it the same?, proc. PME 23, vol.3, 313-320 Pawley D.: 1999, To check or not to check? Does teaching a checking method reduce the incidence of the multiplicative reversal error?, proc. PME 23, vol.4, 17-24 Radford L.: 1999, The rhetoric of generalization: a cultural, semeiotic approach to students’ processes of symbolizing, proc. PME 23, vol.4, 89-96 Sasman M, Olivier A, Linchevski L.: 1999, Factors influencing students’ generalization thinking processes, proc. PME 23, vol.4, 161-168 Trigueros M., Ursini S.: 1999, Does the understanding of variable evolve trough schooling, proc. PME 23, vol.4, 273-280 Savadosky P.: 1999, Arithmetic and algebraic practices: possible bridge between them, proc. PME 23, vol.4, 145-152 Warren E.: 1999, The concept of a variable; gauging students’ understanding, proc. PME 23, vol4, 313-320 Zehavi N., Mann G.: 1999, Teaching mathematical modelling with a computer algebra system, proc. PME 23, vol.4, 345-352 2000 Ayres P.: 2000, An analysis of bracket expansion errors, proc. PME 24, vol.2, 25-32 Boulton Lewis G.M. et alii: 2000, Readiness for Algebra, vol.2, 89-96 Carraher D. et alii: 2000, Bringing out the algebraic character of Arithmetic: instantiating variables in addition and subtraction, proc. PME 24, vol.2: 145-152 Cortes A., Pfaff N.: 2000, Solving equations and inequations: operational invariants and methods constructed by students, proc. PME 24, vol.2: 193-200 Czarnocha B., Trabhu V.: 2000, The fowl of thoughts across the role of proximal development between elementary algebra and intermediate English as a second language, proc. PME 24, vol.2, 200-208 15 Da Rocha F. et alii: 2000, A didactic sequence for the introduction of algebraic activity in early elementary school, proc. PME 24, vol.2, 209-217 Hong Y.Y. et alii: 2000, Understanding linear algebraic equation via super-calculator representations, proc. PME 24, vol.3, 57-64 Kaldimidriou M. et alii: 2000, Epistemological features in the mathematical classroom: algebra and geometry, proc. PME 24, vol.3, 111-118 Radford L.: 2000, Students’ processes of symbolizing in Algebra: a semeiotic analysis of the production of signs in generalizing tasks, proc. PME 24, vol.4, 81-88 Sackur C. et alii: 2000, Experiencing the necessity of a mathematical statement, proc. PME 24, vol.4, 105: 112 Teppo A.: 2000, Using algebraic processes to promote concept development, proc. PME 24, vol.4, 201-208 Vermulen N.: 2000, Students teachers’ concept images of algebraic expressions, proc. PME 24, vol.4, 257-264 Warren E.: 2000, Visualization and the development of early understanding in Algebra, proc. PME 24, vol.4, 273-280 2001 Ainley J. (coordinator): 2001, Research Forum on Early Algebra, proc. PME 25, vol.1, 129-156 Bazzini L. et alii: 2001, Moving Symbols around or developing understanding: the case of algebraic expressions, proc. PME 25, vol.2, 121-128 Bills C., Gray, E.: 2001, The ‘particular’, ‘generic’ and ‘general’ in young children’s mental calculations, proc. PME 25, vol.2, 153-160 Bills L.: 2001, Shifts in the meanings of literal symbols, proc. PME 25, vol.2, 161-168 Boero P. et alii: 2001, Metaphors in teaching and learning mathematics: a case study concerning inequalities, proc. PME 25, vol.2, 185-192 Cerulli M; Mariotti M.A.: 2001, Arithmetic and Algebra, continuity or cognitive break? The case of Francesca, proc. PME 25, vol.2, 225-232 Cifarelli V., Goodson-Epsy, T.: 2001, The role of mathematical beliefs in the problem solving actions of college algebra students, proc. PME 25, vol.2, 265-272 Drijvers, P.: 2001, the concept of parameter in a computer algebra environment, proc. PME 25, vol.2, 377-284 Ferrari P.L., Giraudi C.: 2001, Interpreting Symbolic Statements as texts: an exploratory study, proc. PME 25, vol.2, 409-416 Filloy E., Rojano T.: 2001, Algebraic Syntax and word problems solution: first steps, proc. PME 25, vol.2, 417-424 Friedlander A., Stein H.: 2001, Students’ choice of tools in solving equations in a technological learning environment, proc. PME 25, vol.2, 441-448 Gilead S., Yerushalmy M.: 2001, Deep structures of algebra word problems: is it approach (in)dependent?, proc. PME 25, vol.3, 41-48 Hallel E., Peled I: 2001, Composing analogical word problems to promote structure analysis in solving algebra word problems, proc. PME 25, vol.3, 105-112 16 Leikin R. et alii: 2001, Understanding teachers’ changing approaches to school algebra: contributions of concept maps as part of clinical interviews, proc. PME 25, vol.3, 289-296 Lenfant A.: 2001, From a student institutional position to a teacher one: what changes in the relationship to algebra? proc. PME 25, vol.3, 297-304 Liljedahl P., Zazkis R.: 2001, Analogy in the exploration of repeating patterns, proc. PME 25, vol.3, 305-312 Mariotti M.A., Cerulli M.: 2001, Semeiotic mediation for algebra teaching and learning, proc. PME 25, vol.3, 343-350 Norton S., Cooper T.J.: 2001, Students’ responses to a new generation ILS algebra tutor, proc. PME 25, vol.3, 349-446 Radford L.: 2001, Factual, contestual and symbolic generalizations in algebra, proc. PME 25, vol.4, 81-88 Schliemann A. et alii: 2001, When tables become function tables, proc. PME 25, vol.4, 145-152 Tabach M. et alii: 2001, The struggle towards algebraic generalization and its consolidation, proc. PME 25, vol.4, 241-248 Tsamir P., Bazzini L.: 2001, Can x = 3 be the solution of an inequality? A study of Italian and Israelian students, proc. PME 25, vol.4, 403-410 Ursini S., Trigueros M.: 2001, A model for the uses of variable in elementary algebra, proc. PME 25, vol.4, 327-334 Van Dooren W. et alii: 2001, Arithmetic or algebra? Pre-service teachers’ preferential strategies for solving arithmetic and algebra word problems, proc. PME 25, vol.4, 359-366 Vlassis J.: 2001, Solving equations with negatives or crossing the formalizing gap, proc. PME 25, vol. 4, 375-382 Warren, E.A.: 2001, Agebraic understanding and the importance of operation sense, proc. PME 25, vol.4, 399-406 Zazkis R., Liljedahl P.: 2001, Exploring multiplicative and additive structure of arithmetic sequences, proc. PME 25, vol.4, 439-446 17